Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1739 107. I Haven't Forgotten The Farewell Kiss [Additional 12/20]

Chapter 1739 107. I haven't forgotten the farewell kiss [additional 1220]

"Fate is a bitch."

On the shore of the last freshwater lake in Mac'Aree and even the entire Argus world, Bu Laike, who was lying on the lunch cloth, raised his head to show off the whole bottle of wine, and said to the group of God's Chosen beside him:

"Every time you think you've mastered it, it'll slap you back and tell you you're still far from it. Ah, my perfect prophetic career has finally been stained, and now it's up to Zul and Vi Len laughed.


I have won so many times and only lost once. This time I lost my wife. It's a terrible loss! "

"Actually, it's not a loss, is it?"

Xiao Er stood by and watched the little murloc jump happily in the water and interfered with the "fish frying" with a rough spirit. He held a glass of wine elegantly and looked at the moonlight and shadows on his fingers, which were entwined by his mind. curve, he said:

"Anyway, haven't you already confirmed that Ms. Maiev is in the Shadow Realm? Just bring her back when the time comes, and if you jump out of your perspective, from a third-party perspective, all the arrangements are as accurate as you predicted .

You are already ready, aren't you? "

"Ha, every time the stupid assassin speaks, people can't help but laugh."

The giant magician lying on the grass and beating Bu Laike's leg raised his head, without concealing his sarcasm, and Zarakla said to Shaw in a long voice:

"Do you really think it is so easy to cross the curtain of life and death? Before we set off, we read the paper that Dean Lanyue had just published in the journal "Arcane", which described the rules and mysteries of life and death in detail.

I suggest you read it too.

Of course, a bastard like you who uses knives will definitely not understand.

So let the benevolent Master Zarak tell you straight to the conclusion, you idiot, Lady Maiev's entry into the Shadowlands means she's dead, understand?

She can no longer return to the world of the living. Even if the captain goes to the shadow world and overthrows all the eternals, the order of life and death cannot be changed.

Lady Maiev bid farewell to the material world forever.

She was once chosen by the Moon God, and even if there was a chance to cross the other world, Ms. Maiev would not do it. "

"The captain can only go to the world of the dead to meet his wife."

The evil eyes of Gibu Laike, who thumped his shoulders, answered:

"This is still based on the fact that the captain can freely travel through the curtain of life and death, but he is a god, and every time a god of the material world enters the world of death, it will have a very terrible impact.

The captain can't do things according to his own will, just like the legend on the Pandaren side, it is said that a pair of pandaren lovers offended the Supreme God, and the God punished them to be separated forever on both sides of the galaxy. see you one day.

Bah, one day.

What can you do in a day? What is enough for one day? With the captain's supreme might, one day's time is not enough for even one tenderness. "

"Ahem, it's over."

Bo Laike coughed with his eyes closed.

The bragging of his own shameless God Chosen made him blush a little. He waved his hands and said:

"Time is not a problem, anyway, Maiev's temper doesn't like me being by her side every day, what she pursues is spiritual companionship.

But even if you understand the mystery of this kind of thing, it is useless. Who can watch the tragedy that the girl he loves has to sacrifice everything for himself because of a mistake of his own?

My heart aches.

That kind of sadness has flowed upstream into the river Styx.

Nathanos, if one day Sylvanas does this for you like my Maiev did."

"I would kill myself."

Maris, who was leaning against the tree trunk, glanced at the wine bottle in his hand, and said in a low voice:

"I will not let my lover embark on the road to death alone, companionship is the longest confession of love.

I'm not like you. Besides Ms. Maiev, there are two other women who love you deeply like chains that lock you in the material world so that you can't accompany Ms. Maiev on that journey. way.

I have nothing to worry about. "

"Ha, stupid Maris, it's not just First Mate Safir and Venerable Xalatas who have deep affection for the captain."

The bruised and swollen Chief Red set up a barbecue stall next to him, skillfully handling a few stupid fish that were blown up by the little murloc, while winking and saying:

"You didn't count Her Majesty Hisaly, Lord of Fire, your human princess Calia, and our Highness Little Xingxing. Well, His Highness Little Xingxing seems to be a young dragon.

I said, Captain, you have to hold on, there are some things you can't do even if you become a god, and you will be stabbed in the back. "

"Well, in that sense."

The skinny boy Kanrethad, who had been silent all this time, opened a bottle of wine for the captain with a corkscrew, handed it to him, tilted his head and said:

"Actually, Ms. Fenner is also um, I heard that the elves don't seem to care about these things?"

"What dangerous thing are you implying?"

Bu Laike glanced at Kanrethad, as if he could see through the dark and evil heart of the skinny boy, he chuckled and said:

"Tsk tsk, there are some obscene warlocks here, it's not enough to be favored by their own disciples, and they think about their sister's future life all day long.


Are you planning to let me set a precedent for you, so that you can marry your sister with confidence in the future to piss off your father? "

"Captain, don't spit blood!"

Kanrethad jumped up all of a sudden, waving his hands excitedly and said to others:

"Don't believe it, the captain is obviously drunk, he's just talking nonsense, my sister is only ten years old. I'm not that crazy!"

"Yeah, you're not crazy."

Bu Laike quietly added a sentence:

"Althea was just nineteen years old when she completed the Assassin training for the Uncrowned under your arrangement, and then went to the Warlock School of Nathalas Academy for a few years of further study.

Tsk tsk, don't think I don't know your little thoughts, you are my God's choice, you can't hide your thoughts from me, maybe I should eunuch you now to avoid future troubles. "

"Then our situation is the same as that of you and Ms. Fenner!"

The skinny boy retorted with difficulty amidst the strange laughter of the others:

"Although we are the same father, we are not the same mother. The old man was flirtatious when he was young, so it shouldn't be a problem for me to ask you for your experience, right?"

"Ahem, SI:7 doesn't encourage this kind of behaviour, Lord Aber Locke."

Shaw reached out and patted Kanrethad on the shoulder, saying:

"But I know as well as you how dirty the nobles are in private. This matter about you is not even a gossip at a noble banquet. After all, your mother is indeed your mother, not your sister or your grandmother.

So if necessary, I can help you contact His Majesty Varian to attend your wedding.

Remember to send me an invitation. "

"Shut up!"

The skinny boy was in a bad mood after being ridiculed. He shook off Shaw's hand and kicked the thoughtful Reid, and then ran to the lakeside to be vigilant.

The rest of the big villains laughed, not considering Kanrethad's mood at all.

"So next, are you going to the Shadowlands to find Ms. Maiev?"

After Xiaoer finished smiling implicitly, he took a sip of his wine and asked a question. Braike shook his head. He looked at the shimmering lake in front of him, and also saw the ghost hidden deep in the lake, who was scared because he sensed the aura of the gods. The trembling big water snake.

He whispered:

"I want to complete a date first. I want to meet and fall in love with my Maiev first. I don't want to miss the best time in our relationship.

Also, I had to make all my arrangements before heading to the world of the dead to confront the ultimate conspirators. "

The pirate poured the wine in his hand into his mouth, his eyes became cold and dangerous, and he whispered:

"I will let those third-rate conspirators who ask me to offer my loyalty to them know what it means to be cold-blooded. Don't worry about me, everyone, just continue to complete your work step by step.

Remember, the victory of Argus means nothing.

Although we have destroyed the dark pantheon of Sargeras, the threat of the Burning Legion is still real, even without the wise leadership of the eredar, even without the intelligence support of the nathrezim, the demons all over the stars Still able to destroy Azeroth and everything we know.

And this time they're going to be crazier and more brutal than any challenge we've ever faced.

Because, they will fight under the banner of their dark god, Sargeras will lead them himself, or the dark titan will come alone and crush us one by one on our land. "

"We have the soul of a titan."

Nathanos said:

"I heard that the guardians want to take the soul of the titans back to Ulduar, and also release the floating island of Mac'Aree under our feet to the Draenei Islands in the South Sea, as a protection for the Draenei and the Broken. new hometown.

Because of the rooted relationship of the tree of life, after this continent enters Azeroth, the soul of the titan can also strengthen our world and our people, allowing us to fight against the demons that come out in full force. "

"It's useless."

Bu Laike said casually:

"These titans are too weak, together they cannot even fight Aggramar, let alone fight the rage of Sargeras.

But it is a good thing that they can indeed protect our star soul, and it will save us a lot of worries. "

"After returning, we will prepare for battle."

Shaw also sighed. As the guy chosen by Laike who knows the politics and the world situation best, the spy chief stared at the lake in front of him and said:

"After we escort the Titan Soul back to Azeroth, all the powers of the world are destined to unite to face the ultimate war.

This war will directly determine the future of us and even the stars, and we who have participated in the battle of Argus will become the absolute main force and backbone of the next battle.

If we fail."

"We will not fail!"

This time the person who took the call was Chief Red, who was fiddling with grilled fish. This fat guy who looked like an ogre far more than an orc was skillfully handling the fragrant grilled fish, while turning his back to the others and said:

"Don't think about this kind of future, it will only put you under unnecessary pressure, just fight with demons, fight until the end, and leave the future to fate.

What makes us luckier than others is that we don't have to depend on fate. "

Red laughed, and said flatteringly:

"We have the protection of the captain, far better than the smile of that bitch of fate."

Shaw froze for a moment.

He didn't expect these words to come from the mouth of the useless chief Red, which made Xiao silent for a few seconds, shaking his head and saying:

"Well, that's right, it's useless to think too much."

"Captain! Captain, I found something good!"

Little Xingxing's scream came from afar.

Seeing her joyful look, she knew that she really spent all her money in order to get the "big secret" from Bo Laike, and she really ran to find something that could interest the stinky pirates.

The blue dragon princess turned into the thunder dragon, wailed and slid down from the sky, and then turned into a vigorous idiot in the air, cheering and landing beside the pirate.

She proudly waved a letter in her hand, and said to Bu Laike:

"Look what I found in Maiev's old cabin? A letter! A letter she left for you! It's in her chest of spare armor.

It also said on the envelope that if she encounters misfortune, she will give it to you.

There must be a lot in it that she wants to say to you."


Laike stood up from the lunch cloth, and reached out to take the envelope from Little Star. He looked at the letter in front of him, and the curvy and fluent font with a hint of arrogance was indeed Maiev's notes.

He put the envelope under his nostrils, and he smelled dry tears.

Maiev must have shed a lot of tears when she wrote it, and while the others were watching, the pirate reached out and opened the envelope to take out the letter inside.

But in the next moment, he shook his head.

"Do not!"

Little Xingxing jumped forward in surprise.

But it was too late, a dim moonfire burst from the pirate's fingertips and consumed the letter.

"It's not a farewell, but I still have to write these sad things, woman."

Bo Laike watched the letter fly into ashes in his hands, he breathed a sigh of relief, stretched his neck, and said softly:

"I haven't forgotten the farewell kiss. It was just an intermission. The long-term romance is waiting in the rest of the silence. I want to hear what she wants to say to me with my own ears rather than see these sad words."

This silenced Little Xingxing.

The sensual Princess Blue Dragon seemed to understand something, but she didn't seem to understand anything. She lowered her head, played with her fingers and whispered:

"That. I actually peeked at it, so if you're wondering."


Bo Laike turned his head and put his finger on his lips, silencing her.

He said:

"That's your secret. I don't want to help you share the pressure of keeping it secret. If you dare to put it in your autobiography, you will have to pay attention when you sleep every moonlit night." .

You did find something that caught my eye, though, so I'm going to fulfill my promise.

I guess you all want to know what the deepest dark secrets of the Battle of Argus are, and some of you more perceptive ones should have sensed changes that have not yet extended to the physical world.

come on.

I'll show you what you want to see"

The pirate closed his eyes, and blood-red sinful arcs surged on his fingers, allowing him to contact his "collaborator" far away on the other side.

He said:

"Close your eyes, there are some things that cannot be seen with your eyes. Especially the reports from the front line by these 'war reporters' in front.

This is first-hand information, very precious. "

At this moment, the other people around the pirate closed their eyes in unison. Including the little murloc in the water, everyone could feel the light thoughts from Lord Moon Shadow and the Silent Man hanging over their spirits.

Then, in the light of one of the doors the pirates had gently pushed open, they saw .

another world!

(end of this chapter)

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