Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1759 127. Male Elf, What's Wrong With Being A Bit Perverted?

Chapter 1759 127. Male elf, what's wrong with being a bit perverted?

"This academy is great. Children from all over the world bring all kinds of stories and wonderful customs. Although those trolls are somewhat rude, I found that they are not as good as the Amani trolls." Bad.

Actually they are very smart.

Some of them are smarter than elves.

I even made friends with a few troll witch doctors. Of course, I just exchanged each other's research letters, which are all very basic knowledge. I didn't reveal the secret knowledge of Quel'Thalas. "

On the way from the library to the No. 13 teaching and laboratory building, An Weena, wearing black-rimmed glasses, bounced forward like a young girl.

Anasterian, who helped her carry the big bag full of books, shared his life in the academy during this period.

From her jumping figure, it can be seen that An Weena likes the environment of the academy very much.

She is very comfortable here.

The old king didn't interrupt or answer, he just quietly listened to Anveena's sharing.

As for Bu Laike, Bu Laike walked behind the two guys, influencing the thinking of those around him with the package of truth thoughts, making others completely ignore his existence.

Pirate Scraps was smoking his pipe, looking at Anveena for a while, and Anasterian for a while. He always felt that the relationship between these two guys was a little delicate.

The old king cried instantly when he saw Anveena just now.

God, this is an elf king who has lived for three thousand years. In terms of the ability to control emotions, the seven human kings combined are not worthy to lift his shoes.

But he actually cried.

It was a surge of uncontrollable emotions. As a void god who often deals with the heart and mind, Bu Laike can be sure that the old king's loss of control at that moment just now was not deliberate.

This amply proves his thesis:

There's something weird about the relationship between these two guys!

"But although everything in the academy is good, there are still some things that make people regret."

An Weena pushed her glasses, and whispered to the old king:

"In fact, I always wanted to live in a multi-person dormitory like other children, but Dean Lanyue didn't allow it. She arranged for me to live in a teacher's apartment. Although other children are very envious, I prefer to try their daily life what does it look like.

That must be interesting. "

After finishing speaking, An Weina glanced in the direction of the Well of Destiny from a distance behind the crowd. She curled her lips, as if she couldn't understand what's so good about a magic well?

Have these children never seen a magic well before?

Staying in the sun well for more than six thousand years would suffocate her. She didn't want to be trapped in a gorgeous but boring magic well and see few people all year round.

It's so boring.

"Would you still resent us for trapping you in the sunwell, Anwena?"

The old king followed Anveena's gaze, and he immediately understood what the Sun Holy Spirit was thinking. He asked with a sense of apology:

"Is that why you left Quel'Thalas with Boo Laike?"

"No, how could I blame my sweet little Anasterian?"

Anwei Na turned her head back and showed a big smile. She stood on tiptoe and pinched the old king's cheek with both hands, shaking his face back and forth as if playing with a child. She said seriously:

"I will never forget the scene where you stood in front of me and confronted your father, my lovely little guy, you would rather give up your throne for me and threaten your father with your future than to dispel my sanity.

You saved me when you were a kid, little guy, you're my best friend. "

"Oh, so there is still such a thing between you~"

Bu Laike, who was following behind, became interested. He smelled gossip. He squeezed his eyes and blew smoke rings and said to the two people:

"Anyway, it's still a little time before midnight, come on, tell me this story, I think it will be very interesting."

"Ah, I can't tell you, Lord Bu Laike."

An Weena immediately straightened her face, pushed her glasses and said:

"This is a secret between me and little Anasterian. I promised not to tell it. It's the same as I promised you not to reveal my identity in the academy.

You see, I'm good at keeping secrets.

Up to now, my classmates are still spreading gossip, saying that I am the younger sister of little Kael'thas who lives outside, so I am given preferential treatment in the academy. "

"Well, I believe in your ability to keep secrets, but I don't believe His Majesty Anasterian's mouth is so strict."

The pirate drew his voice and looked at the old king.

The latter snorted with Anveena's large schoolbag on his back, obviously not intending to talk about this topic, the pirate raised his eyebrows, snapped his fingers, and said:

"Three fruits!"

The old king frowned suddenly, but he still didn't say a word.

Bu Laike snorted and said:

"This is the limit bid, don't expect me to increase it.

If you don't say it, I'll send three fruits to Suramar, and, you two guys know, as a professional void god, it's not impossible for me to find what I want from your little brains. s answer.

That would be no more difficult than snatching Argus's star soul from Aggramar.

I don't do that, I just hope the story feels better told by the person involved. "

"Okay, you are not allowed to bully little Anasterian!"

Anveena snorted, and opened her arms to block the old king, using her ability as a pure spirit body to resist the thoughts of truth that Pirates had begun to radiate.

She snorted, turned around and patted the old king's arm, as if she was using this method to tell her little Anasterian not to be afraid, sister will protect you!

"Then say it."

Bu Laike glanced at the sky, folded his arms and said:

"We still have some time to finish listening to this story. If you don't want me to bully you, Anwena, you should know that you can't stop me from doing bad things."

"You are the worst! Mr. Bo Laike! There is no worse guy in the whole academy."

Anveena screamed angrily, but Laike smiled and felt as if he was being praised. This smug expression made the Sun Holy Spirit itch with hatred.

But in the end she sighed helplessly and said:

"It's actually not as complicated as you think. I was born with wisdom at the end of the reign of little Anasterian's father in Quel'Thalas. Of course, my existence was much earlier than this time.

I showed up shortly after Uncle Dath'Remar built the Sunwell.

In fact, I never understood why the elves wanted to trap me in the Tower of the Sun. It wasn't until I came to the academy to ask Dean Lanyue for advice that I knew that a spirit body born in the magic tide of the Sunwell, once born What a dire threat self-awareness poses to that magic well.

From this point of view, I am actually very grateful to the elves for their "favor of not killing". "

An Weina curled her lips, then pushed back her long golden hair tied behind her head, and said:

"They really had good reason to drive my sanity away, but because of the bravery of my sweet little Anasterian, he stood up and protected me when I needed help the most.

So he will always be my sweet little brother.

Only he would sneak into the Sun Tower to play with me in his free time. But when he grew up and became king, he was very busy and came less often.

But I don't blame him. "

Bu Laike keenly noticed that when Anveena talked about these things, the expression of the old king behind her became very sad, which made the pirate blink his eyes.

He said:

"So, the whole story is as you said, His Majesty Anasterian's father wanted to disperse your sanity to protect the safety of the Sunwell, but the old king who was a prince like Kael'thas jumped out and said Threat to the inheritance of the throne, this is how to preserve your existence?

This is a life-saving grace.

No wonder you two have such a good relationship. "

"It's actually not that simple."

The old king shook his head and added:

"When I was a child, um, equivalent to the age of seven human children, I once strayed into the main hall of the Sun Well while looking for magic books in the Sun Tower.

I accidentally triggered the trap and got stuck there.

Seven full days!

Without Anveena's protection and encouragement, I would not have survived anyway, and it was precisely because of that incident that my father discovered that the Sun Holy Spirit, who had been hiding in the magic tide, gave birth to self-awareness.

He wanted to disperse her, but I blackmailed my father.

I wasn't the one who saved Anveena.

It was Anveena who saved me. "

"Then why didn't you tell Prince Kael'thas about Anveena's existence?"

Bu Laike asked curiously:

"I am sure Kael'thas is unaware of her existence."

"I have my reasons, please don't ask these questions, okay?"

The old king refused bluntly, and said in a deep voice:

"I wish to keep some private secrets."

"Okay, okay, one or two are really big tempered, and the mortals are really powerful now."

The pirate snorted, but didn't ask further questions.

He took Anwena and the old king into the No. 13 teaching and laboratory building, and followed the previous steps all the way down to the bottom of the well of fate.

Compared with last night, the place has been rearranged today. When Laike arrived, Queen Fadore, who guarded the place, was commanding her servants to decorate a small moonwell-style pool with flowers.

Besides them, there are other people here, all elves without exception.

Including High Priestess of the Moon Tyrande Windtalker and her druid pets, Jarod Shadowsong and his pregnant pregnant wife and his lover Shandris Feathermoon, and some Senari Druids of the Austrian Order.

Even Old Buckhelm was called back from Dellano.

I haven't seen him for a long time, but the old deer helmet's physical condition is getting worse and worse.

Judging from his appearance, it is estimated that he will die soon, but compared with his weakened body, his spirit is fuller. It seems that he is not afraid of death at all, but looks forward to it.

"Illidan? Why are you bastard here?"

Bu Laike was surprised and said with a pipe in his mouth:

"I didn't invite you, what are you doing here?"

"Do you think I want to come?"

The big demon hunter who was forced to put on a large elf robe said angrily:

"I was about to start a trial of Illidari recruits in Dellano, but the loathsome Malfurion demanded that I attend some bloody ritual with him tonight.

This is a complete waste of my precious time. "

"No, no, don't talk so full."

The pirate snorted and said:

"What's going to happen tonight is more exciting than you imagined, and besides, do me a favor and don't let Garald ask me about his sister, please?

I don't want to talk about it now, tell him for me, I'll bring his sister back, that's all. "


Brother Egg snorted, showing no intention of helping at all, but when Garald was walking towards this side, Illidan raised his hand and made a gesture of prohibiting him from approaching.

Probably he felt that with Garrod's wisdom, he could definitely appreciate the meaning of this gesture.

Besides the night elves, the pirates also invited the black skin elves of Suramar, who happened to be the representatives today plus the leaders of the Shaldorei pirates in the Death Fleet.

They were clearly separated from the Quel'Thalas elves headed by Windrunner's mother.

In addition to these factions, the Deep Sea Empire also sent several members.

Their composition is very interesting.

Vashj, the Lady of the Serpent, led the procession, followed by Lor'themar Archan and his wife, Lady Liadrin, who were forced to wear masks, and Dar'Khan Della Hill, the traitor to the Quel'dorei.

When seeing this battle, His Majesty Anasterian, who accompanied Anveena into the hall, also noticed that something was wrong.

Bu Laike called all the powerful elves in Azeroth, and even those disgusting Rhines were probing their heads in the dark.

And just looking for the elves, it is obvious that what happened tonight is definitely closely related to all the elves.

"Little Anasterian, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about tonight."

Just when the old king was thinking, Anwei Na sighed, stretched out her hand and pulled his sleeve to make the old king lean down, and said in his ear:

"The protagonist tonight is me."


The old king's face immediately became serious. He glanced at the Well of Fate and said in a low voice:

"They're going to put you in this magic well? I won't allow it! I'll take you out of here, even if..."

"No! It's not like that, listen to me."

Anveena hastily stopped Anasterian who was about to summon Flame Strike, she whispered:

"It's Ms. Elune's will. She wants me to be her god and help her manage the affairs of the elves. Tonight is the time for me to officially take over the priesthood."


This answer caused the old king's thinking to stop for a moment. He didn't know how to face the truth, but Bu Laike said beside him:

"Is there anything incomprehensible about this?

Ms. Elune's preference for elves is now known to all the stars, but she not only has elf believers, she also needs to consider the feelings of believers of other races.

As the main god in the realm of life, she must make a bowl of water level.

Moreover, she had to take care of her 'sister''s emotions, so she deliberately chose a god to manage the elves' affairs for her to show her justice.

Anveena is a rare Sun Holy Spirit.

She was born from the blood of the world of Azeroth. She has great potential and a simple mind. Lady Elune discovered her through my eyes and entrusted her with this important task.

Also, Anveena, you need to understand a concept! "

Bu Laike waved his hands and emphasized:

"You are not Ms. Elune's god, your level of power is still a bit far from the highest realm of the original force, the Pantheon of Life cannot accept a race and demigod to enter that supreme hall.

So Ms. Elune entrusted me with the heavy responsibility of guiding you. You will be my 'god' from now on, and you must guide the elven civilization to flourish according to my will.

In this regard, you can learn from Rezan, that Devilsaur protected the inheritance of the Golden Dynasty well.

Look, Kael'thas is here too. "


When the old king saw the bewildered Kael'thas coming out of the portal, his expression changed drastically, and he grabbed Bu Laike's hand and asked:

"you do this delibrately!"

"Look at what you said, how could I do it on purpose?"

Bu Laike winked and said to the old king:

"You have already passed on the throne of the Sun King to your son, how could I not ask the new Sun King to come to watch the birth of the elf god?

I don't know why you don't allow your son to know about Anveena, but I definitely didn't arrange it tonight, look at how sincere my eyes are.

It's really just a coincidence.

Fate is such a wonderful thing, isn't it? "


After Kael'thas was invited by Blue Moon Dean's magic message, he didn't figure out what happened for a while.

But he soon discovered that his father was also here, and walked towards his father with a smile on his face. However, after taking two steps, he saw him standing beside his father, pulling his father's sleeve to look at him curiously, and showing his face to him. Anveena the Holy Spirit of the Sun with a gentle smile.

After seeing Anveena's face clearly, Kael'thas was struck by lightning.

The handsome prince froze in place, he whispered:

"This mother?"


Anasterian stretched out his hands to cover his eyes in despair, while Bu Laike beside him widened his eyes, and Pirate Scrap looked at the old king beside him, feeling excited in his heart.

Good guy!

This Anasterian can play!

Seeing Kael'thas sluggishly calling his mother, he knew that the 3,000-year-old king actually found an elf who looked exactly like Anveena as his wife when he was young.

Hey, people treat you like a younger brother!

Isn't it a little too much for you to do this? Look at An Weina next to you is frightened, okay? What a horrible elf male.

"I can explain."

The old king, who had already fallen into the desperate situation of "community death", said at a loss:

"It's really not what you think."

"No, no, no need to explain, I understand."

Bo Laike reached out and patted Anasterian on the shoulder, and he comforted in a low voice:

"Man, what's wrong with being a bit of a pervert? But because of your terrible situation, I still suggest you see a psychiatrist after a while

Need me to recommend someone to you? I can give you a 20% discount. "

(end of this chapter)

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