Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1746 114. As We All Know, Azshara Is A Sincere Believer, And She Has Been Sincere For Seven

Chapter 1746 114. As we all know, Azshara is a sincere believer, and she has been sincere for seven minutes [1920]

What the pirates and Queen Azshara did in the small black room were not as glamorous as Vashj, who was emotionally manipulated, thought. Although the queen did take off her clothes and accessories, Braike had no time to appreciate the enchanting Na Ka's body.

He must concentrate on using the "super sheep transformation" bestowed by the moon shadow godhead to reshape Queen Azshara's life form from a twisted and corrupted thing to the light of the light.

This job was unthinkable before, and the pirates and the queen had to find a way to coerce N'Zoth to use the Corruptor's void power to remove the curse of flesh and blood on the queen bit by bit.

But this curse has co-existed with the queen for 10,000 years. God knows whether Azshara can return to her perfect form after the curse of flesh and blood is dispelled.

As long as the flesh and blood touch the void too much, there will be no good end!

Not only Laike knows this very well, but Queen Azshara also knows it very well, so for a long time in the past, the queen has left the issue of restoring her appearance behind.

She doesn't want to think about the success rate of this.

The so-called as long as I don't want to, there is no threat, a typical ostrich mentality.

Although it looks weak, considering women's natural pursuit of appearance, coupled with the fact that the queen was once the number one white and rich beauty in Azeroth, but she has fallen to the point where this child is about to cry when she sees it today, so this evasive mentality It is not difficult to understand.

At the end of the naval battle of Quel'Thalas, when the queen opened her heart to Braike for a moment, she also emphasized to the pirates that one of the prophecies left by the black prophet ten thousand years ago was to restore her peerless beauty. Yan.

This is the basis for the two parties to continue to maintain a close cooperative relationship!

Azshara's meaning is obvious. Whether the empire can restore this kind of thing does not require Bu Laike to think about it. It is her duty and work as a queen. There are only two things that Bu Laike has to consider.

First, create opportunities for the rise of the deep sea empire.

Second, find a way to bring the Queen back to the good old days of "Light of Light".

And now, as Braike Shaw returns from among the stars in the form of a god, both conditions have been fulfilled.

But who would have thought that Azeroth's most noble and unparalleled Queen Azshara fulfilled her long-cherished wish in a small black room where even a mule was buried?

"This dress won't work!"

In the ruins of the house where most of the walls were blown off by Vashj's anger, Queen Azshara, who had just been reshaped into a life form, sat slumped on the straw in a "delicate" posture.

She looked at the ecstatic Vashki who was constantly taking out all kinds of gorgeous clothes from the luggage, and picked up the deep-sea style robe with her white fingers with a face full of disgust.

She said in disgust:

"These are for Naga, they can't meet my current needs, go find them! Vashj, find clothes that match my identity for your empress as quickly as possible."

"Obey, Your Majesty."

The loyal Lady Serpent immediately got up to grab some elf costumes from the crowd in the distance.

Her vicious eyes were full of malice, and she felt that the sacrificial robe on Tyrande Windtalker, which was derived from the period of the Elven Empire, was very suitable for her majesty.

Majestic and solemn, but also charming and elegant, it is suitable for the queen to appear on the stage with the supreme posture of "light of light" at this moment.

But Vashj was stopped by Bu Laike before he started.

It took a lot of effort to complete the "perfect plastic surgery" for Queen Azshara, and Lord Moon Shadow sat on the wooden barrel in the ruins of the hut in a gesture of admiring the beauty.

He looked up and down at Azshara's standard melon-seeded face in elf form and the pair of amber-colored eyes that were as bright as stars. These eyes alone were enough to set off this coquettish and dusty face.

And her long hair has been soaked in sweat because of the pain caused by the previous shape reshaping and dispelling the curse of flesh and blood. It will be wet on the shoulders as warm as jade, and the delicate collarbone will be as perfect as a work of art.

and her figure

Needless to say, her figure is the most perfect type I have seen after the pirate's rebirth for so long, and it combines almost all the beautiful features of women into one body.

To borrow the words that pirates often ridicule those priests, this is a degenerate body born to induce people to commit crimes.

At this time, the empress was very embarrassed to cover her chest and lower abdomen with her tattered and tattered costumes, but after her long tail turned into legs, it was difficult for her to stand up for a while because she hadn't really walked on her legs for ten thousand years.

It is very similar to the scene in the folk fairy tale when the Little Mermaid first landed on the shore. Those delicate legs probably need a few days to get used to it before they can walk on the ground.

But the more this is the case, the more delicate and lovable a "damsel in distress" will be added to the noble, glamorous and arrogant Azshara in front of her.

"As a loyal servant of Her Majesty the Queen, how could I not have even considered such a thing?"

Bu Laike stopped Vashki from rushing out to snatch other people's clothes for his own empress's disgraceful act, he shyly took out a set of purple elf dress from his luggage.

Needless to say, its magnificence and beauty are just the moment the diamonds dotted on it reflect a rainbow-like arc under the sunlight of Azeroth when they are taken out.

Most commendable is the poor artistic taste of this long dress.

This is what Bu Laike found from the private collection of the great magister in Suramar. It is the most classic highborne noble-style long skirt. The cheongsam with slits on both sides of the long skirt is designed to almost reach the thighs.

Even the elf dancers of Quel'Thalas dare not wear such clothes.

But Azshara's eyes lit up when she saw it, and the Queen's eyes showed a look of "nostalgia". She said softly with her hoarse and charming voice:

"This is. This is me."

"That's right, Your Majesty, this is the royal ceremonial dress that you personally designed and often wore ten thousand years ago. The long dress in my hand should have been forgotten in that city palace when you were inspecting Suramar one time. "

The pirate whispered:

"The disobedient Elisande hid your clothes. It looks like she intended to wear them on the day she assumed the throne, but unfortunately, the sad black elf's figure can't support it at all. A piece of 'Emperor's Robe'.

Only you deserve it.

You should also dress up to attend the ceremony today, so that the subjects of the whole world can witness His Majesty's peerless appearance and grace. Put it on quickly, Your Majesty, your current demeanor is somewhat... well, not very decent. "

Azshara ignored the sarcasm in Boo Laike's words.

She stretched out her hand tremblingly, stroking the purple royal dress that Bo Laike held with both hands, regardless of the movement of raising her hand to make her covered body happy.

The big snow-white dumplings dotted with little pink strawberries made the pirates dizzy for a while.

Good guy!

Is this really the mind an elf should have?

It can only be said that she is worthy of Her Majesty the Empress. Just her broad mind is enough for her to own a world-wide empire.

"What are you looking at! Picked your eyes!"

Vashj viciously waved the deep sea scepter in her hand to block the eyes of the queen, Bu Laike shrugged, and turned his head in a gentlemanly manner to stop looking at the alluring "scenery".

Behind him, with the help of Vashj, the queen quickly changed into this purple royal long dress. Of course, she did not forget to wash off the sweat from her body with her shocking magic skills before changing.

Although Laike turned his back and didn't look at it, the illusory tentacles shining in his shadow were like "cameras" from all angles, appreciating the picture presented from every angle.

Not for obscene self-satisfaction, of course, but pure admiration for the tastiest body Azeroth could produce naturally.

This is the pursuit of beauty, hidden deep in everyone's heart.

But the empress is a bit too unrestrained. You should wear a set of underwear under the long skirt anyway, just put it on, what if it is all gone?

"Call my maids, Vashj."

The queen who put on her long dress from ten thousand years ago shaped a magic mirror with her excited hands.

With a kind of extreme self-appreciation, she looked at the face in the mirror that often appeared in her memories, and while stroking her own cheek, she said to Vashki who was as excited as her:

"Let them bring all my makeup tools here, immediately! I am about to meet my subjects, and I must appear in the most noble posture and meet the great creators who have come to my country.

I'm going to need a little time to fence this off. "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Mrs. Viper quickly swam the snake body under the sea water. After she left, only Bo Laike who took out the wine bottle and the elf queen who was supported on a chair remained in the ruins of the hut.

Azshara was still appreciating her lost and regained peerless beauty, and Bu Laike was not in a hurry. The two of them remained silent until more than ten seconds later, the queen took the initiative to say:

"Thank you, Prophet in Black, you really are a strong man who keeps your word, maybe I should call you Lord God?"

"You do deserve some respect."

Braike leaned against the blown-off wall. He looked at the noisy hills in the distance. It was the crying and howling of the draenei who lived in the nearby archipelago when they came here by boat and set foot on their ancient homeland. sound together.

He watched as he poured fine wine into his mouth, and said to Azshara without looking back:

"But I don't really care much about the so-called majesty of the gods. There are five cosmic gods who plan to shape the beginning of the stars and establish order in front of you, but what will happen to them?

It takes a group of mortals to cross the stars to save them from disaster.

Praise and praise cannot represent strength, and true majesty can only be manifested from actions.

Although doing so will make you hate me, but my dear majesty, before we really start talking, I must show you a cruel reality"

The pirate stretched out his finger and waved it lightly.

At the same time, in the magic mirror in front of Queen Azshara, fine scales appeared on her face that had just recovered her peerless beauty, which made the queen shatter the mirror in front of her eyes with a scream, and covered her face again. own face.

She looked at Bu Laike viciously. Although her legs were weak and she couldn't jump over to strangle the evil god, she still scolded:

"What are you doing? Are you threatening me? Is your so-called life reshaping just a clever illusion? Are you swearing your sovereignty over me?

Do not!

Boo Laike Shaw!

You can't scare me!

You have a godhead but no container, you are very powerful but you have not really completed the "godship", your soul may be immortal, but your body can still be torn apart by me.

Don't play such a dangerous game! Your empress warns you one last time. "

"How can this be a threat?"

The pirate grinned and turned back towards his queen. He widened his eyes and showed a sincere expression. He squatted in front of the queen and looked up at her who was angry.

This face is so beautiful that even when she is angry, it is so shocking.

"Is it an illusion, can't you, the most powerful woman in Azeroth, not be able to tell? My Queen."

The pirate tilted his head and said to the angry Azshara:

"I really used the power of the gods to reshape your life form. You are now the light of the light. In order to preserve the powerful power you have accumulated for thousands of years, I even thoughtfully reserved for you the first battle Two Morphology'.

Do not worry.

You did get your wish.

But what I want to tell you is that the continuation of this life reshaping is based on the stability of my godhead. Once I die, well, now I should use words like 'fall' to describe it.

In short, if I am gone, the eternal reshaping of life will end, I have dispelled the curse of your flesh, and you will not return to the ugly posture of the Naga Queen.

But I think, for you who regained perfection"

Bu Laike stretched out his hand, and put it on the queen's delicate chin presumptuously, he said softly:

"Even if there is such a little flaw, it will make you feel that life is worse than death, right? I'd rather not have imperfect things, this is the arrogance of the light of the light."

"Isn't this threatening me?"

Azshara sneered, and slapped Bu Laike's fingers away. She raised her hand and tapped the pirate's forehead, and said in a low tone:

"So, I have to be your evil god's 'nanny' in the future? To protect you from being killed by other forces? You are too cowardly, my god, what power in this world can hurt you? "

"Sargeras, your hot and cold ex-boyfriend."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"We're going to confront him sooner or later, aren't we? I just want to make sure that you won't rekindle an old relationship with an ex-boyfriend who ruthlessly used and dumped you at a critical moment."

"of course not."

Azshara covered her mouth and chuckled a few times, she rolled her eyes and said:

"But maybe I should prove it with action."

After finishing speaking, the queen grabbed Bo Laike by the collar domineeringly, and pulled him to her eyes, and the two dogs and men kissed passionately in the ruins.

The pirate could feel Azshara's inner excitement, excitement and gratitude at this moment, such intense emotional agitation was really rare for a powerful spellcaster like her.

This should have been a very glamorous thing,

But helplessly, Laike was really not in the mood to taste the supreme style of the queen, he stretched out his hand, and gently but firmly pushed the queen away. He touched the blood on his lips, while Azshara on the opposite side moved his tongue to lick the blood off his mouth.

It is no exaggeration to say that this action alone caused a scorching fire to rise in the pirate's lower abdomen. The woman in front of him is simply a goblin! Compared with her, Xalatas is so young.

The natural charm of this world's blessing is really terrifying.

"Do me a favor, my favorite Boo Laike."

Azshara let out a weird laugh. She brushed her long hair gracefully, and looked at the war maids who were rushing towards her carrying the pearl king's chariot.

She whispered:

"Such a beautiful blessing should not be enjoyed by me alone. As a ruler, you should always remember that the rain and the dew are equal. In my name, give this beautiful blessing to my most loyal maids.

But they don't need such a perfect permanent remodel

This is a reward for loyalty, but also a punishment for incompetence. "

"No, no, since it is the emperor's grace, it should be bestowed by the supreme monarch himself, so that the recipient knows who to continue to dedicate his loyalty to."

The pirate straightened the collar that had been torn because of the Queen's enthusiasm just now, and with a flick of his finger, a delicate Holy Emblem of the Quieter made of the remains of the naaru crystal fell into Azshara's hands.

He whispered:

"As a god, I need a priest of silence so that I can expand and continue the path of truth in the lightless sea. My lord, I think."

"Well, my god."

The queen opened her arms and bowed slightly to Bu Laike like those moon priests. She whispered in an extremely charming voice:

"I'm ready for a new path, please give me strength. But please remember, I'm not some childish girl whose heart is captured by faith

I follow your teachings.

As long as the price is right, I can be very sincere. "

(end of this chapter)

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