Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1758 126. Magic Apprentice Anwena

Chapter 1758 126. Magic Apprentice Anwena

As soon as the queen finished speaking, Lilith Yuejun over there immediately got up with a noble etiquette, and she bent down to Queen Azshara very sincerely and said:

"The Kingdom of Suramar is willing to return to the territory of the empire. My Majesty, we are willing to hand over the power of appointment and removal of nobles in the Kingdom of Suramar to you, and you will appoint and promote the young talents of the empire.

I also sincerely ask you to grant me and my sister's fiancé an imperial title to bless our marriage. "

"Very good, I see your sincerity, Xia Duolei."

The empress nodded very satisfied, handed out a list, and said:

"Go to the guardians of the Alcandor Tree, show my will to the Fal'dorei guards, and take the first batch of thirty fruits allocated to you.

This is distributed in proportion to the number of subjects in the kingdom. I don't care how you redistribute it after you get it, but you need to let the people know that this is the grace of the queen. "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Lilith took over the list with Azshara's mark on her face with joy, and the great astrologer beside her opened his mouth to speak, and Lilith immediately noticed the nervous gesture.

She asked the queen again for a formal imperial title, which satisfied Etraeus, who had always been ashamed of his humble origins.

The queen then looked towards Quel'Thalas.

The Sun King did not say any conditions. He was very relaxed today. After noticing Azshara's gaze, the Sun King stood up gracefully, saluted the Queen and said:

"Your Majesty, I have passed on the throne of Quel'Thalas to my son. He will hold a coronation ceremony in the near future. I hope that you can put the crown of the sun on my son.

In addition, I, who have already retired, hope to inherit the title of my ancestors in the empire and join your court to serve you. "

"Well, it really surprises me, my subject."

Azshara blinked and asked:

"So, Anasterian, my courtier, will this be a new tradition in Quel'Thalas?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The old king said very tactfully:

"Every Sun King will ask for your favor and join your court after leaving office, just like the shameless Shaldorei, we are also willing to hand over the appointment and dismissal of the nobles of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas to you.

Only in this way can the connection between the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas and the Deep Sea Empire be strengthened. "

"Well, seemingly loyal but meaningless superficial obedience, yes, this is exactly what I need."

Azshara nodded, and handed the second slip with her own signature printed on it to Anasterian. The number of fruits on it was marked at ninety.

Twice as many as Suramar.

This is also normal, Quel'Thalas has much more people than Suramar, and the distribution of this number according to the number of people is just right.

This is almost half of the fruit that the tree of Arcandor can bear at one time. The queen only reserved a small part for her own empire. This may also be a kind of sincerity based on the establishment of the "Elf Federation".

"In order to ensure the health of the Arcandor tree and not cause pressure on the magic tree itself due to over-harvesting, the time for fruit distribution is once a year."

Bu Laike held the cup of fine wine soaked with fruit, and concluded like an old cadre at the end:

"This fruit has a shelf life of three months after it is picked, and it will rot if not used properly, but I don't think you will allow this to happen, right?

In addition, you can keep half of the fruit core, and the remaining half must be returned to Nazaras Academy for use as magic materials.

You can also try to plant trees with fruit stones. If you can plant a new Arcandor tree, Her Majesty and I will reward you for it. "

"Don't make such bad jokes, my favorite, don't weave false and vicious hopes for my subjects."

The queen shook her head, she looked at the beautiful crystal tree outside the window, she said softly:

"Acandor's seeds are difficult to conceive. Miracles cannot be planted with fruit cores. Maybe I should send a few fruits to the Kaldorei and let their druids try it."

"But it will be regarded as provocative by the conservative and stubborn Sisters of Elune, my lord."

Bu Laike said softly:

"They are hostile to all magical creations, not to mention the fruit of Arcandor, which is a perfect combination of arcane magic and life, which they regard as a blasphemy against life.

This will also make them more hostile to you for this. "

"My dear god, do you think I care about these little things? Hehe."

Azshara laughed twice in the manner of the Royal Sister Queen, and took out the third list, and handed it to the maid Vashki who appeared in the teleportation magic. She ordered:

"Go, pick out ten fruits and send them to Mount Hyjal, and tell those ignorant night elves that this is a gift from their benevolent queen."


The eyes of Lilith Yuejun and Anasterian lit up at the same time.

The night elves would certainly not accept this kind of fruit grown from the magic well, but the Kaldorei did not want it, but Quel'Thalas and Suramar needed it very much.

Although there are only ten pieces, it also means that 10,000 people will benefit from it if they are extremely diluted.

Obviously, the Queen is using this method to deliberately provoke the conflict between the Quel'dorei, the Nightborne and the Kaldorei elves.

But it is useless to recognize this point, they still have to try their best to win or snatch the ownership of the ten fruits of freedom from Kaldorei.

Alas, Azshara is still the same Azshara she used to be. What's more terrifying than this charming face is her gifted wisdom. It's a real trick to divert misfortune and drive wolves away.

"Then, so be it."

The queen satisfied her desire to control, she stood up in satisfaction, and said to her subjects:

"See you at this time next year, my subjects, and serve wholeheartedly for the glory and rise of the empire."

After finishing speaking, the Queen gave Bo Laike a charming smile, turned around and dissipated her phantom of power and left here. The Children of the Night also quickly left to collect the precious fruits.

Anasterian was not in a hurry to leave. The former Sun King who came alone sat on his chair and said with a sigh:

"Based on the corruption and corruption of the Shaldorei's political system, I guess it would be great if five of the thirty fruits can be used for civilians, and most of the rest will be monopolized by high-level dignitaries and become a kind of scarce political capital.

It's just pitiful for those Nightborne civilians who have to continue to rely on magic wine for a long time to survive. "

"Well, the situation in Quel'Thalas should be better."

Bu Laike, who was sitting opposite the old king with his jug in his arms, nodded in a serious manner, and he raised his finger as if playing a game and said:

"About 30 of your 90 fruits will fall into the hands of the royal party and be divided among the established families, and 20 will be given by the royal family to the newly rebuilt Silver Moon Council to strengthen the royal family's resistance to those unruly people. Control of the caster.

There are still ten pieces to be allocated to neutral nobles and generals such as the Windrunner Family and the Bright Wing Family, and finally some potions that can be made into long-term storage are set aside to deal with possible political crises.

Calculated in this way, the number of fruits left to the large number of civilians will not exceed fifteen pieces at most. "

Having said that, Bu Laike couldn't help but laugh.

He stood up and said to the old king:

"So, big brother, don't laugh at second brother, black skin and white skin are similar, no one can say better or worse. From this point of view, I think it's better for Queen Azshara to personally distribute the fruits to her. His subjects are more fair.

With all due respect, Your Majesty.

In fact, if the value of the tree of Arcandor is fully utilized, within ten years all elves can get a potion to curb their addiction, but from a realistic point of view, I will tell you pessimistically.

You will never really get rid of the threat of magic addiction, even Kael'thas Sunstrider, who I am very optimistic about, can't do it! For the elves, the real devil has never been a magic addiction, but the greed that lives in your hearts.

Of course, this is also true for humans and dwarves.

Perhaps my Majesty Azshara has seen through this, and will be so generous to give these god-given items to you for free distribution. She knows that as long as she maintains a stable ally relationship with me, she can rely on this tree Take control of you forever. "

"The world of elves has always been ugly, my lord Bo Laike."

Anasterian was not angry, he said calmly:

"Elves are never more perfect than other races. We have our own flaws. Even the unmagic night elves are far from perfect. They also have terrible flaws.

But I don't want to discuss the future of elves with you today.

I'm here to take back something that is very important to me and my country."

The old king stood up, looked at Bo Laike, and said:

"Give us back the Holy Spirit of the Sun!"

"Uh, your expression is so serious, it makes me suspect that you will draw out the flame strike and give me a sword in the next moment."

The pirate pouted, drank the "fruit wine" in his hand, snapped his fingers at Anasterian, and said:

"You want to see Anveena? Well, come with me. It just so happens that tonight is Anveena's important moment, and I really need a witness with weight.

I also invited some important figures from the elf world to watch the ceremony, and Ms. Tyrande was among them.

If she wants to beat me up because of the magic well, you have to help me, a weak god, block it. "

After this not-so-funny joke, Braike waved open a void door leading to nowhere. He glanced at the old king, made a "follow up" look, and strode in. .

The old king followed without any hesitation.

But he didn't like the name Bo Laike gave to the sun spirit of Quel'Thalas, Anveena, which sounded like a human girl's name, didn't it conform to the elves' naming rules and didn't even have a last name?

This is too much!

At least call her "Anveena Sunstrider"?

With the idea that "the beloved thing was taken away and given a bad name", the old king followed Bo Laike to a place he could never have imagined.

A library!

Looking at the structure of the building, you can tell that this is still somewhere in the Nazaras College, and it is the most concise and magnificent temple-like building.

More than a dozen pillars propped up the white dome, and there was no extra decoration except for the stained glass. Rows of books were displayed on the polished and translucent marble floor.

The entire library is divided into three floors, connected with each other by spiral stairs. Calculated according to the ratio of bookshelves to books, it is conservatively estimated that at least 100,000 books are stored here.

"No, there are more than two million books here."

Bu Laike easily felt what the old king was thinking, and he explained while leading the way:

"The first floor is the book of general education, including the detailed explanation of the primary knowledge of all the power systems and paths that currently exist in Azeroth and Dellano.

The students of the college can enter and exit freely with their student ID cards. Of course, the books here are not allowed to be taken away, they can only copy them by themselves.

The second layer is the hidden classics of various schools of high-level power.

The magic of space expansion is applied there, and the area is ten times that of the first floor. Only students who have obtained advanced certificates can enter there, and it is completely open to instructors.

A batch of Argus magic books from the Mystery Academy will be sent to the library on the second floor soon, and there will be another expansion there.

As for the third layer.

Well, only the vice dean and tutors above the backbone of education can enter there, so don't think about it for the students.

All the taboo knowledge above the legendary level is stored there, and in some corners you can even find the knowledge of demigods. Even if the students go in, they don't even try to understand it. Fool.

Oh, by the way, your silly son is also a frequent visitor to the library on the third floor. He has a reading room dedicated to himself there, and he has to pay the library a rental fee of 100,000 gold coins every year. "

"I just said why Kael'thas didn't complete his magic in the palace laboratory for so long. It turned out that he found a better place."

The old king smiled, and gracefully handed out a goblin gold card, saying:

"Then, please, Your Excellency Bu Laike, please leave me a quieter reading room here. As a spellcaster, I also hope to appreciate the valuable knowledge of Nazaras College."

"You? You want more money!"

Bu Laike said angrily:

"I can't trust your integrity!

You will surely bring back to Quel'Thalas the valuable knowledge we have gathered with painstaking efforts, although we promote the spread of knowledge, although knowledge is priceless.

But at least you have to pay the price of renting knowledge.

Look, Anwena is reading there. She is such a good girl. While other students are running to see the wonders of the magic well, she is still here tirelessly absorbing knowledge.

She will definitely become Dean Lanyue's beloved disciple.

I heard that she is about to prepare for the entrance exam for the elite class, and I think she will pass it with ease. "

Following Bu Laike's gaze, the old king shivered and saw the familiar figure from the back that made him dream about it.

The Sun Holy Spirit was wearing a uniform of an ordinary student of the Arcane School of Narsalas College, and was sitting on a desk by the window, writing quickly. On the desk in front of her were stacks of tomes that could easily kill a dwarf.

Judging from the several notebooks in her hand, she must have been here for a long time.


Bu Laike stopped Anasterian who wanted to go forward, pointed to the slogan "No noise, keep quiet" hanging on the wall, and he and the old king walked towards the girl who was studying hard in the sunlight.

She has long blond hair tied up, revealing the iconic sharp ears of the Quel'Dorei elves. A phoenix earring is tied under her left ear, and there is also a Quel'Thalas-style gemstone pendant around her neck.

She also wears a pair of large black-rimmed glasses to hide her peculiar golden pupils, so as not to be noticed by her classmates in her daily studies.

As for the fact that she is a spirit body, it is not so important.

There are too many spirit body students in Nazaras College, and she is not missing one of them.

Under Bu Laike's gaze, the tearful old king tried his best to maintain his demeanor. He wiped his red eyes with a handkerchief, nodded his thanks to Bu Laike, and then walked forward slowly, standing in front of Anveena. beside.

Anveena was too absorbed in studying, and didn't notice the people around her immediately, until the old king said in a gentle voice:

"The answer to this question can be modified, Anveena. Although the standard answer can solve the dissipation of the magic flow, if you fine-tune the order of the runes, you can increase the efficiency of this magic by one-fifth."

"Huh? Is that so?"

The Sun Holy Spirit with black-rimmed glasses exclaimed.

She pushed her glasses and politely thanked the people around her for their help. But when she saw the old king's face full of tears, An Wei Na showed a big smile in addition to being surprised.

With a cry of joy, she jumped up from her chair and threw herself into the arms of the old king.

she shouted:

"Little Anastarian! You finally came to pick me up. I miss you so much. Have you ever thought about my sister? If not, I will be very sad."

(end of this chapter)

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