Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1733 101. What You Complained About Your Boss Just Now Was Heard By Bai Fumei's Boss 【6

Chapter 1733 101. Boss Bai Fumei heard what you said about your boss just now [620]

"woo woo woo"

Maiev, who has always shown indifference, saw Braike's huge, thick, almost substantial spiritual body falling in front of her eyes, and those tentacles blocking the way fell one by one, she was like a little girl being bullied Crying and rushing forward.

Bu Laike's spirit stretched out his hand to hold Maiev in his arms, stroked her hair helplessly and touched, and said in a low voice:

"Who bullied you, little girl? Why are you crying so badly?"

"Woooo, you stinky man, you dare to torture me like this. My powerful husband will be here in a while, you'd better run away."

Maiev tried to bite Bu Laike hard on the ear, but the spirit body in front of her made her unable to speak, so she could only retreat and stare at him fiercely with her glowing red eyes.

Bu Laike tilted his head and glanced at the entrance of the Lightless Sea that was slowly closing behind him, thinking that these Void Lords are really easy to talk to, probably because they are greedy for their ability to work.

Ha, sure enough, valuable people can get preferential treatment everywhere.

The pirate curled his lips and looked back at Maiev. He pushed the crying Maiev away with a cold face, folded his arms and said to Ms. Shadowsong who was sobbing with her head bowed:

"You! You are not good! You are not good at all!"

"I am willing to accept punishment."

Maiev, who is full of at least twice the limit of the power of the moon god, can easily tear down a city in a few minutes, whispers like a small doormat with unprecedented meekness:

"Before I voluntarily die for my love."

"Huh? Accept punishment? That's what you said."

Bu Laike sneered like a villain, his spirit body waved his fingers lightly, and a few tentacles that could move climbed up Maiev's ankle like a snake.

It could be seen that Ms. Yingge didn't like this tone very much, but she was surprisingly quiet and didn't resist, but closed her dark eyes in the state of Moon Night God of War.

Even as Bo Laike's tentacles ripped her armor off her body, she fought back the discomfort.

As she prepared for that damned punishment, the pirate shrugged and snapped his fingers to let the last few tentacles fall off like dead snakes and fall to the ground.

At this point, the pirate's abyss is completely broken

Of course, this thing has been finalized, which means that he only needs to return to the human form and cultivate for a period of time before he can reshape it. Just this time, he will try the "Void Beauty Technique" he learned from the double-world walker.

But the problem is that the pirate's moon god's divine power has been dried up, and he can't rely on the weak order divine power to transform himself back into a human form.

"Oh, I just can't bear it."

The spirit body of the pirate stepped forward and lifted Maiev's exquisite chin with his hand. He looked at Maiev's dark eyes tenderly, and leaned over to kiss her.

Maiev responded fiercely.

Never been so passionate, never so intense, as if to unleash all the passion of my death and eternity at once.

Unfortunately, she didn't come at the right time.

Laike couldn't be more intimate with her now that he was in such a ghostly state, and the pirate didn't want to humiliate the ten thousand year old girl in front of him with the damn tentacles Play.

Maiev just said what she had been hiding for ten thousand years.

She puts Bo Laike before her own beliefs, which is a terrible blasphemy for a chosen one, a more terrible rebellion than atheism.

This also made the pirates once again feel the tolerance and greatness of Ms. Elune.

Such a blasphemy god's choice has been kept for ten thousand years. If it were placed in the hands of other powerful people, Maiev would have been crushed long ago, the kind that would not even be able to free his soul.

"I can't control it anymore."

After a few minutes of passionate kissing, Maiev hugged the spirit body of the crumb pirate in front of her tightly, she trembled and whispered:

"There is no moonlight shrouding here, the moon mark that Elune gave me is about to expire, I must give you the power of my moon god immediately

come on.

It's now. "

"But I'm not ready yet."

Bu Laike kissed Maiev's smooth forehead, and he whispered:

"I will never be able to prepare for this kind of thing, you heard me just now, once you choose this path, you will die completely in the physical world.

You are not Abyss Walker.

You can't use the strange items left by the Firstborn to travel to and from the realm of the dead, which means that once you go there, you will never return to Azeroth and the stars.

Maiev, look me in the eye! "

Lady Shadowsong looked up at her lover with her dark eyes, and Laike stared into those eyes trying to find some other emotion in them.

He swore that as long as he saw any emotional fluctuations, he would immediately reject Maiev's "devotion". However, with the rank of the Silent One at this time, he just didn't realize that there was anything other than "love" in the eyes in front of him. Impurities.

"I'll ask you one last time."

Bu Laike stroked Maiev's long white hair in the posture of the God of War in the moon night, and he said:

"Are you sure you want to make such a sacrifice for a crumb pirate who is greedy for your body, and has two lovers outside you, and enough reserve lovers to fill a ship?


Take my word for it, girl, it's not worth it. "

"I never cared about the relationship between you and other people, I told you when we first met in this era."

Maiev smiled, and she whispered:

"You'll never be able to love them with all your heart. I'm sure of that. Do you know why?"

Lady Shadowsong put out her fingers and tapped on Laike's heart, she said:

"Here! There will always be a place called Maiev Shadowsong. You may pity me, Bo Laike, and countless others will pity me and despise you.

But they are not elves.

They can't understand what it means for an elf to have such a passionate relationship that lasts forever. You know why for a while my relationship with Tyrande was so bad?

Not just because of Illidan's problems, but also because I know that Tyrande is jealous of my poor priestess for messing up her marriage, and betraying two men who loved her at the same time.

but me

I enjoy that jealousy.

So, I'm a bad woman too, right? "

"You are the worst! There is no worse elf in this world than you."

The pirate picked up Maiev and turned her around several times before placing her on the ground.

The two hugged each other side by side, and Maiev leaned her head on the shoulder of the pirate's spirit body and looked at the strange stars in front of her because of the broken world of Argus.

Under his control, the shattered abyss face behind Bu Laike was bridging little by little into a giant egg made of black smoke, as if returning from an adult body to a time before it was born.

During this process, Bu Laike has been explaining the knowledge of the Shadow Realm to Maiev.

He said in detail:

"You will be sent to Revendreth, and Emperor Denathrius will undoubtedly regard you as a bargaining chip to balance me, but don't worry, his pathetic level of conspiracy can't hurt me at all.

After you go there, you should have fun, rest when you should rest, and experience the customs there.

You have to remember that you also have chips in your hand.

I am the bargaining chip between you and Emperor Denathrius.

Of course, don’t irritate him on some issues of principle, ask for some enjoyment, or go to other countries for a while and have fun through the relationship he secretly planted in the death kingdoms of the other three major covenants.

Just like traveling.

That is a different world that is completely different from the material world, and the flow of time there is even different from ours, and you may have to wait a long time before seeing me."

"I've been waiting for you for ten thousand years, Bo Laike, I can wait another ten thousand years, I've always been very experienced in this kind of thing."

Maiev leaned on the pirate's shoulder, closed her eyes and said:

"I will try my best to make myself happier. Is there anything else I need to tell you?"

"Well, let me think about it."

The pirate blinked and said to Maiev:

"If you are lucky enough to meet brokers while traveling, remember to establish a good relationship with them, those guys play the role of the goblin consortium in the kingdom of death.

But their energy is much greater than goblins.

As far as I know, there are actually mortals in Azeroth and Dellano currently serving the brokers secretly, but those pathetic guys don't know who they are serving.

Brokers are divided into many factions, and I need you to focus on the most profit-seeking, most unethical, and most shameless Sai consortium.

They will be my good partners.

In addition, pay attention to another force called the Wei Financial Group, but you don't have to have too much contact with them. If you become friends with the Sai Financial Group, you will be disgusted by other brokerage financial groups.

But focus on a unique female agent in that consortium. "

Bo Laike grinned and said to Maiev in strange language:

"That guy's name is Will Nellie. Remember this name. It's a mouthful, but it's the only feature that brokers use to distinguish each other. Other than that, they look almost identical."

"You weird smile!"

Maiev frowned and said:

"That Wei Nuli or something, is your old lover?"

"Almost, I did have a good relationship with that arrogant and vicious female agent in a prophecy dream, she is a cold-faced and warm-hearted guy, very cunning.

She belongs to the kind of ruthless character who can use weird methods to get you out even if you are in jail. "

Bu Laike patted Maiev's buttocks and reminded:

"If you can find her, make a deal with her, it is best to develop into her 'exclusive supplier', so that you can also have an exclusive intelligence network in the shadow world.

But Will Nellie was also dangerous.

You have to be careful about her, I still don't know her origin and background, I only know that she knows the secrets of many stars. Well, that's all for reminders.

Oh yes, almost forgot one thing. "

The pirate patted his forehead and whispered in Maiev's ear:

"In Revendreth, don't trust any Venthyr who approached you proactively, those guys are top-notch dramatists, they can come up with hundreds of conspiracies while drinking a cup of tea.

You can't play them with your brain.

But Revendres has a strange big man who will definitely be very willing to protect you. With her help, even Emperor Denathrius will give you three points of courtesy.

Her name is Stonesmith.

After going there, the emperor will definitely prepare a gorgeous banquet for you, attend it happily, and then go to her first. "

"But I don't know her, and I don't have such strong communication skills as you."

Maiev has a headache.

She felt that Bo Laike knew too much about the world of the dead, he seemed to have lived there for a long time, but she was just a guest from afar.

Even with the information, there is no way to go smoothly.

"You don't need to be communicative."

The pirate squinted his eyes and moved the spirit body's hand dishonestly around Maiev's body. He lightly squeezed his fingers to make Ms. Shadowsong stare at him. Afterwards, she heard Bo Laike say to her:

"Stone Forge used to be the God of Moon Night War, just like you, and she is the most powerful God of Moon Night War that can be born among the material stars. It is conservatively estimated that she can defeat you now with one hand.

So as long as you show your identity, you are receiving a code, and she will regard you as a close person.

The premise is that you don't have to play tricks. The stone blacksmith is a difficult person to deal with. Once you lose her trust, you can never use her power again.

Do you remember everything? "

Bu Laike asked, Maiev nodded, and then the two looked at the Void Dome behind them at the same time, Bu Laike smiled, and took Maiev's hand and walked there.

At the moment of entering the dome, he held Maiev's face, kissed the forehead between Shadowsong's eyes, and said:

"I will pick you up. But Hongxing is not allowed to have sex!"

"Not always."

Maiev rolled her eyes and said:

"If you wait too long, maybe"

"You can go on convincing yourself that way, my warden."

The pirate returned to his void dome, and he whispered:

"But you'll never find a man like me, in the world of the living or the dead. It's like drinking bland water after tasting hot rum.

I'm not worried about this.

Well, Maiev Shaw, I wish you a safe journey and see you later. "

"Don't expect me to say goodbye to you."

Maiev put her hands on the void dome in front of her eyes, and with the power of the moon god pouring out, she said softly:

"Nothing will separate us anymore, pirate, we won't have another chance to say goodbye, don't blame Sephiel and Xal'atath for it.

In the end, you can leave yourself with a few children.

I said that.

I don't care about these, don't expect me to give you children, I have already violated the faith too much.

This is my last stubbornness. "

"Is this something you can control?"

Bo Laike sneered, then let out a sleepy snore.

Maiev also grinned, shook her head, and began to unreservedly infuse her moon god power into the giant egg in front of her to help Bu Laike reshape the power on the order side, so that the unbalanced energy in his body can return to balance.

In the warm void dome, Braike could clearly feel that as the violent black moon power poured into his shattered body, his already deflected alignment began to be pulled back into a precarious balance .

He seemed to be able to feel the warmth and reassurance of being "covered" by the No. 1 big sister again, and at this moment, Bu Laike suddenly remembered something belatedly.

This made him terrified even in the dream of the void, opened his eyes and shouted to the outside of the giant egg:

"Stop! Maiev, pause, I suddenly thought of something terrible."

"Bu Laike Shaw!"

At this moment, a beautiful female voice rang out in Bu Laike's heart with anger.

She said in a dark tone:

"What did you babble about me just now? What did you say I was obsessed with? Come on. Say what you just said again.

I think, before you complete your ascension in the realm of life, I really need to have a good discussion with you, a bastard voter, about your etiquette!

Do you know what happened to those guys who provoked me back then? You've heard of the Stonesmith, haven't you? I think I am honored to introduce to you a few disciples of the Moon God who, like the Stone Forge, are capable of killing evil gods who can't control their mouths.

It might take a while for them to come across the stars, but that's okay, we have plenty of time to settle the score, right? "

(end of this chapter)

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