Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1731 99. The Number One Black Fan Among The Stars, Die! 【Add More 4/20】

Chapter 1731 99. The number one black fan among the stars, die! [Add more 420]

If possible, Bu Laike also hopes that he can throw two cool supernatural powers and easily kill Aggramar in the broken star ring formed after the collapse of the Antoran wasteland.

Unfortunately he couldn't.

Because the breakthrough growth of the soul or the level of existence cannot replace the strengthening of the container itself.

Especially when he had just finished devouring the Heart of the World, it was too late to strengthen his body and expand his container with the aid of the scour of the Lightless Sea.

Under this group of stars, the title "God" has always represented a comprehensive concept. For example, the souls of the Titans in the Pantheon could not stop Aggramar when they lacked entities.

Bu Laike's situation at this time is much better than them.

But compared with the fallen Titan in front of him, he is still at a disadvantage, but fortunately, Bu Laike is very good at deceiving, and he has found a way to defeat a strong enemy in a disadvantage.

The temporary truce on the material battlefield and the confrontation of the soul are in the hands of the cunning "quiet".

As soon as the spiritual war started, Aggramar quickly fell into an absolute disadvantage.

In fact, even without the powers bestowed on Bu Laike by the Discipline of the Quiet One, the pirate felt that if Aggramar would listen to him, he would have a good chance of convincing Sargeras' number one thug to turn against him.

It's just that there was no such condition before.

Look at the scene when Aggramar appeared on the stage before. He didn't give Laike a chance to speak at all. If he didn't listen, no matter how powerful the tongue of the Demon of Thousand Tongues was, he couldn't shake his heart.

From this point of view, the birth of the Silent God gave Braike the power to infinitely magnify his own advantages. Whether it is the truth of thieves or the endless nightmare of the king in black, they all belong to the kind of "forced effect" prestige.

This allowed the pirates to completely avoid the possibility that their dark temptation would fail.

The godhead that can only be born after absorbing divine power, shaping divinity to the end, and completing a life-level breakthrough is always the most suitable "absolute power" for oneself.

That represents the "art of combat" at the star level that maximizes the advantages of individual existence.

In this shattered starry sky, Laike quietly pulled away the black-clothed nightmare he had woven, and looked at Aggramar standing in front of him holding a sword among the stars with his eyes of truth.

The latter's waist and abdomen still had the scars left by Taeshalach's puncture, but with the tenacity of a titan's body, the thing had already begun to heal.

That was fatal!

The stellar tenacity and self-healing of these titans is simply unbelievable.

It is estimated that only the unparalleled massacre launched by Lord Sargeras in the Pantheon back then, the kind of brutal power that tore everything apart in an instant, could completely destroy the body of the Titan.

The fact that the body of the titan that Aggramar still possesses is broken but still intact also proves that even the power of Lord Sargeras cannot completely destroy the "top container" of the titan that was bred by the planet.


This kind of thing is not to be envied.

Laike the Silent withdrew his gaze with a sour mood. He didn't know how much force it would take to strengthen his body to the level of a Titan's body, and it was estimated that he would never be able to reach it.

Unless he abandons himself for a naturally powerful container.

"It's a pity."

Laike looked back at the world of Argus that had been completely torn apart in the battle between him and Aggramar. This doomsday world, which was heavily polluted by fel energy, should have given birth to a titan suitable for Argus the Unmaker.

The reason why Sargeras wanted to pollute the world with fel energy was to make Argus born with the body of a fel titan, which would make Argus' combat power surpass that of the transformed Aggramar.

But unfortunately, as Braike shattered the crust of the entire world of Argus, and as Argus, the soul of the world, was sent into the lightless sea, all the power possessed by the wreckage of the stars was used to help Braike After completing the shaping of the godhead, it has no chance to give birth to a titan body.

This means that the story belonging to Argus has completely ended in this group of stars, and only a few words can be heard from the stories recorded by the Draenei about their hometown.

For a planet that should be great and bright, this is an out-and-out tragedy, but conversely speaking, being born in such a turbulent era is a tragedy for all star souls.

Unless, Sargeras, who is committed to cleaning the stars with destruction, can find his way back.

To be honest, this job is too difficult.

It's so difficult that Bo Laike, who is now very close to the concept of "omnipotence", feels tricky. Fortunately, the pirates already have several helpers.

"So, Aggramar, my dear friend, what is your answer?"

The Demon of Thousand Tongues maintained his appearance of the abyss born from the void, moved his tentacles above the suspended stones among the stars, and asked Aggramar, who had no more fighting intentions in front of him.

The latter raised his head, and the one burning eye looked at him.

The eyes were full of doubts, but the memory of Denathrius and the "Endless Age" that Laike had shown on his own initiative just now was enough to wake up Aggramar.


If even Sargeras' fall was an arranged conspiracy, then all his self-persuasion and persistence would have become meaningless, and this logical chain is completely reasonable.

In the tens of thousands of years since the birth of the Burning Legion, in order to cleanse the void infection and eradicate the scourge of corruption, the deaths caused by the horrific massacres among the stars are definitely a terrible astronomical figure.

The result of such death pouring into the shadow world is the uncontrolled expansion of the death force.

Life and death need to maintain a balance. The Burning Crusade also seriously interfered with the seeding and regeneration of the stars in the Life Realm. The speed at which new life is born in this devastated group of stars is definitely not as fast as the speed of demons' mad slaughter and destruction.

The six original forces are about to lose balance!

The arcane force, which values ​​order the most, has become extremely weak after the cannibalism. The cunning Void has already expected all this, and the Void Lords are also ambitiously planning to take advantage of the chaos after death breaks the balance.

Life has been suppressed by death, but Holy Light is the most active.

But it cannot stand alone.

There is a mastermind behind all this.

Aggramar was carrying Taeshalach, and he looked up at the surrounding stars at this moment. The boring and dead stars in the past now reflected a terrifying and strange future in his eyes.

This fearless and determined warrior felt that pale powerlessness for a moment.

A big mistake has been made!

No matter how sharp and powerful the Tassalach in His hand is, it cannot rely on the blade to cut off this death nightmare that is about to become a reality. The most tragic thing is that it was caused by Him and Sargeras.

Although the main responsibility did lie with Sargeras, he was also an accomplice.

"I don't ask you how to do it, I just ask you, are you sure?"

Aggramar said something in a low voice.

At the moment when the illusion of the "perfect future" that Sargeras promised him was shattered, the voice of the fallen titan was filled with unspeakable fatigue.

He asked a question, and the abyss god made a "shrug" movement with his twisted and weird figure, and he said:

"Who dares to guarantee you 100% for this kind of thing? I can only say that I will try my best to do it, and I need your help...or sacrifice, whatever you want to call it.

But the truth is, I need you to die by my hands.

It's brutal.

But you should realize that this ending is necessary. "

"I've never been afraid of death."

Aggramar looked at Taeshalak in his hand, and he said with a sense of loss:

"Perhaps, I died countless epochs ago, and what exists here is only a dark reverberation named 'Agramar', a freak sewn together with fel energy.


Silent ones, you need to realize one thing.

I must warn you!

Once you execute me here and send me to the world of the dead, it means that the ruins of the Pantheon will never be opened again.

It was us seven titans who shaped the Pantheon, the source of the arcane power among the stars, now that Sargeras has abandoned it, if I disappear, the remaining brothers and sisters alone will not have enough power turn it on. "

The fallen titan stares at Boo Laike.

He said very seriously:

"I must tell you that only by opening the ruins of the Pantheon and mobilizing the purest arcane force can it be possible to seal Sargeras. That is the only way you can deal with him among the material stars.

You know Sargeras is strong.

But with all due respect, you still don't know anything about the power of the Dark Titan! "

"Actually, I can imagine."

Bo Laike let out a low, hoarse laugh from under his black void hood, and he said in a sobbing and slurred tone:

"The power of a Xeon Titan who can resist the majesty of the Lord of the Void and the Lightless Sea at the border of the material world by himself, and oppresses the eternal ones must rely on intrigue to achieve success, has already surpassed my poor imagination force.

I even suspect that He has surpassed the concept of "God" and has become a "rule" of this material star. The authority of other original forces is shared, and only the most destructive evil energy is exclusive to him.

And the original force is still maintaining a balance, which means that he who masters the evil energy and the original force is on the balance of power, and one person is worth all the remaining titans.

Or all the Eternals of the Dead World, or all the Voidlords of the Aphotic Sea.

He is so powerful that he can only be sealed, but cannot be defeated, let alone killed. What kind of mighty power should that be? Tsk tsk, it's scary to think about it. "

"So, knowing this, you're still going to do it?"

Aggramar asked.

Bu Laike nodded without any hesitation this time, and he said to Aggramar as frankly as before:

"I don't think sealing Sargeras is a good choice. Without him, the violent and boundless fel force will lose control in an instant. Without him, the ambitious void will no longer be unstoppable.

the most important is"

The seven eyes of truth under the pirate's chaotic face shone with continuous red light, and he said softly:

"I need him to stay free, even if it starts a war we can't win, but that's life, you want some, you have to lose some.

In short, in the face of your doubts, I will tell you.

I am willing to take risks.

How about you? "

The fallen titan nodded, stroked the broken Taeshalach sword in his hand one last time, then closed his eyes and threw it at Bu Laike amidst the buzzing of the war sword.

The flaming Broken Blade extinguished the moment it left Aggramar's fingers and turned back into an ordinary Titan Broken Blade, and Aggramar turned around, half-kneeling among the stars in a gesture of begging for forgiveness.

He confessed to Argus, who was rapidly falling apart, and the worlds and lives that had been destroyed by him and the Burning Legion.

He is not just repenting.

He will use his own death and his actions after death to wash away his shame and the big mistakes made by ignorance. His story is not over yet.

Bu Laike assured Him.

He will have a chance to pay for all sins and fulfill a greater duty of defense.

Bu Laike manipulated the huge boulder under his feet to float towards Aggramar. He used his thickest tentacles to drag the icy Taeshalach sword, like a dark monster about to execute a Titan, and dragged the only one that could destroy the Titan. The holy blade of the body is raised.

"Say goodbye to my brothers and sisters for me."

Aggramar maintained his posture of going to death, and whispered:

"Convey my apologies to them for me. If there is a chance in the future, I will make up for those tens of thousands of years of idling by. I am willing to give everything for it."

"Well, I will tell them verbatim."

Bu Laike agreed, and Taeshalach fell with a bang.

But at the moment when the pirate was about to complete his execution, he and Aggramar got up at the same time, the steps of the fallen titan casting the titan appeared in front of Laike, and the silent one flashed behind Aggramar for a moment.

The strange gaze that suddenly appeared made the souls of the two stars tremble.

It was the indifferent gaze from the border of the stars, and it was from the "culprit" they were talking about just now, that is Sargeras!

Invincible Dark Titan!

"no, do not want!"

Aggramar held up Taeshalach, which was stuffed into his hand by Braike, and tried to stop Sargeras' next move with the burning blade, but unfortunately, the power of the Dark Titan was as invincible as he had described. match.

A crimson flaming greatsword appeared in front of Aggramar with the reflection of the stars tearing through the space, piercing through the Fallen Titan with a ruthless gesture, and at the same time, it took Laike the Silent who was hiding in the shadow of Aggramar together. Hole through.

Facing this sword, Bu Laike didn't dodge at all.

Because it is impossible to escape!

The moment the dark titan's gaze appeared, his existence and aura had been locked, no matter where he fled, the sword would stab him.

The simulated counterattack of the Godhead of the Silent was not activated, because the power of this sword belonged to the "truth that can be seen but cannot be understood" in the description of the godhead.


Bu Laike felt the pain, and Aggramar was drained of all power.

His fel powers bestowed by Sargeras were completely withdrawn, and the Dark Titan left only one sentence for these two guys who were strung together like candied haws.

"Traitor! Die!"


The phantom of the starry sky with the burning long sword shattered, and Aggramar fell powerlessly among the stars. He threw the sword in his hand to Bu Laike with his last strength.

The face of the abyss has been completely shattered, and the pirate who has entered the unprecedented weakness and call of death uses his last strength to grab the cold broken blade and stab Aggramar's head hard.

He must be the loyal servant of Emperor Denathrius to complete the final fatal blow to ensure that Aggramar's cosmic soul is sent to the shadow world, otherwise he, who has been bound by fel energy, will only return to the depths of the twisting void to be reborn .

"Cough cough. Whatever he asks you to do after passing by. Just do whatever you want."

The pirate exhorted with difficulty:

"Wait for me. Wait for me. Don't. Don't act recklessly. Don't trust. Anyone."

"You are about to be swallowed by the void."

Aggramar's cosmic soul felt the double pull of fel energy and death, and the tearing of the force almost tore him apart, but he still looked towards Laike, who was in worse condition than himself, despite the extreme pain.

He said:

"You will return your soul to the Lightless Sea. Elune's light cannot reach this place, and she can't help you. Do you have any plans?"

"Ahem. Who do you look down on?"

The pirate complained weakly:

"Regardless of any situation, pirates are always prepared to come to the Dark Sea, right? I have already left a backup in the material world.

Oh, I'm not afraid of your jokes

I originally planned to reverse a fate, but now I rescued her, but I got stuck in it. Ahem, I made a mistake that all prophets would make.

I have blasphemed fate, and fate is punishing me.

But Lord Sargeras is too careless."

Watching Aggramar's soul disappear among the stars and being drawn by the blood-red light, the pirate finally closed his eyes. He cursed at the last moment:

"It's a pity that I still admire you so much! Sargeras! I spread your name to everyone and regard you as an idol all the time! Is this how you bastard treats your number one fan?

I want to sue you!


Don't let me take a chance."

(end of this chapter)

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