Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1756 124. The Gift Of The Demon Of Hope

Chapter 1756 124. The Gift of the Demon of Hope


Under Little Xingxing's reminder, the spider elf queen, immersed in the happiness of her new life, finally came to her senses.

With a scream, she covered her well-developed upper body under the regretful gaze of the men at the scene, and fled back into the darkness with her beautiful body shaking.

When he reappeared, he had an extra top covering his delicate skin.

Such a change in appearance undoubtedly proved the power of the fruit, and made other elves have no doubts about its legend.

"cough cough"

In the silence, Alleria, the Ranger General of Silvermoon City, stepped forward, and said to Bo Laike with bright eyes:

"Lord Moon Shadow, you just said that you intend to sell this miraculous fruit, and Quel'Thalas also intends to buy it. We can pay any price in exchange for this gift.

This is also stipulated in the agreement, and we have the priority to obtain it! "

"Stand back, rude and greedy white skin!"

Ms. Lilith Yuejun, the Consul of Suramar, took a step forward, waving the ruling staff in her hand and shouting loudly:

"As a loyal follower of His Excellency Bu Laike, Suramar and the Nightborne deserve the first ripe fruits. My people have been tortured by magic addiction for too long, and we will not give up this only hope."

"That's right! We should take it first!"

Anaris also licked his lips, carrying a Highborne-style pirate scimitar and a dwarf fine-crafted musket, stepped forward to support his sister and said:

"In terms of relationship, I am the captain's loyal servant! You arrogant white skins wait, we will cover all the fruit production for the next ten years! I will not leave even a single core to you!"


Anaris' domineering immediately enraged Windrunner's second sister, and Cirvanas drew his war bow with his backhand, and said in a cold tone:

"As war criminals, you have no right to make conditions in front of Quel'Thalas! You have an unshirkable responsibility for the destruction of the Sunwell!

Xia Duolei's war crimes have not been liquidated yet.

You said that you can give everything for the fruit of Arcandor? What a coincidence, we Quel'dorei can too! "

"Stop arguing."

Seeing the conflict between his family and his wives, Lilas stood between the two groups of people desperately and powerlessly.

He weakly wanted to persuade him, but in the next moment, the two Windrunners and the two Yuejun looked at him at the same time and shouted:

"Shut up! Lilas!"

Just as the two groups of people from Quel'Thalas and Suramar were confronting each other, Queen Fal'dorei, who had just completed the purification of life forms, also led her fanatical and excited clansmen to rush out of the darkness.

They grabbed all kinds of tools used to dig the ground, and guarded around the Arcandor tree, not allowing any elves to approach it.

The spider elf queen who has changed from a spider demon to a "spider beauty" even summoned her own terrifying war beast, the spider mother Hilich. As long as the gods give an order, they will start to expel these disgusting greedy elves .

The Fadorei also have their own little thoughts.

They are few in number and need few fruits.

They hoped that the sad dispute between the black skin and the white skin would disgust the great gods, and then hand over the fruits that should have been allocated to the two races to the Fal'dorei.

Speaking of loyalty, Faldore started to follow Bu Laike when he was weak. Although he didn't help him along the way, there was hard work without credit.

In terms of relationship, the entire Fadore family is now a serious "teacher" of Nazaras College. The formal workers with a staff are an important part of the college's underground affairs.

Therefore, in terms of emotion and reason, these precious fruits should be enjoyed first by the loyal Faldorei.

All black skins and white skins have to step aside!


Seeing that the conflict between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out, Windrunner's mother, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't stand it any longer. She walked out of the darkness and stood beside her weak son.

She forced Windrunner and Yue County to calm down with the double majesty of mother and mother-in-law. She said to both parties:

"It's not up to you to decide who comes first! Both sides will take a piece of fruit and return to their respective countries, and you will have a day to prepare. Tomorrow afternoon, each will send a representative to the academy.

I believe a sane conversation is enough to resolve these unnecessary arguments.

If anyone has a different opinion, just say so. "

The next moment, two fruits were thrown by Bu Laike, and they fell into the hands of Windrunner's mother, which meant that her proud disciple, Bu Laike Xiao, also agreed with her statement.

General Liresa handed the fruit in her left hand to her eldest daughter, and the fruit in her right hand to her daughter-in-law. She looked at both sides and said seriously:

"take it back!

Then send someone in charge.

Price, remuneration and gifts are not the most important. Sincerity! I don't think I need to remind you of what sincerity means to a god. "


The two sides nodded, then gave each other a hard look, and then turned around to find the mages of their respective camps to open the portal.

In the Well of Destiny, a place full of magic power, without being restricted, the difficulty of opening the portal is much lower than that of the outside world, and soon both parties disappeared into the teleportation light curtain with the fruit.

As for the blood elves Sa Rhine who have been hiding in the dark, they have watched a good show. They are already undead, and no matter how miraculous Arcandor is, there is no way to bring them back to life.

They were the only ethnicity present who had no interest in fruits and only came to watch the excitement.

After the other elves left, the spellcasters of the Grand Wizard's magic salon had to make final fine-tuning of the operation of the Well of Fate.

Although Little Xingxing really wanted to steal two more fruits in a sneaky way and take them back for her blue dragon Ji Sai Anigosa and her little baby dragon Amygosa, but her petty theft was quickly caught by Fadore We stop.

This made Little Xingxing look regretful.

However, considering that she could always get some more fruits from the captain's hands after being soft and hard in the future, she quickly returned to that joyful and joyful attitude.

She planned to return her clansmen to Coldarra, but before leaving, Headmaster Lanyue stuffed three fruits into her hand and whispered:

"This is a gift for the Spellweaver, the Red Dragon Queen and the Awakened.

Lord Malygos may not need the adjustment of magic power in this fruit, but according to Bu Laike, the fruit of Arcandor also has a certain soothing effect on the chaotic mind of the spellweaver.

Bu Laike did not give face to the dragon kings just now because he wanted to use this to show his attitude to the souls of the titans. My disciple did not intend to really fall out with the dragons at this moment.

The dragon kings are just the sad 'victims' of the differences between the gods tonight, so this should be regarded as the apology from the Nazaras Academy to the dragons. "

After finishing speaking, the dean looked at her student whose eyes were rolling wildly again. She knocked on the head of Little Xingxing, and earnestly warned in the latter's cry of pain:

"You are not allowed to steal food, obedient, little star, after you join the academy and become a mentor, you can still get fruits as rewards through normal channels.

There's absolutely no need to rush. "

"Tch, Dean, who do you think I am?"

Little Xingxing's petty thoughts were called out, which made her a little embarrassed, but soon she snorted, put on a stern and selfless expression, and patted her chest emphatically:

"I'm not a child who can't control my mouth anymore. I know the importance of these things. Leave it to me. I will definitely persuade the dragon kings to forget these little unpleasantnesses.

But seriously, I think it's time for my fellow citizens to get slapped and slapped too.

As far as I've seen from the horrors of the Battle of Argus, my fellow dragons have no right to stand up to Captain Stinky and the Warriors of the Fallen. Those forerunners have done more for this world than the dragons who can only sleep.

Although I am a dragon, I will not favor my people. "


"Why did you call me back in such a hurry?"

In the palace of Silvermoon City in Quel'Thalas, in the shining light of the teleportation hall, Prince Kael'thas, dressed in highborne clothes, returned from Mac'Aree with a golden staff.

In front of his eyes, his attendant, Ms. Lana Thiel, was already waiting anxiously.

The handsome prince asked with some puzzlement:

"I'm meeting the Creator Titans and listening to their admonitions about order. Only the leaders of various races in Azeroth have talks about the decisive battle. I don't think there is anything more important than this."

"No, Your Highness, what is happening at this time is more important than war or peace."

Lana Thiel hugged her notebook and said to her prince:

"Please follow me quickly. Your Majesty is already waiting for you in the inner palace. This is a matter of great urgency. It is directly related to the future of the Quel'Dorei civilization."


Such a description made Kael'thas frown.

But he believed that his father was not so old that he was insane, so he had no time to change clothes, so he followed the attendant into the inner hall.

The Phoenix guards guarded every five steps and every ten steps, and even the Phoenix mages and lawbreakers were dispatched. This battle proved the attitude of the old king.

When Kael'thas walked into the inner palace, he immediately saw his father sitting on the throne, holding a strange fruit that he had never seen before.

And the dusty ranger general Alleria Windrunner is introducing something to the Sun King.

Kael'thas moved his ears. From Alleria's description, he heard the key words "Acandor", "healing magic addiction" and "sincerity".

This made His Royal Highness immediately excited.

He understood in an instant, he knew what happened, and then reminiscent of the sudden retreat of the giant dragons and the strange magic tide rippling in the sea when he met the Titans before, Kael'thas could easily deduce that it should be the magical Braike Finally, what he had promised was done.

"Come here, Kael'thas, my son."

The Sun King's physical condition is already very bad.

Since the sunwell was blown up, Anasterian's mental state has plummeted. For the immortal elves, once the spirit collapses, aging and death will follow.

But today's old king's mental state is surprisingly good.

He called out to his son, and his eyes stayed on the robes of the highborne nobles Kael'thas was wearing for a moment, but he didn't say much.

He called Kael'thas to him, and handed the shining fruit of broken light to his son, saying:

"This is a 'gift' brought back from Tol Barad by General Alleria. Braike Shaw and his spellcasters built a new magic well on an island outside that continent, but That's not the point.

The focus is on this fruit!

He claimed that it was a fruit from the tree of Arcandor. I had read descriptions of this wonderful thing in the ancient manuscripts, and I never thought that it would be seen again in ten thousand years.

According to legend, this fruit can perfectly cure all magic addictions."

"It is true, Your Majesty, and Your Highness."

Alleria looked up and said:

"My sister and I witnessed Bo Laike bestow it on a Fal'dorei, and we watched as the ugly depraved thing was transformed by the fruit's power into something graceful and holy.

It is also blessed with the power of the living titan, a rare treasure.

Bu Laike Shaw has a monopoly on such rare items, we must send a sufficient representative to his pirate country to discuss distribution with him.

My suggestion is, Your Majesty, you should go there in person and obtain as many fruits as possible from Your Excellency Moon Shadow.

Before I left, I consulted with Ms. Alya Blue Moon, and she promised me that as long as we got the fruit, she and the alchemists of Nathalas College would help us make medicines that could eliminate or suppress the magic addiction for a long time.

She told me that if one fruit is fully used, thousands of diluted medicines can be made for the people to take.

Each dose of diluted medicine can ensure that the people's magic addiction will significantly subside, and within ten years, even if they enter an area with weak magic power, they will not experience magic addiction.

If you want to get rid of the magic addiction, the steps are more complicated.

A potion for ten people can be made with one fruit and other precious magic materials, and after a period of weakness, the addiction to magic can be completely eliminated.

But the effect is not as convenient as eating the fruit directly.

Moreover, eating the fruit directly will also bring various power enhancements to the caster. There are rumors that the power of Queen Azshara is based on the effect of long-term consumption of this fruit. "

"Then eat it, Kael'thas."

The old king nodded and said to his son:

"There is no one in this country who should take this godsend more than you. As the future king, you should lead our country and people with a healthy and pure attitude."

His Royal Highness did not answer.

As the best spellcaster in Quel'Thalas, his magic addiction is obviously more serious than that of his clansmen, but Kael'thas never abuses magic, which allows him to easily suppress the dangerous addiction in his body .

Looking at this treasure that can dispel all disasters at this time, Kael'thas's eyes did not feel relaxed or happy, on the contrary, his eyes were complicated.

He glanced back at Aurelia, and the Ranger General probably guessed what His Royal Highness was thinking.

She prevented Kael'thas from telling the truth with her eyes, but in the next moment, His Royal Highness returned the fruit in his hand to his father. He looked at the surprised Sun King and said with a sigh of relief:

"No, father, you should take this fruit, I can get one for free, as Boo Laike promised me. Father, I have many things to hide from you.

The weight of those secrets keeps growing, but today, I can finally open my heart to you. "

Kael'thas smiled, he sighed, and looked in the direction of the sunwell ruins outside the palace.

He tousled his hair and said:

"Father, everything that happened on the land of the motherland, including the fall of the Sunwell and the war, I actually knew in advance. When I was in Dellano, Laike described his plan to me.

I tried to stop him, but the pirate promised me a future.

His hope persuaded me to allow him to do dangerous things in our land.

I know it seems crazy to pay the price of the destruction of the Sunwell just because of a promise, but I still chose to take the risk. It can be said that I am responsible for the suffering of our people. "

"No, Your Highness!"

Alleria clenched her fists, raised her head and said:

"I was the one who stole the sunwell blueprint for Bo Laike, and I was the one who gave up my duty and watched him start the war. I should pay the price for all of this.

You shouldn't place my guilt on you.

I, the Ranger-General, betrayed my country, the disgrace to House Windrunner and Quel'Thalas. "


The old king was confused for a moment, but he quickly cleared his mind. He coughed and got up from the throne, looking at his son and general who were full of guilt.

He said:

"You could have prevented or forewarned that war, our Sunwell could have been preserved, but you sat back and watched those villains destroy our holy relic, just because Braike Shaw gave you a promise of hope for the future ?”

"Yes, father."

Kael'thas bowed his head guiltily, and said:

"Sorry I let you down."

"Disappointed? No no no."

Instead of showing anger, the old Sun King laughed and patted his son on the shoulder. His old face was full of relief, and he said:

"I have always worried about my heir, my son is outstanding in all aspects, but his benevolent character makes it difficult for him to make some difficult decisions with a rational mind at critical moments.

This is a fatal flaw for a ruler.

But now I see with my own eyes that my son has finally made his own judgment and won a bright future for our kingdom and civilization!

Yes, Kael'thas, I can't deny that we lost a lot in that war, but we got what we promised, didn't we? "

Anastarian nodded reassuringly, and said:

"Facts have proved that you already have the vision and determination that a king should have, and your last flaw has been filled, and I can finally entrust you with the important task of the king.

It's not a mistake. "

The old king looked at the fruit in his hand, he didn't hesitate anymore, and put the fruit to his mouth.

At the moment of biting down, he looked at Alleria and said:

"Then, tell me, my Ranger-General, did Bo Laike take anything else from the Sunwell that day besides our blueprints?

Please answer honestly, it's important to us. "

(end of this chapter)

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