Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1734 102. It's Finally The Murloc's Turn To Save The World! Look At My Wheel Of Fo

Chapter 1734 102. It's finally the Murloc's turn to save the world! Look at my wheel of fortune! 【Add more 720】

"So tired."

On the fragments of the last star core of the fragmented world of Argus, Maiev was so weak that she was about to lay down on the void dome in front of her to convey the power of the moon god.

Sending so much of the Moon God's divine power out of her body at once made the warden lady clearly feel that her body had collapsed.

This is not because of the bad consequences of self-squeezing, but the "point of no return" of Moon Night God of War.

In the previous battle on Antorus, in order to buy time for Braike, Maiev drew the divine power of another Chosen One from Tyrande in addition to her own moon god power. This kind of "cannibalism" The mode made Maiev bear the heavy pressure she couldn't bear when she was incarnated as the Moon Night God of War.

Such a situation would directly lead to the fall of the Moon Night God of War, and this is how most of Maiev's peers among the stars died.

If she obeys Bu Laike's arrangement and returns to Dellano or Azeroth, Ms. Elune can still suppress her injuries in that moonlit place, and slowly recover her collapsed body after a long rest.

But Maiev chose another path.

This directly led to the inevitable physical collapse of the warden lady.

This is a very, very rare way of dying.

The good news is that the divine power of God of War Moon Night destroys the body very quickly, with almost no pain.

The bad news is that after burning her body like this, her soul will also enter a very weak state. If the Kyrian angels did not lead her to the Shadow Realm as quickly as possible, her soul would probably perish in the material world.

As for Elune's Kingdom of God, don't even think about it.

Bo Laike complained that Lady Elune is a big slob who would rather play with her pets than be serious about business.

As far as the pirates know, even if all the moon war gods are loyal believers of Elune, all moon night war gods will be sent to the shadow world after death instead of entering the moon god's kingdom in the moonlight.

This may be because Elune is a god in the realm of life, he must abide by the rules of the balance of life and death, and he cannot intervene in the cycle of death.

The Force is also bounded.

The closer you get to the six original forces, the more you will be subject to these constraints.

And in the giant egg, Bo Laike had just been given a serious lesson by Ms. Elune about his previous indecent and inappropriate complaints and "farewells".

Anyway, Luna was angry, and fortunately, the world of Argus had collapsed so that the arc of Luna could not shine on this place, otherwise Bu Laike would suffer.

He felt the energy in his body struggling to balance.

Originally, because of the trip in Mac'Aree, the void energy in the pirate's body was much higher than that of the moon god on the order side, and after devouring the heart of the world, he broke through the limit of the old god and entered a new realm, resulting in the The power of the void has almost doubled, which completely breaks the balance between order and chaos.

Now that Maiev sent twice the divine power of the Moon Night God of War to Bu Laike, it was just pulling him back from the precipice of imbalance. Such a little divine power was not enough to regain balance.

But now it was enough for Laike to return to human form from the shattered face of the abyss.

Maiev unreservedly sent the last bit of Luna's divine power into the Void Dome. She shook her body and looked in front of her. There were creaking cracks on the purple-black dome.

Like an egg about to hatch, Maiev smiled weakly.

She felt that her body was very light, as if she could fly away when she jumped up.

Ms. Shadowsong raised her hands, and she saw that her skin was dissipating under the curtain of the sea of ​​stars like ashes after burning, which was the proof of the collapse of her body.

She knew that there was only a little time left for herself.

She wanted to go forward to welcome the pirates back from their dark fate, but her feet were weak and she rushed forward in embarrassment. She was ready to fall, but in the next second, a warm embrace pulled her into it.

Maiev, who had escaped from the Moon Night God of War form, opened her eyes, and saw the handsome pirate smiling gently at her. The latter's long golden hair fell on Maiev's cheeks, making her feel itchy.

She opened her eyes hard, trying to engrave Bu Laike's face in her mind forever, and closed her eyes after a few seconds and said:

"Get dressed, bastard!"

The pirate curled his lips, and when his figure reappeared in a flash, he had already put on a full set of Moonlight Armor. He picked up Maiev, and jumped into the highest point of the star core fragment in two or three steps.

In a completely disintegrated horizon, they can't see the sun's birth, but they can see the light shining in front of their eyes in the distorted void from a distance.

Uh, something extra to add here.

The vacuum state in this group of stars and the vacuum of physics are not the same concept, what is filled between the stars and various planets is not the dead deep space but the concept of twisted void.

Some mages will call it "Aether", but more people will call it in a more direct way, just call it "Twisting Nether".

It's cold without air, but it's filled with raw magic that can be mobilized by demons and spellcasters, so it's not an absolute vacuum.

The light of distant stars will also be decomposed into strange nebulae of different colors when passing through such magical substances, which makes the stars of Azeroth look very, very magnificent.

"Unfortunately there is no moon here."

The pirate whispered to Maiev, who was getting lighter and lighter in his arms, almost feathery:

"It would be so beautiful if there was a moon, look at you, my little cutie, you will melt in the moonlight, like a legendary hero and moonlight merged into one."

"That's the light that the priests pursue, and the watchers don't pay that much attention."

Lying in Bu Laike's arms, Maiev, who let her skin and body continue to dissipate into gray moon dust, said softly:

"According to tradition, after my death you should make what remains of me into a vengeful spirit. But look at me now, I guess there will be nothing left."

"except this."

The pirate lifted the knife wheel beside Maiev with a smile, waved it in his hand, winked and said:

"Do you mind if I use your weapon to fight in the future? After all, I am also your watchman, and this can be regarded as the inheritance of the warden."

"up to you."

Maiev rolled her eyes.

She wanted to say more, but she could sense that she was running out of time.

She struggled to get up in the pirate's arms, looked at Bu Laike in front of her, stared at the blue eyes that had captivated her ten thousand years ago, stroked the pirate's hair, and said:

"Don't cry!"

"I wasn't going to cry."

The pirate smiled and said:

"This is just a normal reaction. You know that even if you become a god, some instinctive reactions are beyond your control."

"Maybe it's overbearing, but..."

Maiev opened her arms tenderly and hugged Bo Laike for the last time, the moondust flying all over her body was shining in the light, and she whispered in the pirate's ear:

"After I die, you are not allowed to waste your tears for others."

"I repeat, I didn't cry."

The pirate reached out and hugged Maiev who was as light as the wind. He was a big man crying like a bitch at this moment. He gritted his teeth and said:

"It's just my body's instinctive reaction. I don't want to cry, I want to smile and say goodbye, but my body has a mind of its own, and it obviously loves you more than me."

"No, silly boy."

Maiev's body completely dissipated in Bu Laike's arms, her last remaining voice was still rushing to the pirate's ears like the wind, she said softly:

"There is no one else in this world who loves me more than you. Don't make me wait too long."

The blood-red seal fell into Bu Laike's hands amidst the scattering of moondust, along with the non-magical jewelry ring he gave Maiev when he was in Dellano.

The pirate wiped his eyes, holding them up in front of his eyes.

He felt the bloody light shining around him, which meant that under the guidance of the seal of the Lord of Pain, Maiev's soul had gone to the Shadow Realm.

This time, there is no Kyrian coming to be annoying. If you count the time, Aggramar's death fall has probably turned the Shadow Realm upside down.

But at this moment, Laike didn't want to care about the big event that he personally promoted.

He just put the two rings on his fingers very carefully. The seal of the King of Pain was placed in its original position, and the very ladylike jewelry ring was also worn on the little finger of his left hand.

Such a combination is very strange.

But Laike doesn't think anyone will point it out to him that it doesn't make sense. Well, no one will dare to laugh at his ring, ever.

"quack quack"

Just as the stinky pirate was touching the ring in dejection, a voice he never expected to appear here sounded behind Laike.

He wiped his eyes in surprise and turned around, only to see the little murloc who was jumping off Xiao Xingxing's head anxiously throwing the things in his hand towards Bu Laike.

Yogg-Saron's Box of Mysteries! And it's on!

The little bastard!

Is it to murder the master?

no no no!

Not so.

It has been a long time since the little murloc got the Box of Mysteries. The first time he accidentally used it to blow up the Spinning Cloud Peak, and the second time he used it in a prepared manner to blow up the Nathrax Fortress.

The third time it was used was a few hours ago, on the chaotic Antoran Wasteland battlefield, in order to cover the vanguard army from evacuating the little murlocs, the Box of Mysteries was used for the third time.

When it was used that time, Laike wasn't by its side, and it was the little murloc who completely manipulated this evil thing by himself.

But the Box of Mysteries does not only have the effect of opening it by luck and summoning a wave of magic to drown the enemy. It also has a very special setting. After opening it three times in a row, the user can get a chance to spin the "Wheel of Fortune".

That thing is a "limited wishing machine".

Although Bu Laike repeatedly emphasized to the little murloc not to use the wheel of fortune to pray for anything dangerous, he must be present when it turns the wheel of fortune.

But at this moment, the little murloc disobeyed Laike's order in a rare way. He threw the box of mysteries that had been rotated in his hand to Laike, and at the same time made his wish in the turning of the wheel of fortune.

"Quack! Quack quack quack la la la quack! (I make a wish! Bu Laike Shaw and Maiev Shadowsong will be together forever, no power can separate them!)"

The little murloc almost yelled out his wish.

Because when it was carried by the little star to look for Bu Laike, it clearly saw the scene of Maiev dissipating in Bu Laike's arms on the way across the stars.

it knows.

Its owner must be very sad right now.

And as Bo Laike's chief fish rider, it has to do something!

It turns out that even Boo Laike couldn't predict what kind of magical operations this magical little fool would make when the little murloc's strange mind started to turn.

But the little murloc's cry was heard by Bo Laike, which warmed the pirate's heart, although he didn't think a limited wishing spell of a box of mysteries would change anything.

This thing must have been brought into the material world by Yogg Saron from some corner of the Lightless Sea, and its grade is already a divine weapon in the eyes of mortals.

But that's about it for today's pirates.

The artifact is indeed amazing, but it cannot act on such things that are completely beyond the scope of its ability.

The pirate shook his head, and was about to say something to the little murloc when he suddenly felt movement behind him. He turned his head in even more surprise, and saw the strange crescent moon-shaped fate in the box of mysteries that fell on the ground. The wheel slowly returned to its position, and the moon dust flying in the light around it gathered again as if time went backwards.

Under Bu Laike's wide-eyed gaze, the moon dust was reassembled bit by bit into Maiev's appearance.

Certainly not entities.

It is a peculiar form similar to a shadow.

The pirate's cognition was correct, the box of mysteries could not "resurrect" Maiev at all, but it realized the little murloc's wish in its own way.

It shaped the last vestiges of Maiev into a "vengeful spirit" for Bo Laike who was so weak that he could burst like a bubble.

It is estimated that the strength of this thing is not as strong as the casual punch of the little murloc, and it is meaningless even to the recruits of the Watcher.

But when he saw this vengeful spirit that was exactly the same as Maiev, Bu Laike's eyes suddenly softened.

Without hesitation, he dispersed the vengeful spirits made by the four mogu king souls he had captured in the engine of Nalak'sha, set them free on the spot, and yelled at them to go wherever they wanted.

Then he regarded the afterimage of Maiev in front of him as a treasure and linked it to his career as a watchman.

With his current strength, he no longer needs the Spirit of Vengeance to fight for him, but such Maiev can finally be by his side "forever".

"Good job, go back and give you a reward."

Bu Laike turned his head and patted the little murloc's head, and said to the murmuring Benbo Erba:

"I'll give you whatever you want. But there's only one chance, so think about it carefully."

After speaking, the pirate stood up.

He glanced at the huge shadow suspended among the precise stars in front of him, and the little star was taking pictures of Aggramar's body there, yelling.

This body of a titan is too rare. Looking at the excitement of Little Xingxing, she is probably gearing up to bring this body of a titan back to Azeroth as a family heirloom or something.

But unfortunately, Bu Laike will not bring these dangerous things into Azeroth.

The strength of the titan's body has exceeded the limit that Azeroth can bear, in case a strange evil spirit is born in this body infected by evil energy or is "remotely manipulated" by Lord Sargeras.

Tsk tsk, the troubled world of Azeroth must seriously consider the issue of "restart of civilization".

"Have you had enough shots?"

Bu Laike flickered to the side of Asteroid, picked up his pipe and asked in a low voice, Little Xingxing pursed his lips, put down the camera and looked at Bu Laike cautiously and worriedly.

She whispered:

"Are you okay? I saw Maiev just now. I mean, if you feel bad, you can cry, and I can lend you my broad and solid shoulders.

I promise, I won't tell what happened today. "

"Sad? Why are you sad?"

Bu Laike pouted, stretched his waist, and said carelessly:

"The lucky time for a married man is when his wife is not at home. You little stupid dragon really doesn't understand anything. Get out of the way after the filming is over. I'm going to sacrifice him to the dark sea.

Tsk tsk, I don't know how many good things this titan's body full of arcane and fel truth can bring me, well, I can't wait. "

(end of this chapter)

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