Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1730 98. If You Want To Break A Tough Bone, Listen To Me And Give Him Some Hope [Additional

Chapter 1730 98. If you want to break a tough bone, listen to me and give him some hope [addition 320]

Bu Laike took on the Fallen Titans on both the physical and psychic planes.

It wasn't that he intended to show off his skills, but after the stinky pirate thought carefully, he felt that only under such circumstances could he defeat Aggramar here.

Don't look at the two big moves "Truth Stealing" and "Broken Dreams" that the Scrap Pirates used one after another to make Aggramar extremely embarrassed, but he is also beating his heart up and down at this moment.

If the Fallen Titan can't be frightened and let him continue to fight and charge, it won't be long before the cool "New God of the Void" Silent One will run away with his head in his arms.

It is a "bluff" strategy for him to show his strength and provoke Aggramar in the spiritual world. Apart from satisfying the dark thoughts of the conspirators in his heart, he chooses such a strategy, and a large part of it is out of helplessness.

This can be seen from his current character template:

Name: [Demon of a Thousand Tongues/Silencer] Bu Laike·Xiao

Race: light-dark sensitive parasitic symbiont/human half-elf

Status (container): Body of a demigod [Void/Life·Double Force Enhancement]


Chaos Void God / Order Luna Chosen

Strength status:

Severely unbalanced [The faction is deflected to chaos, please complete the energy balance as soon as possible]

Divine state:

Void · Divinity Filled · Divinity Condensation / Life · Divinity Moderate · No Godhead

[Silencer] Godhead effect:

1. The truth of thieves: All the truths I see are for my use.

The Devil of Thousand Tongues devours the heart of the world of Argus, completes the mission of the ancient gods, is blessed by the lightless sea, and extends the [Assassin/Thief/Pirate] power path. The godhead effect is: simulate all attack effects on the user and Fight back.

This effect is triggered passively and consumes no mana or energy.

This effect has no cooling time, and multiple attack actions can be simulated at one time.

This effect is strengthened when responding to [Chaos] power attack, and the destructive power of the simulated counterattack is increased. In response to [Order] power attack, it is weakened, and the destructive power of the simulated counterattack is reduced.

This effect can currently simulate a counterattack up to [God].


The triggering of this effect requires the godhead owner to understand the enemy's attack principle, and it cannot be simulated when encountering an attack beyond the scope of truth that the user's wisdom can understand.

In addition, when the strength gap between the enemy and the enemy is too large, the destructive power of the simulated counterattack is reduced.

2. The endless nightmare of the king in black: All the dreams I feel are controlled by me.

The Demon of Thousand Tongues devours the heart of the world of Argus, completes the mission of the ancient gods, is blessed by the matte sea, and extends the [Warlock/Void Prophet/Truth Hunter] power path. Rip the mind.

This effect is an extension of the power of the ancient gods, and it can take effect when facing all enemies with mind, thinking and soul.

This effect is triggered actively, and it will take effect once the enemy and friend complete contact, ignoring any interference caused by time/space factors. The contact types include: touch, thinking perception, spiritual dialogue, eye contact, weapon collision, etc.

This effect will apply [Truth Confusion] effect to the enemy when the dream unfolds, weakening the enemy's perception of reality and falsehood.

The effect is that there is no upper limit to the number of dreams that can be programmed.

Any enemy shrouded in [Void Dreamland] will be washed by the tide of truth, weakening the will, tearing the mind and destroying the sanity. The longer the duration, the more obvious the mind damage effect.

This effect is strengthened when dealing with [Order] power, and has no strengthening effect when dealing with [Chaos] power.

The upper limit of the power that this effect can currently affect is [God].


This effect requires the first contact between the enemy and the enemy to take effect, and it cannot take effect on intangible objects.

"Although it's not impossible to use this thing for close combat."

Pretending that he has a great advantage, His Excellency Bu Laike maintained the lonely and dead image that a void god should have among the pure stars, while madly complaining in his heart:

"But no matter how you look at it, it is completely a legal template, especially when the godhead has broken through but the container is still only a demigod, using this power to fight Aggramar in close combat is completely courting death.

The body of a titan shaped by his planet can make countless mistakes, but I will be seriously injured if I make a mistake just once. The enemy breaker just now was really fierce.

If it wasn't for the fact that the ancient gods didn't have the bladder organ, I would have pissed on the spot. Fortunately, the dream was compiled for Aggramar from the beginning, and it is fortunate that this guy has endured so much pain and despair that his mind is riddled with holes.

Otherwise, if the blow hits, I will definitely die on the spot. "

The pirates are not underestimating themselves, this kind of growth to step into the god level has never been achieved overnight.

He needs some time.

But before that, he needed to get rid of Aggramar in front of him.

"I saw how Sargeras drained your arcane power and infused your shattered husk with fel energy."

The pirate's abyssal face moved its tentacles, stabbing black swords towards the fallen titan, each of which reflected Aggramar's dark memories.

Those days and nights after being captured by Sargeras, in the darkest place of the Twisting Nether, where the power of fel energy was born, He, who was once extremely pure, suffered exactly the same treatment as Argus.

He was also as desperate and exhausted as Argus, but there was no stinky pirate to help him when he was in pain, and he could only face that terrible pressure alone.

And at the moment when the pirates turned these memories into sharp swords and pierced them, the once heavy despair shackled and suppressed the fallen titan's mind, making his aura weak.

This is the battlefield of the mind.

Such a confrontation is full of swords and swords, but pure brute force cannot solve the problem.

The heaviness of those dark memories thrown by Bu Laike is enough to crush the ordinary mind in an instant, but the opposite is the soul of the universe, and it is very, very tenacious.

Faced with such oppression, Aggramar, who has always been silent and cold, replied in a low voice:

"That is necessary!

Those pains, those despairs, and those tortures were all for a great goal, and they were all to help Lord Sargeras purify and restart the stars.

The sea of ​​stars in this era is extremely fragile. It has been infected with an irremediable breath of compromise since its birth. It is so weak that it cannot face the erosion of the void.

You, a mortal born from the power of order, stepped into the temptation of the void step by step, and finally grew into a void god who walked the material stars, which has proved this point.

Your attacks are of no use to me! evil! "

After the words fell, the spiritual shackles formed by the dark blade thrown by Bu Laike shattered at the level of Aggramar's will, which meant that the fallen titan was not overwhelmed by those dark memories.

He doesn't think that those pains and despairs destroyed him, and he draws strength from those pasts for a noble purpose.

"Well, is that how you persuaded yourself? Using the brilliance of lofty goals to prop yourself up through the darkness, I have to say that Lord Sargeras is really cunning enough in shaping others.

As expected of a man whom I adore. "

Bu Laike the Quiet didn't mind the miss of the first attack.

He is full of confidence. As long as Aggramar does not intend to fight him to the death on the material battlefield, there will still be fights in this battle. The most important thing is that Aggramar accepts this rule

And the perfect response to the first wave of psychic attacks made him feel that he could win!

very good.

That's what pirates want to see.

"It seems that although your soul is conservative and suffering, it is still firm. There is no loophole for me to take advantage of. The first time I used my power, I met a determined person who pursued greatness.

Your mission and desire are far enough, and you have an excellent example like Sargeras to guide your path, which is enough to give you enough strength to break through all temptations and misleading.

What a let down. "

The abyssal face of Bo Laike shook his head, and in the face of chaos under the black hood gleams the flickering of the Eye of Truth.

But in the next moment, he changed the topic, and with his tentacles, he picked up the dark ink-like memory, and it rained down on Aggramar's heart.

He said:

"You can bear it all, you accept it all, you think Sargeras' ideas are correct, because you see the weakness of all beings.

To be honest, I also agree with this conclusion, but unfortunately, there are many, many people out there who do not agree with your conclusion.

Like your brothers and sisters.

You guard Argus, and despite your indifference, you know all too well the torment your titan brethren endured in the Demon Throne.

Listen, those howls, those cries for help, those scoldings, come from your dearest and most trusted brothers.

Aggramar! Have you betrayed us?

Aggramar, why are you just watching?

Go stop him. "

The Silent One imitated the howls of the titan souls in Aggramar's memory with his vivid voice. He stared at the steadfast Aggramar and said:

"You are a Titan shaped by the stars. You can't do the kind of thing that forces your brothers to give up their minds for your own will. I know that the souls of the Titans were captured by Sargeras, and he was the one who ordered them to be corrupted.

These things have nothing to do with you.

You chose to stand by and watch, but the screams of your brothers still left you with so many dark memories, and Sargeras did not erase your memories.

You still remember the good times when the Pantheon planted seeds in the sea of ​​stars for the order of the stars countless epochs ago.

All this is so ironic in comparison.

Look at these tortures again, listen to these pains again, can you still tell me as confidently as before that all these forced sufferings are necessary? "

The dark memories thrown by Laike are mixed with some beautiful fragments. As he said, the current disintegration and brother-in-law confrontation with the previous picture of everyone working together formed a sharp contrast before Aggramar's eyes.

Those soul shackles wound up bit by bit, allowing Aggramar's soul to be bound again, but those chains were also breaking down quickly.

The fallen titan said nothing.

He is convincing himself, he is fighting.

His heart was shaken a little bit, and it was still a long way from collapse, but there was a terrifying smile on the pirate's abyss face.

He was not afraid of tough opponents, only afraid that Aggramar was really ruthless.

There are cracks in everything, and that's where the darkness seeps in. Now, he has found the crack in Aggramar's heart, which means that the strong fortress in front of him is about to collapse.

"I know, that's how you persuade yourself. You feel that this is the same as your original experience, and you expect your brothers to 'recover from their mistakes' and join Sargeras' cause.

Join a cause that you think is right. "

The Demon of Thousand Tongues slowed down, and he continued to pick up more memories from Aggramar's scorching spiritual world and turned them into sharp swords and threw them at the Titan's soul.

He said:

"But no! They are stronger than you, and they survived until the moment we came to rescue them, which seems to prove in reverse that you are weaker than your brothers.

O my Aggramar, no one knows you better than I.

Even if you are the Destroyer at this time, even if you were once the Fearless, you have always kept a benevolent heart under all the cruel actions.

You don't have to explain much, I see all your presence.

I could name many names to back up my conclusion.

The birth of the world of Dellano, the affectionate and earnest persuasion to Sargeras during the battle of Nairan, as well as Bu Rocks Saurfang, Odin, Finna Golden Sword, Varian Wrynn.

Every name represents a merciful act of yours.

These "fishing" behaviors that do not comply with Sargeras' dark instructions seem to prove that while you are determined to wash away these "weak creatures" in the stars, you are also expecting the stars who were sentenced to death by Sargeras to do a little "miracle" '.

Although there is only a tiny bit of such expectation, it also proves that you are not hopeless, and that you are not as determined as you think.

Even though you've fallen into darkness, sharing the power of fel with the Dark Titan, deep down in your soul, you still have a little doubt about Sargeras' ambitions.

come on.

I'm going to show you something, don't be afraid, they won't hurt you, they'll just reveal to you this endlessly hard truth"

The pirate strode forward in the spiritual world with the face of the abyss, and let himself come to the fallen titan who was already bound by chains. He did not launch a stupid attack, but unfolded his thinking and mind in front of Aggramar.

The memories scattered like stars bloomed in front of the fallen titan, and Laike didn't hold back at all, and showed all his memories about Denathrius in front of the titan.

He whispered:

"In this spiritual world, your memories cannot be hidden from me, but on the other hand, my spiritual world is also completely open to you.

Stepping into the memories of a Void God without permission is a dangerous act, and it will lead you to face the lightless sea forever.

But it doesn't matter, I am willing to make an exception for you.

I allow you to view my memory.

Come on, you're welcome, and see the truth in my head, about Sargeras, about the Burning Legion, about the beginning of the age of chaos in the Force.

You are capable enough to judge whether the truths I have shown you are true or not.

Don't think I'm one of those third-rate liars who only make bait with lies, no, no, no, after I become a real pirate, I will stop playing those dirty tricks.

I make good use of facts to weave hope, and then use hope as bait to lure prey.

I am so honest.

Not too honest to be a bad guy, not a Void God known for its cunning and chaos, right? As I said before, I am different from all the Void Lords you have encountered.

I'm not on the same level as those bastards, so don't use the word 'bad guy' to humiliate me. "

Bu Laike's abyss swayed, throwing out strands of his own memories.

He said to Aggramar:

"Don't be restrained, Aggramar.

Come on, open your eyes and see the truth. There is no need to worry about losing the determination to Sargeras' great cause after seeing the truth, let alone losing self.

If you think you hold the truth, then you should show it openly and collide with what I think is the truth.

Truth is never afraid to be questioned!

If you must cover it up, it can only prove that you have no confidence in Sargeras' great cause, it can only prove that you don't think you are walking on the right path, it can only prove that you Everything you do is helping the evil!

That can only prove that you have denied yourself!


you lose.

No matter which choice you make, you have already lost. My victory was never to pierce your heart, never to tear your being apart.

I can't do that, I admit it.

But when you wake up from a terrible nightmare."

The pirate let out a light laugh, like the wind when the tide of the sunless sea surges, and he said in the ear of the fallen titan:

"Sargeras would lose his dark brother, and I would gain a kindred spirit. I will not kill you, Aggramar, in fact I will invite you to join me in something you will never expect .

If Lord Sargeras can persuade you to do the work of darkness, I think it should be easier for me to persuade you to do the work of salvation.


Come on, throw in the towel.

Let's find a way together to save Sargeras.

There is still time, there is still opportunity.

But if you drag it on, it may not be saved. "

(end of this chapter)

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