Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1747 115. The Peaceful Rise Of The Empire [Additional 20/20]

Chapter 1747 115. The "Peaceful Rise" of the Empire [Additional 2020]

The Mac'Aree continent successfully entered the world of Azeroth and stabilized, as the Draenei living in the nearby seas entered here under the call of the prophet and brought enough ships.

It is also time for the coalition warriors of all races to leave and return to their hometown for a precious rest before starting to prepare for the upcoming decisive battle in their own world.

Of course there are some people who can't go.

For example, the leaders of all ethnic groups must stay here for a few days. They already know from Xiao Xingxing and the mages that all forces, including the Guardian Dragon Legion, will come to meet the Creator Titan.

This is a rare opportunity to start a very high-level meeting under the witness of the creators to discuss the issue of the decisive battle.

However, while the leaders of various ethnic groups bid farewell to their warriors, they also witnessed a "historic" moment by the way.

"Look over there! The Naga have landed!"

The light ranger Halduron Brightwing and his elven rangers who were patrolling near the Palace of the Mysteries were the first to notice the anomaly. Because of the excellent vision of the ranger lord, he saw a group of soft skins densely packed on the coast of Mac'Aree. The snake is coming out of the ocean tide.

The sheer number of them is staggering.

Considering the hostile relationship between the elves and the Naga, the Bright Ranger immediately blew the warning horn on his waist.

This thing was used in the Battle of Argus as a signal to remind the warriors of the imminent danger. This means that the warriors who have just returned to Azeroth have not yet completely escaped from the war.

After hearing the sound of the horn, the soldiers who were still able to move immediately took action, and under the call of the commanders, they formed layers of defense around the Mystic Academy and the Tree of Life.

But soon they discovered that the Naga who had flooded onto the beach had no intention of attacking.

On the contrary, these annoying soft-skinned snakes lined up in place, like the queen on a tour, raised the coral battle flag of the Deep Sea Empire, and marched towards the tree of life mightily.

The commander of the night elves, High Priest Tyrande, and her daughter Shandris Feathermoon stood in front of the formation, both holding bows and looking at the Naga warlords carrying banners ahead.

Kael'thas of Quel'Thalas and Atraeus, the great astrologer of the Shal'dorei camp, also each commanded their own soldiers to line up in front of the formation, while fighters from other races were on the flanks to help defend.

The whole of Azeroth knows that the grievances between elves and Naga are too complicated.

If these Naga want to pick trouble, they must be the first wave to go to the elves. The past between the two races ensures that the elves are the best hatred T.

It is better for other races not to get involved until the two of them have resolved their grievances with each other.

And when the distance between the two sides was getting closer, the dangerous underwater creatures carrying the battle flags also stared at the elves of various races in front of them with snake-like cold eyes, and the smell of gunpowder between the two sides became more and more intense.

It wasn't until the queen's royal chariot slowly moved forward in the camp of the Naga army under the escort of a group of war maids that the strong smell of gunpowder disappeared.

But when Azshara actually appeared, all the elves looked at each other in blank dismay.

what did they see


Who is that elf woman sitting on the chariot of the Queen of the Deep Sea? Why doesn't Azshara show up to talk to them? Hey, what the hell did you do to the dignified and disgusting Empress of the Deep Sea, you pretty woman?


Compared with the whispers among the Quel'Thalas elves, there was more restlessness between the night elves and the Shal'dorei camp. As Tyrande, who had seen the light of light with his own eyes, recognized it at first sight. The identity of the female elf on the king's chariot.

And the great astrologer Etraus and his magic swordsmen trembled from the shock. With his spellcasting level, it is natural to judge that Azshara's form at this time is not pure illusion.

The queen's aura seems to have returned to the purest form of flesh and blood from the somewhat chaotic form before. In other words, the seabed naga who have been tortured by the curse of flesh and blood for thousands of years have finally mastered the method of returning to the form of elves. mystery.

This can be seen from the appearance of more than twenty war maids standing around Azshara's chariot.

These loyal and vicious deep-sea mistresses were also freed from the cursed posture like their queens, and one by one they returned to the tall and white postures of the high elves.

Especially the Viper Madam Vashki, who has been named the chief maid of the court, this famous beauty from the elf empire period is standing behind her queen with a golden deep-sea scepter in her hand.

Her long silver hair is combed into a form of bangs and waterfalls, hanging on her ears and shoulders. She is wearing a red elf maid dress, and there are blue tear spots below her big eyes with bright snake pupils.

It has been completely restored to the most perfect posture ever.

It has to be said that Queen Azshara has a very unique and amazing vision in choosing her maids. All the blessed elf forms of the deep sea mistresses, including Vashj, are absolute beauties that can be clearly seen at a glance.

Regardless of the aesthetics of any race, the sight of these valiant and slender glamorous warriors with their queens is enough to make any man, from dwarf to tauren, unable to take his eyes off his eyes.

And make those women gnash their teeth with hatred.


Where did Azshara collect so many beauties?

Also, everyone is a woman, please restrain yourself and give the other sisters a chance to survive, okay?

Amid so many elves and beauties, Azshara leaned on her royal chariot, although she didn't have the weird laziness when she dried the squid, but at this time, the one who appeared in the purple royal robe The light of light doesn't even need to speak, every time the wind blows the veil around the king's chariot, revealing a trace of the queen's aura, it is enough for all the men who are not blind to swallow a mouthful of saliva.

Especially when the queen waved her hand to let the maids open the gauze curtain, and walked to the edge of the king's chariot with the support of Vashki, the pair of long legs that were blown by the wind and swayed were simply a paradise for men .

Some guys who saw it could even see a smudge of purple under the dress.

Worthy of being a great queen!

Straight into T pants?

Can't you raise your hands high to show your innocence? Doesn't this believe in trust between people more than those conservative ladies who wear leggings under their skirts?

Are you right?

A certain Paltress priest who did not want to be named.

"Queen Saigao!"

Although the scene at this moment was quiet, Bu Laike, who is a silent man, still heard the roar of praise in the crowd.

Obviously, Azshara, the Light of Light, easily captured the hearts of countless male warriors when she first appeared on the scene ten thousand years later, including many, many elf men

Uh, Queen Azshara's unique "lethal power" against elves is really not covered.

Of course, this is not to blame for the lack of determination of the male friends. The pirate hid in the crowd and glanced forward. Even a well-informed man like Old Velen was stunned for a few seconds when he saw Azshara.

To make an old prophet who has lived for 30,000 years with a pure heart and asceticism show such a groggy expression shows that the queen's charm is outrageous.

Azshara hasn't spoken yet, but everyone present at this moment has to admit that His Majesty the Light of Light is indeed the "daughter" blessed by the will of the world of Azeroth.

With only one appearance, she has shaped herself as the absolute center of the current stage.

Now, everyone is waiting for her to speak.

"Subjects of the empire, your empress is delighted by your victory. I have to admit that I underestimated the potential of my subjects before."

Amidst the fluttering battle flags of the Deep Sea Empire, Azshara's charming and hoarse voice resounded in the wind, and that supreme arrogance shattered the weird fantasies in many people's hearts at once.

Well, that's the right taste.

Although the appearance became more attractive, the disgusting arrogance remained unchanged.

But these changes in mentality did not affect the Queen's very joyful and high mood today. She is a ruler who doesn't care what other people think.

On the gorgeous pearl king's chariot, she condescendingly looked down at the leaders of the various tribes in front of her, playing with a delicate ruby ​​jewel in her hand, and said after a few seconds of silence:

"I have much to say to you, my valiant subjects, but as a benevolent ruler, I feel the weariness of your hearts and bodies, so I will not take up your precious rest time.

I declare to you that for the glory you have won for the Empire, I will reward you equally richly. "

The queen nodded, and a vicious smile appeared on the charming and flowery face of Vashki who was supporting her. She waved her hand, and immediately the Naga royal warriors with big arms and round waists walked out of the position carrying the box of souls.

Azshara pointed to the magic treasure filled with the souls of the dead, and she said arrogantly:

"I originally intended to bring these heroic souls into my court and bolster my army, but considering the upcoming threats to this world, I will send them back to their homeland.

Whether it's the Hall of Valor, the Black Crows, or other crooked magic, as long as you can resurrect these warriors, you can do whatever you want.

If there is really no force willing to accept them, then the Deep Sea Empire will always embrace these heroic souls. As long as you show loyalty to your queen, I will reshape their bodies.

As you can see, the deep sea empire has mastered the mystery of life reshaping with the help of a benevolent god, so don't worry that your warriors will spend the rest of their lives in a posture they don't want to.

As a benevolent empress, I will give them the right to choose. Of course, no matter what their choice is, they must serve the empire for twenty years in return

Other than that, I have no interest in your poor fortune.

Your empresses do not take payment from their poor subjects, keep those vulgar things to feed your barren hearts. "

When these words were spoken, the leaders of all the camps immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, especially the elves who knew Azshara's character very well were greatly puzzled.

What's wrong with her?

What stimulated you? How did you become so generous all of a sudden? Is this still the perverse Queen Azshara recorded in the history of the elves?

But the doubts are all doubts. After Azshara announced the "new government", Varian, the human emperor who responded the fastest, immediately stepped forward and expressed his gratitude to the queen with restraint.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty, I would like to thank you for giving you a second life on behalf of those who died in battle."


Azshara nodded without making any comments.

She was actually quite satisfied with herself as the "Emperor's Apprentice". Apart from the fact that Varian's idealistic aura from time to time made the Queen feel helpless, this young man did have the capacity to become a hero of the generation.

The second orc chief, Red, stepped forward. Compared with Varian's restraint, Red had no integrity.

The guy moved forward with his fat belly and shouted loudly to the queen:

"The orcs also thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty the most beautiful emperor in Azeroth, your kindness is as good as your beauty, which makes us mortals afraid to look up.

And through your generous gift, I can also be sure of one thing, that is, the records of the elves about you are completely wrong! You are not a mean ruler.

Instead, your generosity is touching.

The orthodox tribe is willing to have further exchanges with the deep sea empire. Please allow us to send envoys to your gorgeous underwater capital. I believe that your subjects can also find a place to live in our hometown, the beautiful world of Dellano.

We would love to share our world with your subjects in your honor. "

After finishing speaking, Reid stared at Varian with a long voice, and said provocatively:

"We savage orcs also know that sharing is the foundation of lasting peace."

"Well, you are very good at talking, Red Blackhand. Obviously, under your not brave body, there is a cunning and realistic soul hidden, and I appreciate such a soul.

I can give you a real honor.

After your life as an orc is over, the court of the deep sea will send you an invitation, maybe you can become my excellent court jester. "

The queen's words made a group of humans laugh. They felt that Azshara was humiliating the green-skinned chief. With such a sense, the humans' impression of the queen improved.

But Reid, who was "humiliated", didn't take it seriously. He replied very happily:

"I am very honored, Your Majesty, if I have the opportunity, I will try to apply for this position."

Now even the orcs felt that their great chief was a bit seriously ill, which made these brave men feel very ashamed.

But only those who really know the inside story will understand the meaning of Azshara's words, because the Queen's last "court jester" was the famous Laike Shaw!

This is no sarcasm!

This is really a compliment from the Queen.

Red knew this well, so he was very eager.

Although Red's next series of flattery was too explicit and somewhat shameless, even the queen's maids couldn't stand it, but Queen Azshara didn't care about it when she was in a good mood.

She appointed a War Mistress on the spot to serve as the Deep Sea Empire's ambassador to Dellano, and she also sent a clan to settle there permanently.

In fact, there are already Naga activities in Dellano’s Zangar Sea, and those are the clansmen brought by Vashj. Considering the vast ocean area of ​​Dellano’s world and the environment without too much racial competition, that world can indeed become a Naga An important enclave of the Jia Empire, maybe it will become the brightest jewel in Queen Azshara's crown.

"Then, my subjects, waste no time."

Azshara has just completed her life reshaping. She is powerful, so the adaptation period is relatively longer after the life form conversion. The ten minutes of standing have already made her delicate legs overwhelmed.

She returned to her royal chariot, and while several charming naga mistresses were thumping their legs, she waved her hand in an arrogant manner and said to the other leaders:

"Come with me, and go to meet the Creator Titan in a formal manner on behalf of the various civilizations of Azeroth. I will give you some time to clean up your appearance, and follow me in the best posture.

Do not disgrace your queen and your home world, my governors of all races. "

(end of this chapter)

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