Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1722 90. Not All Exiles Are Lost

Chapter 1722 90. Not All Exiles Are Lost

Turalyon and Alleria, a pair of idiots who spread dog food on the battlefield, did not receive reprimand or contempt from others. After all, they had just escaped from the dark wrath of the great demon, and no one would be here. Timely provocation of a ranger general who can shoot an arrow through any head.

Furthermore, the scene of the old prophet rushing desperately towards the explosion of the Thousand Souls of Darkness is still in everyone's memory. As long as everyone who survived this meeting can still move, they will all rush towards the place where they were flattened and exploded in disgrace. The battlefield wants to rescue the old prophet.

But the scene they saw after crossing the battlefield filled with aftermath of light and darkness made everyone stunned.

The good news is that the old prophet is fine, except that a terrible wound was blasted on his forehead, blood was spraying out, and he was very disheveled.

The bad news is that the Trickster isn't dead, and he's lying in Velen's arms.


uh uh

What about this scene?

Although everyone is eager to stab Kil'jaeden to death and put an end to the scourge of the stars, after hearing the angry speech of the fraudster and the confession of the old prophet at the last moment, anyone with a little brain can Understand the complicated grievances and hatreds between the former brothers.

Some emotional female warriors and priests even shed tears on the spot

Although the evil fraudsters have been tirelessly trying to kill them, this does not prevent the ladies from feeling touched by this forbidden relationship.

For you, I am willing to destroy the entire universe.


What a blazing and touching man's love.

"All go, all go!"

A group of Draenei loyalists who followed Velen across the stars and returned to their hometown after more than 20,000 years saw this embarrassing scene and immediately began to drive people away.

They drove away the soldiers who wanted to watch the excitement.

They obviously don't intend to publicize the personal grievances of their race leaders to the world. This is not a glorious thing. Besides, Kil'jaeden's current situation is dead.

Even if Velen let it go, since it was so weak that it couldn't even stand up, Sargeras could send any demon lord to harvest the soul of the deceiver.

There is no suspense in this battle.

Think of it as the old prophet who has endured 25,000 years of pressure, and give this pair of brothers a final farewell time.

"He gave up on me hehehe, cough cough"

The Trickster coughed hard, it seemed that he could no longer see the surrounding scene, and his burning eyes also dimmed at this moment, as if he had gone blind.

It lay in a crumbling pit of blood-stained earth, its head held in a loving gesture by Velen.

It murmured:

"He is still the same as before, knowing when manipulating power can bring the most painful kill to a traitor, and He is watching everything that is happening here, Velen.

We cannot escape His gaze.

It's like a ruthless chess player who doesn't care what the pieces on the chessboard think. He will only ruthlessly complete the exchanges again and again to achieve his victory.

run away.

Aggramar is back, Argus is about to be born, the Dark Pantheon will rise today, you are finished, and so am I.

All these will be His sacrifices to the Dark Ages.

You, I. Eredar, Draenei, Azeroth Oh, everything is hopeless. "

"Before the war, Bo Laike Shaw talked to me."

Velen looked at the evil brother who was so weak that he could only breathe with a complex and regretful gaze, and his hand stroked Kil'jaeden's forehead covered with fel blisters and spikes.

He whispered:

"The black-clothed prophet of Azeroth told me that he guessed that you have been using various means to delay the birth of the Unmaker. Lula from McKaree, the Broken Ones from Krokuun, and your response to the Destroyer Admonitions of witches and elders.

You saw Sargeras' ruthlessness early on, and you've been preparing secretly, haven't you? You and them have never been of the same mind. You clearly know that you will be abandoned, so why are you so stubborn in spreading destruction?

you know.

as long as you send a letter"

"Because I hate you, Velen! Don't be so ridiculous, like a child who believes in fairy tales."

Kil'jaeden coughed with difficulty, and said softly:

"You have the draenei who follow you, and I have the eredar who follow me. After Argus was sacrificed to the Dark Titan, I was the only one left of my people. Do you really think that Archimonde always Can hot brains lead them?

I must keep that idiot!

I had to create a rift to prevent the eredar from being too united and attracting fear and attacks from other demons.

Our numbers are too small.

Sargeras really knows how to use contradictions. I have to be careful so that my people don't suffer from catastrophe.

You were never a good leader, Velen.

You are too naive, you can't understand what kind of qualities a civilization needs to survive, hehe, but your ability to make friends is very strong.

I have been jealous of you.

I don't want to hide it anymore, I long to be you but I can't, I've been chasing your shadow in vain, I thought I had surpassed you only to find out at the last moment, you're still the wisest of us the one.

I have led the eredar down a path of no return, and it is time to pay for past mistakes.

come on.

Give me a good time.

Better to die by your hands than by the hands of the devil.

Be ruthless, beat your bones and ashes, don't leave your soul, don't leave your kindness, don't let me be tortured again. "


Faced with Kil'jaeden's request, Velen clenched his fists.

The grievances and grievances from the past welled up in his heart, and that kind of anger dominated Velen at that moment, making him gather the holy light in his palm.

But in the next moment, the benevolence of the Prophet firmly gained the upper hand. He dissipated the light in his hand and imprisoned Kil'jaeden with chains of holy light.

He said:

"You will be judged, in Dellano, by the people."

"You're crazy!"

The fraudster scolded:

"Sargeras will send an army of destruction for my soul, don't doubt, he will do that."

"We're already fighting the Burning Legion!"

Velen stood up and carried the weak fraudster to the cheering crowd. He said:

"In the words of Bo Laike, one more reason for destruction is not a big problem."


At this moment, a sharp warning sounded in the crowd, and the former Archmage Yimila of the Legion of Holy Light screamed:

"A demonic starship is coming, the bombing is coming, quickly avoid it!"

In the next moment, several holy light barriers were propped up, and the crowd quickly dispersed. Velen, who was carrying Kil'jaeden, turned his head and saw three demon starships appearing in the sky above Mac'Aree in a leaping posture. .

Including Kil'jaeden's ship, there are four ships, but they did not start bombing immediately when they appeared. On the contrary, in the flash of the teleportation beam, an Eredar demon in military uniform appeared on the battlefield holding a white flag. on the battlefield.

"Your Excellency the Prophet!"

The very old eredar demon general held up the white flag and stepped forward amidst the stunned gazes of the warriors of the Legion of Resistance. He didn't wear any weapons, but shouted to Velen:

"Do you remember me?"

"General Erodus, of course, I remember."

Velen felt something was wrong, he looked at the commander of the fleet that once commanded the golden age of Argus in front of him, and said:

"You came here to"

"I have come to take our leader away."

General Erodus didn't waste any time either, pointing to the humiliated fraudster in the hands of Verenti, it said:

"The Eredars have left the battle order of the Burning Legion. In the name of the Command Council, I have sent a message to the Eredars in various star fields.

Those people who are willing to follow us from the Legion will start a great escape against the clock.

At present, this order has been responded by several eredar organizations, but we need a person with supreme wisdom and enough prestige to guide and lead us to complete the great escape.

If you are unwilling to accept this important task, please return Lord Kil'jaeden to us. We need our eredar king to lead us, just as we have for the past 25,000 years. "

"in your dream!"

Archmage Ymira rushed up, drew a short sword and pressed it on Kil'jaeden's neck, and shouted to General Erodus:

"In the past tens of thousands of years, you have been helping the evildoers, causing disasters to the stars, you have caused countless deaths and destructions, and now you want us to give up the liquidation of the culprits with just one sentence?

You must have thought about this too well! "

"Yeah, we never forget what we did in the past."

General Elodus did not get angry because of Yimila's scolding. On the contrary, he said in a calm manner that did not look like a demon:

"So, we will spend the rest of our lives in near-eternal exile and fighting demons to pay for our sins. Sargeras will never appease traitors, and our escape will be full of tragic color of massacre and sacrifice.

We may die out in less than a year, or the end of this destruction will be stretched out to thousands of years or tens of thousands of years.

The cruelty of the torture was enough to alert all eredar.

Also, little girl, I have to warn you. "

The veteran general commanding the council raised the white flag in his hand.

The four starships in the sky behind it opened their bomb bays in unison, and the dark green bombs full of fel energy made the warriors below who were exhausted after several battles noisy.

General Erodus said in a low voice:

"Just because I've come with a white flag doesn't mean I've come to surrender.

Hand over the fraudster to us, and we can say goodbye in peace. If you insist on taking his life here and destroying our hope, then we don't mind dying with you before the end comes.

Maybe Sargeras will forgive our little betrayal for this. "

"Okay, Emira."

Velen didn't hesitate much.

He stretched out his hand and pressed down the dagger in Yimila's hand. He glanced at the silent Kil'jaeden, and waved the fraudster to the demon general in front of him.

The moment he was picked up by General Erodus, Kil'jaeden struggled and shouted:

"No! I don't accept such humiliation! Kill me, Velen! You coward! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking! You just want me to taste your 25,000 years of experience

enough! "

"Ha ha ha ha"

The old prophet raised his head and laughed loudly. He no longer concealed the joy in his heart. He shouted in a victorious posture:

"That's right, Kil'jaeden, I want you to experience my escape from Argus with the draenei!

I want you to experience the pain of being chased and killed among the stars for 25,000 years, and I want you to be a leader of exiles like me.

I want you to accept this punishment!

This is the punishment you deserve!


Hehe, in my experience, death seems so merciful in the face of such an ending.

These are your people, the fraudsters.

Like me, you must lead them to avoid the attacks of crazy demons among the stars, and inspire their courage after failure after failure until you finally find a world that is willing to accept you.

From the perpetrator to the weak, this is the best punishment for the perpetrator.


Begin your exile, eredar, and may you too find your home among the stars. Oh yes, this is for you, my brother. "

Velen took out the staff of the Redeemer who had betrayed him for more than 20,000 years from his luggage, and stuffed this beautiful staff with red tassels into Kil'jaeden's weak claws.

He patted Kil'jaeden's shoulder encouragingly and said:

"It's called 'The Redeemer', and I hope you can find your own salvation for yourself and your people."

"Don't come to Azeroth!"

Behind the old prophet, the Turalyon Grand Knight supported by Alleria shouted:

"Our world is already crowded enough to accommodate a group of pathetic exiles who have betrayed demons, but if you really can't survive among the stars, we can humanely give you a sewer to live in.

As long as the dignified fraudster can lower his head. "

"You will regret it!"

The Fraudster was supported by General Erodus towards his own starship, and it was completely blind and shouted back:

"Veren, you will regret it! The matter between us is not over yet, you and I can live a long time, just wait patiently, one day my shadow will shine on you again."

"up to you."

Leaning on Toure's staff, Velen smiled and said to Kil'jaeden:

"When we meet again, I shall be grateful to you for diverting some of the demons from our pursuit, Kil'jaeden, and I shall look forward to our reunion among the stars.

But before you leave, do you need a little reminder from me, an experienced exile? "

"No! I see all your stupidity, all your pedantry, all your failures."

The Trickster coughed into the fel teleportation beam, saying:

"I will not be the next you, and the eredar will not be the draenei, I will prove that I am better than you, Velen. Run away, leave Argus.

There is no help here.

But you can leave with Mac'Aree. I reserved this piece of land for my or your cemetery, but now it's just money for my life.

I don't owe you fools any favors. "

Before its shadow was engulfed by the beam, the Trickster cast a strange spell, which Velen held in his hand, which, when activated, would create a breaking singularity and permanently remove Mac'Aree from the Shattered Shelf of Argus. separated out.

Apparently, the fraudsters were indeed well prepared.

"Are we just letting it go, Prophet?"

Imira held the dagger and said in a helpless tone:

"You will be blamed for your actions."

"No, Ymira, the life or death of the enemy is not important, it has already failed, it has betrayed the Burning Legion and has nowhere to go but to go into exile."

Velen shook his head, he looked in the direction of the Antoran wasteland, and said:

"But the lives of our fellow travelers are important, and I care more about the future of those warriors than fighting the eredar here just to take Kil'jaeden's life.

Lord Eonar's tree of life needs to take root in order to better protect the cosmic souls of the titans. Mac'Aree, who has not been infected by evil energy, is very suitable, isn't it?

let's go.

Let's help our fellows.

They need us more than ever. "

After finishing speaking, Velen raised his hand to activate the spell left by Kil'jaeden. In the next moment, amidst the underground explosion of the entire land of Mac'Aree, the appearance of the fractured singularity made this broken land and the broken continental shelf of Argus connection is completely disconnected.

It became a huge floating island continent, and began to rise away from the main body of the world to the stars, and because of the residual gravity of Argus, it floated in the direction of the Antoran Wasteland.

While the broken continent was rising, the red streamer in the distant sky had already crossed the sky like a meteorite and landed on the battlefield of the Antoran wasteland.

That is Aggramar.

He finally came back before everything ended, and he wanted to use his own power to reverse the decline and failure of the Burning Legion on various battlefields.

More importantly, he wants to stop what Laike, the magic cloth of a thousand tongues, is advancing.

The Dark Pantheon must be born today!

For the great cause of Sargeras!

(end of this chapter)

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