Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1741 109. Generous Remuneration From Conspirator [Additional 14/20]

Chapter 1741 109. Generous Remuneration from Conspirator [additional 1420]

"I don't understand."

By the natural lake of Mac'Aree, Little Xingxing squatted beside the lake with her head in her arms, looking at her own face and beautiful big eyes reflected on the turbulent lake, she and the silent ones around her wrinkled together frowning.

she says:

"I can understand that they want to subvert the balance of the force and let chaos sweep the stars, but shouldn't they start with other forces? Why do they want to extend the butcher knife to their own country?"

"Hey, look at your stupid question that exposes the poor wisdom of your bright but not bright enough, I think I will get a hollow echo from knocking on your head now.

How can I explain it to you? "

Grabbing a boom by the lake, tying the bait and throwing the hook leisurely, Bu Laike was the only person present with a calm expression. He shook the wine bottle in his hand, sighed, and said:

"Which smart ghost is willing to come and explain to our Highness Xingxing."

The few people behind Bu Laike were silent, but Red was a little eager to try, of course not because Red was smart enough, he was actually curious about the answer to the question asked by Little Star.

After several seconds of silence, Xiao Er tapped his forehead and said:

"What Bo Laike shows us is not the beginning of the conspiracy, but the moment of the end, little star, can I call you that?"

"You should add 'His Royal Highness'."

Little Xingxing raised his head and said proudly:

"But considering the good relationship between you and my human servants, His Highness generously allows you to call me by my name. Tell me, human Xiaoer, and tell me all the things I have doubts about."

"Then I really feel honored."

Xiao Er exaggeratedly made a standard noble thank you gift, then stroked the mustache on his chin, and explained softly to Little Xingxing:

"When the meteorite incarnated by Aggramar hit the Eternal Arbiter, the conspiracy that the Great Emperor of the Shadow Realm spent countless epochs on was completed.

Thinking about how terrible death the Burning Legion has created in the stars during the Burning Crusade for tens of thousands of years, this has put the balance of life and death at risk. From my simple thinking as a mortal, I feel that after so long After the ravages of the world, the death field in the six original forces has already had the crushing advantage over other fields.

So the collapse of the death world order you see is not the emperor creating chaos in his own camp, little star, it is opening the shackles of the power of death.

Let me ask you, if they use anima as a resource, and anima can only be obtained through the soul, then under the circumstances that all souls entering the Shadow Realm will fall into an inescapable abyss, what is the most powerful four kingdoms? If they continue to maintain their existence, what kind of actions will they make? "

This question made Red's eyes light up, and the great chief suddenly stretched out his hand, like a primary school student rushing to answer. This move made Xieyan, who is also an orc, feel very ashamed. He secretly kicked Reid, and whispered:

"Just say what you want, don't make such a bad gesture, it will make me think you are mentally retarded."

"Ha, I just want you to think so, so that I can take the opportunity to attack you."

Reid refuted a sentence with Bu Laike's sentence pattern very stiffly, then coughed twice, and said to Little Xingxing:

"This situation is exactly the same as when we orcs first occupied Black Rock Mountain, Your Highness Dragon, you should know how many damn factions and forces there are in that broken place of Black Rock Mountain.

But when the alliance defeated the old tribes and sealed off the entire area around Blackstone Mountain, when we couldn't get all kinds of food and resources from the outside world, we would immediately start plundering each other.

During that time, the Dark Iron Dwarf attacked Blackrock Spire like a madman, but I, being wise and mighty, secretly contacted the Thorium Brotherhood of the Black Iron Rebels, and pulled those burning bramble trolls and ogres who had nowhere to go to me. Only then did they barely block the attack of the Black Iron Dwarves.

But we all realize that such infighting is just meaningless 'involvement', which will only benefit the enemies of the orcs and the Dark Iron dwarves, so I reached an agreement with Thaurissan.

We started out in unison, thrashing the Bronzebeards in the Badlands and Searing Gorge, and looting a lot from them.

I think that's what the cunning Shaw wants to express.

That's right, under the urging of the captain, the death of the eternal arbitrator will lead to a terrible lack of heart energy, and no soul can be replenished to the four major kingdoms. They will start a civil war to snatch resources, but their strength is comparable, and within a period of time After fighting, they will reunite under the leadership of a wise schemer.


Reid shrugged his shoulders and gave Little Xingxing a throat-slitting salute. He said:

"The army of death will cross the dilapidated curtain of life and death and enter the material stars. Since souls cannot be distributed in the Eternal City, they will complete the distribution of souls before they enter the Shadow Realm.

I mean, they're going to attack anyone who has a soul. Azeroth, Dellano, even the Burning Legion and the Sunless Sea

This is the contradiction of existence, which is irreconcilable.

Unless the four kingdoms of the shadow world are willing to starve themselves to death, as long as one guy takes the lead, the other eternal dead will immediately attack the material world.

We're all going to die sooner or later anyway, right?

Our souls will return to the Shadowlands sooner or later, so it's okay for the eternal dead to "speed up" this process a little bit, right? Maybe they'll say it's just taking back what they already have. "

"The initiator of this terrifying plunder will become the 'King' of the Shadow Kingdom."

Nathanos shook his head, he looked at Bo Laike who was fishing leisurely with a complicated expression, bit his lip and said:

"If nothing else, the Emperor Denathrius who has prepared countless epochs for this will soon unite the remaining Eternals and become the master of the power of death.

He would be as terrifying as Sargeras.

And judging from the strategy and ruthlessness he currently displayed, he would be more dangerous than Sargeras. At least there is still the threat of the void pulling the dark titan, but who can check and balance the unshackled death? "

"The most terrifying thing is that we can't even resist."

The skinny boy didn't know when he ran back, he pulled down his hood, and added in a gloomy tone:

"Those guys are the ultimate enhanced version of the undead natural disasters. Every time we die, their strength will grow by one point, until eventually the entire material world will be occupied by death.

The noose has been put around our necks, and the tightening is suffocating us. This is really desperate news. "

"I understand."

Little Xingxing nodded. She looked back at Bu Laike, took a deep breath, strode forward and kicked the fishing rod in Bu Laike's hand, then screamed and rushed forward to grab the stinky pirate's neck with both hands. , screaming and shouting:

"It's all your fault! Captain Smelly, who do you not cooperate well with? If you insist on cooperating with such a dangerous bastard, look at you, you will soon kill everyone!

Are you still in the mood for fishing?

What a fart!

Do you still have the face to enjoy life here?

Think of a way soon! Before those goddamn dead cross the veil and rush into the material world and we strangle them one by one, shall we! "

"What can I do? It took Denathius countless epochs to compile this conspiracy. Do you expect me to think of a perfect solution to break the situation in a few years?"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"Besides, if I don't do this job, someone will do it sooner or later. As long as the expedition of the Burning Legion is not over for a day, the accumulation of death power will not stop.

Until one day, the balance of power could no longer be maintained, and it exploded with a bang like a bomb.

I just sped up the process.

So to be precise, I saved you from looking at me like crazy, you little idiot.

There is still some time before Emperor Denathrius unifies the four kingdoms and the Eternals. This is the opportunity I have won for you. The forces of death cannot grow any longer, and the Burning Legion's brutal reign over the stars must end.

The final battle in Azeroth must be won.

Uh, it's okay to lose.

If we lose, everyone will turn to the Heavenly Soldiers of the Shadow Realm in a gorgeous way. At that time, with the help of the power of death, we can still launch cruel revenge against the demons.

Then everyone wrestled and died together in the doomsday where the force was out of balance.

How romantic. "

Faced with this damned explanation, Xiao Xingxing was so angry that he was about to "strangle" the stinky pirate in front of him, but he was slapped by Bu Laike, and the beautiful blue dragon princess screamed again It became a little blue cat with fried hair jumping up and down and meowing.

Laike lifted her up by the nape of her neck, looked at her fangs and claws in the air, shook his head, and threw the kitten out casually, making the guy draw a graceful arc and finally landed on the passerby In the arms of Dean Lanyue.

The pirate coughed a few times and said to the others behind him:

"I want to talk to my generous Emperor Denathrius and ask for a reward.

The situation is like this now. In this situation, there is no opportunistic way other than going home to prepare for the battle. The threat of death may be terrifying, but the demon's counterattack is just around the corner.

So don't think too much, go back and do what you should do.

I will let you know if there are other arrangements. "

The chosen ones of the pirates looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, they packed up the remaining wine bottles and all kinds of garbage on the lakeside, discussed these things in a low voice and left here.

Even the little murlocs were driven away by Laike to play in other places. When Laike was the only one left by the quiet lake, the pirate moved his fingers and condensed a large magic mirror in front of him amidst the lingering blood.

He stroked the seal of the King of Pain that was back in his hand, and as he gently spun the ring, the magic mirror in front of him quickly reflected the familiar figure from behind.

Under the still gloomy sky of Revendreth, the majestic emperor is standing on the dome platform of his gorgeous Nathria Fort with his hands tied, and the bloody sharp blade Lemonia is floating in the emperor's hand obediently, as if A sharp bloody scepter.

Denathrius in this posture has a kind of aloofness that would be the top of the mountain, like an emperor who is about to complete his great deeds and is overlooking his own country.

The gust of anima blew the emperor's long pale hair, and his blood-colored cloak kept swaying behind him, and a half-filled glass of dark red wine was floating in the hand of the flirtatious guy.

When he felt Bu Laike's consciousness appear behind him, Emperor Denathrius let out a joyful laugh. He turned around, picked up the wine in hand, and gracefully toasted Bu Laike.

He said:

"Look who's here.

My best Death Vanguard, Hand of Sin, Titan Tank Star, Demon Slayer, your arrival has made the land under my rule flourish, and I am deeply honored.

My dear Braike Shaw, you single-handedly accomplished a feat that no one in the heavens and worlds could do. When the soul of the angry titan fell from the sky and destroyed the ridiculous and pathetic arbiter of destiny, precious Freedom came.

The most beautiful thing is given by your hand to every living being in this kingdom of the dead.

You are our benefactor, you are the benefactor of the entire shadow world. "

"You are absurd, my lord."

Bu Laike also acted very gentlemanly. He took out a bottle of wine from his arms, unscrewed the lid and clinked glasses with the Emperor through the magic mirror, and said:

"I'm just an insignificant pawn in your great plan, and you gave me the honor to complete this great plan at the last moment, which makes me feel trembling just thinking about it.

From this point of view, I should thank you, not you for bestowing upon me the royal gratitude.

However, before you do your generous deeds, I have a small question about my wife. "

"Ah, you mean Lady Maiev Shadowsong?"

The great emperor laughed, and he put the bloody wine in his hand to his mouth, took a sip, and said with grace:

"In my castle, the grandest welcome celebration ever held in Revendreth, all the big names from the Court of the Harvester arrived, and my servants prepared the most gorgeous ball in the Shadowlands for the guests.

Just guess, my excellent servant, who is the protagonist of this banquet?

Do you want me to take you to the banquet to see the star-studded Ms. Maiev? Of course, she was a little uncomfortable with the terrible weather in Revendreth, but that was okay.

I heard she was once a nature-loving lady.

If she is willing, I can personally negotiate with that annoying and dull woman, the Winter Queen, to obtain a high-ranking title for your wife in the Night King's Court.

This way she can continue living in the forest she loves. I assure you as an eternity that your wife will never be bullied by anyone in this world.

Whoever dares to disrespect her is to provoke the entire Revendreth!

She deserves it.

After all, it was Lady Maiev's great sacrifice that allowed my most valued servant to survive the threat of the Void and achieve the near-impossible promotion.

Ah, a living god"

Having said that, Denathius the Great pretended to bow slightly to Bu Laike and saluted. There was a strange light in his eyes, and he said in a gentle tone:

"No, it's my honor to get your help, Lord Moon Shadow."

"Then I will trouble you, my supreme majesty, please take care of my wife. I have to deal with some follow-up troubles in the material world."

Bu Laike grinned sincerely and did not show any dissatisfaction. He changed the topic and said:

"But you promised before that as long as your servants can fulfill your orders, then they will be rewarded"

"Yes, reward! I like this word, it represents the joy after victory."

The Emperor laughed and raised his hand, without the ugly face of those unscrupulous bosses in arrears of wages. He generously raised his hand to Laike, and a Venthyr emblem shining with blood and made of energy appeared on the hands.

He said:

"In the face of your immortal achievements, the reward I originally prepared for you seemed so insignificant, so I temporarily increased the amount of this reward.

As you can see, I will give you the whole of Revendreth and even my most precious treasure as the Lord of Sin as a reward.

This mark of sin"

"A bunch of keys?"

The pirate let out a weird laugh. He stared at the bloody mark in the emperor's hand and said:

"One of the five keys, as long as all five are collected, the passage to the Holy Land of the Firstborn can be opened, and the secret of completing the last step of ascension to the gods is hidden in it.

As expected of you, you can see my embarrassment and what I want most at a glance

Container, the supreme container of gods.

Very well, my lord.

I am very satisfied with this arrival, and I will send my servants to the Shadow Realm to bring me back this gift, but about your great plan."

Bu Laike pursed his lips. He looked at the smug Denathius the Great, and said:

"I have a small addition, if you are not busy right now, I hope to tell you about my presumptuous plan to make up for you.

About Sargeras, about Azeroth.

Trust me, it won't take up too much of your precious time. "

(end of this chapter)

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