Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1754 122. You Said You Didn't Have An Affair With Ysera! Ghost Letter!

Chapter 1754 122. You Said You Didn't Have an Affair With Ysera! Ghost letter!

After the Godhead of the Silent completed the explosion of power and "forcibly disarmed" all life in the entire underground hall in an instant, whether it was the friendly party standing here watching the birth of the Well of Fate, or the giant dragon rushing angrily to stop these people from doing stupid things They all fell into dead silence at the same time.

The slender, weird and lost abyss projection gradually retracted into the twisted shadow of Bu Laike in the light, but it was like a cloud dragon that suddenly appeared.

Even after dissipating, the remaining prestige is still there.

The Spell Weaver, who had an angry face just now, is very calm now, so calm that people can't even raise the concept of "fear". The great existence of the Well of Destiny.

The expressions of the other people were similar to those of the Weaver, they were all in shock and trembling in awe of the great power. Of course, some guys who were better at acting took the opportunity to show their presence.

For example, the warlock trio, they are the absolute protagonists when Red is not around.

The three of them rushed out of the crowd like sincere believers and knelt down at the feet of Braike. They also chanted the "Abyss Moon Canon" in three languages: humans, trolls and orcs at the same time. ".

The words are full of exaggerated words such as "great", "supreme", "invincible", "unique", "miracle", etc., which are similar to the things read by some cultists. The incomparably flattering and elongated roar, as well as the burst of divine power that had just been glimpsed, did indeed imbue these gorgeous rhetoric that exists for flattery with a mysterious deterrent force.

But other people can't do it without a lower limit like Warlocks.

"cough cough"

Grandpa Sakir, who watched this scene coldly, coughed a few times.

The great enlightener, who already had a strong blue body, manipulated a shattered polluter's eyeball, and let the flaming skull of the infinitely powerful Archimonde float in his hand.

With this majestic posture, he explained a little awkwardly to the fellow spellcasters around him:

"That... We warlocks are generally not like that. Most of the warlocks actually have a little self-esteem. Those three are the best.

Do not bring them into the image of the warlock.


Get up, three of you, quickly!

Don't be ashamed there. "

For the scolding from the big boss of the school, the warlock trio turned a deaf ear, pretending that they didn't hear it at all.

The three guys had a tacit understanding and increased their voices at the same time, using roaring worship as the finale of this gorgeous and exquisite flattering performance.

whispering sound.

The old coffin boards let us get up and we get up? Why do warlocks who kneel down on their own merits let us get up? Can you make us something we can't refuse?

Are you a god too?

Hehe, don't look at the shame of us three gentlemen kneeling here like bugs, but in front of you is the only local god in Azeroth! In addition to the evil energy, the other five forces are talking super golden thighs.

That's who we are.

How many people want to kneel but have no such connections!

Bo Laike also saves enough time to give his dirty Warlock Chosen to complete the show.

Although he doesn't care about those ridiculous flattery words and is not very interested in this kind of overly realistic performance, but the timing of the warlock trio is very clever. On this occasion, the fanatical prayers from the believers are obviously more prominent Show your own dignity and excellence.

This little thing satisfies a certain evil desire in the heart of the smelly pirate.

Furthermore, he also needs to leave some time for others to react.

"Slightly slightly~"

Taking advantage of the time when the dragons were sluggish, Little Xingxing jumped to the side of Bu Laike who was in a protruding posture with a whoosh, and hid behind the captain, making funny faces at the spellweaver and his grandfather.

Laike didn't say anything about this presumptuous action, which fully proves that he is the iron backer for the little stars to behave mischievously in this world and among the stars, pretending to be powerful.

"I guess Norgannon didn't tell you the terrible truth when he sent you to stop me."

The pirate stretched out his hand expressionlessly, spouting golden streamer like a waterfall behind his back, and lightly grabbed a handful of liquid magic that shone with seven-colored rainbow light in the magic tide that reflected the dark night above his head into a star-studded day. .

He looked at the three dragon kings, and let the magic power like bright stardust and red light liquid fall between his fingers. In the psychedelic light, he said softly:

"Maybe the mysterious Titan is negligent, or maybe he doesn't care about you "imperfect lives" in his eyes, well, you don't really think that the power given to you by the Titans back then means they treat you as their own, right?

No way.

Would wise dragons be foolish about this?

Look at how thorough Deathwing's thinking is. Compared with the generosity of the Sunless Sea, what the Titans have given you is nothing worth mentioning. "

"You can't do this."

The spellweaver tightly held the Focusing Rainbow in his hand. The old blue dragon, who had always been in a bad state of mind, looked old and pitiful.

It doesn't really want to be against Bo Laike.

It's been very carefully thought through, and confirming that a second Well of Eternity isn't really doing Azeroth any favors at this point.

Facing the pirate's strong rhetorical question at this time, the spell weaver wanted to respond angrily to his bold and reckless behavior, but his compulsively calm mind couldn't generate any anger at all.

It can only grit its teeth and explain:

"The soul of the titan is back but very weak, the world has just gone through the Argus expedition, and every warrior is very tired. At this time, making a magic well that can be connected to the twisting void will only make us repeat the mistakes of thousands of years ago.

The Dark Titan will notice its gleam in the Twisting Nether.

This will only make His coming faster. "

"Maybe that's what I want? Well, no kidding, don't be afraid, folks.

I'm just telling the truth, I admit that what you said is very reasonable, but what I want to say is that in the face of Sargeras, giving us a hundred years to prepare is still not enough. "

Bu Laike shrugged, and took the Arkandor tree seed from the jewel box held up by the valley walker with his head bowed beside him, and said in a gentle tone:

"The Dark Titan is not an enemy that can be defeated by relying on common sense. Instead of sitting still, it is better to take a risk and try, and there may be unexpected gains.

Stay there and watch, dragons, I don't intend to see you as an enemy, but I want you, natives of Azeroth, to think about it.

Which side do you belong to? "

"I thought there were only two camps, us and the Burning Legion, in this war. When will there be more third-party forces?"

The Red Dragon Queen really couldn't stand the stinky pirate's oppression of her brother. She strode forward to help the weak spellweaver, and she scolded:

"Choosing a side? Between you and the Creator? Bo Laike! Is everyone here already on your side?"

"Although you are beautiful, I don't like your tone of voice, Your Majesty, you should pay attention."

The pirate raised the seed in his hand and put it into the golden light of the waterfall in front of him,

He said without looking back:

"If you don't pay attention now, you can only pay attention in the next life.

My dear Laike Straza, I am not targeting anyone, but I really don't think a dragon king who has been imprisoned by orcs for several years is qualified to speak out in front of a god. "

Bu Laike's talent for ridicule is still sharp, and one sentence hit the biggest shame in the heart of the Red Dragon Queen. Her calm state seemed to be broken, and a raging rage broke out from the bottom of her heart, pushing A Laike Straza to clenched her fists. forward.

But just as she came within a hundred yards of Bo Laike, a deadly chill exploded in the Queen's heart, and she suddenly realized that she was doing something extremely stupid.

But it was too late to retreat.

Amidst the wicked laughter of the warlock trio and the exclamation of Little Xingxing, a tentacle lingering in purple light sprang out from the shadow of the Red Dragon Queen herself.

The purple light that was already filled with divine power of the void surged in the eyeballs on the top of the blue tentacles, and it only took an instant for a fresh corpse of the guardian dragon queen to appear here.

"Do not!"

A green shadow blocked her sister's back at the nick of time, and Ysera, the green dragon queen, opened her arms to meet the void impact that was about to erupt without fear.

This action woke up everyone present.

Dean Blue Moon tried to grab Bo Laike's hand, and the old lich yelled even more.


The fate of killing the Green Dragon Queen here is too bad. At this critical moment, everyone needs to unite.

But Bu Laike didn't lose his mind, the tentacles wrapped around the majesty of the void god dissipated quickly, and before it dissipated, it touched Ysera's pale face like a snake.

Like a malicious joke.

"We are friends, Your Majesty Ysera, I have always been very generous to my friends, but your sister's unstable emotional problem really needs to be looked at by a doctor."

Bo Laike smiled back.

His smile reminded the other onlookers of the gossip some time ago, saying that Laike did something embarrassing with the Green Dragon Queen in the Emerald Dream.

At that time, everyone just wanted to have fun.

But now this scene seems to be somewhat.

Pirate Scraps sensed what other people were thinking, but he didn't pay attention to them. With a faint purple light in his eyes, he whispered in Shasyar language like a nightmare whisper:

"How about I help you see a doctor? Ms. Scarlet Wing?"

This weird name made the Red Dragon Queen feel like being struck by lightning, and the next moment she screamed and fell into Ysera's arms, clutching her head.

The Void Seed has been implanted in her spirit and only needs to be confirmed and activated again. Azeroth's second "Death Wing" was born under the watchful eyes of Bu Laike.

"Your Excellency Bu Laike Moon Shadow, we have no malicious intentions."

In the deadly underground hall, in the eruption of the power of the Silent One, a voice that only he could hear sounded, Ms. Ionar said apologetically:

"Norgannon didn't have any malice either, he just sensed the abnormal gathering of magic power, and he thought it was a mechanism that Sargeras arranged in this world was triggered.

The guardians suddenly disappeared, and the dragons just went there to check on us instead.

We have no intention of opposing you, we are not enemies. "

"You are not, I know, you are my honored guest and this world, your child Gorgonus is also my honored guest, and I also welcome Lord Kazgros.

but others"

Bu Laike glanced at the dispelled Void Seed in the will of the Red Dragon Queen, and he replied with a trace of regret:

"Please prepare Lord Aman'Thul and Lord Norgannon, I will go to talk to them after I finish my work, about some 'position issues' that exist between us.

Until then, enjoy your new life in this beautiful world once cared for by the Pantheon, dear Lady Ionar, a world that has everything for you.

You deserve it, so don't hold back.

Oh, by the way, please do me a favor and use your power to ripen the seeds in my hand with me. The growth of this tree is very important to elves.

This is for the just cause of salvation. "

"I've never been interested in the wacky ideas of my brothers, and I'm glad we're not against each other, and I hear Arcandor singing, Bo Laike.

This is such a cute little guy. "

Life Titan chuckled, and she said with great interest:

"This tree species is very strange. It is a product of the fusion of arcane and life. It is very, very suitable for my power. After it grows, when I leave Azeroth, it can give me a piece of Arcandor. Is the branch a souvenir?"

"I can even give you seeds, provided that it grows to the point where a second tree species can be born."

Bu Laike said to the Life Titan as if showing off his treasure:

"I'm not bragging, Lord Ionar.

The seed in my hand is the last Tree of Arcandor among the stars. This is a treasure that no amount of money can buy. Out-of-print items are always the most expensive.

But maybe under the care of a top star horticulturist like you, it can grow healthier and stronger? "

"I am willing, Silent One, it is my pleasure."

The life titan readily accepted the pirate's invitation, and in the next second, a majestic breath of life was transmitted from the bottom of the sea and applied to the Arcandor seeds that Bu Laike threw into the bottom of the Well of Destiny.

Bu Laike also gently injected the life force that can be mobilized in the Moon Shadow Godhead into that breath. Under the leadership of Eonar, amid the ecstatic cheers of the elves, a magical tree with branches and leaves like pale crystals In just a few seconds, the entire process of germination, growth, flowering and fruiting is completed.

It was like a dream so wonderful that it was unreal. It seemed that just blinking, a towering giant tree grew up to the ground along the outline of the Well of Fate in the Well of Fate where only the magic tide existed.

This tree absorbs the huge flow of magic power from the Well of Destiny to grow, and balances the arcane energy with the force of life under the skillful control of the life titan, allowing it to proudly reappear in Azeroth ten thousand years later in a perfect posture. On the land of Sri Lanka.

Around the circular fountain square in front of the No. 13 teaching and laboratory building, the students and instructors who were awakened by the huge magic power of the Well of Fate gathered around here to witness the whole process of the growth of the beautiful magic tree.

They regarded it as a miracle, and the instructors of the Druid Academy were almost crazy!

Except for Shaun Moonclaw Archdruid who saw this strange tree in front of him when he was young, the other druids searched the natural encyclopedia but could not find any record of this tree.

The Moonclaw Archdruid stood in the crowd, twirling his beard and smilingly watching the dreamlike crystal tree grow bigger and bigger until its incomparably bright crown covered the entire No. 13 teaching and laboratory building. stand up.

The bright moonlight and the golden magic of the Well of Fate are fused together, reflected on the ground through the translucent branches and leaves, reflecting a wonderful and dreamy light.

It's as if it illuminated the night all of a sudden, and covered the stars in the sky with mysterious gauze.

"Blessed are Quel'dorei and Shaldorei."

The Grand Druid of the Moon Claw reached out and plucked a beautiful leaf from the crystal branch hanging beside him, and stored it in the cover of his magical handbook as a bookmark, preventing the two apprentice druids from following suit.

He can pick the leaves because he is a mentor and an archdruid, he can bear the heavy life force on the leaves, and he also got the permission of Arcandor before picking.

But others can't.

Picking Arcan'dor's leaves hastily incurs rather dire punishments. Under the command of Moonpaw, the druid masters began to call vines to form a wall to prevent unsuspecting students from harming themselves.

As the vice-president on duty this month, the archdruid exhorted the gathered mentors from various schools:

"Get ready, tomorrow at the latest, the black and white elves will break through the gate of the academy, but I don't know how much they have to pay for this eternal salvation?

If Bu Laike becomes a god, ordinary treasures will not satisfy his voracious appetite.

Tsk tsk, I want to mourn for my compatriots in advance. "

(end of this chapter)

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