Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1732 100. Lend You A Ray Of Light, Let Me Witness Eternity [Additional 5/20]

Chapter 1732 100. Lend you a ray of light, let me witness eternity [additional 520]

The process of running towards death is always wonderful and painful.

But this thing is different for everyone. The pirates also chatted with the death knights about the scene of death in their spare time.

Each of them has a different description of death, but one thing is the same, that is, death is cold, not as enthusiastic as some madmen claim.

As for the pirate, his process of going to death is definitely different from most of the lives in these stars.

Because even if Sargeras slashed him with a sword and caused irreversible near-death injuries, he was not knocked by death, and even the Kyrian angel did not appear.

Because the place he is going to is not the world on the other side, but the sea of ​​lightlessness.

That is the final destination of all void creatures. As Braike Shaw, who has just become a void god, it is definitely a place ten thousand times better than the world on the other side.

Based on his contributions to the Lightless Sea, he is at least a legend in the void world when he goes there! After all, no one had accomplished the feat of sending a titan's soul to the Field of Truth before Braike.

Well, the one that was closest to success was the unlucky Old God who was "accidentally" discovered by Lord Sargeras in a series of conspiracies and schemes that devoured the star soul.

That poor guy was cut in two by Mr. Sa in anger, not to mention devouring the heart of the world, even a whole Void Soul couldn't return to the sea of ​​​​lightless.

And we still don't know the name or nickname of the unlucky ghost who was knocked down into the abyss when he was only one step away from success.

Perhaps because of this unprecedented feat, and with a high probability that there will be no future ones, the Void is extraordinarily generous to Bu Laike, and the Lightless Sea even blows a big tide to welcome Bu Laike back to his "hometown".

"Oh, I will never be a partner of justice again."

At the last moment of his life, Bu Laike, who felt the call of the void, raised his head that had been cut into eight by Sargeras with difficulty, and looked at the chaotic stars.

Lying in the wreckage of the world of Argus undergoing its final shattering, he bid farewell to Lady Elune who had been covering him.

He already felt that Sargeras's sword had completely shattered his moonlight divinity, and the Void Godhead had been shaped. Although that thing could be destroyed, Sargeras was not in front of his eyes after all.

This kind of sword piercing across a group of stars is not enough to shatter the godhead of the void god.

But this is not a good thing.

As a result of the pirate's Luna divine power flying away like a leaking balloon, his power camp began to slide rapidly into chaos, and the call from the lightless sea accelerated this process.

Bu Laike is very clear that once he enters the sea of ​​no light, it means that all the power of order in him will be emptied.

Permanently empty.

When he digs his way into the lightless sea of ​​truth, it means that he will be permanently locked in the chaotic camp, and will become a complete neurotic lunatic.

He could no longer feel the warmth and tolerance of Ms. Elune.

He could no longer enjoy the comfort of the moonlight.

"I actually like you quite a bit, my dear Luna.

Originally, I couldn’t say these words, but considering that I’m about to die, and there’s a high probability that we won’t be friends anymore, so please forgive me for the next offense. "

Bo Laike was lying on the ruins of the world. He felt sleepy, and while yawning, he said to Madam Elune:

"Although I have never seen your face, I can tell from Tyrande, Maiev, and my appearance that you, who are so partial to handsome men and beautiful women, must be the top beauty among the stars.

It's a pity, I was planning to find a way to see you before I died.

Uh, please believe that I am definitely just here to satisfy pure curiosity, and I don't have any extraordinary thoughts about you. After all, a wild goddess who likes to do things with my pet is really beyond my tolerance limit.

I'm a dirty, nasty pirate, yes, but I've got some boundaries, and I didn't ask Theasalie and I to turn into bears or deer when posting.

I can't accept that wild XP.

Honestly, I think you should see a doctor. "

The pirate was talking nonsense.

Although there is no moonlight to shine on Argus, and Elune's power cannot be displayed here, he believes that Ms. Elune will definitely hear his last words now.

According to Laike's always cautious character, he shouldn't say these things that will definitely make Ms. Elune furious, but as the pirate said just now, his current situation is hopeless.

He sent away Maiev and Tyrande, the only ones who could save him, which meant that no one could balance the divine power of order for him. Well that is also an irreconcilable enemy.

So the pirates also went all out.

He wanted to be cool before he died.

So while exercising his tentacles jumping around like a paralyzed dead snake, while resisting the sleepiness caused by the void call, he babbled to the big sister who had always paid attention to him, "What is in my heart?" ".

He said:

"But apart from the weirdness of XP, you are actually one of the few 'perfect gods' in this chaotic world. You are very fraternal to all believers. Of course, your preference for elves is a personal behavior.

Generally speaking, you are a very fair leader of the Force. Well, although I don’t know how many gods there are in your ‘Pantheon of Life’, I guess there shouldn’t be too many.

After all, the force of life has given part of the authority to Eonar.

This has already fully demonstrated that the field of life is actually in a state of incompleteness. Maybe there is only you as a god, and it is no wonder that you are so lonely and unbearable.

Alas, they are all miserable people.

But you really should review your immature use of power."

While talking, Bu Laike started to complain again.

He closed his eyes of truth and complained to Elune:

"Working under your command is a very cool thing. If possible, I really want to treat you as my only Bai Fumei boss, but unfortunately the Moon Night God of War you created is really an immature system.

Among such a large group of stars, I haven't seen anyone who can accept the power of the Moon Night God of War and live to the end of his life. I don't have the confidence to let me come. didn't think much about it

You only want to turn your most powerful black moon power into the wrath of the moon god and give it to your followers to punish those villains who destroy lives, but you don't consider that the mortal God's Chosen can't bear your overly generous favor.

I don't know why you haven't improved this power after so long.

This makes me really worried about Maiev's future. For the sake of what I have done for you, I should take some time to 'play' with Goldrin and improve the power system of Moon Night God of War. .

Oh, by the way, about Maiev."

The pirates told the moon god as if they were going to tell their funeral:

"I left my Drake in the material world as the backup of my will and the carrier of my godhead projection. After I go to the lightless sea and settle down, I will find a way to activate it.

From now on, that guy will be with Maiev for a long time. I hope you can be more tolerant towards that void creature Drake, just for my sake, okay?

Also, I killed Aggramar, the ruins of the Pantheon cannot be opened, and those ridiculous and naive titan souls don't want to seal Sargeras once and for all.

The consequence of their effort to save trouble is that the entire stars will enter the most turbulent era.

Even you may perish in such a turbulent era, so, without my ace employee to escort you in the future, you should be more careful when doing things.

You also saw how I pulled Aggramar out of its dark fate, and you saw for yourself the terrifying ability to bewitch the creatures of the void.

I wish I could warn you.

After all, if there is no accident in the future, Void Truth will definitely send me to 'seduce' you. What I mean is, before I go out in person, you'd better become more mature.

Don't be fooled by me in a few words and take away all your property and become a homeless person in the Xinghai.

I will be very distressed. "

The pirate curled his lips and said:

"In my opinion, you are not very smart. Void and Death are trying their best to use me. They promise benefits to dig holes for me, and just like this, they still want to prevent me from causing trouble.

and you?

You actually chose the stupid 'developing game' from the very beginning, playing heart-to-heart with me

Alas, that is to say, I have always had a good impression of you. If I had been malicious at the time, the news of the Luna's fall would have spread throughout the stars by now.

But that's not really a big deal.

If you hadn't treated me sincerely, I wouldn't have told you so much when I was about to die. Also, that annoying sister of yours, the Winter Queen who has no idea what strange relationship she has with you

You don't have to worry about her anymore.

After I find a way to go to the Shadow Realm, I will help you teach her a good lesson, and I will definitely make the proud Iceberg Queen kneel down in front of you and beg you to put her on a dog leash.

I swear.

This will be my last piece of loyal service to His Majesty the Moon God. In view of the fact that we have worked together happily before and that you spend a lot of money, I will not ask you for a reward.

Well, the Aphotic Sea is calling me.

The Voidlords are welcoming me, my dear Lord Argus is calling fervently, and I cannot delay.

It's time for me to go."

"Bo Laike!!!"

Just at the moment when the Void Soul was about to escape from the broken abyss, a call from a higher place made the pirate instantly open his eyes.

There was a loud "boom".

A tentacle with a cold murderous intent, like a black spear, pierced into the starry sky with the last hideousness of the pirates, tearing up Argus's shattered star core, and instantly tore the flying demon spaceship to pieces.

In the screams of horror, the bodies of several triumphant dreadlords were instantly shattered, and their souls wanted to escape, but were captured by pirates and pulled to their shattered bodies.

He stared at the trembling Nathrezim in front of him with his eight-petalled Eye of Truth.

He said:

"Did Denathius tell you that this is a journey of no return? Hush, don't beg for mercy, don't be so humble, you have set foot on this road, right?

Then don't blame me for being cruel. "

The next moment, amidst the screams of the dreadlord, the pirate flicked his tentacles, and several souls were thrown into the lightless sea that had opened above his soul.

Bu Laike said softly to the rolling tide:

"Tie them to the reefs of the Lightless Sea, and every day at sunrise, tear the souls of these dogs into ten thousand pieces! Knead them again at sunset every day.

Strengthen their soul touch a hundred times!

Let them taste the pain of every tide cutting the soul.

I want them to suffer forever until the lightless sea dries up, I want them to suffer despair until the material world collapses, and I want them to live a life of death until the restart of the next star sea era. "

"No, we are loyal servants serving the emperor! You have no power"

Those guys also tried to resist.

But in the next moment amidst the weird laughter of the Void Lords, they were thrown into a desperate fate.


What kind of dog is that?

In the realms of the Void you invoke the refuge of a Death Eternal? Well, you are probably the kind of idiots who take the initiative to fight in the legend, right?

"Cloth Laike"

Maiev's figure wrapped in moonlight fell from the flames of the starship explosion, and when he tried to get close, he was blocked by broken tentacles. Bu Laike accelerated and returned to the lightless sea, saying:

"Don't come here! Otherwise I'll divorce you. Seriously! Don't think I'm joking, Maiev Shadowsong, your stubbornness really pissed me off."

"We talked before! Boo Laike!"

Maiev, protected by the black moon, shouted in the void:

"You promised that you would not hurt yourself to protect me, you swore to me! You swore to Moonlight!"

"Sorry, I just terminated the labor contract with Ms. Elune, and her oath can no longer control me."

Bu Laike's soul floated into the air, and in the tumbling tide of truth, he sighed and said:

"Go back, cherish the life I sacrificed myself for you, I will stay by your side in another attitude, I promise, we will not be separated.

I know you are ready to face your fate.

But I'm sorry, I lied to you, I have never been ready for that, I don't want the person I love to run in the endless night because of my stubbornness.

I don't even want to see you being used as a pawn by those conspirators because of me. You know, once you go to the Shadowlands, you can never come back.

Maiev, that's too tragic an ending for you, you're not a Mawwalker. I don't want you to bid farewell to this beautiful planet of matter just because of me.

That is not your destiny.

Let's go back.

The circle of our destiny unraveled. "

"I will forget you."

Maiev fell to her knees clutching her heart, she screamed:

"You idiot! I can't bear the power of your void god at all. The tide of the lightless sea will wash away my memories of you. We will forget you little by little. In the end, only Xalatath will accompany you." at your side.

The place you're going will turn you and the gods I believe in into complete enemies, and one day I'll have to raise my arms against you, and then I'll be foolish enough to wave at you as a stranger sharp edge.

Do not!

I don't want this ending.

Cloth Laike.

You come back to me! "

"If you want to convince me, you have to give me some more reasons to make me change my mind."

The pirate spirit waved farewell in the air, and he cried:

"Don't worry, cutie, I'll find a way to make you fall in love with me again, it's romantic, isn't it? Go back to the warm sunshine that I won for you, and enjoy that wonderful world. "

"Bo Laike! That question!"

Maiev took off her helmet and screamed:

"The question you asked me...why I spent 10,000 years and couldn't really become the Moon Night God of War? I haven't told you the answer. Do you want to hear it?"

"Say it."

The pirate, suspended at the border between the material world and the lightless sea, folded his arms and said:

"It wouldn't be a bad thing to hear an answer I've been curious about before falling into complete chaos."

"I give my faith to Elune, and I hold nothing back."

Maiev stood up, wiped her tears and begged for a hug from Laike, she sobbed and said:

"But my heart has already been given to you. I can't wholeheartedly make myself the dark warrior of Elune. I don't want a perfect Maiev Shadowsong life, because there is no trace of you in that life.

I didn't live to be perfect!

I have been waiting for you!

I have waited for you for ten thousand years not to say goodbye to you at this time, you come back to me, how could our story end so hastily before it even started.

Give me a chance to fall in love with you.

I beg you.


I am not afraid to leave this world, a world without you is not worthy of my protection, I want to go to the end with you. At the end of this story, I hope you are still by my side.

Even if the price is death


Otherwise, I will detonate my moon god power and die in front of your eyes! Don't push me, Boo Laike, you know what crazy things a crazy woman can do"


The Void Soul of the pirate floating at the entrance of the Sunless Sea pursed his lips, and he glanced back at the villainous world that was welcoming him with open arms.

He sighed, waved his hand over there, and said helplessly:

"Guys, I'm not spoiling the fun, but as you can see, something happened to my house and I have to go back, so... thank you for the welcome ceremony.

Let's do it next time, okay? "

(end of this chapter)

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