Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1752 120. I Want To Make Big News Quietly To Surprise Everyone

Chapter 1752 120. I want to make big news quietly to surprise everyone

Bo Laike, who had been busy all night, returned to Tol Barad when the first sun rose in the sky, and Abbot Farondis, who was with him, recorded the story in full in his codex.

Of course, he didn't need Laike to remind him that this story was destined to be locked away in the dark chamber until the saints or those who robbed the power and authority returned to Ulduar.

Or, Your Excellency the Dean can also personally participate in it, playing the role of a mysterious "prophet" to guide the saints to make great achievements in the next era and then return to their hometown or something.

Anyway, Bo Laike didn't ask him to stay out of it.

From what Farondis knew of Bo Laike, the evil god who likes to watch the fun may prefer to intervene to make this story more exciting.

With such uncertain thoughts, Dean Farondis, who had worked all night, headed to the academy lecture hall according to his schedule in the early morning to start his lecture today.

Bu Laike went back to Mrs. Catherine's mansion to talk to his mother, and vaccinated her in advance to prevent her from crying sadly when she saw Dai Lin's appearance.

But what should come will always come.

At noon that day, with the portal opened by Dean Lanyue himself, little Jaina, who participated in the Battle of Argus but has been doing logistics work, escorted her father and sister back to the mansion with a heavy expression.

As soon as the door opened, the little princess couldn't hold back her tears when she saw the stinky big brother welcoming her at the door.

She whimpered and threw herself into big brother's arms, causing the pirate to sigh and had to pat her on the head to comfort his sister.

After receiving the news, Tandred took a day off and ran back to the mansion. The little guy with long hair and an artistic look rushed into the door, and when he saw his father lying unconscious on the bed, he was also on the spot. cry.

"Actually, the situation is not as serious as you think."

In Dailin's bedroom, Bo Laike put his hand on Jaina's shoulder, looking at Mrs. Catherine, who was sitting on the edge of the bed holding Dailin's weak fingers tightly, with tears in her eyes.

He said softly:

"The old man was indeed seriously injured. In the battle against the Fallen Titan, he almost turned himself into a mess in order to protect Fenner.

Fortunately, he was protected by the life titan so that he could breathe a sigh of relief. I cured him with the moon god magic, and he will wake up soon, and he will get rid of his weakness in a week at most.

But at the cost, he lost all his power.

Not just the atavistic vrykul body, but the strength and physique of wrath, and I couldn't keep those destructive powers in an already fragile body.

He may resent me for it, but it's necessary.

At least he can accompany you and Mrs. Golden Sword to spend his old age in Boralus, and he can enjoy the rare peace for a warrior."

"Those are unnecessary, Bo Laike, and your father would be better off without them."

After listening to her son's explanation, Mrs. Catherine felt a little less worried. She sighed and stroked Dai Lin's cheek. She said:

"Strength is not always a good thing, child, I have always worried about the fate of your father. A person like him will never stop fighting. If he can't find an enemy, he will find it for himself, or create an enemy.

He has always been like this.

I should thank you, Drake, for giving your father a reason to keep him off the field, something I've been looking forward to for decades.

He will not be dissatisfied, let alone resent you. "

Catherine raised her head, wiped her tears and smiled at Bo Laike:

"Don't worry, my mother won't allow him to be so rude, and I will control him in the future."

"You'd better do this, I'm already a god after all."

The pirate blinked and said:

"The god who was whipped with the belt by the old man has no majesty at all, right?

Let Anna stay here with her mother and the old man, and let Tenred take time to draw a picture for the old man, record his weak appearance and show it to him when he is angry.

I have already thought of the name, and it will be called "His Majesty Dai Lin Conquers the Stars and Returns Victoriously".

I'm going next door to see Fenner. "

Bu Laike took a few steps back and said:

"I may have to travel far in a while, and you have to take care of yourselves while I'm away."

He walked out of the room, but within a few steps, Jaina, who was chasing after him, grabbed his wrist and asked in a low voice:

"Big brother, are you going to find Maiev? I heard about the agreement between you and Ms. Maiev from Little Xingxing. It's a very long distance. Are you really ready?"

"Kids, don't ask these questions."

Bu Laike turned back and patted Jaina's head, which had grown to his chest, and said seriously:

"I will definitely come back, you have to be patient.

When I'm away, you have to protect your family. If you encounter trouble, go to the Naglfar to find Sefiel's help. If Sefiel can't solve it, go to Dellano to find Xalatath.

But you are not allowed to have any further contact with Alsace until I come back, you know? I deliberately didn't arrange for him to participate in the war on Argus just to suppress that guy's growing arrogance.

22 years old!

This is my agreement with him.

Don't worry, my little sister, I will be back before you get married."

"So long?"

Jaina bit her lip and said:

"Are you going alone? Maybe I can"

"No, you can't."

Bu Laike put his hand on his sister's lips and said:

"You have your destiny. I guess the old man will pass the throne to you in a few years. It is not easy to be a good king. You will be under a lot of pressure, but Fenner will help you.

I don't want Tenred to be king.

The future of an artist becoming a king is terrible. "

"Fenner won't let you go so easily."

Jaina whispered sadly:

"I can feel what's on her mind, big brother, her."


Bu Laike held up his fingers as a silent gesture, he patted his sister on the head and said:

"These words can't be said, I know she won't let me go, so I have to leave before she wakes up, maybe time will dilute these weird thoughts.

Maybe when I come back, Fenner already has someone she likes. "


Little Jaina said firmly:

"Fenner would rather hack all the men in the world to death than allow others to get close to her. Forget it, I feel so embarrassed to say this to you.

My sister wants to be husband and wife with my big brother and all that.

But Fenner will not forgive you if you abandon her.

Also, Dean Lanyue asked me to inform you to go to the academy at night to say that there is something important to tell you about the 'Well of Fate', which is mysterious. "

"Well, I know."

Bo Laike smiled, leaned down and kissed his sister's hair, and said:

"Don't go out these few days, if possible, advise mother to take the old man and Tenred to go back to Kul Tiras with you, to relax or something.

I heard that a rare couple of Drust bards have arrived in Boralus. The stories they tell are strange and fascinating. If you have nothing to do, you can go and listen to them, maybe you can learn something valuable knowledge. "

After finishing speaking, Bo Laike bid farewell to Jaina, went upstairs to the third floor of the mansion, knocked on the door and pushed in.

Mrs. Jin Jian's movements were exactly the same as Catherine's. She was sitting by the bed, holding on to her daughter's weak fingers, and looking at the unconscious Fenna with tears in her eyes.

Beside Mrs. Golden Sword, Salorian Dawnseeker, the gatekeeper of the mage tower dressed as an attendant, also looked at his disciple with a sad look.

The pirate stood at the door in surprise, looked at Salorian and Mrs. Golden Sword, and whispered:

"Hey, my old man is not dead yet. Is it really good for the two of you to get married like this?"

"Shut up! Bo Laike."

Mrs. Jin Jian gritted her teeth and scolded:

"You can't spit ivory out of your pirate dog's mouth! Is that how you usually talk to Catherine? You can say those obscenities you can't say in front of your mother in front of me?

I am your mother too! "

"Your words are really too much, Mr. Bo Laike."

Thalorian also shook his head. The Phoenix Sword Master, who seemed to have aged a lot after resigning, but looked hale and hearty, looked at the pirates and said:

"Even if you are a god, you can't do that."

"My apologies, both of you, I sincerely apologize, I just can't help my mouth, really, sometimes I want to sew my own mouth shut."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"Let's forget about this unpleasant incident, and don't cry so sadly, Mrs. Jin Jian, in fact, Fenna woke up two days ago, and I suppressed her thoughts to keep her in this deep sleep state.

On the one hand, her nearly crushed death by Aggramar did take time to recover.

On the other hand, I'm leaving, and I'm going on a long trip in a few days. "

The pirate said softly:

"When I leave this world, Fenna will 'resurrect' in front of your eyes full of vitality. Believe me, she is much healthier than you now."

After finishing speaking, Bo Laike gave Thalorian another hard look, and he scolded:

"How does your mage bodyguard work? Didn't you find that Mrs. Jinjian has been taking chronic poison to weaken her vitality?

She was really determined to die for Dai Lin. "

"I know."

Phoenix Juggernaut looked out of the window with a sense of melancholy, he said:

"I prepared that medicine for her myself."

"You elves are crazy!"

Bu Laike said something in surprise, then he raised his hand and slammed it in the air. With Lady Golden Sword's cry of pain, all the chronic toxins in her body were drawn out and gathered in the pirate's hands in the form of a mist.

The Silent stared at Mrs. Jin Jian with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and he scolded:

"As the protector of the elves, I ask you not to do any more harm to yourself. This is an oracle! You must abide by it! You are as blessed as Tyrande of the Kaldorei.

Gina Golden Sword!

It's really not normal for the Proudmoore family to choose to hurt another man who loves you for the sake of a philandering man.

What a crazy family. "

"This is between us, Bo Laike, you don't want to meddle, I beg you."

Mrs. Golden Sword said something in a weak posture, and then she was glared at by Laike. Although she is not the race god of the elves, but because of Elune's preference for elves, he also has the ability to influence the mind of elves. Ability.

Under the gaze of Bu Laike, Mrs. Jin Jian reluctantly got up and turned her face away from him.

"Do you think this kind of ending is what Fenner wants to see?"

Bu Laike sat beside the stupid sister's bed, stretched out his hand to caress Fenner's slightly pale cheek, and said softly:

"You can't be so selfish, Golden Sword Aunt.

Not long ago, under my arrangement, Tyrande, Malfurion, and Illidan finally opened their hearts. I think you should really listen to what Tyrande said to Illidan.

Your love for Dai Lin makes you blind and stubborn. Even though the old man told you that he doesn't want to see you hurt yourself for him, you are still immersed in your self-moving dedication.

I really don't know how to rate this kind of behavior, but there is no doubt that it will not bring happiness and good memories to you and everyone around you.

You are only hurting yourself and hurting others.

You should take a moment to look inside yourself, but these matters will soon be out of my hands, Madam Elune has found someone to take care of you crazy elves.

I don't think she can talk as well as I do. "

After finishing speaking, Bu Laike ignored the silent Mrs. Golden Sword and the Phoenix Juggernaut who had already left the room. He sighed and leaned down to kiss Fenna's cold forehead lightly.

Just like saying goodbye.

He whispered:

"I'm leaving, stupid sister, I hope you don't draw your sword and cut me when I come back. Of course, I brought you a present, I know, it will make you happy.

It protects me when I'm not around, but I know you never need protection.

Promise me, don't use it to cause havoc.

Few things in this world can withstand its conquest. "

The pirate took out an exquisite black Titan Broken Blade pendant from his bosom. As soon as this thing was taken out, Mrs. Golden Sword's eyes widened. She felt quite majestic power from this pendant.

That thing gave her the feeling that she could split the sun with a single sword.

Bu Laike tied the black pendant on Fenner's right wrist with his own hands. He grabbed Fenner's hand and kissed it lightly on the back of his hand. Then he gave Mrs. Jin Jian a hard look, got up, straightened his clothes and disappeared. In the shadows.


At midnight, deep in the quiet Nazaras College, in the basement of the No. 13 teaching building that was just completed a month ago, Bo Laike, carrying a wine bottle, came out of the shadows.

He hiccupped, glanced at Dean Lanyue who was quietly waiting in front of him, and said:

"Are you ready? Mentor."

"Well, all the members of the Great Wizard's Magic Salon are waiting below."

Dean Lanyue leaned on the holy staff of Aluneth and said softly:

"The leaders of all races are meeting the Creator on Mac'Aree, Queen Azshara and the Spellweaver are also there, and I have opened the academy enchantment.

The scepter of Sargeras serves as the center to lock the nearby space system.

No one can interfere with the process until the Well of Fate is complete. "

"Fine, let's get started."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers, and the secret stone door leading to the underground slowly opened with a low voice. When the pirate was about to walk up the stairs, Dean Lanyue suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist.

Behind the pirate, the Lich Lady whispered with great apology:

"In Antorus, Bu Laike, what I did to you. I remember, please forgive me, my disciple. I did unforgivable things, I hurt you."

"Ah, I forgot, but it doesn't hurt very much anyway."

Bu Laike touched his cheek, he curled his lips and waved his hands, but when he saw the remorseful expression on the dean's face, the damn evil god grinned, and he leaned close to the dean's ear with a teasing smile, asked in a low voice:

"Well, now that I've said this, I have to ask one more question.

Sir, is my blood really that sweet?

At that time, you hugged my neck and gnawed like a vampire. I really thought you were going to tear me up and eat me whole. "

(end of this chapter)

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