Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1751 119. Behold, The Era Of The Coming Of The Saints!

Chapter 1751 119. Behold, the era of the coming of the saints!

"Azeroth needs us in the final battle against the Burning Legion and the Dark Titan."

Facing Bu Laike's chaotic invitation, Raiden hesitated, looking at the armor and weapons belonging to Odin in his hands, he said:

"If there are no guardians to join the battle, then"

"Don't think too much of yourself, Lord Raiden."

Laike interrupted Layden, exhaling smoke rings and saying:

"The Battle of Argus has wiped out all the top brass of the Burning Legion. When the Eredars left the Legion, the Dreadlords rebelled collectively, and the King of the Abyss was headshot and killed, the elite forces of the Burning Legion have long been torn apart.

The future decisive battle is destined to be the dark titan leading countless demons to flood into this world.

For those ordinary demons, the Guardians are powerful but you are too few in number.

With the Furnace of Will being overloaded and the Furnace of Origin consuming more than half of its energy, Ulduar can no longer produce more Iron Legion, which greatly reduces your importance.

Sending Guardians to slay demon hordes is also a little overkill.

As far as Sargeras is concerned, it doesn't make any difference whether there are more or less guardians, it's nothing more than swinging the knife one more time. In summary, although it hurts a bit.

But the next war will be the same with or without you. "

The pirate exhaled the smoke ring, put his hands on his hips and said:

"As Odin said, your mission and your tasks are actually over after the soul of the titan came to Azeroth, and you have dedicated your last strength to this world.

I think the world should treat you better.

Just as those who make contributions deserve better treatment, I am willing to personally send you into this world that has been protected by you.

So, guardians, listen to my advice and be more chic, okay? Just like Odin and Thorim, they relieved the heavy responsibility entrusted by the Titans from their shoulders, and lived for themselves from then on.

This is the award you deserve. "

This kind of persuasion made Laden and the Virgin Mary next to him look at each other. The wisdom possessed by the great guardian allowed him to easily capture another meaning in Braike's words.

The bad guy wasn't cheating them, otherwise the malice wouldn't have been so obvious.

Lydon hesitated, and said:

"What are you worried about? Laike, why must the Guardian system be dismantled? You should know that we are harmless, and we will not have any impact on the current or future order."

"Well, I really don't know how to lie now, my thoughts are almost written on my face, and being seen through at a glance is just like those third-rate conspirators.

Getting older.

It's really a pity that I can't even lie to people. "

Laike touched his cheek and pretended to make a funny expression that made people laugh, but the next moment, he became serious.

He was smoking a pipe, looking at the four guardians in front of him.

He said:

"I know, I am sure that you are all really good people, my guardian friends, if only you come back here, I will not hesitate to instruct Jarod to regard you as a truly credible ally.

But therein lies the problem.

You're not the only ones coming back with us this time. "


Farondis exclaimed and said:

"Laike, what do you mean? Are you afraid that the creators will turn against Sargeras at this last moment?"

"No, no, I'm not worried about that, I'm worried about something more terrifying."

The pirate narrowed his eyes and said:

"I'm more worried about losing a head-to-head match than having a close win and being stolen by some horrible guy.

Of course, Lady Ionar was merciful.

I also really enjoy her gentle and benevolent approach to all things, but you know the lady of kindness doesn't dominate the pantheon.

Khazgoros is a world carver who wants to shape a better future, he only wants to make this world better, and Gorgonus is the prodigal son of the pantheon.

He is still very young.

Young people are always attracted by some beautiful things and ideals, and are willing to dedicate their blood to it.

That means he's fine with it.

But Norgannon and Aman'Thul look like dire threats to me, folks. "

Bu Laike puffed out the smoke ring, took off the pipe, and played with it in his hand. He said to the guardians:

"Odin just said that the development of this world does not conform to the perfect blueprint set by the titans. Algalon also admitted this himself."

"Just because of this?"

Ms. Freya reprimanded somewhat incomprehensibly:

"Do you think that the creators who have just been rescued by mortals will restart the world after a possible victory because the world does not conform to their plans?

Are you crazy? In your opinion, Laike, there are no good people in this universe, right? "

"I really want to agree with you, Ms. Freya. When I had such evil thoughts, I wanted to slap myself twice. How could I speculate about the Supreme Creator with such malice?"

Bu Laike shook his head and said slowly:

"But I thought later that some people might express strong dissatisfaction with your speech at this time, such as those Titan worlds that were destroyed and restarted by the Star Saints.

Algalon himself admitted that in the past, he personally destroyed countless civilizations.

So, the clever Ms. Freya might as well guess, who gave the order to the Star Saints? And who gave the Star Saints the authority to restart the imperfect world? "

The pirate paused.

In the dead air of the laboratory, he spread his hands and said innocently:

"Of course, I absolutely believe that the Creator is not a scumbag who doesn't know how to repay favors, but I don't like to take risks, and I don't like to put my destiny in the hands of others and then catch it without a fight.

I dare not collide with the Creator Titan.

Although their souls exude a delicious fragrance in my eyes, I can still restrain myself after all.

They are weak, Guardian friends.

If they want to do something, they have to do it through their trusted servants, and I don't want to completely turn against them, so... I can only wrong you.

I promise, okay?

I promise that I will give you a beautiful destiny that can be chosen by yourself, and I will never interfere in it. Maybe after a long time, you can meet again in Ulduar with a more glorious attitude.

By then, I promise, you will be the real 'gods on earth'. "

This remark made the guardians unable to utter any words of rebuttal, and even Freya, who firmly believed in the Creator, clenched the life cane in her hand.

She wasn't terrified of the dire future that the pirates had maliciously described, what gave her the chills was that she didn't think Bo Laike was talking nonsense.

She knew that with the current development of Azeroth's civilization, the situation described by the pirates was likely to become a reality.

As the guardians of the titans, they couldn't resist the orders from the Creator at all. Maybe... maybe Odin saw this clearly and chose to become a mortal in such a cool way.

The Lord of War doesn't want to put himself in the embarrassing situation of having to become a mortal enemy with his favorite mortal warrior. He would rather forget everything and start from scratch than give up his glory and persistence.

Well, this is really a solution that only a warrior can come up with.

"And this matter is still a personal grudge."

Bu Laike curled his lips and said:

"After all, you saw something you shouldn't have seen in Antorus. I am a god now, and I am a shameless person."

"Launching Lying Protocol: We Didn't! We Didn't See ANYTHING!"

The Virgin of Purity immediately retorted.

The result was a sort of awkward silence between Bo Laike and the Guardians.

"Okay, I've said everything that should be said and should not be said. Since we are friends, I will set aside a few minutes for you to have a good discussion."

Pirate Scraps glanced at the ashamed Virgin of Purity with a look of "I'm very worried about your IQ". He gestured to Vice President Farondis, and the two walked out of the laboratory.

As he left, Bo Laike turned to the Guardians and said:

"Don't worry about Mimiron, that neurotic is able to resist the Creator's order because of the irreversible damage to his thinking circuit.

I asked him, he has no interest in becoming a mortal, and he happened to get a lot of great engineering drawings from Kingaroth, enough for him to study happily for hundreds of years.

Therefore, the immortal guardian of wisdom will stick to Ulduar's palace, waiting for the brothers to return from their journey.

After you leave, the city of Titans will be permanently sealed in the storm cliffs, until the next era that belongs to you is pushed away by your own hands.

Prepare, my saints, on the eve of new birth. There is no need to worry about demon wars, I mean, since this is a trouble in the age of mortals, let mortals solve it. "

With that, Bo Laike slammed the door shut.

On the platform outside the laboratory, the lightning, thunder, and wind and rain in the dark night have stopped.

When Bu Laike looked up at the sky, a round of bright moon shyly appeared from the disappearing dark clouds, projecting the most gentle moonlight on him, reflecting the abyss reflection behind him with claws and claws.

Beside Bu Laike, Farondis tremblingly looked at the "Eve before the Advent of the Holy One" recorded in his manuscript. He quickly closed the manuscript in his hand, looked at the pirate again, and said:

"Are you going to give the Creators a blow?"

"Uh, don't be so direct, my dear vice president."

The pirate took out a bottle of wine, bit off the cork and took a sip, then wiped his mouth Shi Shiran, and replied gently to Farondis:

"I just swear my sovereignty, just like I did on the battlefield of Krokuun, I need to tell the creators clearly what I mean.

This is our territory, they are just honored guests, everyone has a common enemy now, and you can press down on differences.

But if they really have bad intentions, it's not impossible for me to deal with them. "

"But they represent order"

Farondis said with a difficult tone:

"You rejecting them means that we will fall into the realm of chaos. This may only be a free choice for individuals, but for a world, it means a terrible fate."

"No! Farondis, enough of you spellcasters are black and white!"

Bu Laike put his arm around Farondis's shoulder, pointed at the brightly lit academy and the distant sea in front of him, and said:

"Open your eyes and look at this place, my dear vice president, all the inheritances of the six original forces are contained in this small college, and the world is the same!

Azeroth is unique among the stars, and there has never been a world as diverse and complex as hers.

Our world does not belong to order nor does it belong to chaos.

In the future, she is destined to become a microcosm of the balance and struggle of the six forces.

She will become the center of this sea of ​​stars! No force can control her future, and the only thing left to this world is freedom from coercion.

We can clearly stand aloof and independent from the disputes of the original force, why should we tie ourselves to the chariot of the arcane field so easily? Do you really think the Creator Titan is perfect?

If they were so perfect, why did Lord Sargeras kill them?

Think about it for a while.

When you get the answer, you will understand how right what I did tonight, well, I am always right, but most of the time I am misunderstood by ignorant people.

That's all. "

The pirate snorted, leaning his left hand on the railing of the balcony, holding up the wine bottle with his right hand and pouring tons of fine wine, he said:

"This is just a union, there is no one who dominates. If there must be a leader, it can only be us. Let me tell you a secret.

Even without those titans, I can still win!

They are just icing on the cake.

If they insist on dealing with us with the arrogance of sending charcoal in a timely manner, then give them a good look! "

Bo Laike let out a laugh that made Farondis creepy, and he licked his lips and whispered:

"Didn't you hear?"

"The sleeping star soul of Azeroth is hungry."


At dawn, on the snowfields of the Howling Fjord in Northrend.

A tall figure wearing a tattered cloak and carrying a large ax struggled to appear in the village near the Veedvar Fort near the Grizzly Hills.

Even the bravest Vrykul warriors would choose to stay in a warm room drinking, bragging or fighting to pass the time in such blizzard weather, so the sudden appearance of a distant traveler easily attracted many hunters defending the village attention.

"Odin is on top! That guy has hiked through Bear's Head Mountain! Still in this weather, he can't hold on any longer, come quickly!

Go help! "

An old hunter of the dragon-plundering clan suddenly exclaimed when he saw the figure staggering approaching in the snowstorm. The vrykul, who are respectful warriors, rushed out of the fence used to defend against wild beasts after seeing the scene in front of them, and supported him. That weak guy.

They also saw three decapitated heads of toothed bears in the rucksack behind the guy's tattered cloak, which made everyone think that this strange guy was an absolute warrior.

And he's young.

Judging from the frozen eyebrows and beard, this guy should be fifty years old at most, a proper young vrykul just coming of age.

But he seems to have experienced a lot, because he has only one eye on his face covered with scars, and the other eye is already blind, and the wound should be wounded in battle.

"He has a baby in his arms!"

A vrykul huntress exclaimed as they spotted a sleeping vrykul baby wrapped in freshly flayed hides in the frail young vrykul's arms.

The moment the child was embraced by the huntress, the child began to cry loudly when he left the embrace of his "father".

His cries were as majestic as a storm on a snowy night, making the rough vrykul around him laugh.

They agreed that this child with a stormy cry would definitely achieve a great career in the future, and of course, his father would definitely become a legendary warrior of the vrykul.

The premise is that he can recover from this severe frostbite.

"what are you doing?"

On the snowy slope of Bear's Head Mountain, Vice President Farondis, dressed in elf fur, recorded everything that happened in the Vrykul village below, while looking back at Braike, who was waving a Strangely shaped Heroic Battle Ax and an elaborate cast iron bow.

He seemed to be planning to bury the two weapons somewhere, which would be like a pirate looking for a treasure spot up and down the steep hillside.

Hearing Farondis' inquiry, Bu Laike said without looking back:

"Of course I prepared 'initial equipment' for father and son. Although Odin said that there is no need for any preferential treatment, we are friends after all. I can't let them wear a whiteboard to challenge the world's malice, right?

Don't bother me, I have to weave a legend about the "Treasure of Bears' Head Mountain Warriors" for the nearby Vrykul in a while. Get the portal ready, Mr. Dean.

Our next stop is Kul Tiras, and one last trip to Darkshore.

Tsk tsk, Ms. Freya is really dizzy. It's a headache to choose a half-elf. Do you want to take this opportunity to give Dailin another 'illegitimate daughter' or something?

Hmm, I thought this must be interesting. "

"Please forgive your old father."

The vice president lamented:

"Dai Lin has had a son like you for eight lifetimes of blood mold, but are you really sure you want to spread the news of the coming of the Holy One?

Don't forget, your sister is also a 'saint'. "

"Trust me, Fenner will love this story."

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"But you can't reveal it to her. Just treat it as a gift of recovery from me."

(end of this chapter)

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