Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1729 97. I Developed A New Set Of Tactics For Your Special Situation [2/20]

Chapter 1729 97. I specially developed a new style of play for your special situation [220]

"The power of Taeshalach, explode!"

On the disintegrated and collapsed Antoran wasteland, Aggramar, the fallen titan, faced the ancient god who had already devoured the heart of the world and was promoted to a higher form, without hesitation, he activated the power of the titan sword in his hand. power.

It can be seen that he is serious.

Even the aura was completely different from before. Just the moment the sword was unsealed, flames burning like the sun scattered from the blade, and with Aggramar as the center, flames exploded in all directions. The tide almost swept across the surrounding battlefield, properly dispelling those invisible thoughts of truth.

And the battle suit made of raging flames wraps around the Titan's body like a halo, burning all the void near him.

Obviously, Aggramar has a lot of experience in fighting void creatures. He has most likely fought against Void Lords of the same level, and he knows what is the most important thing when facing such a void god.

Although this burst of flames was just a BUFF that Aggramar added to himself before the battle, its ruthless roasting also burned tens of thousands of demons into slag by the way.

It's a pity that no one pays attention to these monsters who follow the God of Darkness, maybe even they themselves don't pay attention to these.

Aggramar's left eye had a scratched scar, which made him look very embarrassed, and the battle helmet was also shattered, so that this fallen titan no longer had the invincible majesty that was once invincible.

And in the smoke of thoughts reverberating from the void tide, Laike looked at the fallen titan in front of him with a very quiet eyes, and the seven eyes of truth kept flickering in the chaotic smoke under the black hood.

He can already see more.

About the dark soul of Aggramar, about the anger of the fallen, about the "scar" left on his cosmic spirit, that should be the place where Sargeras cut him in the battle of destroying the Pantheon in the world of Nairan .

The Dark Titan's transformation and reshaping of Aggramar was also carried out from the gap of the spirit's scar.

It was as if the original power had been pulled away, and then the violent evil energy was poured into it. While maintaining the original power of Aggramar, it pulled Aggramar from the arcane field to the world of evil energy.

The process must have been painful.

Aggramar should have tried to resist and even self-destruct more than once, which can be seen from the stitch marks of his fragmented body and soul.

But being able to see a weakness doesn't necessarily mean it can be exploited.

Bu Laike has crossed that line.

He felt that his soul was "breaking out of the shell" after devouring the heart of the world, as if a cosmic soul like Aggramar was conceived from an ugly egg.

He has broken through the shackles of the ancient gods and accomplished the great thing of devouring matter and transforming the void. He has entered a higher level and has more means that can be used.

for example


The fallen titan roared angrily, and the flaming sword that slashed at the Thousand Tongue Demon's body was blocked by the towering hills extending from the crumbling ground under his feet when he swung it down.

The mountain rising from the ground was shattered by Taeshalak's sword. It was extremely powerful but wasted an attack opportunity.

When the fallen titan was about to slash for the second time with the enemy-breaker sword technique, silent tentacles sprang out from his burning shadow like snakes and wound around his blazing body, and then the ground under the titan's feet turned into a quagmire, causing Aggramar's figure swayed for a moment, but the quagmire hardened again in the burst of flames.

At the end of this brief pull, dozens of tentacles hovering in the air appeared in front of the Fallen Titan, and the tops of those tentacles, large and small, had dark blue eyeballs rolling over.

They stared at Aggramar in dead silence.

The dark void power gathers and rolls on it, and then turns into the most standard magic power of the finger of death, setting off a burst of death breath.

This wave of bombardment shattered the outer shell of the Titan's body, causing scorched fragments to fly in all directions, but it did not penetrate the Titan's body, as if being pricked by dozens of needles.


But not exactly painful.

Of course, this is only the first wave of "discussions" in which the two sides expressed their "friendship" to each other.

It seemed that the crumb pirates had the upper hand, but soon Aggramar raised his sword again amidst the flames, and the tentacles hidden on the ground continuously created mud pits, oil pools, ice surfaces and other terrains to limit the speed of the fallen titan. But all invalid.

With Aggramar's power activated, these tricks of slowing were useless at the pace of the titan's battle.

Bu Laike seemed taken aback.

He could only watch helplessly as the fallen titan bravely charged into the emptiness and smoke around him, stabbing his fallen body viciously with the sword in both hands.

The seven eyes of truth flickered on the chaotic face under the hood, and when the sword pierced over, Bu Laike finally spoke for the first time on the battlefield of the gods.

"Teshalach's power explodes!"

Although the voice was sobbing and muffled and couldn't be heard clearly, it was somewhat mocking.

Under Aggramar's one-eyed gaze, the power of the void, which is exactly the same as the explosion of the power of the sword that he protected himself and unsealed just now, rises along the land where the Demon of Thousand Tongues is.

The breath of truth from the lightless sea turned into a tumbling fire of the void and swept towards him.

The purple flames collided with the scorching flames and annihilated them. While extinguishing the burning flames of Taeshalach, they also tore apart Aggramar's blazing suit.

The moment the flames protecting the mind were extinguished, hundreds of tentacles flew out from the Titan's shadow, driving along his legs all the way up, wrapping the Fallen Titan into rice dumplings almost instantly.

It's not just a simple binding restriction. Every tentacle that comes into contact with the Titan's body will have the mental impact of the Demon of Thousand Tongues on the fallen Titan.

If Bu Laike's void impact as an Old God was like a sharp needle, then the mind trampling now is like a heavy armor-piercing hammer.

Each attack punctures the fallen titan's cosmic soul, and each puncture leaves a "pinhole" in Aggramar's will.

By the time the hundred attacks in an instant were completed, Aggramar already had a filthy uninvited guest on the spiritual level.

This means that the fallen titan needs to fight two battles at the material and spiritual levels at the same time, and the failure of any battle will make him irreparable.

"You are on my land, challenge me. What an arrogant titan."

In Aggramar's spiritual world, Bu Laike, who also appeared as the Demon of Thousand Tongues, looked directly at Aggramar's battered cosmic soul.

Beneath that darkened hood, he whispered in a gesture of void whispering straight into the soul:

"Argus has gone to a place of truth to complete his ascension, and he will one day return to the material world, and he will pay back to Lord Sargeras the abuse, despair and painful humiliation he suffered in the cradle.

I'm looking forward to that meeting.

Sorry, dear Aggramar.

You can't see it anymore. "

Facing such a provocation, the Fallen Titan remained unmoved.

In the material world, he burst into flames and burned the tentacles that entangled him, incinerated those dark things into ashes, and shot the deadly skill of destroying enemies towards the body of Laike.

But the pirates didn't fight him at all.

no need.

After completing the erosion of the Heart of the World, even though the world of Argus has begun to disintegrate, before it completely collapses, the ownership of this world has already belonged to Laike.

The whole world is at his disposal if he wants to.

like this!


The ground Aggramar was standing on was controlled by the pirates to retreat rapidly like a rolling Rubik's cube. The deadly martial arts he played only cut off a few tentacles of the Demon of Thousand Tongues, but he could no longer touch him.

At this moment, the ground of the entire Antoran Wasteland was shattered under the control of Laike, the mountains were turned upside down, the earth collapsed, and the magma was scattered, like a broken star ring suspended around the planet.

Around the position where the pirate's abyss body is located, it rotates disorderly and weirdly.

It's also an explosion of bad humor.

Every piece of earth or rock that Boo Laike shatters has at least one demon buried in it.

Those brutal guys were bound by the earth with only one head exposed, following the earth that had been cut into tens of thousands of pieces, they were moving in a very orderly manner between the swinging tentacles of the pirates.

They can even hear a brisk pirate song, and every change in the melody will suddenly change the rotating system of this broken world.

It's like a living, autonomous Rubik's Cube.

Of course, the Fallen Titan is not so easily dismissed.

The moment the earth was broken, he jumped into the twisted void, rushed to the center of the maze with the pace of a titan, and maintained the thousand-tongued demon standing alone.

Although none of the titans can be called mere warriors or spellcasters, their naturally powerful cosmic souls are outstanding in all aspects, but the Demon of Thousand Tongues in front of him is obviously the type that favors spellcasters, and is better at melee combat. Grama felt that there was no need for him to play spells in front of such a void god.

Therefore, he just called the meteorite to fall to clear the way for him, and then charged like a warrior, intending to use melee skills to solve the problem.

One after another boulders blocked the Fallen Titan, either smashed by the meteorite he called, or cut off by the sword of Taeshalach. The distance between the two was rapidly narrowing, and the Demon of Thousand Tongues did not dodge and still maintained "Commander" attitude.

When Aggramar was wrapped in flames and approached him, the tentacles of ten thousand snakes under the pirate robe curled up at the same time, and the shattered earth surrounding the Titan seemed to be pulled rapidly, and it was re-launched under the control of the Demon of Thousand Tongues. come together.

In just one second, Aggramar, who was maintaining the piercing posture, was wrapped layer by layer by the re-closed Antoran wasteland into a big stone ball among the stars.

The tide of the lightless sea brought substantial void infection in the sea of ​​stars, pouring in from every gap in the big stone ball in front of him, like the tide of the sea pouring in to suffocate Aggramar to death.


The imprisonment that was the size of a small planet was broken free by the fallen titan in the next instant, and the flames erupted like the rays of the sun, smashing the stone and the demon together.

He has come out of wrath.

He felt that he was being teased by the new Void God in front of him.

He hadn't been so angry for a long time. Under the surge of power brought about by his active emotions, the fallen titan mercilessly played his signature Taeshalach sword skill at the Demon of Thousand Tongues who was right in front of him.

The first sword smashed the tentacle that the Demon of Thousand Tongues used to protect himself, the second sword split his gloomy hood to reveal his chaotic face, and the third sword cut his abyss body obliquely.

The fourth sword completed the final shattering, lifted the Demon of Thousand Tongues high with a piercing posture, and turned him into the saddest stardust among the stars with the burst of Taeshalach's power.


In the spiritual world of the fallen titan, the incomparably gloomy thousand-tongued demon screamed in pain, and shouted to the titan's soul:

"So cruel, so heartless, you killed me, like a somber nightmare but wake up, my poor Aggramar."


The fallen titan who had finished killing the evil god blinked his flaming one-eyed eyes, and then he followed his blood-dropping hands to see that the flaming Taeshalach was piercing into his titan's body with a fatal gesture.

He held the hilt tightly with both hands, while the scorching Titan's blood was dripping from the blade bit by bit.

He raised his head and looked in front of him in disbelief. The dead body of the Demon of Thousand Tongues was still standing in its original position, standing on a solitary rock among the stars.

I am not far away from him, but it seems to be out of reach.

The tentacle of the Demon of Thousand Tongues lifted at this moment.

In the flash of purple light, the long black sword that was hardened into spikes pierced through the clean starry sky cleared by Aggramar like a sharp cone, and pierced the fallen titan's eyes.

Taeshalach, who was still covered in blood, raised his shield to block the blow, but then the posture of the abyss black thorn changed, and under the astonished gaze of the fallen titan, it attacked itself with the incomparable standard Taeshalach sword skill.

The first sword was blocked, the second sword was dodged, the third sword obliquely slashed sparks on Taeshalach's blade, and the fourth sword's puncture pierced the fallen titan's heart like a superficial splash.

It almost perfectly followed the wound pierced by the idiot Fenner all the way down, and pierced from Aggramar's back with a puff.

"Confused, right?"

In the titan's mental world, the vision of the Thousand Tongue Demon let out a muffled laugh.

He said:

"Want to know what my void power is? My dear Aggramar, I can tell you that there is nothing to hide.

It's called 'A Thief's Truth' and it took me a long time to finish it, a tribute to my career as an Assassin, Pirate and Rogue.

The godheads of many Voidlords are called 'Truth', which is a very unrecognizable name in the Lightless Sea, but believe me, I am different from them.

The truths I have seen and come into contact with can be stolen by me and become my power, just like the mighty Taeshalach, you'd better not use those shocking titan skills in front of me.

This will only hurt you more.

If you want to win."

Bu Laike in the spiritual world pointed to the burning spiritual world under his feet with his tentacles, and he said seriously to Aggramar who finally opened his eyes in the spiritual world:

"You have to beat me here.

But unfortunately, look at your barren spiritual world with so much pain and so much despair, you must not see a psychiatrist at ordinary times, which makes your emotional garbage impossible to get rid of.

Lord Sargeras is really too stingy, as his general, don't you even have medical insurance?

He thought he would make you stronger by sharing his power over the demon with you.

But in reality, He just ruined you. "

The pirate sighed.

During the activities of the tens of thousands of tentacles, those painful and dark memories were absorbed by him little by little and fell on the tentacles, forming a burning black sword.

The blades of those strange mind swords pointed at Aggramar, reflecting every pain in his endless life.

The pirate whispered:

"I just saw devastation, in my field.

See, your heart is full of vicious weapons that I can use, and the beauty and happiness that you depend on to resist my evil attacks have long been buried with your own hands.

Sadly, the rules here are up to me.

If you are a man of more happiness than pain, Aggramar, I shall do all I can to hurt you.

If you're a monster shaped by despair, you're doomed.


Take a guess. "

The face of the abyss of Bu Laike posed an offensive posture in both the material world and the spiritual realm, and the two of them spoke in unison in the Shath Yar language like a whimper:

"Guess where your fate will belong."

(end of this chapter)

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