Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1745 113. The Light Of Light Shines On Azeroth [Additional 18/20]

Chapter 1745 113. The Light of Light Illuminates Azeroth【Additional 1820】

Mac'Aree Floating Island is the last part of the shattered stars of the Argus world. It is the last reverberation of that sad world among the stars. It is almost inherently tragic. Every traveler who hears its story Everyone will feel sad about it.

At least one-third of this land is the Kingdom of Stormwind, which is roughly equivalent to the border of Alterac, a place of bitter cold. Such floating islands are indeed qualified to be called "continents" in the division of ocean geography in Azeroth. ", it is indeed the largest island in the South China Sea except Pandaria.

And the scene of such a huge floating island landing on the endless sea is quite amazing.

When it was fine-tuned by Queen Azshara and other top spellcasters to enter the predetermined position, and the seawater was turned into huge waves by the emotional tide hunters to support it below to ensure that it landed slowly, those Naga around They all showed shocked expressions.

They just knew that the queen's subjects went to the stars to fight against the demons, which was a war that was almost impossible to win, but now those landlubbers not only came back, but also snatched back such a large piece of floating island from the world of demons as spoils of war.

This is enough for the nagas who have inherited the queen's arrogant character to have a more intuitive understanding of the combat effectiveness of this group of landlubbers.

Believe me, it's not easy to get them to look shocked.

And when the stone mother began to tremble and shape the connection between the floating island and the continental shelf under the sea, even the most arrogant naga mistresses lowered their heads that were always raised high.

Because they saw what was carried on the mainland of Mac'Aree's floating islands.

That golden tree.

The tree of life, the soul body of a creator titan, just the supreme creator breath is enough to make these vicious soft-skinned snakes who were changed in the disaster feel panic.

The Stone Mother and the Tide Hunter even had the urge to run away at any time.

As elemental creatures, they were born at the beginning of the world. They are the only surviving ancients in the world of Azeroth who have witnessed the power of the Titans.

They can feel the familiar aura buried in ancient memories from the majesty emanating from this continent.

Almost all the Titans of the Pantheon gathered here, Aman'Thul, Eonar, Norgannon, Khaz'goros, and Gorgonus the Howler who ruled the sea and the sky.

These powerful auras made the weak elemental monarchs shudder, and the two of them just wanted to finish this bad thing quickly and then go back to their elemental territory and stay obediently.

In order not to be noticed by a titan soul with a sense of justice, he took a breath and killed chaotic creatures like them on the spot.

Although the Titan souls who came to Azeroth were weak, they triggered many, many "chain reactions" the moment they entered Azeroth.

The creations in all the existing Titan sanctuaries in the entire world have felt the presence of the Creator, as well as their descendants remaining in Azeroth.

For example, the sea titans who are eagerly preparing to go to war with the Naga Deep Sea Empire.

"The ancestors. The ancestors are back!"

In a certain huge seabed cave under the coast of Kalimdor, the sea titan half Yakorok, who was instilling the concept of war into some sea titan clan chiefs, was struck by lightning in an instant.

It grabbed the small tide stone in its hand, and felt the titan's aura soaring above the holy object in a daze.

This veteran demigod didn't waste much time. After realizing what happened, it roared towards the sea titan chiefs in front of it with a hint of apprehension in surprise:

"Why are you still standing still? Call the tribe! All the tribe! Immediately follow me to meet the ancestor of the supreme creator. I never thought that in my long life, I would still have the qualification to meet him.

It's a great honor. "

The sea titan chiefs stared at each other. These guys scratched their heads honestly, completely unable to understand where Yakorok's excitement came from.

The civilization of Sea Titan has been dissipated for almost hundreds of thousands of years.

They can't understand their own noble bloodlines at all, and the crazy talk about sea titan being the descendant of the Creator is just a trick they occasionally use to promote their identity when bragging with the murlocs in the deep sea.

"Aren't you going to fight the bad Naga?"

A naive sea titan chief asked a lot, but the next second he was punched in the face by an angry demigod. Yakorok roared:

"What are you fighting for! Those who dare to start a war in the land where the ancestors descended will be eaten as rations! You idiots, what are you doing!

Go gather your clansmen, put on the best accessories in your clan, and wash yourselves.

Hell, one by one stinks to death!

It's a shame. "

It punched and kicked those chiefs who obeyed him out of his cave. The titan demigod opened his treasures for many years in excitement, tied a pearl the size of a titan's fist around his neck, and gave himself a messy long hair Dotted with a crown made of a whale shark's head, and finally a big star for the beard.

After everything was cleaned up, it was ready to go to "Miansheng", but before going out, it sniffed the smell of itself, half-god hesitated, and prepared to go ashore to find a freshwater lake to wash.

This fishy smell is too strong.

I heard from my grandfather's father that the creator ancestor was a god who loves cleanliness.

The chaotic audience of the sea titan is just one of the strange events caused by the coming of the soul of the titan to Azeroth. Every race in the whole world, as long as it has something to do with the titan, feels the strange changes in the world on this day.

Even the elves felt the sign of the noble coming from the vibration of the Emerald Dream. The whole Hyjal Mountain was flying around, and even Tortola, the tortoise demigod who had been sleeping for many years, was awakened.

The same goes for the trolls.

When groups of Loa were scared and hid in their lairs and shivered, the most powerful Royal Loa Lazan rushed into the palace of Rastakhan, the King of Gold.

It requires the Golden King to stop everything at hand, put on the most gorgeous clothes, and go with it to meet the creator of the stars.

But there are still people who react faster than trolls or elves, or even sea titans.

As soon as Mac'Aree entered Azeroth, Little Xingxing immediately sent a message to Wyrmrest Temple. She asked all the dragons who could fly to come to the South China Sea immediately to "face the saint".

The Red Dragon Queen A Laikestraza who received the news obviously did not dare to neglect. On the Wyrmrest Temple in the Dragonbone Wilderness, the Guardian Dragon Legion summoned by the Red Dragon Queen also began to gather.

Even Malygos, the spellweaver who was "retiring" in Coldarra, was "lifted" by the blue dragons.

no way.

This is too big a deal.

And it was too sudden, so the people who did it were very passive.

As for the villains

N'Zoth was so frightened that he burrowed into his Titan cage.

All that came to the mind of the Corruptor was the horrible scene where the most powerful Y'Shaarj was grabbed by Aman'Thul among the stars and squeezed out of the earth and exploded on the spot.

Another evil villain, Deathwing, has long since disappeared, and no one knows where the Destroyer is hiding.

Instead, Dellano's black dragon mother got the news in advance, and this society has already rushed to Azeroth with the remaining black dragons. Obviously, a cunning guy gave Ms. Sinestra an idea.

It is suggested that she take advantage of the weak opportunity of the Titans to come to show her courtesy and complain, and then cry to show her loyalty, maybe the Black Dragon Legion can be rebuilt in a justifiable way.

In short, this will be a day that will go down in the annals of all races of Azeroth, if the world can survive the catastrophe that will come later.

Seriously, this is a sad story. After a victory, you have to think about the future where you may lose. The creatures in this world don't even have time to rest.

After nearly an hour, the Mac'Aree floating island continent was finally connected to the continental shelf of Azeroth. The work of the Stone Mother was not completed, but Ms. Ionar said that the Stone Mother could go back to rest.

She will plant the roots of her tree of life beneath the seabed to ensure Mac'Aree remains a part of Azeroth.

The Life Titan was in a good mood, and even praised the Stone Mother and the Tide Hunter for their help when the Pantheon fell down.

They really don't want to stay here for too long.

The aura exuded by these top bosses of order forces made them, these chaotic creatures, feel very uncomfortable, but since they were praised by the Titans, it meant that the rule of the elemental territory must be stable.

Don't worry about being blown away by the Titans who have regained their strength one day.

This is a great thing for the elements.

"The Supreme Empress left her palace and came to greet us in person, my God, this is a supreme honor! What are you impolite mud legs doing?

Kneel down!

Get down on your knees! "

After the mainland of the floating island "stopped", the "Evil of the World" slowly landed on the land from a high altitude.

The arrogant Ms. Vashj walked down the deck swaggeringly with her naga carrying the box of souls, and she saw Queen Azshara's chariot ahead of her, who was talking to Braike about something.

This made Mrs. Viper very excited.

She yelled and asked the warriors of other races to join her in welcoming the arrival of the Supreme Queen.

It's a pity that the barbarians of other races can't understand the greatness and glory of the deep sea empire and the queen. They have no interest in bowing down to the Naga queen.

Just when Vashj was feeling uneasy, Queen Azshara's gentle voice sounded in her ears:

"My loyal general and maid, you have done a very good job, and I have heard from His Majesty Bu Laike about your excellent performance on Argus.

Now I give you my portable staff, and after you complete your audience with the Creator with me in a few days, I will hold an award ceremony for you in Nazjatar.

You have proved that your ability is worthy of my favor, so from now on, you will be my 'Chief Maid'. "

"My God, what an honor!"

Mrs. Vashki was so excited that she almost fainted.

Under the envious and jealous gazes of the other war maids, Vashki, who had returned from victory, took the golden deep-sea scepter from the queen, and straightened her body to protect her supreme queen in dizzy excitement. beside.

But the careful Vashki soon discovered that her empress seemed to be in a particularly good mood today and her behavior was a little weird.

It stands to reason that she, who pays the most attention to etiquette and rules, should first go to meet the Creator under the Tree of Life, but after dismissing the surrounding maids temporarily, the queen signaled Vashki with her eyes to follow her to a hidden place in the Mac'Aree Mystic Academy .

What makes Mrs. Viper even more uncomfortable is that the Queen has been whispering to that annoying Bu Laike Shaw, and her posture is very humble.

My God, Vashki really didn't expect that the word humility could one day be used on her empress.

That's right, Bu Laike Shaw has become a god.

Even the dogs raised by the hunters among Mac'Aree's expeditionary army officers and soldiers knew about this matter these days, but so what? If you are a mere pirate and become a god, can you whisper to the supreme queen so intimately?

Under Vashj's jealous, almost maddening hostility, clothed in black and masked, Laike Shaw opened the door of a collapsing mage's hut, and made a "please" gesture to the queen.

"No! Empress, don't go in! That pirate is too nasty! He must be plotting to do very bad things to you!"

Vashki screamed inwardly.

But she dared not teach the Supreme Empress how to do things.

He could only watch the proud queen walk into the low, cramped and dark hut with a smile on her eyes like a submissive little daughter-in-law with a shocked gaze.

"I want to have some private affairs with Queen Azshara."

Bu Laike took off the moonlight mask on his face, looked left and right, and before closing the door, said to Vashj who was glaring at him viciously:

"Help us guard the door and don't let others approach."

With a "bang", the door of the mage's hut was closed, and Mrs. Viper, who was guarding the door, viciously made a piercing motion towards the position where Laike was just now to express her dissatisfaction.

But she had to keep this hidden place for her queen, and at the same time pricked up her ears to listen to the movement in the house.

She swears!

As long as that bastard Bu Laike dares to do anything disrespectful to the queen, she will risk her life to kill this evil god. Well, it’s another matter if she can do it or not, but she definitely has the will to dedicate everything to the queen


The little theater in Vaschi's heart hadn't really started yet, but there was an imaginative groan from the room behind her.

The coquettish empress had a natural charm when she made such a voice, which made Vashki, who is also a woman, feel a burning fire in her heart.

Afterwards, Mrs. Viper heard the whispers inside.

"Why are your clothes so cumbersome? Take them off! If you don't want them to get in the way."

"Okay, Your Majesty, wait a minute, do you want to remove the pendant from your hair too? There are also tail rings and gems inlaid on the scales."

"You can keep it if you are willing to take risks. I don't really care."

"Uh, let's take it all off."

"It's a long process, you need to be patient, and be good during the whole process."


This destructive dialogue made Vashki's anger soar, and it overwhelmed his rationality for a moment. In his heart, only the supreme queen, Mrs. Viper, felt that a certain firm belief in her heart had collapsed.

It is also true that the queen is so docile to a man.

Do not!


It must be the damned evil god Bu Laike Shaw who forced the queen to submit, and he must rescue his queen!

must! immediately!


With a loud noise, half of the mage's hut was blown away by the tornado set off by the angry Vashj. The red-eyed Mrs. Viper waved the queen's deep-sea scepter. anger.

"Indecent debauchery evil god! Die!"

Losing her mind, Vashj yelled and stabbed the scepter at Bu Laike's head, but Master Moon Shadow easily stretched out a finger and stopped on the spot.

Bo Laike had a wicked grin on his face.

There was still a purple light in his eyes, obviously, Vashki's anger was deliberately provoked by him, just to witness this moment.

"No! Vashj, get out! Give me your clothes! Quick!"

As a result, Mrs. Viper's "God Killing Plan" was interrupted by a coquettish drink before it even started.

Vashki turned her head, and saw the charming queen slumped at Bu Laike's feet, her wet hair was scattered on her flawless shoulders, her face was blushing, and she used her tattered deep-sea costume to cover her pure white skin and jade-like skin. A perfect body.

The queen's legs are as weak as a newborn child, and she can't even stand firmly, full of a kind of woman's delicate and so on!


Bridge Bean Sacks!

"Your Majesty! You. You are."

The anger in Vashki's heart faded as quickly as it appeared.

The moment she regained her sanity, she realized that something was wrong. She stared dumbfounded at the weak queen in front of her, with tens of thousands of question marks running away like a runaway horse in her heart.

N'Zoth's curse of flesh dispelled?

light of light

came back?

Is it so casual?

(end of this chapter)

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