Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1720 88. Oh, My Odou Mulberry...

Chapter 1720 88. Oh, my Odou mulberry from Yuzum.


The place below the soul cage seemed to have been hit hard, causing the entire building to vibrate.

The impact sounded like an explosion, which stunned Bu Laike, who was enjoying the titan soul battle with a pipe in his mouth.

He looked down at the continuously extending cracks in the ground at his feet, then squatted down and touched the edge of the cracks to feel the continuous low explosions underground, as if some crazy guy activated the "earthquake generator" deep in the throne of Antorus "Same.

The tremors continued to intensify.

If it continues to operate at this frequency, the entire throne will completely collapse within ten minutes.

"Damn Mimiron, I asked you to stop Kingaros, not to 'fight and dance' with it. Even one of these engineering masters is not very normal!"

Bu Laike cursed viciously, then raised his head to look at the battlefield in front of him.

Guardians and mortal warriors empowered by the power of Sargeras had overwhelmed the deranged and feeble Titan Soul.

Aided by Gorgnas the Howler, awakened by the Tidal Stone, they suppressed the flames of Khaz'goros the Forge, and with the help of Lord Ionar's fire that was extending from the dome of the shattered palace. Roots of the Tree of Life, carry the Titan Soul of the World Forger from this foul place.

Aman'Thul and Norgannon were still fighting.

But compared to the madness during the previous war, the cosmic souls of the two titans seemed to have regained some sanity under Eonar's affectionate call.

They are using their own methods to purify the corruption that Sargeras' most corrupt witches and elders poured into their souls, so they no longer attack the warriors, but focus more on defense.

The speed of progress was gratifying as the intertwined clumps of corrosive energy were expelled from the titan soul's astral body by the sword-slashing slashes of the guardians and warriors.

But not fast enough.

Bu Laike calculated that according to the current speed, it would take at least ten minutes to take the four titan souls away from Antorus.

He doesn't have much time to waste here.


The figure of the pirate disappeared with a whoosh, and when it reappeared, it was already standing on the shoulder of the great guardian Lai who was constantly rubbing divine lightning bolts to attack his creator.

He whispered to Lai:

"You guys continue here, I'm going deeper into the throne to complete my mission, but I guess Aggramar will be back in a while, I know it's hard, but you need to stop him!

Until I complete the 'purification' of Argus World Heart. "

"Purification? Purify a filthy world with the void?"

Lai stopped rubbing the lightning bolt, and said in a low tone:

"Bu Laike, you don't have to hide it, we have dealt with the Old Gods for millions of years, and we know very well what kind of disaster the birth of an Old God represents in a world where star souls exist.

Now please don't hide it, tell me honestly, are you going to devour this doomsday world of disaster? "

"Uh, well, since you're so open and honest, then I'll be clear about not talking in secret. Although I'm afraid I'll be beaten by you if I tell the truth, but this is the time, and there's no need for everyone to hide their true dark side."

The pirate rubbed his chin, exhaled the smoke ring, and said to Lydon:

"Argus the Unmaker is the third member of the Dark Pantheon of Sargeras, and we have all seen the power of Aggramar with our own eyes, and that was when the Guardian Titan was defeated and forcibly transformed into a weak situation.

But Argus was a titan born from the cradle of the world polluted by fel energy, and Sargeras generously gave him "too many drugs" before he was born.

That is the 'original sin' of the Annihilator.

I am indeed going to devour him before he is born, but I will call this act 'purification' or 'salvation', and I would rather dedicate him to the void than let him be with Lord Sargeras.

Of course, but my success or failure means trouble.

The former means that we may face the invasion of the physical world after a few epochs by a Void Titan re-born by the Sunless Sea.

But the latter is worse.

If we don't care, Argus the Unmaker may jump out to give us a 'surprise' in a very short time.

I am the Old God.

My perception of star souls is keen to all of you. I can tell you responsibly that the Annihilator is about to wake up, maybe in a few days, or maybe in a few minutes.

It depends on our luck and His.

This is to choose the less stinky one between the two poops. Please forgive me for speaking vulgarly, but I just chose the most suitable metaphor. "

Bo Laike let out a deep and weird laugh, and he said to Layden solemnly:

"Well, I leave this choice to you, my dear Great Guardian, and you come and tell me what I should do. If you will not allow me to intervene in the final moments of the birth of the Eliminator, then I will now take my head He left Argus without returning.

You can do everything you can to save the Unmaker, but I have no interest in burying this troubled world and the fearless warriors who remain here.

See, most of the time, I'm a very empathetic person.

Come on, what do you want me to do? "

The Scrap Pirate exhaled a searing smoke ring. He stood on Lyden's broad shoulders, staring into the one eye of the Great Guardian, waiting for his instructions.

This silenced Lydon.

It's a tough choice, especially for the Guardians of the Titans who have fought the Old Gods for countless years.

"Why don't you ask your creators, dear Raiden, if you find it difficult to make a decision, why don't you ask a professional in the field of star soul?"

Bu Laike "intimately" made a suggestion to the Great Guardian.

But Lydon shook his head.

He looked at the dazed Titan souls in front of him, and then glanced back at Lord Ionar, the mother of life who was trying his best to wake up his Titan brothers.

The leader of the guardians quickly made a decision, he gritted his teeth and whispered:

"The creators are too weak to put them under any more pressure, and if this is a mistake, I will take the consequences! Go, Bo Laike, and stop the birth of the fel titan Argus.

If Aggramar returns, we'll buy you time even if we die here. "

"Good! It seems that after so many things, you have finally become a qualified commander. Your creators will be proud of this."

The pirate praised hypocritically. When he waved the scepter of Sargeras and sent himself into the deepest part of the throne of Antorus, he did not forget to remind:

"Take my dear mortal brothers with you when you take the soul of the titan, and if trapped by Aggramar and his demons, tell Jarod and the Evil of the World to release my 'final Decisive Weapons'.

But remember to let the trolls, elves, and tauren withdraw early, I don't want to see them call me an executioner and destroyer cursing after the battle.

My reputation is bad enough. "

After finishing speaking, the figure of the pirate disappeared into the soul cage of the titans with a whoosh. With the help of the scepter of Sargeras, he precisely sent himself into the crack connected to the demon throne leading to the heart of the world. Yanaka.

The closer to the place surrounded by fel magma, the more Laike could feel a majesty of a titan pressing on him, almost making it impossible for him to move.

"Okay, alright, although I'm not ready to say goodbye to my handsome human appearance, it's time to give it a go."

The stinky pirate moved his shoulders in the burning place full of fel magma, coughed a few times, looked around to make sure there were no other bystanders, and released his abyss again.

Accompanied by the cracking of the leylines and the tumbling of magma, the ferocious posture of the "King in Black" appeared in this rift near the place where the world's star soul was bred.

The pirates moved their huge bodies, spreading the thoughts of truth that had been suppressed to their heart's content.

Those invisible psychic powers swept across the surrounding magma sea like a gust of wind, extinguishing those scorching fel energy fires and cooling down the magma quickly.

He moved the tentacles surrounded by thousands of snakes, smashed the barriers between the material world and the lightless sea, and wrapped the tide of the sea of ​​truth around his abyss body.

The god of the abyss wearing a broken cloak approached the extremely hot heart of the world under tremendous pressure during the activities of the tentacles of ten thousand snakes. "egg".

Bo Laike's tentacles wrap around the quivering shell of the Heart of the World.

He felt the cosmic life that was about to be born in it. Under the dark and gloomy hood, seven beating ember-colored light spots shone, and he whispered:

"Here I come, Argus, the Unmaker, when I spoke to you in Krokuun, when I promised you a future contrary to fate.

I gave you enough time to think.

I believe.

You've drawn your own conclusions.

Come, come, the Destroyer.

We have one last chance to change our destiny before you destroy everything completely Well, you want to talk? Fine, don't worry, I'm generous enough to give you enough time to leave my last words.

But I think there is no need to be so pessimistic.

What you want to say to Sargeras, what you want to say to your titan brothers, you can actually tell them yourself that fate has been so generous to you.

No matter what kind of ups and downs you go through, you will always meet among the stars. "



On the land of Mac'Aree, far away from the decisive battle in the Antoran wasteland, which has been smashed into a pot of porridge, is the ruins of the seat of the ruling group that was once glorious and the center of civilization in the world of Argus.

With the flash of the teleportation light beam, the great demon Kil'jaeden appeared expressionlessly in the ruins destroyed by him.

Dancing flames wrapped around the arms and body of the Trickster, and with the beating of its crimson demon bat wings, scorching legion fires began to cling to the surrounding ground, igniting this place into a desperate battlefield.

Seeing the appearance of the great demon, the mortal warriors who defeated the demon here shouted in unison around the ruins. They raised their weapons but did not rush forward recklessly.

The fraudsters simply ignore these stupid, pathetic mortals.

It waved its claws, and several fel energy portals opened around the ruins, and a large number of demons rushed out of them to fight with the mortals with high morale.

From the beginning to the end, Kil'jaeden's gaze remained fixed on the man on the other side of the ruins.


The prophet of the Eredar civilization, the spiritual leader of the Draenei exiles, the only miracle that can be born on the land of Argus, and the brother who makes the Deceiver linger.

It stubbornly believes that this is a traitor.

Not only did she betray her own world, but she also betrayed the incomparably pure friendship between men and women.

Velen also noticed Kil'jaeden's "downfall" when he appeared on the stage today.

In terms of the Deceiver's status in the Burning Legion, even if it was transferred from the mountains to come here, it shouldn't only have a lone demon starship escorting it.

Also, the demons it summons from the Twisting Nether are completely different from the elite legions summoned in the world of Dellano. These wild demons submit to the majesty of the great demon and are willing to dedicate their strength to the great demon.

But their fighting power is really hip, almost being chased and hacked by mortal warriors.


Velen frowned tightly. Leaning on the Toure Naru beacon in his hand, he yelled at the fraudster who was walking towards him:

"What happened?"

"I just did what you always wanted me to do, my stupid brother."

Kil'jaeden laughed hoarsely, and the great demon moved his sharp claws, and said in a casual tone:

"I betrayed the Legion, as you wish.

At this important moment, I stabbed the heart of the Legion with my own hands. I, who was supposed to guard the establishment and rise of the Dark Pantheon, threw Sargeras' most valued treasure to the group of mortal rebels who didn't know the so-called.

The Dark Titan won't let me go.

I was doomed to die a terrible death.

But before I die, I think I should first deal with the tens of thousands of years of grievances between us. Only in this way can I go on the road calmly. "


Velen was stunned by Kil'jaeden's answer.

Even if he is a prophet, even after returning to the land of Argus, his ability to predict is no longer blocked by the changed fate of Bu Laike, but he has never seen this scene in the silhouette of the future.

He asked:

"You are for... for me?"

"Hehe, don't take what you think is so important, Velen! I am no longer the cowardly person who was willing to give up my principles just because of your words."

Kil'jaeden raised his claws with a sneer, and clusters of shadowy power wrapped around the great demon.

The ear-piercing sound like the wailing of 110,000 souls echoed passionately in the ruins of the Seat of the Triumvirate, causing all the mortals except Velen to cover their ears and retreat quickly.

Apparently the Trickster didn't want these mortals to interfere with his duel with Velen's brothers.

"I just saw through my sad fate, but I'm not a prophet, I can't see it all in advance, I just use my own wisdom to infer the ruthlessness of Sargeras."

The fraudster shook his head and said:

"I see a future where I and the eredar demons and the entire Burning Legion will be ruthlessly abandoned. You know, the first members of the Burning Legion were once prisoners captured by the Dark Titan himself.

That will also be our final destination.

After the Dark Titan and his fallen brethren complete the cleansing and rebooting of the stars, we demons who gave everything to his cause will be back where we belong.

Even if Sargeras fell, he still insisted on his distorted sense of responsibility for the material stars. After he personally destroyed this fallen era and restarted a perfect star in his imagination

Do you think He will allow the demons who only know destruction and destruction to continue to roam free?


I'll be the first in the cage.

Detained in the darkest corner of the new universe, or put in handcuffs and shackles, under the command of the Dark Pantheon, you will have a life-and-death duel with the monsters emerging from the lightless sea at the end of the stars.

such a future.

Is there any dignity at all?

I gave Him my world, I gave Him my all not for a hopeless future like that. So, I betrayed.

Just like you betrayed me, you stabbed Sargeras in the heart viciously and precisely!

I don't want to see the great deeds he forged with the bones of us demons come true, hehe, who made me such a vicious and crazy bastard? "

"I never betrayed you, Kil'jaeden."

Velen whispered:

"I'm sorry we ended up where we are now."

"Stop being hypocritically kind, it really disgusts me!"

The Trickster rushed towards Velen roaring, roaring:

"Let me kill you, Velen! Let me fulfill this humblest wish before I perish. We can't be brothers anymore. Let's die together."

(end of this chapter)

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