Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1761 129. Yoyo, Isn't This Mr. Sargeras Who Failed To Start A Business?

Chapter 1761 129. Yoyo, isn't this Mr. Sargeras who failed to start a business?

Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, who has always been known throughout the world of Azeroth for his handsomeness and wisdom, witnessed the birth of the god of elves tonight. At the same time, he was also blown away by the unknown past that his father had been hiding. .

He even began to doubt his own origin.

Although the father tried his best to ensure that he and his mother were true love, seeing the perfect back view of the father and the short spirit leaving the Well of Fate, talking and laughing, Kael'thas expressed seriousness about the truth of this statement. suspicion.

This made His Royal Highness feel a little lost.

When the other elves left the Well of Fate with various intentions, Kael'thas remained in this quiet underground hall, frowning tightly, thinking about the clues in his childhood memories.


I have thought about it seriously before, but now that I think about it carefully, some of my father's actions when I was a child were indeed suspicious.

For example, he would set aside a few hours every weekend to meditate alone in the Tower of the Sun. Hours.

I even asked my mother.

Mother just vaguely said that it was father's private matter, a secret belonging to the king.

tut tut

So this is the truth?

The perfect father whom he sees as a role model is not perfect, is he?

He also has the same problems as other kings, just like Dai Lin had an elf lover, just like Varian Wrynn also had an elf lover at a young age.

This is the king's privilege?



"Ahem, in fact, in real terms, your poor mother is the third party."

When Kael'thas was feeling down, Bu Laike's oily voice suddenly appeared in his mind. The prince turned around and saw Bu Laike walking towards him with a pipe in his mouth.

The guy didn't speak, but he had a nasty smile on his face that made one want to punch him.

He stretched his voice in Kael'thas' heart and said:

"Little Anasterian and Miss Anveena are childhood sweethearts who have known each other since childhood. He rescued his sister Anveina from his father's 'tyranny' at a young age.

And you have also seen that An Weina, who is the Holy Spirit of the Sun, also has an abnormal intimacy with your father. To be honest, my guess is that An Weina is not ignorant of the existence of your mother.

She just pretends she doesn't know.

This can be seen from the fact that the elf god can't wait to ask your father to be her god-chosen just after getting the priesthood. Anveena hopes that her little Anasterian will always be with her.

Hmm, possessiveness is surprisingly strong.

So, those innocent girls who look stupid are actually black inside after being cut. Believe me, Kael'thas, this is the law and criterion of fate. "

"But it shouldn't be like this!"

His Royal Highness clenched his fists, and he said with a wave of anger:

"How could he treat my mother like that, my mother loves him so much."

"Look aside, I believe there is true love between your parents."

Bu Laike comforted hypocritically:

"Isn't your existence the crystallization of this true love? And think about it, it's not a bad thing for you that Anwena becomes the god of elves, my dear handsome prince.

In the future, you will not only have a god-chosen father, but also a god-spirited mother. In my opinion, Anwena really regards you as her own child.

Well, the rise of Quel'Thalas is just around the corner if you use this preference wisely.

It's understandable that you as a son are hostile to this kind of thing, but as a king you have to accept it, don't you?

Heck, the love and hatred between you elves is always so interesting, I can't get enough of your corrupt stories. "

"I really want to punch you!"

Kael'thas gritted his teeth and said:

"Stop laughing! You've been laughing, never stopped!"

"Ha, as long as you are responsible for attacking the gods, I'd rather stand here and be punched by you."

Bu Laike grinned and pointed to his cheek and said:

"Come on, hit here, harder."

"Bo Laike!"

Just as the crumb pirates were molesting Prince Kael'thas to their heart's content, a deep call sounded behind him, and Illidan Stormrage was tearing his elven robes open.

The big demon hunter will have a serious face.

He pointed to the magical tide of the ever-changing Well of Fate in front of him, and said to Bo Laike:

"Come here, you seem to have a 'guest'."

"Calm down, I've been waiting for him to come."

The pirate waved his hand and said:

"It should be about the time.

That would be just enough to push the tide of magic from the nascent Well of Fate into the Twisting Nether, and it seems our Dark Titans are keeping an eye on the magical world of Azeroth.

Everything that happened here could not be concealed from His perception.

Don't worry, Illidan, he will return to the stars at the edge of the material world, even he can't cross the stars in a moment to come here and stab us with his terrible searing sword.

This is just an expected 'remote meeting'. "

Bu Laike turned around and said to Illidan who had drawn the Supreme Blade and made a fighting stance:

"However, this is a high-level private meeting. I can understand that you are very eager to have a fencing with Him, but I must ask you to leave.

The next conversation here is a secret between the gods and cannot be heard by mortals, otherwise it will cause unnecessary waves.

Be patient, dude.

You always have the opportunity to resolve each other's conflicts and grievances. "

"I'll confirm it again."

Illidan turned back to Bo Laike with his fierce expression, he showed a deep and evil smile, and asked:

"Braike, you're not going to betray us at this critical time in this 'private meeting' and sell Azeroth and our last hope to Sargeras, are you?"

"Good guy, do I have such a bad image in your heart?"

Bu Laike blew his beard and stared and complained:

"Although I admit that I have a very flexible moral bottom line, do you really think that I will do such an outrageous thing? What benefit can I get if I sell you?

Will Sargeras spare my life for this?

You have seen with your own eyes how I destroyed the prototype of the Dark Pantheon, and shattered Sargeras' Dark Vision and the world of Argus together.

I think, this should already be regarded as a sworn hatred, what do you think? "

"Having said that."

Illidan put away the Supreme Blade, he moved his wings and said:

"But who could have predicted the miraculous plan of the Silent One? If your behavior pattern is so easy to guess, you are not the Brad Laike Shaw I know.

be careful. "

The Great Demon Hunter reminded:

"Sargeras is not someone you can deal with with words or intrigues, even a conversation of will is very dangerous.

Since we're not ready for battle yet, hold back your terrifying taunting abilities, and don't let the Dark Titan's rage start an immediate invasion of Azeroth.

Just think of me as begging you for the world, okay? "

The pirate didn't answer, just stretched out his hand and said "OK, everything is on me", he watched as Illidan and Kael'thas disappeared into the darkness of the Hall of the Well of Fate.

He could also hear Kael'thas curiously asking Illidan about the Dark Titan. The whole world knew that Illidan and Azshara were the two existing creatures who had communicated directly with Sargeras.

No one knows the mysteries of the Dark Titan better than they do.

"Close the Well of Fate, my servants, no one is allowed to come near!"

Bu Laike waved his hand, and the Fal'dorei guards in the surrounding darkness sprang into action.

These spider elves have witnessed the magic of the Arcandor tree and are full of hope for the future. They are now full of energy, and their loyalty to Braike has reached 20,000%. Under the request of the pirates, within a few minutes, All access to the hall at the bottom of the Well of Fate was closed.

The magical Scepter of Sargeras is placed in the middle of the Well of Fate. Its existence can ensure that no external force can enter the core area of ​​the Well of Fate through the portal.

With the power of that staff continuing to take effect, not even Queen Azshara could sneak in quietly.

And all the preparations are for now.

Bu Laike stood alone under the magical tide of the shining Well of Fate. He took out from his arms the jug of fine wine soaked in the fruit of Arcandor, twisted the lid and poured a mouthful into his mouth.

In the stream of magical power looking up, a dark green light spot quietly emerged, like ink dripping into a water basin, spreading out in a few seconds.

The powerful fel force quietly appeared in front of the pirates, and the infiltration of this force did not cause any changes in the scepter of Sargeras. The reason is very simple.

The scepter sensed the master's breath.

Not Bo Laike, but its true owner.

Dark Titan, Sargeras!

In the tumbling of the magic tide of the Well of Destiny, the radiated evil energy quickly spun into a door leading to the depths of the twisting void, and a heavy and boundless aura came out of it to suppress all the surrounding existence above.

The crystal tree Arcandor was the first to be overwhelmed, and those crystal-like beautiful branches kept shaking and screaming as a plant.

Bo Laike ignored it.

The luxurious marble under his feet was also rapidly corroded by the oncoming wind of fel energy, and he could feel a majestic will trying to pass through the door of fel energy in front of him, through the well of fate, the perfect media into Azeroth.

Well, the druids and dragons are quite right to be concerned.

The magic well created by Braike and the spellcasters in Azeroth at this time has really become a tool for the Dark Titan to infiltrate will, just like the Well of Eternity 10,000 years ago, this thing will become a terrible disaster fuse.

"No! You can't come here! Dark Titans are forbidden to pass through here!"

When the wind of evil energy was further strengthened, the pirate stretched out his hands and staggered to make a forbidden movement. The aura intertwined with moonlight and void erupted in front of him, blocking back the aura of evil energy that was trying to further erode the matter.

The changes in the Hall of the Well of Fate became strangely quiet at this moment.

Bu Laike shouted to the spinning fel portal in front of him:

"This is just a remote meeting, I think in order not to cause panic among the souls of the titans, we should talk with our will, my dear Lord Sargeras.

If the Well of Eternity can't support your trip to Azeroth in person, neither can my little clown.

So don't try it.

We designed it with this in mind.

We have learned the lessons from the Well of Eternity and the War of the Ancients. If you strengthen your will power on this well, it will forcefully 'stop' after six seconds. "

"Blaike Shaw, the Silent One, Shadow of the Moon, Titan Slayer, Legion Buster, you didn't die under that sword, which really surprised me."

Perhaps Bu Laike's persuasion had an effect, and a few seconds later, an extremely hot will sent out its own words.

The moment Bu Laike's will came into contact with him, a tall figure walking in the dark galaxy as hot as thousands of burning suns was immediately reflected in front of his eyes.

He has long since lost the well-proportioned physique and noble form of a Titan, and his star-sea body is filled with burning flames everywhere, and the mutation of his body makes him look like an primordial demon far better than a fallen Titan.

In addition to the majestic devil horns on his head that are as majestic as a burning crown, he also has wings shaped by lava and even a tail of flames on his back.

He walks among the stars, and everything turns to ashes wherever he goes.

It was not difficult for the pirates to deduce the destination of Sargeras's "far journey". After watching the destructive power of the Dark Titan, he calmed down, took another sip of wine, and then said:

"Although countless people have called me this way, I have to admit that it still makes me feel extremely honored to be pronounced by you personally, my beloved Lord Sargeras.

Although the meeting between you and me was not very 'friendly' last time, and even though I was almost stabbed to death by your sword last time, this does not prevent me from worshiping and admiring you.

However, I've heard some bad news from some naughty guys among the stars, about the fact that the Burning Legion you founded has suffered a little 'setback' at present.

I heard that your new entrepreneurial project, the Dark Pantheon, not only lost all your money due to some petty mischief, but this failed venture also affected your thriving business.

Some of your direct reports left when you needed help most.

Oh, what a bunch of bastards who are ungrateful for profit, I was filled with righteous indignation, wishing I could help you deal with those shameless traitors who betrayed you right now.

I don't know if you can give me this honor. "

Bu Laike spread his hands and said as if chatting with an acquaintance:

"After all, everyone knows that I am your number one fanatical admirer among the stars. I can carry out such things without any psychological burden.


All you need is a look in your eyes, and I can start now, and it's free, just take this as a trivial service I'm doing to my idol. "


Facing Bu Laike's crazy words, the Dark Titan marching among the stars let out a deep laugh, and he said:

"I've never needed help. Tricksters, nathrezim, eredar, my minions are still invincible without them.

Boo Laike Shaw, I'm looking sideways at your accomplishments, so I'll give you a fair chance.

Be patient.

I will be in your world soon, and I will have a good discussion with you about what you did to me, because of you, I have to suspend the war with the dangerous void.

But I think it's worth it. "

"I'm flattered at how much you value me."

Bo Laike pouted, he looked up and said:

"But instead of you coming to Azeroth and stabbing me to death in the wreckage of the world, I have a better idea to tell you, and it only takes a little bit of your time.

What I mean is, all those bastards you've worked so hard to recruit have run away, and they've deserted you so that you have to do this vile destruction yourself.

This is so wrong.

A big man like you needs a dog to serve you, this is a symbol of status, so."

The pirate pointed to his handsome face and said:

"Can you see me?"

(end of this chapter)

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