Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1760 128. The Love Debt Of The Old Father Of The Secret History Of The Elves?

Chapter 1760 128. The love debt of the old father of the secret history of the elves?

The question of why Anveena and Prince Kael'thas' mother look almost exactly the same is obviously a private matter of the Sunstrider family.

No honest guy should be asking around.

But unfortunately, Bo Laike is not a man of integrity, er, God, in fact, even after such a big event as God, his unimaginably low moral bottom line has not been lifted even a single bit.

Therefore, when Anwena walked towards the Moonwell that was connected to the Well of Fate and began to shine the moonlight under the watchful eyes of the elves, although the scrap pirate was standing by the Moonwell, his thoughts of truth were always entangled with a cold face. Anasterian, and kept asking the exact same questions as Kael'thas' little brother.

"Hey, this story must be great, tell me, my heart of gossip has started to burn, unless I feed it the stimulating truth as a tribute, otherwise it can't calm down when it's restless."

The pirate's voice haunted the old king, and he urged:

"You don't want me to lift your head, wander through your mind and find the answer by yourself while turning you into a fool who can only shout ababa, right?"

"You're really boring."

Anasterian stared at Anveena, and he replied in his heart:

"As a god, don't you have something to do? Go and maintain world peace, okay? I heard that Hai titan and Naga are going to go to war. Don't you go to mediate or disrupt the war to satisfy your boring and destiny How about a will to be bored as big as a well?"

"Sorry, from the division of camps, I probably belong to a hopeless evil god. I have no interest in peace or anything. Compared with participating in a meaningless war, I am obviously more interested in you and Anne now." We are more interested in the strange relationship between Wei Na."

Bo Laike put on a look of interest and said shamelessly:

"People call you younger brother, and you seem to really regard her as your elder sister, but why do you use her appearance and template when you choose the queen?

This really makes people unable to help but think about whether the root cause of your doing such a thing is because you are a perverted elf who covets your sister? Woohoo, no matter how many times I think about it, I still find this too exciting and fun. "

"Well, I think so too."

The old king was silent for a few seconds, then nodded his head seriously and said in his heart:

"I think the reason why you are so curious and interested in this matter may not only be because of your evil nature, which is eager to pry into other people's privacy, but also because you are actually facing the same dilemma, the great and evil Lord Moon Shadow.

As far as I know, the relationship between your sister Fenna Jinjian and you is much more chaotic than the relationship between me and An Weina.

So, you actually need some advice from me, an 'experienced person', right? "

"You are boring, Your Majesty."

Bu Laike changed the topic, and said sinisterly:

"I suddenly feel that I have no interest in the truth at all, and now I feel that only turning you into a fool on the spot can satisfy my tyrannical mood at this time.

Are you ready?

This hot, destructive thought will be like a red-hot steel rod thrust into your sane, bawdy mind, and with a single twist it will free you from the heavy burden of thinking."

"You are not allowed to bully little Anasterian, Bo Laike!"

At this moment, Anveena, who was already standing by the moon well, suddenly shouted to Bu Laike in her mind:

"He is protected by me. If you want to bully him, you have to pass me first! Be careful that I will sue you to Sister Moon!"

"Hehe, do you think Ms. Elune will turn against me because you are a little Holy Spirit? Don't think too much about yourself, lovely Anveena, and protect me?"

Bu Laike withdrew his thoughts, stretched out his hand and patted Anveena's spiritual body kindly on the head, but said to the Sun Holy Spirit in his heart:

"Compared with you protecting him, I think your little Anasterian may be more interested in conquering you on various occasions, he is such a pure and cute little boy.

Let me ask you, have you ever attended his wedding? "

"No, I was trapped in the Sunwell at that time, and I couldn't run around."

Anveena tilted her head and said:

"But I heard from little Anasterian that his wife is very beautiful and gentle, which fits the image of a perfect woman in his heart. You can tell from the appearance of little Kael'thas, that girl must be a great beauty .

Speaking of which, Bo Laike, don't you think little Kael'thas's eyes and cheeks look a lot like mine? This is really a lucky coincidence, it made me fall in love with this cute junior right away. "

"Well, this is no coincidence, my dear Elven God."

Bu Laike grinned meaningfully, and looked up at the moon phase at this time, he coughed, and said to Anveena under the gaze of other elves:

"The time has come, enter the Moonwell.

The pure well water will become the bond between you and the moon god. With his grace and blessing, you will become the race demigod of the elves with the help of the magic tide of the well of fate.

Walking among the physical stars, I, so beautiful and generous, will perform this ceremony in Lady Elune's place, thereby granting you symbolic legitimacy. "

After finishing speaking, Laike turned to look at the elf factions in front of him, and said loudly:

"Today, under the grace of the moon god, Anveena Sun Holy Spirit will become a racial symbol closely related to elven civilization, just like the sacred connection between Bwonsamdi and trolls, Odin and Vrykul.

This is Elune's will.

It is also the last blessing of the moon god before withdrawing his inexplicable preference for the elves.

He hopes that there will be a 'greatest common divisor' based on the same blood and peace among the factions of elves that have been substantially divided, a new belief that can transcend all hatred and hostility and be recognized by all elves.

Of course, I think this is another failure of Mercy Luna's overly idealized benevolent plot.

But who made Ms. Pale to be my immediate boss, I really don't want to get into trouble with her over such a trivial matter, so at the moment before Anveena is about to become a symbol of all elf civilization, I ask you, elves. "

The pirate spread his arms and said:

"Who has a problem with this decision?"

"Swish Swish Swish"

Representatives of almost all elf factions raised their hands at this moment, representing that everyone was very dissatisfied with this decision. Even Rhine, who is "invincible", raised her hand silently in the dark.

Obviously, these undead do not think that a god girl is qualified to lead them, they obviously prefer to randomly kill a great female elf on the spot, such as Tyrande, and transform into Rhine through blood rituals to become their race god!

"The Kaldorei have only one belief, and that is the eternal moon god."

Tyrande Windtalker didn't know about Rhine's evil thoughts, but the Moon Priest seemed to have something on her mind, so she said with a blank face:

"Besides this, we do not accept other symbols, let alone a common symbol that represents all elves. This is a wrong move that cannot bridge contradictions and conflicts but will intensify grievances."

"We don't think there's anything wrong with having an extra racial symbol."

Lilith Yuejun shrugged, she looked around, deliberately choked and said:

"But I don't think it's a good thing to make a white-skinned elf a racial symbol. At any rate, think about the Sons of the Night. There are many great people in our history. If it's not possible, those wild elves who live on trees and eat fruit are not bad.

But Bai Pi. Eh~ Quel'Dorei, it just won't work!

This makes no sense at all. "

"Shut down your foolish rhetoric, wretched nightborne!"

The old king who had just experienced a wave of "community death" said with an unhappy face:

"We Quel'dorei don't want to contribute our Sun Holy Spirit to become a symbol of all elves. Anveena is a miracle that belongs to Quel'dorei. She

She can only belong to us! "

"My first question is, what is the relationship between Prince Kael'thas and Lady Anveena? My second question is, why is it a Quel'dorei?"

Vashqi, who was dressed very gorgeously, held a deep-sea scepter and asked with great interest and eerieness:

"Speaking of the racial symbol of the elves, who else is more suitable than the supreme Queen Azshara? Your Excellency Laike, we dare not question the decision of the moon god, but I think how much should you do when carrying out the ridiculous orders of your superiors?" Consider a real problem.

Let that silly magical spirit down, don't be ashamed there!

The whole world knows that only the supreme Queen Azshara is worthy to be the eternal symbol of the elves. "

"Shut up! Naga!"

Several other elf factions scolded in unison, causing Vashki to be very dissatisfied.

Mrs. Viper stared at the others with her cold snake eyes, and she seemed to be planning to kill one or two of them to show the majesty of the Deep Sea Empire.

The weak and helpless spider elf Fal'dorei wanted to speak.

But considering that the several elf factions present were all prosperous and they only had a measly 600 people, so they sensibly did not make any remarks on this occasion.

But the holy queen of the spider elves, Olaxis, stubbornly believed that, compared to this Anveena, the eternal master of the Faldore, His Excellency Bu Laike Shaw, was the most qualified figure to be the symbol of the elves.

He's a half-elf, he's very handsome, he's generous, he walks the talk, and his fame is unparalleled throughout the world. And if all that wasn't reason enough, he's a god!

Is this reason enough?

In the face of so many differences and contradictions, Bu Laike in front of the Moonwell kept a stiff face. After everyone finished speaking, he said in a helpless tone:

"Okay well, I really didn't know you guys were really so opposed to this proposal, but unfortunately, I'm asking your opinion just as a matter of routine.

I mean, if you have any opinions, talk to Ms. Elune.

I don't care, and I don't want to!

I don't care about your dissatisfaction and complaints at all.

So, now, the canonization ceremony begins.

Anveena, pray to the moon god and call Ms. Elune's name.

He is waiting for you. "

Under the urging of Braike, Anveena reluctantly raised her hand to summon the moonlight down. She didn’t want to become a demigod of any race. She cared more about being an elite in a few days than representing a divided race. class entrance exam.

I was completely delayed tonight and couldn't review, and I don't know if I will fail the exam because of this.

It would be even more embarrassing if you fail.

A failed god? Huh~ It doesn't sound like a deterrent.

The moonlight fell in the next instant, pulling Anveena's magical spirit body into the air.

The magic tide of the Well of Fate was also pushed around the spirit body, and even the branches of the crystal tree Arcandor swayed as if it had its own consciousness to set off Anveena.

This holy scene represented a rare projection of Elune's power into the physical world, and made Tyrande and all the priests of the moon fall to their knees in prayer.

Although the other elves were dissatisfied, facing the majesty of the moon god, they had to show a respectful expression of listening to the hadith with their hands tied.

Looking at Anveena's figure in the moonlight, Prince Kael'thas couldn't bear it any longer. He whispered to his father beside him with his eyes closed:

"Father, why did Ms. Anveena and mother"

"We'll talk about it when we go back, okay, son."

Anastarian felt his heart was tired, and a wave of hopelessness enveloped him, and he whispered:

"I'll explain it, I promise. Also, don't think too much, Kael'thas, your mother and I are in free love, and there is no ridiculous question of who is who's substitute.

I still thank fate for sending her to me. "

"That's what I said, but how can I be calm after seeing this scene with my own eyes? Mother loves you so much, and her love for you lasted until the time of her death, but you always seem to have shadows of other women in your heart."

Prince Kael'thas looked at the figure in the light with a complicated expression, and said in a very uncomfortable way:

"I have always regarded you as a role model, but now I feel that your life is also extremely complicated. It seems that we really need to talk, father."

The old king did not answer, he remained silent.

Bo Laike could hear Lady Elune talking to Anveena in the moonlight, but he didn't want to hear it.

The old Luna chicken soup about peace, future and unity has no nutrition at all, so it can only deceive innocent girls like An Weina.

But the inner meaning of Luna’s choice to set up a racial symbol for elves at this time is worth pondering. When he made it clear that the force was about to be out of balance, he withdrew his preference for elves, which seemed to mean some unclear future.

Is Ms. Elune going to settle her family conflict with the Queen of Winter? Is the night elves' undeserved eternal life coming to an end?

So, burning trees?

Well, this is really an exciting change.

After a few minutes of conversation, the holy moonlight dissipated bit by bit.

Anwei Na slowly fell from the sky. In addition to the magic power of the original Sunwell, her spirit body also had the divine power endowed by the Moon God, which allowed her to easily cross the boundary of demigods and become a glorious "Guardian of Civilization." By".

Under Bu Laike's interested gaze, "Elf God" Anveena hovered above the moon well. She coughed a few times and said to the representatives of the elf factions who were looking at her:

"I know that you are not convinced. In fact, I am not confident that I can represent the entire elf civilization, but Ms. Elune's will is like this. It seems that we can only get used to each other slowly over a long period of time.

Lady Tyrande, I think the moon god has sent an oracle to you.

If the night elves are to survive the final battle with the demons, a new era of elves must start. You must move away from Mount Hyjal to end the era of isolation and truly integrate into this world.

The eternal life power of your world tree Nordrassil will be recovered by the Titans. Immortality has seriously affected the vitality and pioneering spirit of your race, leaving your civilization in a stagnant pool.

This is not what Lady Elune wants to see.

You will enter the cycle of life and death again, and experience birth, old age, sickness and death like other elves, but as compensation for taking away eternal life, the moon god will create an eternal kingdom of God for you in the kingdom of death that belongs to natural creatures.

There are His sisters who will take care of your souls. "

These words made the High Priest of the Moon nod his head.

She and other members of the Elune Sisterhood had received a clear oracle a few days ago, which is why Ms. Tyrande spoke very bluntly just now.

She was on fire.

"Quel'dorei, the Nightborne and the Highborne, and the cursed born Rhine, the moon god's glory does not shine in your hearts, and Lady Elune does not force you to return to faith.

But He still chooses to be merciful to you unbelievers. "

Anwei Na repeated the words of the Moon God like a microphone. She held the air of a racial demigod and said to the other elf factions solemnly:

"The eternal kingdom of God in the kingdom of death will also be opened to you, so that you will not have nowhere to go when death comes.

As for the addictions and curses that afflict you, Lady Elune has sent her powerful genus Kodzuki, the Shadow Lord, to help you rid you of those scourges.

The moon god hopes that the elves can unite.

Although I don't have much hope for that either.

That's all. In the future, if you have any troubles that you can't solve by yourself, you can come to me. If I can't solve it, I will report the problem to Mr. Bu Laike

Or you can go directly to Lord Bu Laike in one step.

And I will stay at Narsalas College for a long time to study, so please don't spread my identity everywhere, it will make me very troubled.

Although I am weak and helpless, I am also the god of elves canonized by Ms. Elune herself, so if you annoy me, there will be no good fruit to eat.

I'm not threatening anyone, I'm just telling the truth. "

After speaking, Anveena glanced at Laike, she whispered:

"So, as a race god, am I qualified to choose my God's Chosen?"

"Well, of course."

Bu Laike blinked and said:

"But you'd better be fair, I mean choose one from each faction, it's raining and dewing."

"very good."

Anveena flicked her hair a little irritably. Under Laike's meaningful gaze, she turned to look at the old king and said loudly:

"So, little Anasterian, are you willing to be my God's Choice? I still have a few magic questions that I'm not good at. I need you to help me complete those magic test papers tonight."


The old king glanced at his complicated-looking son, and he refused deliberately.

But at this moment, Kael'thas saw his father's entanglement, he sighed, covered his eyes and said:

"Go, father, you have dedicated your life to the country, and the country should respect your choice at this time, but you are going to repent at your mother's grave!

Once a month!

Also, let me confirm for the last time that I am indeed the child of you and your mother, not that you used some strange magic to create it in the sun well with Ms. Anwena, right? "

(end of this chapter)

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