Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1735 103. Shine, Lord Moon Shadow 【8/20】

Chapter 1735 103. Shine, Lord Moon Shadow 【820】

Reverted to human form, the pirates sacrificed Aggramar's titan to the Sunless Sea in the pristine starry sky strewn with small rubble.

This is his duty as a hunter of truth, a dark sea of ​​truth that yearns for more wisdom, knowledge, and mysteries with every ebb and flow.

And how much truth is hidden in the body of a titan born in the supreme realm of arcane force and once bathed in fel energy? This is a question that would make a pirate's eyes shine when he thinks about it.

The Sea of ​​​​Lightless obviously knows the goods.

When Bu Laike began the most magnificent and massive sacrifice of truth in the history of the material stars, the door of the void that had just been closed was opened again.

The speed is the same as when the licking dog who heard that the goddess was pregnant but didn't know who the father of the child was sent a message to comfort him, and was ready to take orders at any time.

Like the lightless sea where the dark stars shine, this given "gift" is "received" with the highest standard, and the tide containing endless taboos surges into a storm sweeping the void world, in order to demonstrate this The preciousness of the coming truth.

And the reward.

The reward that the pirates were most concerned about was given from the very beginning. This time, it was not a reward given by a void lord, but the force sent directly by the lightless sea.

There is no middleman to make the difference, which makes this non-attribute force extremely vigorous and active.

As Aggramar's shattered body was swallowed by the tides of the Sunless Sea, the non-attributed force sent by the tides was poured into Laike's body like an "empowerment".

The pirate didn't hesitate at all, and threw those original forces on his way to the Moonlight God of War. The originally downgraded career path expanded rapidly, and it took only a few minutes to reach the full level of the mythical profession.

But Bo Laike didn't stop pouring.

Swallowing Argus' Heart of the World allowed him to break through the upper limit of the power of the ancient gods and enter a new level. The valuable experience brought by this process allowed the pirates to understand the mysteries of "going to the gods".

He must continue to climb until he completes the power breakthrough of the Moon Night God of War, and raises his power on the order side to the same level as the Void God.

Only in this way can the balance of the balance be guaranteed.

Only in this way can he have enough order to suppress the blind movement of the void, so that he can freely switch between the void god and the human form.

But soon, Laike encountered a rather troublesome problem.

'This career path is unfinished'

The pirate blinked and felt the moonlight gathering in this place that had never been shone on before. He could feel the non-attributed force being brought into order and pushing himself along the path set by Elune.

But he rushed to the "end" of the road very quickly, just like he encountered a damn dead end in a racing car, he had to stop even if he didn't want to.

With a headache, Bu Laike looked up at the infinitely extending stars all around him. He rubbed his forehead under the brilliance of the original force and said in a low voice:

"Don't pretend to be dead, Your Majesty Elune, I need your wisdom to help me solve this problem. Just like what I complained before, do you have a suitable idea for the advancement of the career path of Moon Night God of War?"

Elune said nothing.

The moonlight over the pirate remained silent, and it became softer after Laike's question, like a mother's reassurance. The moonlight is very, very gentle, but this kind of gentleness can't solve any problems in the current situation.

The pirate closed his eyes helplessly, and whispered:

"You haven't thought about it at all, have you?

After irresponsibly turning his rage into a path to the realm of the Force and bestowing it on his followers among the stars, he never thought that anyone would be able to bring this path to an end.

Therefore, there is no need to spend time perfecting the supreme path that belongs to the power of moonlight in one's god system, which is simply a 'semi-finished product'!

You, the designer, are too irresponsible. "

"That would have been a mistake."

Under Laike's questioning, Lady Luna projected her pleasant voice into the pirate's mind with a reluctant attitude, and she whispered:

"The anger of the black moon was born from the ruthless slaughter of the stars by the Burning Legion that I witnessed. As the supreme being in the field of life, when the fel energy swept across the stars arrogantly, the mournful cries of those lives made me very painful.

I used to care about the sowing and growth of life, but after witnessing the brutal destruction, my heart also burst into anger.

The combination of that anger and the dark moon phase gave birth to the inheritance of the "Moon Night God of War". I gave this power to those believers who needed help, and they were distributed in every corner of the stars.

Their world and their existence are threatened, not only by demons, but also by the void and death, and I give them this power to carry out the "Retribution of Life's Fury".

But at that time I was too steeped in hatred of destruction, I was too 'generous' in your term.

The first Chosen to receive the power of the Black Moon drove out their enemies with my wrath, but the constant surge of power from the Black Moon destroyed themselves as well.

As I watched my Chosen die one by one from the uncontrollable Moon's Wrath, I immediately realized that I had made a terrible mistake. "

Elune sighed, this always mysterious Moon Goddess no longer concealed her mistakes and regrets from the most powerful Moon Night War God born under her command.

she says:

"The power of life should not be used for destruction, the 'new life' and the anger of the black moon in this original force will continue to superimpose until it pushes this anger to an uncontrollable point.

It's not that I don't want to perfect the legacy of God of War on the Moon Night, Laike, I can't.

Because I can't use the power of life to suppress the new life of power, I have tried, I am not as irresponsible as you think, regardless of the life or death of believers.

I really tried.

That soul you call 'Stone Forger' is the most powerful Moon God Chosen under the stars I have ever seen.

In a world corroded by darkness to despair, I have worked with her, and I have given her the purest power of the black moon, and she will control my anger and help me perfect this uncontrollable power .

For a time we saw hope.

After My Chosen used my wrath to dispel the darkness and evil that engulfed her world, she managed to control the growing black moon rage for a time.

But then things took a turn for the worse.

She was consumed by growing rage, and darkness was born in the moonlight, like a shadow that came with her.

She needed enemies to vent the fire in her heart, so in the ruined world she had just saved, she immediately launched a new war. She ruthlessly destroyed her rebels, beheaded those who disobeyed her, and finally put the butcher knife Aim at former friends and followers.

Do you know what will happen to her? "

"I know, and I know her story well."

Bo Laike picked up his pipe in the fullness of the moonlight, and said in a low voice:

"She woke up when she was about to kill the last group of living people in her world. After realizing her evil deeds, she chose to face death peacefully in the arms of her former friend and lover.

But her story doesn't end after death

The anger you gave her still haunts her after death, becoming an original sin that she can't wash away. Well, maybe that's my future fate? "

"Not necessarily, Bo Laike."

Elune was silent for a few seconds, then said:

"You are different from her. In addition to controlling my dark anger, you also have favor from the void. I used to think that your choice was an offense to order.

But now it looks like you may just be on a path I never imagined.

If the angry power originating from life cannot be restrained by life itself, then we can find power from the outside world to check and balance. At least you have reached the end of the power of Moon Night God of War, but I have not seen any signs of you losing control.

Maybe we can work together, Bu Laike. "

"Well, I think I should be a bit more cautious, considering the disastrous end you had for that hapless fellow the last time you worked hard with a mortal.

It is your job to perfect the legacy of power in your hands, my dear Luna.

I don't want to interfere. "

The pirate rolled his eyes and said:

"You have seen with your own eyes that the 'reason' derived from the foundation of the void force suppresses my unceasing anger as the god of war in the moon night, and this unique 'successful sample' of mine has proved the correct evolution direction of this road.

Maybe the Moon Night Gods after me should start to draw some forbidden power from the Sunless Sea besides chanting scriptures and praying to the Supreme Lady Elune every day.

The icy void cools their rage.

But they also need to maintain a clear mind and a way of balance at all times, just like me.

I have provided you with the most perfect answer to your problem, and now what I need is the reward I deserve. Expand your domain, Your Majesty the Moon God.

Under your guidance, I want to enter the highest realm of life to complete my second "God Ascension". "


There was a hint of panic in Elune's voice, she said like a sloppy girl who was suddenly told by a group of friends that she would come to play at her house soon:

"But I'm not ready to share my palace with other people. I mean, it's kind of messy here, after all, I never thought I would have a god in such a short time.

And most importantly, you already have the godhead of the void, if you bring it into the realm of life, it will cause displeasure to the original force.

You know, Laike, all the Force is expanding while remaining pure.

You are a very rare case.

I really don't know how to deal with your current situation. "

"Ah, I didn't intend to take the liberty of stepping into your boudoir, Your Majesty the Moon God, I have no interest in those 'forbidden secrets' you hide in your own palace."

The pirate rolled his eyes and said to his first big sister in a disrespectful and mocking tone:

"You don't have to worry about some of your little hobbies that are too outrageous to be discovered by me, because I have no intention of entering your kingdom of God, just like I have become a void god and have not chosen to return to the lightless sea.

My journey in the material stars is not over yet, I have many troubles to deal with, and many enemies to torment.

do you know what i mean? "

"Ah, that's it, then I'll be relieved to cough, I mean, then I understand your choice."

Elune breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a bit like "ugly gods are afraid of seeing people", she quickly adjusted her tone, and said to Laike as gently and solemnly as before:

"Then, you have two options before you, Laike. You can keep the Black Moon's wrath, or return to the orthodox Luna system with my help.

Moon Priests, like Tyrande, walk the path of transcending themselves from the realm of mortals to become a benevolent deity who preaches the teachings of life.

I want to remind you.

As you said, Black Moon Rage is an unorthodox and incomplete path, and you may need to explore its future yourself. "

"about this issue."

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring and asked in a drawn out voice:

"Are you really assured that a guy with a void godhead will become a god under your command who promotes life and fraternity?

I have a lot of confidence in myself, I mean, if you are willing to delegate the power of proclaiming life to me, I can guarantee that within hundreds of years, the physical stars will be filled with the glory of life.

After all, I am really good at seducing souls who are not firm enough. Of course, it is missionary after all. When dealing with diehards, I have to use some less 'decent' methods.

But I believe that you can understand the necessity of this behavior. "

Elune was silent again.

After a long time, when Laike was waiting impatiently, the pale lady said in a solemn tone:

"Very well, then I will place the authority over my darkest moon in your hands, Brad Laike Shaw, and from now on, you will control my wrath.

You will be transformed into the sword of the moon god to punish all enemies of life.

In the name of the bright moon that illuminates the myriad nights, I will bestow upon you the title of 'Shadow of the Moon' Finally, welcome to the realm of the Pantheon of Life, my dear Laike. "

With the decentralization of Elune's authority, the interrupted path of the God of War on the Moon Night stretched again on the conceptual level, and Laike nodded in satisfaction, letting the force still accumulated in his body push him all the way up.

On the character card in front of him, the words cast by the moonlight are constantly beating, representing the deeper transformation of Laike at this time:

The power of life is being connected. The career of the Black Moon Watcher/Moon Night God of War has opened up to a higher level. In the shaping of the Crown of the Black Moon, the divine power of order and divinity have been combined and reshaped.

Welcome to the supreme hall of life, Lord Moon Shadow.

The life godhead "Shadow of the Moon" is completed.

The godhead effect is as follows:

1. The person in charge of life: Thousands of lives bow down to me.

As a member of the Pantheon of Life, control the supreme power in the field of life, and follow the power path of the [Warlock/Spellcaster] to obtain the godhead effect: the ability to reshape/distort life in the moonlight land.

This effect allows the user to reshape the target's life form according to his own mind, and temporarily or permanently change the target's existence form without changing the life stage.

This effect is triggered passively and consumes no mana or energy.

This effect has no cooling time, and it can be used for all existences with [Life].

The upper limit of the strength level of this effect that can reshape life is [God].


The effective time of this godhead effect is weakened when it is used on enemies of the same level, and it may be invalid when facing an existence stronger than the user.

2. Dark moon phase: I am everywhere in the shadow of the moon.

Shaped by the crown of the black moon, the wrath of the moon god is controlled, and the godhead effect obtained by extending the power path of [Watcher/Moon Night God of War/Beastmaster Hunter] is: lock the enemy of life and launch black moon punishment.

This effect allows the user to permanently lock the target's breath of life. When the target is exposed to the place of order, the [Instant Slaughter] effect will be applied. At the next alternation of the sun and the moon, the target's vitality will be forcibly stripped and a state of weakness will be applied until the target dies.

This effect is active and does not consume any mana or energy.

There is no cooling time for this effect, and there is no limit on the number of people. It can be used for all existences with [Life].

The upper limit of the level of power that can be slaughtered by this effect is [God].


The godhead effect cannot be dispelled in any way, but the effect of stripping the life and weakening of enemies of the same level is weakened, and when facing an existence stronger than the user, the effective time of [instant slaughter] will be extended.

"Cool, a 'Super Sheep Transformation' and an extremely enhanced version of the 'Hunter's Mark'."

Bu Laike looked at his life godhead, he couldn't help complaining:

"Sure enough, compared to the Void Domain, the Pantheon of Life is so stingy even in giving rewards.

It is indeed the group that restrains the use of self-power the most. To be honest, if you hadn't been very protective of me and very loyal, I would rather not have such a reward. "

"Don't take it too far, Bo Laike!"

Facing the pirate's ridicule, Lady Elune said angrily:

"I have given you my strongest power. Although you need to be in the place where the moonlight shines to exert its power, you must remember that your existence itself is the manifestation of the phenomenon of moonlight.

Also, don't try to cast Black Moon Smite on Sargeras, I've tried that.

The Dark Titan draws power directly from the Fel Force, he is not affected by this effect, and provoking him will make him notice you sooner. "


The stinky pirate who was maintaining the action of throwing the hunter's mark blinked, and he shouted:

"Didn't you say something so important? You're actually making fun of me on purpose, right?"

(end of this chapter)

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