Chapter 1724

The demons have gone mad.

Despite losing the command of the Deceiver and the Council of Commanders, Nathrezim, who jumped back on the battlefield, destroyed the command system secretly, making it impossible for the various demon armies on the battlefield to communicate with each other.

But seeing that the mountain of the Burning Throne, which is the heart of Argus, has begun to collapse, and there are constantly disgusting holy lights shining in the dim sky, as long as the demons are not blind, they will know what happened.

The lack of scheduling makes it difficult for them to rush to the holy land shaped by the dark titan to support them in an orderly manner, but it is not a bad thing to not have disgusting orders and restrictions.

This means that the demons can finally unleash the cruelty and tyranny in their soul instincts.

Where the enemy is, they will go.

Everywhere the enemy attacks, they strike back everywhere.

Enjoy the frenetic, noisy, and chaotic fights that bring the damned to the ground. Demons are never afraid of a challenge, and they don't even care about winning or losing.

They just want to kill now!

Under the tumult of the chaotic demon frenzy, the Iron Legion sent from Ulduar has almost been exhausted.

Although these titan warriors killed demons that were several times their own before shutting down, such killings could only stimulate those crazy demons to launch continuous attacks on the powerful invaders in a crazy posture.

To be honest, the casualty ratio and consumption speed of the demon side on the battlefield are enough to kill any commander of any civilization on the spot. What they should do now is to retreat and start the war again after re-completed the division of the battle order.

But the demons' single-minded violent style became their advantage at this moment, just like a mad dog that saw blood, it didn't care about its own situation at all, and they would never take a step back until they completely killed the enemy.

If it weren't for the swarm of swarms commanded by the ancient venerable who came up at a critical moment, the large army that bought time for the Ashes Expeditionary Army in the rear might have been completely defeated by the tide of demons.

But the situation is still not optimistic.

The numerical superiority of the swarm is meaningless in the demon sanctuary of Antoran Wastes.

Except for the mantid, crypt lords, and swarm lords, which are special elite units that can compete with demons in a dazzling casualty ratio, it is impossible for ordinary qiraji to fight demons even after being enhanced by the genes of the Yaqi Empire. A tie.

The two sides are not at the same level of life forms at all, and the Yaqi Empire is far from growing to the point where it can compete with the violent demon army.

Xal'atath has commanded the swarm into its furiest onslaught.

Even the queens who lay eggs are required to live desperately. The eggs will be put into the fallen demon corpses on the battlefield by the worker insects to hatch quickly, and they will be sent to the battlefield before they grow into adults.

This is already squeezing the last vitality of these insect swarms to ensure that their number can withstand the mad attack of demons.

The urgency of the situation at the moment forced the retreating wounded to go into battle again with their weapons firmly in hand. Even Jarod Shadowsong and Pope Faol, who served as commanders, had already appeared on the stage with their swords.

Well, by the way, the gesture of the old man Faol when he swung his two-handed warhammer to purify the demons also has the air of a general.

He was no worse than those paladins who guarded him, and many times old Faol would swing his hammer to rescue his guards, and he didn't know who was protecting whom.

Tsk tsk, it can only be said that Azeroth has its own national conditions here.

"Look, the Burning Throne is crumbling, our warriors have defeated the Legion's Felheart! Hold on, brothers, hold on till the end!"

Garald held a severed demon's head in his hand, standing at the entrance of Port Hope that had been blown up by demons, his hoarse voice encouraged the morale of the surrounding soldiers.

But this encouragement was poor.

It's not that the soldiers are frightened by the demons, it's just that one-third of the soldiers defending here have become "freshly baked" undead.

These newborn death knights have no such thing as "morale" at all.

They were just silently and methodically sorting out their weapons and armor, and some of them were stitching up the body of a psychic. Once the Black Crows, who were fighting fiercely on the front line, needed them to go into battle, these dead would go to the battlefield without hesitation.

The Hall of Valor suspended above Port of Hope continuously opened the Rainbow Bridge every five minutes, sending those heroic spirits who had been recovered by the Golden Valkyrie to the Hall of Valor and regained their Thundercast bodies into the battlefield.

Odin's holy arsenal prepared for this battle has been emptied by two-thirds, and it is difficult for the remaining Thundercast body to persist until the end of this battle.

Moreover, the Hall of Valor itself was constantly being attacked by demons flying around in the sky, and the golden Valkyrie in charge of air defense also suffered heavy casualties.

"Look at this battlefield before you, where demons and spirits and mortal warriors slay each other in rage, while the soul of the Creator waits to be saved by the warriors.

This is Odin's prophecy!

This is the legendary Ragnarok!

Great, I'm part of this battle, and I'll be a vrykul legend! "

The Supreme Shield Maiden Heya, who is being treated in Port of Hope, is leaning on her spear and blood-stained shield. This warlike vrykul has charged three times on the battlefield. Her war bear was killed, and her The storm dragon was pulled into the ground by the demon and dismantled into flesh and blood. Even she herself was poisoned and blinded in one eye by the demon during the fierce battle.

Now Heya is wrapping a holy and purified bandage around her head to prevent the injury from getting worse, but her face is still full of fighting spirit.

But being able to make an extremely belligerent shield girl say such words with a little fear and emotion also fully proved the brutality of this battle. They have already become like this as a support in the rear. It is really hard to imagine the desperate situation of the Ash Pioneers who brazenly attacked the Burning Throne.

"Look! Look there!"

Just when Heya gulped down a barrel of ale, ready to fight with only half of the remaining shield girls here, driving the dragon eagle to shoot and harvest the heads of the light ranger haha Dulun Bright Wing pointed to the distance and shouted loudly:

"The tree of life! The great creator is leaving the demon's lair, she is leaving the Antoran wasteland! The rescue of the pioneers has succeeded! The soul of the titan has been rescued!"

This is of course good news.

But it is already very difficult to have any impact on the morale explosion of the current battle situation, because the soldiers are very tired, and now they desperately hope that this endless battle will end quickly.

Probably aware of the predicament of the rear battlefield, on top of the Zenidar temporarily carrying four titan souls to the outside world, Lord Ionar, the life titan, also left Antorus with his last bit The power was thrown towards those warriors.

The breath of life swayed down like a rain of green light.

Any mortal exposed to these light rains will instantly wash away their fatigue and pain, while those demons who are hit will scream and feel like they have been doused in acid.

But before the coalition soldiers cheered for joy at this miracle of war, a crimson meteor tore through the sky and smashed hard on the battlefield of the Antoran wasteland.

When it fell to the ground, it shattered the ground full of corpses, and when the dark titan stood up holding the flaming giant blade while the ground was shaking, the demon that had just been repelled roared and rushed forward again.

Haha, the god of fel energy has descended!

All the great demons can form a halo effect of dominance and command on the lower demons.

With Aggramar as a serious god of fel energy, the moment he appeared on the stage, the entire Antoran demons seemed to be drugged collectively.

This is very similar to the dark strengthening of the ancient sages on the swarms, allowing the demons to break through the defense lines in all directions almost instantly, and even the berserk swarms were reversely broken by the rushing demons.

When Aggramar appeared on the scene, the Zenidar carrying the Tree of Life had just escaped from Antorus. Under the roar of the spaceship pilot, the spaceship tried its best to lift off to avoid Aggramar's attack. attack.

The gray and white Naruzlari, who was escorting the souls of the Titans on the spaceship, was even ready to die as heroically as Zela, but it was beyond their expectations.

Aggramar didn't even look at the spaceship carrying the Tree of Life. The moment he appeared, he rushed towards the collapsing Throne of Antorus with his burning giant sword.

He is in a hurry.

The gallop along the way did not know how many stupid and unlucky demons were trampled to death, but no one dared to question this.

"Don't let him pass!"

On the spaceship Zenidar, the gray-white Naruzlari yelled at the operators of the spaceship with a rage that was completely inconsistent with the creation of the Holy Light:

"He goes over to Laike and it's over, fire! Fire now!"

A few seconds later, the Judgment of Light under the spaceship began to recharge, and with Aggrama's mountain-like figure, there was no need to think about whether he would miss it.

The bright light beam cut through the dark sky like a sharp blade and shot straight at Aggramar. The Fallen Titan, who was swinging his sword towards the collapsed Antorus Mountain, turned around with a swift slide and blocked his burning blade like a shield. in front of you.

The light beam that gathered the supreme holy light was deflected by Taeshalach's sword and blasted towards the rear battlefield, shattering the ground in an instant, causing the scorching fel magma to scatter and crack, creating a scene of doomsday collapse.

The demons howled almost madly.

They are cheering for the power of their gods.

Even though the fallen titan didn't say a word, the demons scattered all over the place, as if they had received the supreme oracle, no matter what they were doing, they all left the matter in front of them and rushed towards the collapsed mountain of Antorus.

"He is still the same as before, always knowing what to do under what circumstances."

Lord Eonar's exhausted voice echoed in the Zenidar. The living titan watched the fallen titan raise his sword again, and she knew that Aggramar had felt the provocation and obstruction from the soul of the titan.

The former Guardian is well aware that the cosmic souls of his fellow beings are free.

Aggramar knew that it was impossible for him to enter the heart of the world that was being swallowed by the void so smoothly, let alone guard the smooth birth of Argus the Destroyer.

Unless, he fought with his brothers here, just like when Sargeras destroyed the Pantheon in the world of Nairan.

He also died in that battle.

Unfortunately, his luck was not as good as that of Ionar.

"Guys, I know you're all tired."

The Life Titan stretched out her branches eloquently, and her gentle words echoed around the Tree of Life, she said:

"But we must now dedicate what we have left to the cause of mortal warriors"

"They unleashed the Old Gods to devour Argus, Eonar."

The mystic titan, Norgannon the Dreamweaver, responded in a low voice:

"I don't know why you allow such a terrible thing to happen, but I can be sure that the growth and civilization of these mortal warriors has deviated from the perfect blueprint of the Pantheon.

They are corrupted by the void, look at them, they are fighting alongside an Old God, they charge and retreat under the cover of the swarm.

I am sincerely grateful for what these warriors have done for us, but...


"We just saved you! Bastard!"

When Norgannon said this, His Royal Highness Little Star, who was "resting" on the Zenidar, would not like to hear it.

The blue dragon princess jumped out from nowhere, she spread her wings and flew in the air, shouting loudly at the four titan souls on the swaying tree of life amidst the thunder splashing:

"You creators are not even as good as goblins! At least goblins know how to symbolically give a few coins to their saviors.

We have paid so many sacrifices and prices to save you, now we just need you to delay for a while, you are all squawking! To hell with your perfect blueprint!

Lamentable dogmatist Norgannon!

look here!

Look under your feet, we are the ones who rush into the demon world to rescue you now! Where are the 'warriors' of the world that grew and existed according to your perfect blueprint?

Oh, I forgot, I'm sorry, all the perfect worlds in the eyes of the titans have been destroyed by the demons. I heard that the 'perfect' sons of the titans dare not even resist Sargeras when faced with the attack of the demons.

It turns out you don't understand anything!

So shut up! "

Little Xingxing yelled and cursed with full firepower:

"You are a bunch of blind reptiles, even a blue dragon like me feels sorry for having a creator like you! I don't care!

You have to help with this favor today, and you have to help if you don’t!

If something happens to Captain Stinky, I'll burn your broken trees! One by one, heartless! No wonder he couldn't beat Sargeras, Sargeras knew how to protect demons.

what about you? "

Little Xingxing's words were entirely because he was irritated by Titan's questioning, and of course part of the reason was that he was a little anxious when he saw that Aggramar was aggressively going to trouble the captain.

But strangely, this rebuke did not attract the refutation of the soul of the Titans. Of course, it was not because the threat of burning the tree by Little Xingxing frightened the Titans. Looking at the swaying of the branches, it was clear that the Titans were discussing a plan.

A few seconds later, as the spirit of Aman'Thul appeared in the air with the support of the Eye of Aman'Thul, Little Xingxing knew it was done!

She cheered and hid beside the titan souls that appeared one after another, spewing thunder sparks towards Aggramar as if provocative, and then rushed to the monster surrounded by demons with oil on the soles of her feet when the titans were really about to fight. Block the attack on the ruins of the Burning Throne.

Just when she was about to get close to the battlefield and prepare to breathe, Sefiel's scolding suddenly sounded from the high-altitude "The Evil of This World":

"No, come back, little star! It's going to be bombed over there, come up! You'll be melted."


Princess Blue Dragon, who just angrily reprimanded Titan, slammed on the brakes in the air. When she looked up, she found that the bombing bay under the Evil of the World had been opened, and there was a very familiar object hanging in it.

The appearance of this thing made Little Xingxing's hair stand on end for a moment.


The idiot blue dragon turned into a thunderbolt and charged into the sky with a whoosh. When it landed on the deck of the World's Evil in human form, it happened to see a group of tauren, elves, and others retreating to the deck through the portal that was difficult to open. Troll warriors.

It was miserable, and everyone was hurt.

Even a strong man like Lao Niu was carried back by Malfurion and Illidan. Even before he fell into a coma, Kane was still holding on to his warhammer.

Tyrande was somewhat puzzled by the sudden retreat order. She clutched the wound on her arm and walked to the front of the deck. Standing beside Maiev who was resting there, she asked softly:

"What's the 'secret weapon' that Bu Laike said? We've all pulled out, can the rest of us hold back so many demons? The Emperor of Humanity is still there.

In case something happens to him"

"Then he'd better be safe."

Maiev said indifferently:

"I'm not in the mood to talk to you right now, Tyrande, but I need something in you."


The High Priest of the Moon glanced at Maiev in surprise, and she said:

"what would you like?"


Maiev's hands clasped Tyrande's wrist for an instant, and a black moon appeared behind the warden lady, and Tyrande knelt down on the ground convulsively.

The power of the moon god in the high priest's body is being absorbed by Maiev using a technique that Bu Laike will definitely be very familiar with.

"Be patient, Tyrande."

Maiev stared at the burning hill below, she said hoarsely:

"I'm not going to take it all, I'm going to keep some of it for you, it's going to take a toll on you and you'll probably need decades of rest to recover, but I'll apologize.

If only we could meet again. "


Plus it's tomorrow. It's always the 11th or 21st. This is the old rule

(end of this chapter)

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