Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1768 136.Because I Am Batman

Chapter 1768 136.Because I am BatMan

"Ah, let me go, let me go for the sake of the Sunless Sea."

The shrill screams turned into various gestures at the level of will and sounded from the hall of the Tree of Life. N'Zoth the Corruptor was expressing his pain in this way and begging for mercy.

However, the life titan sealed off this "land of the gods", preventing its waves of will from spreading to the outside world, and naturally it would not attract the attention or suspicion of any beings.

But this "caring" can't change En'Zosi's current situation.

It turned itself into a research sample of the strange species of the ancient gods by the Titans of the Pantheon with a jump that was beyond everyone's expectations. Si and Queen Azshara escaped.

Facts have proved that this method is very effective, which allows it to escape the disaster of death.

According to the urgent mentality of the Titans to solve the problem of void pollution in the stars, as long as N'Zoth does not die and honestly becomes the test product of the Titans, it can live forever and for a long time, and even live longer than Better and better in Azeroth.

After all, Norgannon said it himself, and they rarely encountered such a cooperative and complete "research sample" as N'Zoth among the stars.

Before the truth of this strange creature like the Old God is really researched and a solution is found, N'Zoth will definitely receive very "careful care".

This is enough to prove that N'Zoth also maintains a very calm evil thinking when he is desperate. It even tricks Deathwing and the dragons to fight to the death to buy time for its rebound.

It is sure that this living ancient god is very "worthy" in the eyes of the titans.

As it turns out, it was right.

But the real problem is that the Corruptor's last pinpoint bet saved his life, but it wasn't enough to keep him from retaliation from the petty scumbag Bu Laike Shaw.

Because the pirates also accurately grasped the most important point in this matter:

As a test sample, N'Zoth only needs to ensure that it still has the characteristics and power form of the ancient gods. As for whether its own evil power can be retained, it will not affect the Titans' research on the void.

After all, Bu Laike Shaw is also a top caster.

He is very clear about the characteristics that the living samples in the magic experiment should have. To put it simply, be good, and don't cause trouble for the experiment host. It's best not to overreact to any energy stimulation.

From this point of view, it would be good for Titan and everyone else if he drained N'Zoth's void power.

Neither Norgannon nor Aman'Thul stopped this process, and they even watched with interest like researchers how the Silent absorbed the Corruptor's void power.

The research topic on the principle and reason of the mutual devouring of void creatures was also a very hot research topic in the former Pantheon.

The "cannibalism" of two void creatures like this is rare among the material stars.

This painful power-absorbing process lasted for a full five minutes. When Braike was able to retract his fingers while pinching a smear of gray-black heart, the Corruptor who was fixed in the Titan's energy cage in front of him had already changed from a person who fell San The rotten big eggplant turned into a shriveled big eggplant.

It twitched in its cage.

It was as weak as if there was air in and no air out, as if the last bit of strength had been completely drained, and even the tentacles at the tail of the body took on the appearance of a muddy dead snake.

Tsk tsk, it's too bad.

"Thank you for your generosity, Lord Titans, I am full"

The Silent Man acted like a big villain, he raised his finger and pretended to wipe the corner of his mouth, as if he was being treated well to a big meal.

In the sound of the vicious curse of the experimental product N'Zoth, Braike threw all the void force extracted from N'Zoth on his body of the abyss, so that the existence representing a void god also More solid.

To be precise, the abyssal capacity of the Demon of Thousand Tongues is only a part of the individual container of Bu Laike Shaw.

It's not all.

The pirate's power composition and existence form are very complicated, he needs more force to strengthen his container to a level that can carry all the power and power.

At this time, the pirate was holding the Anima Ball belonging to N'Zoth. Like the power gifts of the other three ancient gods, this thing also had a name that fit the characteristics of N'Zoth's power:

Name: Nightmare Harvest

Quality: Legendary Voidcraft

Anima effect:

1. The gate of mind:

Possessing or using this anima will allow the holder to master the [Spiritual Gate] talent, which allows the user to pull the target's mind out of the body and complete independence in the spiritual world.

In this case, all damage caused by the bearer to the target's mind will be fed back to the target's body, and once the mind's avatar is broken, the target will die.

There is no limit to the number of this effect.


This anima effect can be combined with the "Endless Nightmare" effect of the Silent Godhead to complete the spiritual harvest of all hostile targets in the spiritual world at once.

2. Mind Guardian:

Possessing or using this anima will allow the holder to shape or designate a [Mind Guardian].

It will exist in the user's mind and actively counter any psychic magic or malice activated on the user, and help the user fight any enemy in any unrealistic plane.

The strength of the mind guard will inherit two-thirds of the user's total strength.

After the mind guard is defeated, it can be reborn in the user's mind within a very short period of time.

Mindguards cannot exist in the physical world, but can physically appear in such planes as the Emerald Dream, Nightmare Entity, and other non-physical planes to help the user fight or perform vigilance.


The user currently has the remaining entities that can be designated as [Guardian of the Mind]: Soul of Vengeance [Maev·Shadow Song]

Heart energy description:

N'Zoth, the most cunning of the Old Gods, thought he could survive the desperation, and he did, though not in the way it wanted.

"Ha, this is the last link I need, the supreme gift from Lady Elune will become complete today!"

As the titans watched, Bo Laike slapped the anima ball from N'Zoth onto the gauntlets of his Black Moon armor.

With the last of the anima slots filled, the Elune armor the pirates had acquired long ago was finally raised to full form.

As a faint light of heart energy danced on the black owl armor, new questions were constantly being projected on the character card in front of the pirate:

Equipment change: Blade of the Black Moon, Armament of Elune

Equipment information is being updated.

Equipment updated:

Name: Dark Moon Pale Absolution

Quality: Artifact [Luna Forging · Heart Power Enhancement]

Status: [8/8]


Divinity extension, shape change, telepathic resonance, self-healing

Added item effects:

1. Divinity Armor:

This battle armor can perfectly adapt to the divine power of the bound user Braike Shaw in all forms. While perfectly protecting the user's container, it can change the shape according to the user's will, although it does not have the item [Never Wear] , but the armor will repair itself under moonlight.

2. The Knowledge of the Dead [ZhiZhen]:

All the Anima slots of this armor have been unlocked, and the quality of all Anima Balls in it is not lower than [Legendary], triggering the Anima Resonance effect.

Abilities and enhancements granted by all Anima sockets are increased by 100%.

All Anima sockets grant morph effects for 300% longer.

All summons from Anima sockets are 50% more powerful.

Special telepathic resonance effect:

[Seven Headed Beasts - Y'Shaarji], [Death Knell - Yogg-Saron], [Thousand-Eyed Mourning - C'Thun], [Nightmare Harvest - N'Zoth] four special hearts can trigger an additional combination mechanism.

Four Anima effects can be combined into additional Anima power:

Dark Empire Shadow of Azeroth

This anima effect is regarded as [mythical] quality, while retaining the above four anima special effects, it gives the user the power to reproduce the power of the Dark Empire in its heyday in the self-made endless nightmare when the quieter godhead is in effect .

Within the range of the shadow projection of the Dark Empire, each battle will summon the power projections of four ancient gods to attack the enemy in sequence according to the duration of the battle.

Summons servants of the Dark Empire to join the battle each time this anima effect is active, until the end of the battle.

Every time the anima effect is activated, randomly summon all the demigods that have existed in the world of Azeroth since the beginning of creation to join the battlefield as corrupted creatures.

Every time the anima effect takes effect, every time an enemy in the projection of the dark empire dies, anima will be drawn to maintain the projection of the dark empire until all enemies die or the user actively interrupts the effect.


The activation of this mythical anima effect requires a soul of [Legendary level] and above as a Void Sacrifice.

The user who possesses [Burning Power Ragnaros] and [God of Wind Alakir] in the slot of the user's armor will also be regarded as a servant of the dark empire and join the battle.


The Scrap Pirate watched the earth-shaking changes in his armor after completing the perfection of the last anima slot, as well as the dazzling mythical special effects of [Dark Empire Shadow of Azeroth].

He couldn't help looking back at the drained N'Zoth the Corruptor with a strange look.

If I had known that killing this guy would turn my armor into something magical, I should have killed it before going to Argus.

It is conservatively estimated that if I had the power of this myth to help me at that time, and relied on this thing to harvest souls to maintain the characteristics of the time of existence, I would be able to become the wasteland of Pingan Tolan by myself.

Well, it still doesn't seem to work.

The activation of this mythical ability needs to rely on one's own quieter godhead as the "key to unlock". In other words, it is not the ability itself that is powerful.

It is because it is powerful enough that it appears to be very powerful.


In the final analysis, he is still powerful enough.

"Knowledge of the heart, the knowledge of the dead, the magical system from the shadow world, the power that does not exist in the material world. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it is really hard for me to imagine that a living person can use these powers that the dead can master so skillfully. can."

Norgannon, the arcane titan who witnessed the entire armor strengthening process, recorded something on his Baijin disc.

This serious and meticulous, pedantic titan seriously looked at the black armor that was changing shape on Bu Laike, and said:

"It is said that Ms. Elune has a very close relationship with an eternal person in the shadow world. I thought it was just a rumor, but now it seems that this should be true.

Otherwise, it can't explain how you, as her dark moon god, can master this strange power when you are a mortal. "

"No, no, you are wrong, Lord Norgannon."

Bu Laike waved his hands and said:

"As long as you read a few autobiographical literature of my little star, you won't express such emotion.

It's not because I was chosen by Ms. Elune that I learned to use my mind, but because I already knew it, so I can stand out from countless mortals and become the man favored by Ms. Elune.

It seemed destined for me to be born with an inextricable relationship to the Shadowlands, and it seemed destined that my final adventure in this life would be in the transition to the dead.

But fortunately, I no longer feel intimidated.


The pirate blinked his eyes. The black owl armor on his body changed rapidly, forming a very technological and angular black suit.

As the black cloak behind him flew up like wings, closed and hung down on his side to cover his body, as the full-cover owl visor transformed into a black bat visor that exposed the lower half of his face.

A hoarse and deep voice sounded around the pirates.

"Oh Ambatman!"


Hearing Bu Laike's words, the surrounding Titans all showed puzzled expressions, as if they didn't understand why this sentence gave Bu Laike the confidence to break into the Shadow Realm alone.

Seeing himself playing tricks, the pirates in front of the titans who couldn't understand and couldn't respond suddenly showed a very helpless expression.

The crumb pirate wearing a standard bat suit shrugged, and the Luna armor on his body quickly changed into a black pirate suit again.

He reached out to take off his Kul Tiran-style pirate cocked hat, and fanned himself with it like a fan. Looking at the gathered titans, Bo Laike grinned and said:

"Okay, no kidding, let's get down to business. But before we get down to business, I need you to do me a little favor."

Bo Laike raised his left hand and flicked it lightly.

The Titan Good Luck Dice, which played an important role in Antorus' battle to save the Titan's Soul, was thrown into the air like a coin, and he said to the Titans in front of him:

"I would like to ask you to settle the rewards for me and the warriors going to the devil's lair to rescue you, and each of you will inject a little of your own force into my good luck dice.

Oh, you don't have to worry about the part of Lord Sargeras, I have already got it, and Lord Aggramar also gave me a little generous gift before he died.

Even Lord Argus, who was never born, gave me his gift. Now as long as I get your infusion, I can get a genuine artifact that really belongs to me. "

"You contacted Sargeras? Using the magic well you just created?"

Aman'Thul and Norgannon looked at each other, and the king of the gods' white eyes that were brewing with thunder showed a dangerous breath, and he asked:

"B Laike, the Silent One! Do you know that, you are really playing with fire."

"I know, but I have already done that, and I have also concluded a small contract with Lord Sargeras."

Bu Laike nonsense to:

"I have made a deal with my beloved Dark Titan.

If we are helpless when he invades Azeroth, then I will give you all to him to make his dark pantheon in exchange for the survival of Azeroth.

Mmmmmmm, Lord Khazgoros, don't summon your hammer, don't get excited, everyone!

I was just kidding.

What I want to send is not you, but the sleeping star soul of this world. Lord Sargeras thinks that only she can help him restart the stars. I must give him what he wants in order to survive.

Well, why are you all so serious?

I'm kidding! Hey!

You don't really think that I have no bottom line, do you?

I am a god, just like you.



How can I really run to be a dog for Sargeras?

He can't afford that either.

all right, come on.

You guys who have no sense of humor, come and help me complete my lucky dice, pay off the debt and give me a deposit to help you, and then we hurry up and discuss what to do next.

rest assured!

I'm not kidding anymore.

Look how scared you are, why? Has no one ever played this kind of joke with you before? "

(end of this chapter)

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