Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1725 93. Cloth Laike's Final Battle Weapon

Chapter 1725 93. Cloth Laike's Final Battle Weapon

The Throne of Antorus is collapsing, from the inside out. The buildings built on the mountain first collapsed like demolition and blasting, and then the base of the majestic but gloomy building also turned inward like quicksand. collapse.

In addition to the "engineering competition" between Mimiron and Kingaros constantly triggering various destructive weapon fights, the reason for this process is more from the ground.

To be precise, it is the rift connecting the Burning Throne with the Heart of the World.

The huge vibration was transmitted upwards from below the rift valley, not only aroused the scorching hot fel magma to erupt in the cracks in the ground like a volcano, but also expanded the rift valley bit by bit, like an abyss in the dark The creature is crawling out of its underground cage.

Those Ash Vanguard soldiers who were retreating from the Burning Throne could even see strange black tentacles moving in some places where the cracks were severe.

The things that make people lose San are like the branches growing from the ground. Most of their barbed and horny skins have traces of magma burns. After protruding from the ground, they will not attack more. The snake-like body swayed on the spot, and the faint blue eyeballs rolled out from the top of the tentacles to look out.

It's a lot like a submarine's periscope at work, but it's pretty creepy, especially for those brave enough to drive out the Old Gods.

They know better than anyone what the appearance of this thing represents.

But to be honest, the appearance of these tentacles is not a bad thing for the fugitives.

They were chased by elite demons far outnumbering them and retreated from the throne that had begun to collapse. If there was no hindrance, given the miserable condition of this group of wounded soldiers, it would be difficult for them to fight against the vicious demons. He was chased and killed and escaped from birth.

However, after the appearance of these strange eyeball tentacles, the Ashes Expeditionary Army, which had fallen into a desperate situation, gained a glimmer of life.

"Go over there!"

The idiot Fenner, who was leading the wounded soldiers to fight and retreat, immediately changed direction with the warriors behind after seeing those weird tentacles appearing on the broken road ahead.

While slaying the demons blocking the way with her sharp sword, she shouted to the sneaky tentacles in front of her:

"Brother! Help!"


Hearing Fenner's scream, the tentacles swaying back and forth in front of her eyes suddenly turned into a question mark shape, and the eyeballs of the tentacles turned over and saw Fenner rushing over, showing a helpless look.

But it didn't refuse to help.

When those remnants and warriors passed through the collapsed and broken trail, they began to spread out reverberating and intertwined thoughts of truth with their eyeball tentacles as the center.

Any demons that get close to this tentacles will start to kill each other, but this thing does not have "friendly damage immunity", so when the demons go crazy, the remnant soldiers who retreated are also eroded by their will.

However, when the Ashes Expeditionary Army was formed, each member was assigned a Sin Tablet, which helped them barely block the Demon of Thousand Tongues... er, no, Lord Silent One's mind attack.

They were able to quickly retreat to the antechamber area of ​​the throne with Fenner amidst the gibberish, which was the cliff platform that Kargath Bladefist took over to defend before.

The Shattered Hand orcs who drank blood for the second time were all dead, the ground was covered with corpses of demons, and half kneeling in the sea of ​​blood was the corpse of an orc chief covered in blood.

The former perpetrator, Kargath Bladefist, still maintained his slashing movement when he died in battle. His brutal Bladefist, which is famous in two worlds, has already been cut into curls, and the final landing point of that brutal weapon is The head of a demon.

Blade Fist's death was quite miserable.

There were several fel halberds stuck in his body, and there were scars from the fel cannonballs, but the old gladiator still had that perverted sadist laughing on his face before he died, as if he was ironic and Like laughing at this sad world.

"Quick! Tauren, draenei, elves and trolls come here!"

When Fenna withdrew with the remnant soldiers, the troops on the other fronts had already lined up here as long as they were not completely annihilated, because the stone bridge leading to the periphery had already been shattered, and the ice bridge created by the spellcaster was already on the ground. It collapsed in the shaking of the mountains.

They were thrown into a desperate situation.

The warriors of the Legion of Light dropped the beacons they were carrying on the ground and opened the way to the sky.

But Captain Faria didn't let all the surviving wounded soldiers enter it. On the contrary, she was very harsh and only asked soldiers of a specific race to return to Zenidar and the Evil of the World as soon as possible.

This almost immediately caused dissatisfaction among the soldiers.

There were more than 2,000 pioneers who rushed into the Burning Throne to rescue the Titan's Soul before, but now that the Titan's Soul has been rescued, there are only less than 1,000 soldiers left alive.

Even counting the soldiers who were resurrected by the High Lord Kutalos Ravencrest, there were at most 1,300 people. Those who survived were all wounded, and everyone was exhausted.

Why do you bastards still treat them differently under such a terrible situation?

What's the matter?

Tauren, elves, and trolls live, but us humans, dwarves, gnomes, and vrykul? As for those green skins.

Well, the greenskins are dead and no one cares.

"My soldiers must retreat immediately!"

Emperor Varian, who was covered in blood, strode forward and was not polite anymore. He carried the unconscious gray-haired Jean on his back, and shouted to Captain Faria with a ferocious expression:

"They are heroes of both worlds! They sacrificed to save the Titan Soul! I won't allow them to be abandoned just like that! Put them on that damn ship!"


Muradin also waved his two hammers and shouted:

"Don't force us to do it, Holy Light hoof!"

"You are all a bunch of idiots!"

Captain Faria touched the blood stains on her face, she leaned on half a broken spear and cursed:

"Which of your eyes saw that we were going to abandon you? I don't know why it was this order, but it was a plan made in advance by the high command.

Your human general Danas Trollbane also agreed to such an arrangement, what fire is being sent to them! We're not running away either! asshole.

We have been fighting demons with you until now, and you actually doubt us like this? "

"Then why should our warriors be left to face the maddened demons?"

Saurfang also said indifferently:

"We don't mind leaving behind, but at least you have to make it clear in advance."

"Enough! Back off!"

While a group of commanders were arguing, old Dai Lin limped over, pushed Varian and Muradin back, and gave the orc a hard look.

He scolded:

"This is a top-secret battle plan. The reason for keeping our specific races is because only us Titan races can accept the next 'strengthening'.

Other races don't have Titan genes, they will be 'melted'. "

"Huh? Enhancement? Why don't I know what other enhancements are there? If there is, why didn't you use it at the beginning of the battle?"

Saurfang blinked his eyes in surprise, but Dai Lin was not in the mood to answer a greenskin's question, and not giving him a few knives was already a great way to save face.

The orc warlord glanced back at the demons rushing from all directions, and then glanced at the front of the battlefield of the throne. From this high place, he could clearly see charging demons everywhere around the throne.

Good guy!

Those violent bastards seemed to have received some damn orders, and the demons on the entire battlefield began to charge towards Antorus.

They are so violent that they seem to have been blessed by the dark power to become stronger and more ruthless, and their dark god Aggramar is fighting the titan spirits on the distant battlefield.

Aggramar was entangled.

But judging by the way he fought violently, the weak titan spirit might not be able to stop him for long.

"Stop arguing, we're staying here!"

Stupid Fenner took a few breaths, and jumped to the side of the commanders. Pointing to the rapidly collapsing mountain behind her, she said to the others:

"We're going to protect our brother here until his devouring is complete, that's the only chance we can defeat Aggramar and move in victoriously!"

"Your brother?"

Emperor Varian glanced back at the collapsed palace suspiciously. He could see some weird tentacles swaying in the ruins, and then thought of Braike's famous title of "Demon of a Thousand Tongues". The young emperor also seemed to see some terrible truths.

He didn't intend to continue to dwell on this issue, but asked in a low voice:

"What are we going to do to protect him? Or to put it more directly, what are we doing now?"

Fenner glared at him, perhaps because she felt that Varian was really a mother-in-law, and she was not bold at all, but seeing that the dwarves and orcs were looking at her at this time, they were eager for an answer.

The stupid soldier thought for a while, then said in a short tone:

"We are creating our own 'god'! In this way, we don't have to expect the kindness of the fallen titan. My brother said that it is a foolish behavior to pin everything on the goodness of the enemy.

Anyway, we have to buy time for Bo Laike here.

We need to block the incoming demons, no matter how many they are, and if Aggramar is going to charge, then we must block him too! "

"We can't stop it! Girl."

Muradin picked up a dwarven pipe angrily, leaning on his mountain king's hammer and said:

"We only have such a small number of people, and we will be overwhelmed by the demons when the violent demons encircle us. We don't need Aggramar's crushing lore.

If he needs us to help him buy time, he should have brought more people here before. "

"No! We can stop it! We must stop it!"

Dai Lin raised her head expressionlessly and looked at the evil horn above her head.

There are clusters of teleportation lights on the deck of the ship, and all the non-Titan ethnic groups in the vanguard army have been sent into it.

The remaining Titan warriors stood on this small platform, feeling quite abandoned, but they didn't say much, they just took the last time to rest silently.

After the draenei, tauren, elves and trolls were sent away, there were less than eight hundred warriors left on the platform, and the demons rushed out from behind, from the sky, from the front, and from the portal.

In less than a few minutes, the last vanguard army was surrounded layer by layer.

The demon lords were laughing wildly, and the lower demons also let out harsh and ferocious roars. No one thought that these guys could leave here alive, and even the soldiers themselves gave up hope of survival.

The orcs carried large shields, the humans held spears, the dwarves held hatchets as assaulters, and a few dwarves were doing their best to repair the various explosives they brought.

The only good news is that at the moment of the devil's assault, those bloody guardians also rushed out of the ruins and became their last support army.

Seeing the demon start to charge, Varian clenched the Ashbringer in his hand, and exchanged glances with Saurfang beside him.

The old orc looked calm.

Facing death did not add any pressure to him. He was still in the mood to look at the Emperor's Sword on Varian's back. The orc held the two big axes in his hand, pouted at Varian, and said:

"I heard you were a warrior before you believed in the Light. You have two hands, right? You have two weapons, why only one?"


Varian grinned, and the young Emperor said:

"Although it's a bit embarrassing, I haven't mastered the mysteries of Titan's Grip yet."


Saurfang spat blood and broken teeth at his feet, and said contemptuously:

"You haven't even tried to use two weapons to fight, how can you learn that kind of skill? Listen to my advice, emperor of mankind, draw your sword!

In this way, after being knocked out by the enemy, you will not fall into the dilemma of needing to fight with your fists. "

After finishing speaking, the orc let out a loud roar, and with his battle ax in hand, he rushed towards the demon that was rushing in front of him.

At the same time, at the same time that Varian pulled out the Emperor's Sword behind him and held it in his left hand, the strange bomb hanging from the lower hatch of the Evil of the World in the sky also started under the order of Sefiel. come down.

The thing is a silver-gray spherical shape, and the shell is covered with strange small light bulbs. The colorful light emits means that all the modules in the bomb are running smoothly.

It fell from a high altitude, but the landing seemed to be miscalculated. It didn't hit the surging demons, but threw it straight towards the remnants of the vanguard army gathered together.

This was quickly noticed by the bloody warriors. The dwarf prince smashed the demon hound in front of him with a hammer, and when he looked up, he saw the light on the silver-gray spherical bomb's surface transform into dark red in an instant. Then, bright and scorching light filled everyone's eyes.

"Damn gunners! Your unprofessionalism will kill us. Instead of dying at the hands of the devil, you will die at the hands of your own people! Bastards, I want to complain to you in hell!!!"

These were the last words Muradin left when he was engulfed by the light. Then, a glaring white light exploded in the ruins of Antorus, like a burst of scorching sun.

It swallowed up the remnants of the vanguard army in an instant, and wiped out all the demons around the entire platform in the subsequent expansion.

Those evil creations were melted and burned when they came into contact with the white light with extreme positive energy. Their bodies were ignited when the flames added to their bodies, and were quickly decomposed into the most basic material particles.

The power of this one bomb terrified the demon lords.

But then the brutes burst out laughing, mocking the folly of the Legionfall, laughing at the damned ship overhead for dropping weapons of destruction on its own.

They must have been scared out of their wits!

You need to use your own people as bait to dare to carry out such an attack on the extremely powerful Burning Legion.

Tch, what a bunch of cowards!

The same questioning also happened on the deck of the World's Evil. The always gentle Malfurion Stormrage rushed into the command cabin, and angrily questioned the expressionless Sefir:

"Are you crazy? Why attack our countrymen! Bastard! You use them as bait?"

"Shut up, magic-obsessed idiot! Don't disturb our science."

Seifel threw out an answer indifferently, holding a pocket watch in her hand to watch the time.

All the gnomes and mechanical gnomes in the entire cabin were silent, and these little guys stared at all the observers in front of them to observe the ground.

They seem to be waiting for the results of a great experiment.

This strange atmosphere made the Arch Druid frowned. Just as he was about to ask, there was a piercing cheer in the cabin, and the dwarf king, Gelbin Mekkatorque, jumped up from his seat. He waved a stack of documents in his hand and shouted:


"The conversion rate of our improved homing bomb has reached 100%! The next step is to conduct an intensive assessment of civilian volunteers, but no matter what!

The devil is finished!

We won!

But I have a small question, why are these damn greenskins returned to their ancestors to such an extent? Didn't they say that their ancestors were ogres?

But the thing on the ground doesn't look like an ogre to me! "

(end of this chapter)

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