Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1769 137. All In All, Akunda Cannot Be Accommodated In A Small Pond

Chapter 1769 137. All in all, Akunda cannot be accommodated in a small pond

Bo Laike wanted to make his Titan Luck dice a little cooler, and his request was quickly granted.

After all, the souls of the titans have face. After the pirates led the mortal warriors to rescue them from the torture and captivity of Sargeras, they really owed a big favor.

And according to what the Souls of Titans have learned from various aspects of world information in recent days, if they owed favors to the pirates and did not plan to repay them, something very serious would definitely happen.

It is also a great thing for the Titans to repay this dangerous favor by helping Bu Laike make an artifact now.

As for the last upgrade process of the lucky dice, there is nothing to report.

This peculiar pirate artifact has been planned in advance by Bu Laike and has designed a very simple promotion route. It only needs the souls of the titans to inject a little of their original force into it and bless it.

It was originally the same power as the Titan Guardians, and it took almost no time to adapt. The good luck dice that was placed in the palm of Bu Laike emitted a more mysterious crimson light under the blessing of the Titan Souls.

Bu Laike is very happy with this.

Although his current level does not really need such a dice to improve his combat effectiveness, but as a crumb pirate who is used to avoiding unnecessary battles, there is a dice that is extremely entertaining, has enough damage, and is extremely deterrent. Artifacts can still help him avoid a lot of trouble.

And this thing is beautiful.

After it completed its final upgrade, when the crystal-clear dice was rolled in the palm of the hand, there would always be a majestic gesture belonging to a certain titan's soul flashing across the surface of the dice in abbreviated form.

"Cool, I like this little thing."

Bu Laike put it to his mouth and took a breath, then put it to his ears to listen to its crisp sound. He stared at this little baby, and the entry that belonged to it quickly appeared in front of his eyes:

Name: Emblem of the Pantheon of the Quiet Ones

Quality: Artifact Titan Forged

Soulbound: Boo Laike Shaw

Item effects:

1. The coming of the Pantheon:

Roll the dice to summon different Creator Titans to bless the user and their allies according to the final points, or directly participate in the battle.

The Titan Combat Blessing effect lasts until the end of the battle.

The designated target becomes the Titan Creator's "enemy", and they will participate in the battle until the "enemy" surrenders or dies.

2. The Hand of Fate:

The Silent One occasionally cheats on a dice roll, causing the dice to be counted twice, and when the total of the dice is equal to or greater than eight, two titan creators are called to intervene in battle.

When the sum of the dice is greater than or equal to ten, summon four Titan Creators to join the battle.

When the sum of the dice is equal to twelve, all Titan Creators are summoned to join the battle.


When facing a life that he hates, the silent person has an increased chance of cheating. When facing a life with good intentions, the silent person will not choose to cheat.

When the Silent is very interested in the target and wants to see a lively battle of the gods, his cheat chance increases to 100%.

Item description:

Don't mess with the Silent!

If you must mess with him, make sure he's in the right mood when he fights! It's very important not to get him interested in you if you want to survive.

"This die has a mystical connection to our state of being, Silent One."

While Bo Laike was admiring his precious dice, the arcane titan Norgannon said:

"If we are strong, it will be strong. If we fall, it will lose its most dazzling power. Judging from the fact that you know this but still choose to let us help you shape it, I can basically be sure that you don't want us to disappear in the among the stars.

I have to say, combined with your previous experience, the way you express kindness to others is always beyond expectations. "

"Well, don't be so confident, my dear Lord Norgannon."

The pirate whistled and said to the Arcane Titan:

"Your previous series of irrational actions made me angry.

Maybe I will let the dark thoughts in my heart explode, and imprison the spirits of you creators in a small dark room, and let you fight for me until the material world completely collapses. "

"Bo Laike, you just said you would stop making such heart-wrenchingly nasty jokes."

Master Ionar, the life titan, stepped down from the height of the tree with a life cane, and she said to Bu Laike in a helpless tone:

"I thought you meant business, but we've already wasted too much time."

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business."

The pirate waved his hand, coughed a few more times, and his expression became serious. He pointed to the sky and said:

"The bad news is that I have confirmed that Lord Sargeras is heading towards Azeroth across the star sea from the border of the material world. Although I have not seen hundreds of millions of demons following him, it is not difficult to imagine that for the evil As far as the Lord of Power is concerned, it only needs to be summoned, and the demons in the entire material star sea will swarm.

Maybe we don't have much time left. "

"30 to 45 days."

Aman'Thul stroked his beard and said in a deep voice:

"This is the time it would take a titan to travel across the galaxy at normal speed, and if Sargeras had anger and an unquenchable desire to destroy, then this time would be shortened.

But if he's going to gather his legions...the time will be extended.

Silent ones, based on my observations of the world of Azeroth these days, I don't think you can complete full mobilization in such a short period of time.

Need me to buy you some more time with the titan artifact I left in Azeroth? "

"Uh, yes, but I don't think it's necessary."

Bu Laike rubbed his forehead, picked up his pipe and said:

"For things like fighting against Sargeras, the number of people is never the first factor to consider. His demon servants are just icing on the cake. Even without demons, the Dark Titan can easily destroy this world.

Although he has always longed to obtain the star souls of this world to form his own dark pantheon, who knows what terrible things Lord Sargeras will do in his rage.

Compared with the full mobilization of the mortal world, I am more concerned about what kind of state you can restore yourself to in such a long time?

There is still some pure Titan energy at the Furnace of Origin that you can drink as an 'energy drink', maybe this will speed up your recovery?

Do you want Ulduar to create temporary bodies for you to use? "

"It's not necessary."

Wearing a white robe and having a strong bronze skin, the world forger Kazgoros sat on his wooden throne, shook his head and said in a deep voice:

"Our cosmic soul is too heavy, and the temporary body will only be crushed, and a month to a month and a half can only free us from the weakness caused by tens of thousands of years of torture.

It is impossible to match Sargeras, the Quiet One.

We have tried it in the world of Nairan. Although Sargeras also adopted sneak attack tactics, after capturing the power of fel energy, the destructive power of the dark titan has been raised to the limit of this material star.

We can't beat him.

It is difficult even to stop him.

Our only victory may be to summon the ruins of the Pantheon among the stars of Azeroth and seal the Dark Titan away with the might of the arcane realms. "

"Ah, my dear friends, that is indeed a solution, but a terrible idea! You will die from it, returning to the arcane force once and for all.

This means that the artifact I just got is going to be an expensive piece of scrap metal, which I don't like. "

Bu Laike shook his head and looked at Eonar, he said:

"Ms. Ionar, I thought we had already rejected this death proposal?"

The Life Titan didn't answer, and Norgannon, before Bu Laike's eyes, spoke:

"According to my calculations. This is the only way we have a chance of winning. After we sacrificed ourselves and sealed Sargeras, you and your world only need to resist the invasion of demons.

This should not be impossible for you, after all, you have already done it once in Argus.

The only problem now is that Aggramar was sent to the Shadowlands by you, so we need your help to open the ruins of the Pantheon. "

"I reject!"

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"As for the reason, I have already emphasized before, I don't want my investment to go to waste, and more importantly, your pursuit of victory is falling into the sinister calculations of the conspirators.

The point of this battle is not to win!

Guys, this fight is about destroying the plot that will send us all and everything we care about to the end.

I mean, I'll take care of the hardest part.

All you need to do, titans, is bless the world with your might, and let my warriors drive the demons back into their Twisting Nether with minimal casualties.

Oh, yes, I need Lord Aman'Thul to do me a favor. "

The pirate pointed to himself and said:

"I'm a Void God now, and time magic doesn't work on me at all, but I need to go to 10,000 years ago now, I think only you can use your artifact, the Eye of Aman'Thul, to send me back there .”

"Ten thousand years ago?"

This sensitive time made the Mystic Titan and the King of Gods blink at the same time, and the wisdom in the souls of these two Titans almost instantly tasted the pirate's intention of choosing this time.

Aman'Thul stared at him and asked:

"Are you trying to avoid some of the forces that are watching you now?"

"No no no, it's not as complicated as you think, my dear Titan King."

The pirate waved his hands and said kindly:

"I'm just going there to meet my wife, to warm up the love I lost in order to help you, it's okay if you don't want to help, just leave a void god with an empty heart who doesn't know one day will go crazy here to rot here , Maybe someday I'll drink to my heart's content and choose to die in the sorrow of missing my wife

But what does it matter? I think the world will understand the choice of the noble titans. "

"I didn't say no to help!"

Aman'Thul shook his head and said:

"You don't have to be so threatening, Silent One, I'm just worried about those forces that are paying attention to you. Your disappearance in this era will undoubtedly attract their attention."

"Didn't I do this? Do you really think I'm wasting my time?"

The pirate grinned and tossed the Pantheon good luck dice in his hand, saying:

"This thing has my godly aura, and I have left a consciousness backup in this era. It only needs to combine the two to create a realistic illusion that belongs to me.

I will send my evil pets around the world, all you have to do is don't let those bastards find out that I disappeared, I think this job should be easy for you.

I'll be back as soon as possible. "

"So you're already prepared?"

Norgannon looked at Bu Laike with eyes that seemed to reflect the stars, and he asked seriously:

"You have long expected that you will face today's scene, so you have made arrangements in advance? You and the Eternals have never been close collaborators?"

"Look at what you said, if you really know me, you will know that I will not be intimate with anyone, and trust is a knife handed behind you by yourself

To me, trusting so casually in a group of guys who hide their heads and show their tails is very dangerous behavior.

Rounding it up is tantamount to suicide. "

The pirate snorted and continued to sell his dark wisdom.

He said to the Titans:

"This is a game where the past, present and future are intertwined. If you want to win the future, you must first settle the past. I will use the prophetic way to solve the unsolvable deadlock we are facing.

Trying to turn an enemy into a friend. Well, trying to turn the sword that was stabbed at us and stab it hard into those spectators who are not too big to watch, eating melons and flying assholes.

By the time the conspirators realize that the thick walls can no longer protect them, it doesn't take us to do anything, the cowards will throw themselves into disarray.

Well, that's all I have to say.

Is there anything else you want to ask? If not, we can start to act. "

"About this world, Lord Bo Laike."

The howler Gorganes, who had been silent all this time, spoke at this moment:

"About the dormant world-soul, about our sister who is gifted with astonishing gifts, even among the titans. After N'Zoth threw himself into the net, the source of corruption in this world has dissipated, and we may begin to heal her.

In this way, when the demons strike, your warriors on your land will be blessed by the world soul.

Just like the demons use the power of Argus to be reborn in the twisting void, with the help of the soul of the world, the difficulty for you to resist the demons will drop a lot. "

"Okay, let's do it!"

Bu Laike said in surprise:

"Do you think I'll say no to such a great offer?"

"That's the problem, Boo Laike."

Eonar said in a tangled tone:

"One world cannot carry the weight of two gods.

As a creature of Azeroth, you have already completed your ascension to the gods. If you decide to stay in this world forever, then the star soul of Azeroth will be suppressed into a deep sleep that almost stops growing.

If we are going to heal the World Soul, then you have to withdraw your influence from the world.

It may be difficult to understand it this way, but you can regard a world where the star soul has not yet been born as a small pond, the water it can carry and the life it can breed are limited.

These carried water and life in turn support the pond itself from collapsing.

The birth of Star Soul is closely related to the civilization it lives in. She draws nourishment from the rise and prosperity of civilization, but after you return to Azeroth, those who know your name and your story will pay attention Put all the power on you, and the mortal civilization will revolve around your will.

Star Soul will wither without the nourishment of civilization. "

"The gods are in the sky, Bu Laike, that's a saying in your world."

Aman'Thul then said:

"Being a god does not mean that you are superior to other beings in terms of personality, but the influence of your power and existence on the world is real.

The gods have their own kingdoms.

We used the arcane force to shape the Pantheon, a dimensional field higher than the material world, in order not to let our existence affect the development and evolution of the material stars too much.

You should probably do the same.

Whether it's the Aphotic Sea, or the Pantheon of Life, you have to choose one, or you create your own kingdom for yourself, and we are willing to impart such knowledge to you for free.

Trust us, leaving this world at the right time is as good for you as it is for her.

You can leave a message of your own, a shrine, a vision, or a ray of consciousness that lives on forever, but your existence must be kept at a distance from Azeroth.

This world was destined to be the cradle of a titan, and that was her mission. "

"Uh, indeed, both the Void Lord and Ms. Elune have made similar suggestions to me, so it can be seen that you are not deceiving me."

Rubbing his chin, Bo Laike squinted and said:

"But I feel that you are saying this kind of thing at this time because you are afraid that I will do something dangerous to the little star soul in this world, combined with the mystery of the star container that you revealed to me before.

Well, I see!

Are you worried that I will snatch the body of the world from the star soul of Azeroth? Wow! You titans are too vicious! I never thought of such a wicked idea.

But if you think about it carefully, it's really tempting.

Who would have thought that the perfect thing I had been looking for was right under my feet. "

(end of this chapter)

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