Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1721 89. Who Hasn't Passed With Passion? Are You Right, Old Velen?

Chapter 1721 89. Who hasn't passed with passion? Are you right, old Velen?

Kil'jaeden said that he had betrayed the legion. This truth made Velen, who was a prophet, feel a black humor like irony of fate.

If he's a slob like Bo Laike, it's bound to mock Kil'jaeden's choices.

If you had known that today was the case, then you should have followed Velen when he ran away, saving the 25,000 years of dark struggle in vain in the end.

Giving up at the starting line is much better than giving up before the finish line. Not only does it save you a run, but you can also "love each other" with Velen for more than 20,000 years.

Why do you think this is necessary?

Poor fraudster.

Of course, the old prophet is not a sloppy person. His commanding ability is not to be mentioned, but in terms of personal morality, he is definitely a truly perfect person.

He would not be sarcastic to Kil'jaeden at this time.

As the brothers who ruled Argus together and led the Eredar civilization together, Velen can definitely feel the sourness and pain in Kil'jaeden's heart at this time, as well as the desperate resistance that cannot be concealed at all.

As it said, it knew that after doing this, it would have no hope of surviving, and it would be a real kindness for it to end up with a whole body under the sword of the raging dark titan.

But this guy's obsession is really heavy.

Knowing that he was going to die, instead of running away, he let go of all his burdens and came to have a life-and-death contest with Velen on this desperate land of his former hometown.


Maybe it wasn't meant to win.

It just wants to choose a way to die, so as to maintain the last hopeless decency of a weather-beaten old man.


The golden warhammer condensed by the holy light, strengthened by the radiant Toure Naaru Beacon, smashed hard on Kil'jaeden's fel shield like a battering ram.

The moment the scorching holy light collided with the berserk evil energy, the aftermath of the halo of energy impact flying all over the sky was splashed on the ruined battlefield and beat in all directions.

But all mortals who approached a little bit and tried to support the Prophet or sneak attack the Deceiver would be blown away in an instant, and even the ground would be scraped three feet away, ravines and fissures would wantonly destroy this piece of land that had endured too much despair.

Whether it is a fraudster or a prophet, they all belong to the best of the demigod level.

They have all embarked on the road to approach each other's realm of force. Although it is not as outrageous as the open-faced Laike, they also have their own understanding of their respective powers.

In such a battlefield where two demigods risk everything for the ultimate confrontation, it is almost impossible for strangers to enter, even if they are only scratched by the aftermath, they will end up with no bones left.

Compared to Archimonde the Polluter, who was good at magic but insisted on engaging in melee combat to show off his strength, the fraudster, who was usually inconspicuous, perfectly maintained his own style.

Before it fell, it was the commander-in-chief of the defenders in the world of Argus. While it was good at melee combat, it also had its own experience in casting spells. After receiving the power of Sargeras, it did not have the same greedy desire as Archimonde. many.

Kil'jaeden had been wide awake.

It knows that its most powerful power is not the holy light or evil energy in its hands, but its own evil thinking that is superior to most creatures in the stars.

This is why the Dark Titan recruited the eredar specifically for the development of the Burning Legion.

There are too many demons that can be fought in the legion, and Sargeras is not worried that the demons are not strong enough. The fel force is so generous that it responds to all supplicants.

But wise!

The wisdom of commanding power is the most scarce resource of the Legion.

The Deceiver is the perfect combination of wisdom and strength, which is why it is favored by the Dark Titans. Unfortunately, Kil'jaeden is too smart, which has become a terrible thing for him after discovering the final secret of the Legion. burden.

Archimonde was obsessed with destruction and power.

That idiot never realized that the Burning Legion it was proud of had been nothing more than a sword to Sargeras from beginning to end to slaughter and purify the stars.

After the last enemy has fallen, the sharpest sword has no meaning other than suicide.

Fraudsters know this.

This makes it very painful, which is probably the legendary "curse of wisdom".


The sharp claws entwined with scorching fel energy slashed at Velen's body fiercely, shattering the protection of the holy light and tearing the prophet's robe in a low explosion, leaving a filthy wound on his chest .

Kil'jaeden took advantage of the victory and pursued, and while flapping his wings, he kicked Velen's chest with a muffled sound that broke through the speed of sound. He staggered the prophet and threw it at the prophet before Velen re-supported the shield of the holy light. Create a strange and strange spell.

The thing slammed at Velen's feet like a bomb exploded releasing a terrible breaking singularity.

The power of breaking space made Velen lose his balance in an instant.

Just like being hit by Kael'thas' most proud "gravity out of control" magic, pulling Velen into the air and enduring the impact and washing of space power.

This is undoubtedly an extremely painful torture, and the heavy pressure exerted on the soul is also interfering with the prophet's thinking. The fraudster laughs and walks from the shadows to the back of Velen like a madman, and the evil claws that are so sharp that they can break everything intertwine Pulling down from the Prophet's back, it seemed to taste the goodness of wish fulfillment amidst the blood splattering.

This made Kil'jaeden even more crazy to attack his former brother.

It wanted to repay ten times the pain Velen gave it, but it underestimated the old prophet. Kil'jaeden himself came here with a mortal heart to end his grievances, but why didn't Velen do the same?

The Prophet endured the pain as if his body was about to be torn apart, turned around and threw the scorching holy light into shackles at the moment the breaking singularity created by Kil'jaeden dissipated, and precisely locked the crazy attacking fraudster.

He called on the name of the Holy Light to gather the hot and righteous power on his left fist, and at close range, he punched the Rising Dragon Fist on the fraudster's chin. For example, the power added when the True Qi flowed and erupted made Master Zhu Taran in the crowd call him an expert.

With this punch, Kil'jaeden's head was raised upwards, and bloody teeth flew out of his lips.

Then there was a fiery sword of holy light erupting on the staff of naaru swung down by the prophet, like a beam of light falling from the sky like the holy light of the holy knights cast by light.

This trick, which Bu Laike stubbornly called "Sun Bombing", was enough to purify a demon lord, and the scorching heat that was enveloped by pure holy light and impacted from all parts of the body almost exploded the fraudster's body from the inside.

It felt that the evil energy in its body was about to be ignited, and the blood all over its body was boiling. Even a demon couldn't bear such severe pain.


Roaring, the Trickster began to summon fel meteorites to bombard the entire ruins indiscriminately.

The magic of this fel meteorite is different from the sporadic meteorites summoned by other demon lords.

This fel energy spell named "Doomsday Battle" by Kil'jaeden summoned a large meteorite that was enough to blow up the seat of the ruling group three times, and fell to the ground with the double power of fel energy and shadow.

Not only a powerful physical impact, but also a magical collision that impacts the spirit and thinking.

In the past of the Deceiver's Star Wars, it used such magic more than once to destroy the capitals of different civilizations, and even used it to trigger the collapse of the continental shelf to destroy the world.

But now it's all about breaking free from Velen's fiery shackles of the Light.

When the Prophet was driven by the meteorite and retreated and defended to defend his followers and warriors with the Holy Light Barrier, Kil'jaeden broke free from the shackles of the Holy Light. His whole body was full of burns and he flapped his wings against the meteorite. Fly into the sky in a falling apocalyptic backdrop.

Its demon horns were all broken by Velen, which would have looked very embarrassing.

But in the air, it stared at Velen, who would rather give up the victory he had obtained to protect the weak, with a kind of "hate iron but not steel". It roared viciously:

"That's it! You will always be like this! Velen, you can give up yourself for others, and you can choose to shoulder all the heavy pressure alone in order to protect those beautiful things.

On Argus, in Dellano, even in Azeroth

Such sad and boring stories are staged again and again, no matter what method I use to create despair for you, you will respond to my gushing malice with this damn protective desire.

I was fascinated by it, but I was also saddened by it.

Tell me, Velen.

You are so generous to distribute your blessings and protection to those extremely weak beings, but when I need help the most, where are you?

You abandoned me!

You left me and our world to the Dark Titan!

If you were a ruthless person, I wouldn't blame you for it, but you are a saint, but you don't want to leave me with any warmth.

I'm going to destroy everything you've tried so hard to protect!

It's like I was in Dellano bewitching the orcs to set off a massacre of the Draenei, just like I trained your son to be a butcher to destroy your heart.

I want you to bear my pain!

Perhaps only in this way can you understand my hatred for you. "

In such a maddened and angry roar, Kil'jaeden raised his claws in the air and began to condense a cloud of shadow power that even Velen felt shocking.

those souls!

The souls of those who died under the ravages of the Deceiver were drawn away and wailed miserably in the waves of the archdemon's magic, and they were mercilessly integrated into this destructive spell.

The seething darkness obscured Mac'Aree's light, casting the entire sky and earth in a shadow of despair.

Darkness of a Thousand Souls

The ultimate magic created by Kil'jaeden from the forbidden power bestowed by Sargeras, and Archimonde's triumphant finger of death all seem so ordinary in front of this destructive magic.

The Deceiver is not talking casually, it really wants to destroy the warriors of Azeroth and Dellano who are being protected by Velen's holy light at this time.

No one can stand against a full blown blow from a fraudster at this distance.

"Prophet, do something."

Behind Velen, the great knight Turalyon, who was sent by Faol's crown to support the battle, clenched his sword and shouted at Velen. Alleria beside him held Thasdora in her hand and tried her best. Shoot an arrow at the Trickster.

The flying arrows of the wind entangled behind the sharp arrows to form a storm that could break through the city walls and tore apart Kil'jaeden's shadow defense. The blow left the archdemon with a bloody wound, but did nothing to interrupt the Trickster's magical influx.

That lunatic didn't seem to feel pain at all, and didn't care about all kinds of magic and weapons attacking him. Only Velen was left in his eyes.

It wants to crush this prophet who makes himself miserable and desperate.

"No, Kil'jaeden! You fool!"

Surrounded by the dim destruction magic, Villen Yangtian roared angrily:

"I didn't leave you alone on Argus, and I never gave up on you! You accused me of betraying you but you didn't realize that you are a powerful person!

You have enough strength and wisdom to meet all the challenges you encounter.

But these people!

None of these people I protect!

I choose to protect them not because they are more important than you in my eyes, but because I trust you so much, and I regard you as someone I can rely on.

I believe that even after my failure, you will take over my will and continue to do the work of protection.

It's my fault.

I never realized that there is a sensitive and dependent soul hidden under your tough and powerful appearance. When you need me to support you the most, I chose to let you face the incoming darkness alone.

I should encourage you.

When Sargeras invites Argus, I should stand by your side and encourage you to fight against the darkness.

That is the most regrettable thing in my life!


It wasn't just the eredar who lost Argus that day, it wasn't just my people that lost their homeland, it wasn't just you that lost your faith.

I also lost a lot.

I've lost my best brother, I've lost my soul mate You've been telling me about your pain, but have you ever imagined that I'm in the same pain as you?

But did I give up because of the pain of loss?

Did I choose to surrender to darkness because I lost my family and brothers and my people? You have always been stronger than me, and you should be stronger than me.

But you don't!

You choose to blame me for your weaknesses and mistakes.

You selfish man! ! ! "

At the moment Kil'jaeden's Darkness of a Thousand Souls was about to be completed, the Prophet, who had already known that he could not protect others with the Holy Light, gave up his asylum.

Instead, he concentrated all the power of the Holy Light on the staff.

He braved the aftermath of the torrential shadow and charged towards Kil'jaeden, and swung the staff in his hand that was shining in the darkness like a warhammer to the darkness in front of him.

There was a loud bang.

The huge impact created by the collision of light and darkness instantly razed the entire ruins to the ground, and those mortals were blasted into the sky and fell howling, but the strange thing is that the power of this explosion did not reach the level it should have at all.

At least one-third of the people present should be easily killed by the collision of the prophet and the fraudster's full blow.

In the dark storm, Turalyon, who had activated the Holy Shield, threw away his great sword, and held General Alleria in his arms with open arms, using his body to block all impacts for the beloved Ranger General.

The holy light shining on his body shattered in the last wave of impact, causing Turalyon to kneel down with a pale face, and was embraced by Alleria with his backhand.

"Ahem, I almost thought I was dead."

The great knight smiled with difficulty, and Alleria smiled back. The Ranger General raised his head and looked at the broken land before his eyes where the light and darkness had dissipated.

She whispered:

"We are lucky enough. I felt it just now. The Deceiver is weakening. At the end of the magic, it has no way to continue. I thought it was all lying to us.

But it's true what it says.

It betrayed the Burning Legion.

Sargeras just took back the power that was given to it, huh? no? Turalyon, are you sure you want to take out the ring you have hidden for so long in this situation?

Do you think now is a good time? "

Facing General Ranger's complaints, the great knight shrugged and tremblingly raised the ring in his hand.

He gasped and said:

"Did you see that beam of light in the sky? The holy light is trembling, it is warning me.

Aggramar is back.

We may have no future to speak of, my goddess, just take pity on me, an old bachelor protected by the Holy Light. Let me not be alone at the end of my destiny, will you?

This is my twenty-seventh proposal, and I think I've proven my sincerity"

"No, it's the twenty-eighth time."

Alleria threw Turalyon to the ground angrily. She pulled her green hood and complained:

"You missed the count, right after our first... hell! Who would propose right after something like that is over? My poor old bachelor knight, I'm still pissed off.

You continue to wait.

But this ring is very beautiful, I will save it for you first. "

(end of this chapter)

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