Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1723 91. The Final Annihilation Of The Annihilator

Chapter 1723 91. The Final Annihilation of the Annihilator

"The benevolent old man really let the cheater go at the last moment. As I expected, their entanglement with each other is far from over. But Kil'jaeden's decisive rebound is still beyond my expectation.

Well, I can only say that there are many surprises. "

In the heart of the world in the Antoran wasteland, Bu Laike under the abyss is wrapping the energy of the heart of the world with his tentacles of ten thousand snakes.

He is fulfilling the ultimate mission of an Old God.

With the help of the tide of truth in the lightless sea, he is completely merging his power with the heart of the Argus world, so as to transform this doomsday broken world into an extension of the void realm in the material world.

This process takes a long time, but considering the special circumstances of the Argus world, the speed of Bu Laike's void infusion and transformation at this time can be described as "rapid".

And his connection with the heart of the world makes him seem to incarnate the will of the world at this moment, and he can clearly feel what is happening in every corner of this broken doomsday world.

Not only could he see Mac'Aree's brotherly battle, but he could also see the dark majesty of the ancient venerable Xal'atath who was commanding the berserk swarms to plunder the city and land on the Antoran wasteland.

Well, my dark little lover is really powerful, full of a domineering and indifferent queen temperament.

"He's back."

Just when Laike observed Argus' current situation from this unique perspective, a very tired and hoarse man's voice came from the heart of the world.

Speaking in the ancient Eredan language, it seemed like a reminder, but also like a helpless urging:

"Agramar's heart is full of anger. He has already noticed your behavior. You must speed up."

"I'm already fast, my dear Lord Argus."

Bu Laike in the form of the Demon of Thousand Tongues whispered:

"Even with your cooperation, even if your cradle of the world has long been shattered, devouring the world is still not an easy job. Believe me, I have tried my best to bear the tide of the lightless sea.

If I continue to push forward blindly, before I complete your 'purification', I will be blasted by the power of the void.

Those warriors will buy us time."

"They can't."

Argus, the weary soul of the world, said in a low tone:

"I have heard the call of Lady Ionar, and I know you have rescued her from the distant Twisting Nether, and I have seen my titan brothers, one by one, awaken from their long torment.

I know it was you who saved them.

Just under my gaze, you have created one miracle after another.

But with all due respect, all the miracles they can create will come to an end in the face of angry Aggramar, not to mention, don't you feel it?

Fantastic Alien Bu Laike, you don't feel the eyes of the Dark Titan looking here from the borders of the physical stars.

He is staring at me.

He is waiting for me to make a choice.

My incomparably powerful brother is asking me if I need strength, and frankly speaking, I am a little hesitant now, and I am a little hard to decide. "


The echo of Argus made Braike frowned under the abyss. This action triggered the trembling of tens of thousands of tentacles, causing the tentacles that penetrated into the heart of the world to trigger a big battle in the entire land of Antoran Wasteland. The earthquake almost tore apart half of the battlefield.

In the shaking of the earth and the shaking of the mountains, Bu Laike said to the world soul who was sleeping but was about to wake up:

"Didn't we agree before? I will help you seek the status of a god in another realm with another posture, and help you get rid of this nightmare of being born as a destroyer.

I know I know.

Even though I promised you that I would send you to the beyond to become a god of death, something went wrong halfway through the plan.

But so is the void.

You have to know that the Void Lords in the Aphotic Sea are not weaker than the Eternals in the dead world, and there are endless truths of the entire stars, which is most suitable for a cosmic soul like you who longs for freedom.

As an existence who has not gone crazy after being in contact with the lightless sea, I can tell you with confidence that that dark sea is an excellent destination for all noble people.

You can enjoy the supreme glory there. "

"Hehe, you're always good at understatement, Bo Laike."

Argus responded:

"You think it's a small problem.

Well, well, even if what you said is true, I can indeed feel the welcome from the lightless sea, and the lords in the dark sea of ​​stars are even holding an unprecedentedly grand welcome ceremony for my arrival .

The Corrupted Void and the Pure Void opened their arms to me at the same time, which makes me feel honored.

Danbu Laike

Although my powerful brother Sargeras did not give me a chance to choose, even though he destroyed my cradle of the world in a brutal way, he infused me with brutal fel force while I was still asleep to help me grow.

Although I don't like all this rough treatment, although I feel extremely dissatisfied with Sargeras for destroying the Eredar civilization that I regarded as a child.

But Laike, no matter how brutal and ruthless Sargeras may be, his war with the void is real and pure. I have seen Sargeras fight the legions of the Aphotic Sea at the border of the material world.

He is indeed maintaining the stability of the stars, using the burning sword in his hand to prevent the void from covering the shadow of darkness on reality.

I am also well aware that minions of the void lurk throughout the stars, dragging my unborn brothers and sisters into a dead morass.

Cloth Laike.

No matter how eloquent you are, you can't change this cruel reality. For the material world, the call of the Aphotic Sea is a disaster, and Sargeras is preventing this disaster.

And you!

You are trying to push me into His opposite, make me the commander of the void, you are asking me to betray the meaning of my birth. "

"No! You said it the wrong way!"

Facing Argus' resistance, the pirate did not panic at all. While speeding up his connection with the tide of truth in the lightless sea, he retorted to Argus:

"You and all the titans were born to maintain the order advocated by the arcane force! But can you see the slightest shadow of order from Lord Sargeras now?

He is destroying everything he once guarded, although he claims to be saving, but I believe that no titan is born as cruel as he is to disregard life.

This is the biggest difference between you and Sargeras, and the only reason why you accepted my help.

Even now!

Even when you are about to be born as the Destroyer, you are still unwilling to obey Lord Sargeras's crazy-sounding, but in fact, crazy thoughts and thinking.

You are titans!

Your mission has never been to destroy an era of stars and reshape it. This concept itself is the greatest blasphemy against the word order.

Although I admire Lord Sargeras very much, even as an avid fan, I have to say that he is really crazy. "

Facing Bu Laike's words, Argus didn't respond.

Obviously, Argus agrees with Laike's evaluation of Sargeras. Looking at what he did to the brothers and sisters of the Pantheon, it is hard to say whether Sargeras' will can still be described with reason.

But this was not enough to convince the hesitant Argus.

Sargeras is brutal, but that doesn't mean the void is a good thing.

The Void Lords have been secretly throwing the ancient gods into the material world, which has proved that the "truth" they pursue is not pure.

Regarding this point, Bu Laike did not try to explain the behavior of his "colleagues" in vain at all, but directly changed the subject and said to Argus:

"As for why I sent you into the Lightless Sea, well, I made up a temporary reason, but I think I can convince you.

Can you give me a few minutes before you decide to break our agreement, be born in the dark body that Sargeras desires, and kill me with a scythe? "

"Speak, funny pirate."

Argus said with a tired voice, laughing:

"I didn't intend to kill you, Laike, you helped me deal with the witches who had been corrupting me, and you helped me release the Titan brothers who had good intentions for me and encouraged me in desperate situations.

You have given me a rare relief, and you have helped me fulfill my duties as a member of the Pantheon.

So even if our negotiations break down, I won't attack you.

But not necessarily Aggramar.

He is angrily tearing apart the battlefield and walking towards the Burning Throne that is about to collapse. He has made up his mind to kill you, the 'parasite', so he is thinking about your life.

Whatever you want to do, you better hurry up. "

"Don't worry, it will be fast, I have always been fast."

Bu Laike said a dirty word in the face of the abyss, and then said to Argus solemnly in the action of corrupting the heart of the world:

"The Lords of the Void are a bunch of bastards."


This opening remark stunned the tired Argus for a moment, and he said in a strange tone:

"But you are also their creation."

"So I'm a bastard too, you see I never hide that."

The pirate said indifferently:

"You know, in addition to my service to the void, I am also serving death.

At the same time, I am also the loyal licking dog of His Majesty the Moon God. If you extend it, it is not difficult to find that after I rescue the universe soul of the Pantheon, I will definitely get a job from the Pantheon.

In addition, my relationship with the naaru has always been good.

Look, I account for five of the six original forces.

The number of clients I serve, my dear Argus, means that I do not have to depend on a single power for my existence.

The right to choose has always been in my hands, which allows me to evaluate those mighty gods more fairly.

The Lords of the Void are a bunch of bastards!

Let me emphasize my point again. Their longing for the truth of the world does not conflict with their attempt to let the void domain swallow the material world. All the forces are instinctively eager to expand, even the most rational arcane is the same Otherwise, the strange existence of your star souls cannot be explained.

Arcane is also eager to spread its own order throughout the material stars.

It almost made it.

In the era of the Pantheon, the entire group of stars almost fell into the era of order, until Fel, Death and Void joined forces to launch a counterattack against arcane.

Sargeras was the product of that counterattack.

Life and Light turn a blind eye to this and are even happy to see it happen.

Look, the original force will balance itself. When one side is too strong, the other original forces will join forces to suppress it.

This is the absolute truth of turmoil and war among the stars. All protection and healing are for balance, and all wars and destruction are also for balance.

You were sent into the Aphotic Sea to become a Void Titan for balance as well. "

The pirate laughed and said:

"The opposite of order is chaos, you were born from the arcane force of order, and I will send you into the lightless sea of ​​chaos, which may mean balance on a symbolic level.

I know that a stubborn guy like you won't change his style of doing things even if he goes to the Lightless Sea. You will be completely different from those void bastards who are secretly poking around.

You, who are ravaged by fel power, have seen the damage caused by chaos. You will try to create order in the chaotic land, and you will become enemies with Sargeras.

But you will also try your best to find a way to end the war between the void and the material world

You do that, right? "

"I can!"

Argus replied without hesitation:

"Even if you send me into the world of death, I will spread Symmetra there, just as Sargeras declared himself to restore order when he took charge of fel energy.

We arcane creatures' desire for order is fundamental to our existence, and does not change because we use other Forces. "

"That's right."

The pirate wanted to clap, but he had no hands in his form, so he could only giggle and say:

"It just so happened that I also saw that the Void Lords were very upset. Although they gave me great things, they were using me, just like the Eternal One was using me.

The only one who's been really nice to me is Lady Elune, but sadly...even Elune is using me.

It's not that I don't know this, I'm just pretending not to see it.

So, Your Excellency Argus, why don't we sign a contract. "

"What contract?"

Argus asked, and Bu Laike said seriously:

"After I devour the heart of the world of Argus, I will complete the transformation of the ancient god and become a god of the void. Although I have surpassed the shackles of mortals and gods in terms of rank, I know that before I failed to shape Before getting out of the container of the gods, I still have to be subject to those damn bastards.

I'm tired of their use.

I want to change partners.

I send you into the lightless sea, you accept me as your god.

In this way, you can also rely on the strength of me and my wife Xalatas to support you from being bullied, and I can also get a collaborator who can make me feel at ease.

After all, compared to a group of Void Lords who were born from the source of chaos, a Void Titan who seems deviant and deviant to spread order in a chaotic place is more reassuring to me.

In this way, both of us are bound together.

You don't have to worry about me doing bad things to you anymore, and I can use this to suppress my thoughts of doing bad things to you.

This is good for both of us. "


Argus was silent for a moment, the cosmic soul didn't answer yes or no, he just asked:

"Before signing the contract, can I add a condition?"

"Speak, my lord."

Bu Laike bent down his eerie and slender body, and let his ten thousand snake tentacles wrap the heart of the world that has begun to be infiltrated and infused with a more gentle gesture. He said:

"Your loyal servant Boo Laike Shaw is at your service."

"I don't know if it's an illusion. When you said you were serving me, I felt a gust of cold wind blowing over me. It was as if death was lying on my shoulders."

Argus made a joke, and then he said seriously:

"I can join the Sunless Sea as you wish, your eloquent tongue makes me feel that going there is not a bad idea, but you have to promise me one thing.

About Sargeras

You told me that my powerful brother is a victim of a conspiracy, and you should help him as you would help me. I hope to see a calm Sargeras, not the destroyer he is now. "

"Lord Sargeras will kill me with a single sword! He won't show mercy to me just because I adore him fanatically. I think you are trying to make Laike difficult for me!"

The pirate retorted unhappily:

"And I don't think he might need my help."

"That's your problem, my dear Laike."

Argus laughed, and in front of Laike's eyes, he seemed to see a scarred blue titan with a strange golden-blue crown mask standing up from his 'hospital bed'.

He moved his body as if embracing a new destiny.

He said:

"Come on, take me there."

"Well, I can finally get rid of this miserable and weak body, my new life Oh yes, do me a small favor, Bo Laike, find Kil'jaeden and its exiles.


Void Lord Argus, I need some followers.

In addition, I don't like the title of 'Destroyer'. I have never liked this title imposed on me by Sargeras. Help me share the pressure.

From now on, you are the 'Destroyer', chatting with you makes me feel relaxed, but to be honest, it's too shameful to have a god who claims to be the 'thousand-tongued demon' or something. "

"No, I don't like that title either."

The pirate complained:

"This makes me feel like a lunatic who wants to start a massacre at any time. I prefer the title of literary and artistic. Don't look at my success in the pirate business, but I am actually a literary youth.

So, my dear lord, please call your servant 'The Silent One' from now on. "

(end of this chapter)

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