Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1740 108. Kicking Open The Door Of A New Era Just Like That [Additional 13/20]

Chapter 1740 108. Just kick open the door of a new era [additional 1320]

Little Xingxing tried hard to see the picture in front of her. Under the guidance of Bu Laike's thinking, she knew that she was about to gain insight into the mystery affecting the entire group of stars.

That is the absolute truth hidden beneath the surface of the War of Argus, a conspiracy that, according to Bo Laike, has lasted for eons.

Whether he is a member of the Guardian Dragon or a best-selling author, Little Xingxing feels that he must master this first-hand information. Not only can he go back to the Dragon Rest Temple to report to the Dragon Kings and get rewards, but he can also use this exciting experience again. Secret things are written in my autobiography, so that readers can directly call the experts and then buy them enthusiastically.

She even thought it through very clearly.

Just leave a chapter at the end of the next autobiography "Battle of Purgatory: Star Flash VS Destroyer Titan", so as to gain some popularity for the new series of interpretation of the fate of the stars that I produced alone.

She was also curious about what kind of truth could make such a bad guy like Bo Laike so serious when he talked about it.

Since it came with a purpose, it is naturally more direct in action.

The idiot Blue Dragon kept blinking her eyes on the spiritual level, but all she could see under her eager mind was only one cloud after another of strange white clouds, like a hollowed out sky, with nothing but white clouds .

It looks very empty and makes people feel dizzy.

"Where is it?"

Little Xingxing couldn't help urging, but it immediately attracted the scolding of other people who were pulling in the tide of Bu Laike's consciousness with her at this time.

This kind of thing needs to be patient and calm.

This giant dragon has no strategic focus at all!

Because of the connection of thoughts, the thoughts in other people's hearts can't be concealed from Little Xingxing's perception. After sensing other people's thoughts, Princess Blue Dragon immediately coughed a few times, and planned to find an honest reason for her anxious actions.

As a result, at this moment, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

A city appeared in the white clouds that pervaded the sky. It was like a huge stone tower extending upwards and downwards at the same time, forming a huge compass-shaped disk in the center, making the whole city look like a spinning top. .

Without a reference, it is impossible to determine how big the city is, but it is definitely not small.

Because everyone followed the soul of Bu Laike and saw the strange lives that existed everywhere in the city disc from a certain angle overlooking the whole city.

In that city, there were Stoneborn beings they had seen before, who were currently loyal to Braike, and there were some Venthyrs who wore gorgeous robes and costumes, and held foreign-style sun umbrellas, walking through the city under the compliments of servants, and Undead!

All kinds of undead exist in that city, and they must be different from the undead of Azeroth.

Because they have real emotions.

The little star with the sharpest eyes can even see from a distance a big disgusting stitched body bargaining with some strange merchants who have no facial features, only weird sharp bodies, and the fire of soul burning on their heads.

There are also some little things with wings, like butterflies and moths, but with small bodies that fly around like elves. They look very naughty, and there will always be chaos in one way or another when walking through the market.

And finally some weird angels with blue skin and white wings flying around the city.

Just judging from the area of ​​the city bazaar and the number of lives it exhibits, it is conservatively estimated that there are at least 100,000 creatures in this strange "city in the sky".

It's definitely a big city.

"Olympus, the eternal city, the center of the shadow world, the crossroads through the kingdom of death, the transfer place of the soul, the place of judgment of good and evil.

Where destiny lies, rules lie. "

Bu Laike's deep voice sounded in everyone's hearts, like a tour guide, introducing the origin of the city in front of him to his God Chosen and the stupid little star.

He said briefly:

"When all life in the material stars dies, if there is no external interference, then this is the first stop for all souls after crossing the curtain of life and death.

Look at those Kyrian angels, they are the guides of souls, they can cross the curtain of life and death and continuously send souls into this city, it is precisely because of their hard work that the order of life and death has been maintained stable in countless epochs with balance. "

Everyone looked at the blue angels flying around the city through the pirate's explanation. Sure enough, every angel that flew into the city carried a soul in its hand.

But most of the souls are strangely shaped, and they don't seem to be from Azeroth or Dellano. Xiaoer even saw a group of eyeball souls that looked like void creatures being held by the blue angel and "swaggered through the market" .

But soon, Xiao Er's eyes became strange.

"What's wrong?"

While watching the scenery of this other world greedily and remembering them in his mind, Little Xingxing felt the doubts in Xiao Er's heart again, so he asked in a low voice:

"Any questions?"

"I saw an acquaintance in those souls. It was a spy placed by MI7 on a pirate ship in the South China Sea. Why was he also sent here?

I wonder if his identity has been revealed. "

Shaw said hoarsely:

"Also, is there something wrong with these angels? Why are they flying by holding other people's necks? Is this their tradition? Or do they want dishonest souls to accept the 'offensive' before being judged?"

"No, it's not that complicated, it's just the laziness of these little blue people changing positions."

The pirate coughed and explained gossipingly:

"Receiving souls sounds awe-inspiring, and it is also very fulfilling to do, but when you have done a great thing for countless epochs in a row, you have to find some new tricks to satisfy yourself. boring life.

The posture of flying with other people's neck is the most labor-saving. This is why I hate Grian very much. They are obviously a group of 'taxi drivers', but they are not professional at all.

Their service attitude is not even comparable to that of Hela in Hell.

The lunatic Hella just casually threw his soul into the dangerous Styx River and let them have a thrilling death rafting. When encountering valuable souls, he would specially send a ghost ship to send them to the deadly Maw.

But these Kyrian angels are really not polite to their customers. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate seemed to recall some bad experience, and said like a joke:

"Don't imagine how miraculous and noble the people here are. Although they were born in the world of death, they are no different from us.

They also have the same seven emotions and six desires, the same pain and troubles, the same will be passive and sabotage, and the same will steal and play tricks.

Especially those goblins of the Charming Night Royal Court, they are simply lawless!

Don't look at them all small and cute, but once they make noise, once they start playing tricks on you, it will make you want to twist their heads off and sew their mouths shut.

Venthyr is even more of a bunch of bad guys who push their schemes to the extreme.

On average, ten out of every ten sentences they say are malicious, and they take pride in it and work hard to develop their damned dour style into an art of deceit.

When dealing with these guys, you have to be at least three-minded, otherwise you will easily fall into an embarrassing situation.

I think the best ones to deal with are the undead of Maldraxxus.

They are straightforward, careless, and sincere to every visitor and invite them to participate in the exciting and lively Sorrow Theater Brawl. If you can make them win money, you are their best friend.

Of course, there are prerequisites for wanting to make friends with mazhuo hunks.

You must at least be a fighter who can defeat 100 challengers with bare hands. This is the minimum requirement. They have never made friends with rookies, and rookies who dare to go to Mazhuo will definitely not end well. "

After listening to Bu Laike's introduction, Little Xingxing shook his body and said in an exaggerated tone:

"That is to say, there are no good people in the entire Shadow Realm?"

"Basically, unless you can tolerate smart brokers who have the same living habits as goblins, never leave money, and are best at cheating, this place really won't be liked by you."

The pirate curled his lips and pointed to the highest point of Olympus. Everyone followed his fingers and were shocked.

At the high point of this Eternal City, countless souls sent by the Kyrian angels are constantly flying around the top tower. Those blue souls are like a storm, almost surrounding the entire Eternal City. The spiers of the city.

The soul tide composed of densely packed souls makes people dizzy, and Great Chief Red exclaimed:

"My God, how many souls are there waiting to be judged? A hundred thousand? A million? Or more? Are they so slow at work?"

"The work efficiency of the Eternal Arbiter is not low at all, Red."

The pirate also looked at the spire surrounded by the blue soul tide, and he whispered:

"In the Chamber of Destiny in the high tower, the arbitrator will examine the past of each soul and guide them after death. His arbitration is extremely precise, and every soul who is judged has no complaints.

Righteous and loyal souls will be sent to the promotion fortress. They must first wash away their mortal memories and then pass the promotion test to become Kyrian angels, fulfilling the mission of guiding souls.

The life-loving souls will be sent to Blazing Wilderness, where they choose a new form to be reborn, and help the Queen of Winter breed spirit seeds to bring new life to the material world.

The brave and violent souls will be sent to Maldraxxus, where there is a large Hall of Valor, where only the brave can survive and become the sword and shield of the warrior master, fighting to defend the order of the shadow world.

Souls with sins will be sent to Revendreth, which is the place that most fits the hell in mortal legends. Venthyr, who is good at identifying sins and punishing atonement, will use various methods to punish these souls.

But not for torture, but to help them atone for their sins, and by the way, extracting hearts can provide precious resources for the entire Shadow Realm, which you can understand as the "currency" of the soul. "

"Then what if I am not in the above four?"

The warlock trio looked at each other, and Zalak, who was the most eloquent, asked cautiously:

"Captain, what if I'm an unjust, unloving soul who shamelessly avoids combat and doesn't even want to atone? Where will I be assigned?"

"Huh? Can there be such a bad person in this world?"

Little Xingxing asked in surprise, and the trio of warlocks fell into a strange silence in embarrassment. After a few seconds, Xieyan could only say indistinctly:

"Yes, and the number is far more than you can imagine, Your Highness Little Xingxing. I dare not talk about other professions, but such 'talents' abound in the profession of warlocks and pirates."

"Well, your evaluation of yourself is very accurate, which makes me feel very satisfied."

Bu Laike threatened the warlock trio with malicious intent:

"If you're neither of the above four, you're in luck.

Those souls whose crimes are so deep that even Venthyr's various tortures cannot atone for their sins will be thrown into the Maw.

You should have heard how I once described that place. Compared with falling there, being hacked to death is a better ending.

Think no more, my good warlocks.

Don't give any hope to your own fate after death, people like you don't need to be handled by Venthyr when they are sent to Olympus, and they will be thrown into the Maw by the servants of destiny on the spot.

Now, see the red light at the end of the inverted tower that Olympus ended up with? There is the door of anima leading to the Devouring Abyss, don't imagine escaping.

In the countless epochs from the establishment of this order to the present, no soul has been able to escape from the Maw. "

Having said that, the pirate looked at the silent warlock trio, Red, who was shaking his fat, and the trembling little murloc lying on his shoulders, and said in a drawn out voice:

"But as my divine choice, when you die, my divinity will intervene in your fate, so that you will not fall into the shadow realm

All right!

Don't kneel down, don't flatter, just look carefully!


The wonderful moment is coming. "

The pirate's finger pointed to the sky, and everyone looked up. On the higher part of the soul tide, a mass of red streamer like a burning sun was appearing bit by bit.

He roared and tore the cloud and mist from the soul veil, and smashed down towards Olympus like a burning meteorite.

This scene caused the entire Eternal City to panic.

They saw lots of Kyrians and winged night elves and Venthyr stoneborn taking off, trying to stop the red meteor, but they couldn't even get close to it.

The burning meteorite smashed straight into the whirling soul tide, instantly igniting countless souls waiting for judgment. Amidst their wailing, the burning thing finally hit the destiny secret room of the Eternal City. There was a weird shattering sound, as if something solid had been hit.

With the exclamation and roar of those strange servants of destiny.

In just an instant, the tide of souls surrounding the eternal arbitrator dissipated. Amidst the screams of countless souls, they seemed to be drawn by some force and fell into the bloody light at the bottom of the city.

And those souls that were just released by the Kyrian angels also fell into the abyss together.

This scene lasted only a few seconds, but even Reid, who reacted the slowest, covered his mouth at this moment, and Little Xingxing even widened his eyes.

She exclaimed:

"The arbitrator was attacked and killed? Without him, what will happen to those souls?"


Shaw whispered:

"They were all thrown into the Maw. There was no trial, no arbitration, no salvation, no posthumous glory and promotion. The order of the Shadow Realm that had been maintained for countless epochs... collapsed.

The world of the dead will usher in a terrible chaos, just like the material stars ravaged by the Burning Legion. If the heart energy extracted by the soul is their currency and resource, it means that they have entered the chaos of resource scarcity from now on. Bureau.

Chaos leads to war!

The war in the world of the dead is about to begin, the balance of life and death is broken, and this chaos will soon spread to the material world. God, will we not only face the Burning Legion in the future, but also the eternal dead who are madly plundering souls? "

All eyes were on Bu Laike in the next moment.

But the pirate didn't care about the imbalance between life and death at all, or the collapse of order. He just repeatedly played the scene of the meteorite falling in front of everyone's eyes with admiring eyes like a movie loop.

He noticed the gazes of the others, he turned his head and smiled at them, and stretched out his hand to continuously enlarge the scene in front of him, so that they could clearly see what the "meteorite" that attacked the arbitrator was.

After seeing the true appearance of that thing clearly, Little Xingxing covered her mouth in an instant, she backed away in horror, and looked at Bu Laike who was smiling at her in horror.

She said tremblingly:

"Then that's Aggramar? Why? Why did he attack the Arbiter?"

"Because it was all arranged and then promoted by me alone."

Laike turned his head to admire the picture in front of him. At the end, the angry Aggramar kicked his left foot hard on the head of the eternal arbitrator in a "justice from heaven" posture.

He let out a long breath and said:

"The order of death has collapsed, the era of the balance of the force has come to an end, the barbaric era of chaos and expansion has arrived, and the best thing is that it was pushed away by me.

My chosen ones, my little stars, cheer for the Evil of This World.

I have murdered the order of life and death with my own hands, and all the stars will spurn and fear me, and all that you know will be gone.

as for fate

Alas, fate is dead! Behold, the wretched machine that calls itself Destiny, there is nothing left of it. "

(end of this chapter)

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