Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1755 123. Extra! Extra! The Newly Promoted God Cloth Laike Shaw Is Now A Fruit Merchant

Chapter 1755 123. Extra! Extra! The newly promoted god cloth Laike Shaw is now a fruit merchant

According to the records of the royal gardeners of Suramar, Arcandor, a strange magical tree designed by Queen Azshara and her court mages, not only has a long growth cycle, but also has a very harsh living environment.

It needs a huge amount of mana infusion to germinate, and each stage of growth requires more mana replenishment than before. In the entire growth cycle, if there is a lack of mana for more than 48 hours, it will cause Alcandor to grow. In the energy imbalance, the tree changes into a big bomb and blows up itself and everything around it.

The Faldorei spider elf is the product of the failed "tree planting experiment" last time.

But this kind of delicate magic tree doesn't just need to have magic power. It is a product of life and arcane. If it lacks the necessary care during the growth process, even if it has enough magic power, it will wither quickly.

Except for the Elven Empire, which owns the Well of Eternity and a large number of outstanding gardeners serving Queen Azshara, it is difficult to find a suitable growth environment for the tree of Arcandor in this era.

This is also the reason why the last descendant of the hidden druid school, Valley Walker Farodin, wants to hide this last seed. He had despaired of replanting the tree of Arcan'dor until, by accident, he became Braike's prisoner.

It can only be said that the arrangement of fate is so wonderful.

Bo Laike provoked a war between the Nightborne and the Quel'dorei elves for this tree, blew up the Sunwell, killed Elisande, and messed up the elf world with his own power.

Although there are also some trivial "personal reasons", but Laike's original purpose is indeed to plant the tree of Arcandor.

From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with praising the pirates for "not forgetting the original intention".

Of course, no sane person should learn the ruthless series of operations that this bastard uses to achieve his goal.

At this time, with the double efforts of Life Titan and Master Moon Shadow, the Tree of Arcandor, which normally takes several months to grow to fruition, was ripened to a full body within ten seconds.

Although this tree is not as majestic as the world tree of the Kaldorei elves, it definitely crushes the world tree Nordrassil in terms of "appearance".

The high elves who combined everything with magnificence gave it a crystal-like appearance, and the magic flow visible to the naked eye flowed in those translucent branches, making this tree seem to be covered with beautiful light strips.

Every leaf of it shone like the finest magic crystal.

In fact, apart from the effect of curing magic addiction, the Tree of Arcandor also has a very important use as the highest level magic material.

"Like a scene in a dream reappearing in this cruel material world, we have accomplished a miracle today. It will definitely be recorded in the annals of history."

Dean Lanyue stretched out his hand, stroking the crystal branch hanging down beside him.

Her cold lich eyes were full of nostalgia, and the tree in front of her reminded her of the prosperity of Zin-Azshari, the capital of the Elven Empire 10,000 years ago.

She also walked with her friends in Queen Azshara's court at night, admiring the city scenery under the moon from the beautiful branches of the tree of Arcandor.

It's a pity that those beautiful times are like passing clouds.

"Look! It bears fruit."

On the other side of Bu Laike, the attention of the little star was as sharp as ever. Princess Blue Dragon held a dwarf camera in her hand and had already taken beautiful photos of the mysterious magic tree from various angles.

She would blink and look at the heavy fruit hanging from the crystal branch protruding from the magic flow of the Well of Fate.

Those black crystal-like fruits that are the size of an apple but filled with beautiful magic light spots like crystal branches exude a tempting aroma. Little Xingxing moved her nose, even if she just sniffed those fruits lightly, she could feel the sweetness in her body. The magic is rejoicing.

This delicious food can definitely adjust the magic power of the caster very well, and maybe it can also give the caster some additional benefits.

Little Xingxing blinked, and quietly reached out to try to pick one.

But before he touched the fruit closest to him, he was hit by the staff in the hands of Dean Lanyue.

"you want to eat?"

The dean stared at his idiot disciple, and said with a bit of hatred:

"This fruit is not for you to taste roughly like a dog chewing on a bone. In the era of the Queen's rule, each Arcandor fruit was picked and supplemented with seventeen kinds of precious magic materials, and then added to the Well of Eternity The diluted well water is made into a special drink for the palace.

Each fruit can be made into ten cups of special drinks, and only the great arcanists of the court mage group can taste them regularly every week, and other nobles can only hope that the queen will bestow this wonderful thing with her grace.

And the subjects of the royal capital can enjoy the loose tea leaves distributed by the queen's attendants once every three months, which are ground from the dried leaves of the Alcandor tree.

Even the fallen leaves can curb the magic addiction of the subjects due to frequent contact with the magic power of the Well of Eternity after being processed.

Every branch, every leaf of this tree has a use, little star.

Its value is far beyond your imagination, and you don't have a terrible addiction, and you don't need to waste a precious fruit just to satisfy your tongue. "

"What, isn't it planted for people to eat?"

Although Xiao Xingxing knew that what the dean said was right, she still withdrew her hand resentfully with her mouth curled up, looking at the tempting fruit above her head with longing but regretful eyes.

However, in the next second, Bu Laike stretched out his hand to pick off the fruit, sniffed it under his nostrils, and threw it to the surprised little star.

Lord Moon Shadow said casually:

"Under Lord Eonar's protection, this tree has entered a mature stage. As long as the Well of Fate exists, it can continue to grow and produce fruit every few months.

These fruits also have a shelf life, and if you don't eat them, you can only waste them.

Eat it, little fool.

After eating, remember to leave the fruit core and give it to the dean and tutors for research to see if you can find other uses for it. "

"O, praise my generous God!"

Holding the magic fruit, Little Xing Xing praised Laike's generosity unscrupulously, and then narrowly winked at the dean who was staring at her.

Then, under the curious gazes of a group of spellcasters and giant dragons, Little Xingxing became the first person to eat crabs in this era.

She was completely unaware that Bo Laike was also staring at her with a "guinea pig" eye.

Obviously because this thing has not been seen for ten thousand years, no one knows if this fruit will cause some bad results after eating the whole fruit, such as sequelae such as diarrhea or magic disorder.

In this case, a courageous and greedy idiot Lan Long, who is physically strong and not afraid of diarrhea, is needed to "test the medicine" for everyone.

Little Xingxing likes to be clean and summons magic mountain spring water to wash the fruit. After washing, this thing shines with more beautiful broken light. The idiot Blue Dragon holds it like a crystal light bulb.

She looked at the crowd in front of her proudly, then opened her mouth to show off, and gnawed away most of the fruit.

The juice is rich, the pulp is fragrant, not very sweet but has a mellow taste.

In the slightly sour taste, the pure magic power bounces in the tongue and teeth like popping candy, making Little Xingxing have to clench his teeth to swallow it.

The pulp mixed with juice fell into the blue dragon's stomach, and immediately had a wonderful reaction with the magic power in her body.

Little Xingxing felt that his huge magical power became active all of a sudden, it was the kind of controlled activation, as if his magic power had been improved a little in just a few seconds.

And as she quickly devoured the whole fruit until only the core was left, Little Xingxing's eyes were shining, and she could feel that her thinking had also been expanded.

Just like the sacred snack of the Mystery Academy, this fruit obviously also has the effect of expanding the mind.

The scene of the blue dragon devouring the delicious food fell in front of everyone's eyes, making the black-skinned and white-skinned elves swallow their saliva in unison.

It's not that they really want to eat it, the main thing is that they are all looking forward to the magic of these legendary fruits.


Under the gaze of Bu Laike and Dean Lanyue, Xiao Xingxing wiped his mouth, tilted his head and thought for a while, and gave everyone a very accurate taste description.


Dean Lanyue tapped his excessive disciple's head with his fingers, and Ms. Lich scolded:

"Who asked you to talk about the taste? You stupid gourmet, use! Effect! This is what we want to know? Do you feel any change in yourself after eating?"

"Uh, the magic power has become more active, and the magic control has also improved a little. I feel that my mind has been expanded, and my thinking has become more active and clear."

Little Xingxing covered her head and summed up her feelings. Finally, she licked her lips and said:

"It seems that the body's magic resistance has also been strengthened, but I don't feel it very clearly, maybe it's because I just patronized the taste, or should I eat another one?

I promise to feel the changes in my body with my heart this time. "


Bu Laike shook his head and pushed the little star away from the fruit-filled crystal branch, and then took the fruit core in her hand and handed it to Dean Lanyue.

The stones of this fruit are irregularly shaped like gems, very beautiful.

"Little Star is a demigod blue dragon, but the fruit of Arcan'dor can still enhance her abilities.

I don't think there is much to say about the magic of this fruit. Obviously, this fruit can not only completely cure magic addiction, but also greatly and permanently improve and strengthen the growth of magic power of creatures.

In fact, I doubt that my supreme Queen Azshara can be strong enough to break through the limit of mortals, maybe it is because of eating an Arcandor fruit every day to strengthen it little by little.

With such a vivid example, it shouldn't be expensive to charge you a million gold coins for one miraculous fruit, right? "

The pirate stood under the branch of Arcandor. While joking, he reached out and picked several fruits from the branch, and threw one to Ms. Aegwynn for the bright eyes in her arms. An extra treat for Med'an's little ones, who grab and play with crystal branches and giggle.

Afterwards, he distributed one to each member of the Great Wizard's Magic Salon according to the number of people. This is to thank them for their efforts in creating the Well of Destiny in the past period of time.

"You're going to sell it? No, Boo Laike."

The old Lich Merry put the fruit she got into an exquisite magic container.

He is a lich, and his magic power comes from the power of death and cannot be improved by swallowing the fruit, but he can use the fruit to make many magical potions.

Leaning on the Atiesh staff, he stared at the magic tree swaying in the magic tide behind the pirate, and exhorted in a deep voice:

"This miraculous thing cannot be measured with vulgar money, and selling it will only lower its style, and will also cause unnecessary chaos and conflicts in the outside world.

There are enough troubles in this world, stop poisoning it with good things as bait for malice.

You should probably use these wonderful Legendary Fruits for something more important.

For example, use it to create peace and unity. "

"Well, what old Merry said is right. Perhaps this fruit should be used as a reward for great deeds and supreme loyalty."

Bu Laike rubbed his chin, discussed with Dean Lanyue and Deputy Dean Farondis in a low voice for a few seconds, cleared his throat, and said:

"The year-end awards and outstanding service awards for the faculty members of the college are good choices, but before that, I think it is necessary for me to show a few 'potential buyers' the most important and greatest utility of these fruits.

come over!

my loyal servant. "

The pirate waved to Olaxis, the leader of the Fal'dorei spider elves who was hiding in the crowd and watching the tree of Arcandor in amazement.

The former Queen Fadore was stunned for a moment.

Then there was a kind of happiness and excitement erupting in her body. She suppressed her ecstasy, swung her ugly and vicious bloated body, and came to Laike under the serious gaze and records of all elves.

She took off the white engineering hat on her head and put it on her shriveled chest like a top hat, and then lowered her body under the steps, waiting for her fate to come.

"Come on, eat it."

Bo Laike nodded to Vallewalker Farodin beside him.

The old highborne druid, who had been adhering to the secret mission of guarding the seeds since the time of the elf empire, let out a long sigh, and reached out to pick a fruit from the branch of the crystal tree.

He handed it with both hands to the spider elf queen who was as ugly as a monster born in a nightmare, and he whispered in a complex tone:

"It was my immaturity and aggressiveness that ruined you, it was my mistakes that cursed you into what you are today, watching you fall in the dark makes me feel guilty all the time.

But now, I can finally redeem my mistakes with my own hands, and I can finally save you from the tragic fate.

You deserve it, Fal'dorei. "

Trembling, Queen Olaxis took the shining fruit with her limbs covered with weird horny and dark barbs. She didn't take it immediately, but glanced at Laike cautiously.

Poor people have survived the cold winter for so long that they dare not even enjoy the warmth of spring.

"Eat it, I need you to eat it to prove its magic."

Bu Laike said to the cowardly leader of the lizards:

"But you have to remember that eating it means that you have signed a sacred contract with the Alcandor tree. From now on, you and your people will guard this tree forever until the end of the world.

You will be the keepers of Arcandor, and you will never leave this underground palace."

"We will, great God."

Olaxis agreed without any hesitation.

Her tribe didn't let out any whimpers of dissatisfaction, they just hid in the dark and blinked their spider-like compound eyes, looking at their leader.

They are longing for a miracle to be born.

So, under the eager gaze of the clansmen, Olaxis swallowed the fruit in her hand tremblingly. When the power of the fruit exploded, she showed a completely different reaction from Little Xingxing.

Rays of magical light erupted in the lizard's ugly body, like the light bursting through the cracks of a broken stone statue when it was crushed, and she was in pain.

But she fought back the discomfort in her body.

Bu Laike raised his hand and summoned a beam of moonlight to shine on the spider elf. With the sound of egg shells breaking, Olaxis was like "moulding", breaking and fading his ugly and dark shell bit by bit. Down.

In the moonlight, the skin was as delicate and white as that of the Highborne, and the bloated abdomen and the spider form of the lower body were also fading away from their ugly and dark posture.

As she kept shaking her body, a brand new image appeared at the bottom of the well of fate.

It is still a mixture of an elf and a spider, but its size is much smaller. At the same time, all the characteristics of corruption and distortion have been purified by the power of the fruit.

The upper body is as elegant as the most beautiful highborne lady, while the spider form of the lower body also shows a silvery white luster in the moonlight.

Although she still looks like a "monster" overall, she no longer has an "ugly" aura, and is replaced by a strange "holy" aura.

She danced her long silver hair down to her waist in the moonlight.

The long pointed ears moved to let her hear the surrounding sounds, and when she raised her head, her forehead formed a crescent moon emblem in the converging moonlight.

That represented the fulfillment of the oath that Lord Moon Shadow had given her and the Tree of Arcan'Dor.


Little Xingxing quickly took a picture of this beautiful newborn when the moonlight dissipated, then coughed twice, gave her one of his tops, covered his eyes pretendingly and said:

"Put on your clothes, you dirty bastard Fadore, look, those shameful men are looking at you."

(end of this chapter)

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