Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1770 138. Fenna Golden Sword's Monologue

Chapter 1770 138. Fenna Golden Sword's Monologue

Suddenly, with a flash of inspiration, he realized what the titans were worried about, and the Pirate Pirate suddenly showed an evil smile.

While saying the words that made the souls of the Titans tremble with fear, he stamped his feet pretendingly, and said in a drawn out voice:

"Ha, I have successfully devoured the heart of the world once in Argus. That kind of thing is always familiar. If I replicate my cruel behavior in Azeroth, it probably won't take a week. I can do this, and then you will have a god of the Quiet Ones in full power fighting for you.

In terms of the talent of Azeroth's star soul, if I grab her world body, maybe I can fight Sargeras head-on or something.

This is so cool!

And I'll try to be as gentle as possible, I promise, I won't let that little Azeroth loli suffer any damn pain, I'll let her drown in a warm dream that I wove.

After all, I have always been such a gentle person. "

The pirate's words silenced the entire hall of life.

A few seconds later, Lord Eonar asked in a low voice in a strange tone:

"But you won't do that, right? Your Excellency Laike, I spent some time reading the interesting books of Little Star. In many lines of the past recorded in those books, you have said a lot that you want to be a partner of justice. Woolen cloth."

"Murder and seize the power of a titan, and you will be loathed by the forces of order."

The mysterious titan Norgannon grabbed his Baijin disc and said in a deep voice:

"Your balance will be broken again, and this time there will be no one to save you. Consider your choices carefully, Silent One! The Void may rejoice in the addition of a villain of excellence.

But order will be sad because of this.

We all know that there is a part of your soul that belongs to order.

You will permanently lose part of yourself, which is a terrible disaster for the gods. "

"You cannot do this, Laike, it is not in line with the teachings of the Word of Life, and if you must do this, I will immediately deprive you of the authority I have given you.

This will make me very sad.

But I'd rather lose you than have another ruthless god in me. "

Even Lady Elune was projecting her voice into the pirate's mind at this moment, and it was clear that Luna didn't want Laike to go this way.

"Don't be so nervous, folks, I'm just stating a possible future."

Faced with these persuasions, the pirate shrugged.

The nervousness of others means that he has mastered the greatest fears of these guys at this moment, and he likes it very much, even enjoys it.

So Laike purposely spent a few seconds, looking at the souls of the titans in front of him with a vicious and vicious look.

Then he waved his hands and said nonchalantly:

"It's because you want to protect your compatriots so much that you end up offering up your weaknesses. We might as well regard this kind of thinking as Plan B. You must have a backup plan at any time.

If we cannot induce evil to kill itself, then perhaps it is necessary that we incarnate evil.

Anyway, don't worry, folks.

I'm not crazy enough to take the body of a little loli titan to defeat a terrible opponent, I'm a man with a limit. Do what you have to do.

When everything is still hopeful, I will try my best to restrain my evil thoughts.

Of course, you guys who have been exploited by me should be more obedient, I don't want to see you secretly engage in some saucy operations that will make me angry.

We now have common goals and enemies, and we can work well together, as long as you don't challenge my patience. I'm sorry to speak like a villain, but I think this kind of conversation can help everyone understand more about our current situation with each other.

So, Lord Aman'Thul, follow me.

It's time for us to take a trip on the timeline. To tell you the truth, I have been looking forward to it for a long, long time. Although I know you are tired, you will not make me wait any longer.

Right? "

The crumb pirate squinted his eyes and asked Aman'Thul,

Of course the king of the gods knew that it was Bu Laike who was threatening him, but after the pirates had mastered the "weakness" of the souls of the titans, Lord Aman'Thul had to temporarily bow his head in the face of such coercion.

Neither he nor his brothers and sisters want to see a Bo Laike who starts to go crazy because of rejection. With their current situation, it is indeed difficult to prevent pirates from running amok in the world of Azeroth.

The initiative was reversed at once.

No, that's not accurate.

Even if he didn't have to protect the star soul of Azeroth, with Laike's cunning, sooner or later he would use other things to threaten the Titans into submission.

"The Eye of Aman'Thul needs to be adjusted, Silent One."

The King of Gods took a deep breath and said to Bu Laike:

"To send you, the only individual who is not affected by the timeline, into the past, I need to make extensive adjustments to my artifact, and I need some assistants who are very good at time magic.

You have a bronze dragon with the body of an eternal dragon by your side, and she can serve as my assistant to help me with this.

one day!

I need a day to debug the timeline, and breaking time to teleport a god also requires huge magic power, so the Eye of Aman'Thul needs to be placed in your Well of Destiny.

At the same time, evacuate all the individuals whose lives are lower than that of the demigods in the magic academy, and the strong time fluctuations that erupt in an instant will have an irreversible impact on them. "


Bu Laike nodded, snapped his fingers and said:

"I'm going back to find my dean right now, and temporarily give those poor overwhelmed children who are oppressed by the weight of knowledge a few days off to celebrate the supreme glory of the anti-magic alliance in Argus."

After finishing speaking, the pirate laughed and turned away from the Temple of the Tree of Life, leaving behind a group of pitiful, weak and helpless Titan souls who looked at me and looked at you.

"We should act, Aman'Thul."

Norgannon stroked his puck and whispered:

"You can't predict the actions of this strange individual, the Quiet Man, and we can't trust his guarantee. If he makes up his mind to do bad things, we won't even have time to stop him.

You sent him ten thousand years ago.

My other brothers and I will go to the secret room of the heart and arrange a star-level protection magic for the star soul. "

"Alas, Norgannon, my dear brother, don't you realize?"

The life titan sighed, she looked in the direction of Bo Laike's disappearance, and whispered to her sane brother:

"Bu Laike has put forward his own conditions, and Aman'Thul agreed to him. The time he left is specially reserved for us to purify and protect the star soul.

You don't really think he just realized he has an evil choice, do you?

That guy is the best at acting.

He is just warning us in this way, asking us to cooperate with his plan. He is really a guy with a strong desire for control. Obviously he doesn't want us to cause the plan he has prepared for a long time to go wrong. "

"Yes, Norgannon."

Gorgonus pushed his helmet, and the youngest titan felt the tide of the outside world. He said:

"He left the tidal stone on the coast, which was obviously reserved for me. This may be an expression of his kindness. He knows that we need the purification power of the tidal stone to purify the star soul of Azeroth.

He doesn't want to be our enemy, and he doesn't want us to initiate conflict. "

"The Hammer of Khazgoros is also being sent in that direction, and he obviously wants me to use the Hammer to help reshape the world frame of Azeroth while he's away."

The World Forge sitting on the throne said softly:

"Therefore, I agree with Gognas.

Norgannon, suspend your thinking about order, we and Bu Laike may not be friends in the future, but at least we can no longer make enemies for ourselves. "

"I don't have any malice towards Braike Shaw. You may not believe it, but in fact, I really appreciate the silent man's deliberate and exhaustive style of action. If he wants order again, then I am even willing to be his adjutant.

But unfortunately, he is destined to become a more dangerous evil god than Sargeras. "

The mystic titan sighed, stroked his Baijin disc, and whispered:

"The Dark Titan simply wants to cleanse and restart the universe, but Laike obviously wants more. He will try to replicate his series of successful plots and arrangements in Azeroth in the stars.

He will turn the sea of ​​stars into his paradise.

Have you not noticed yet?

The six forces of the original have been embodied in Laike Shaw, and he is now trying his best to help us not to bring the unbalanced force back into balance.

He is trying to build himself into a key factor in maintaining the balance of the six forces. Do you remember the prophecy left in the supreme realm of the arcane force?

It is six, it is seven, six is ​​one, and the seventh is the other."

Norgannon paused, and said to the other titans:

"Blaike Shaw is the 'other'. He is trying to become the seventh born from the six forces of the original force but not bound by the original force."

"No! Not me, you idiot!"

The voice of Bu Laike, who had gone and returned, suddenly sounded in the Hall of Life, and the Silent One said to Norgannon, whose face changed greatly, with a joyful voice:

"It's the star soul Azeroth that you've been trying to protect under your feet, haven't you found it yet? My dear Lord Norgannon.

This world, like me, possesses the six original forces at the same time but is not affected by any of them.

He is the one who is truly independent!

I just simply hope to watch the excitement, and I am a greedy and loyal servant who does my best to serve the six forces of the original.

You really misunderstood me.

From this point of view, perhaps you should help me devour Azeroth, lest the "other" in the prophecy of the force be born, but I know that you will not do this.

So, let's look forward to the exciting scenes that will be brought when the star soul of Azeroth is born.


That must be interesting. "


"Why did you suddenly announce the holiday? You know that this will seriously disrupt the college's planned midterm exam, right?"

In the dean's room of Nazaras College, Dean Lanyue looked at Bu Laike who suddenly appeared in front of him and asked the college to take a three-day holiday from now on.

Although she loves her disciple very much, the dean is obviously unwilling to back down on this kind of principled issue.

She said very seriously:

"The School of Warlocks has already found a good assessment site. It is a demon world near the Dellano star field. I have sent people to build a temporary transfer area.

As for the examination papers of the Mage School, they have already been printed in Quel'Thalas and are being escorted back to the academy.

I've even contacted Moonglade and the Elemental Realms to find exam locations for druids and shamans. Your sudden request is going to mess everything up.

If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I won't agree with your nonsense plan. "

"I want to conduct a large-scale time travel in the Well of Fate, mentor."

Bu Laike sat on the chair opposite to Dean Lanyue's desk, he spread his hands helplessly and said:

"Time is tight, Lord Aman'Thul will personally come here to preside over it, I don't think it is important to welcome the arrival of the Titans, mainly because the large-scale fluctuations in the timeline will change the rules of matter in the academy area.

You don't want your students to suddenly age ten years old collectively, or turn into a group of babies waiting to be fed overnight? "

"Why don't you go to the Nightwell?"

Dean Lanyue frowned and said:

"Although the magic well is behind the times, and the various designs are very old and need to be improved, its magic tide is enough to satisfy any form of time travel."

"Yes, it can, but if you want to send a living god into the past, the magic well of the Nightborne is not enough."

The pirate shrugged, looked at the wide-eyed Dean Lanyue, and said:

"Yes, I'm going back."


The dean is very contradictory.

As one of the few people next to Bu Laike who can be completely trusted by the Pirates of Scraps, she understands the various meanings of her disciple going ten thousand years ago.

So after a few minutes of deliberation, the dean gave her a hard look at Bu Laike, activated a crystal on his desk, and said to the other people connected to the communication:

"There will be a meeting in the dean's office in five minutes. Deans of the branch, we will discuss the special holiday three days before the exam, and by the way, discuss the placement plan for the Eredar transfer students from the Secret Academy.

Please temporarily block this news, don't let the students know.

I need them to seriously listen to the last class this morning! "

"Thank you for your help, Master, I knew that I could always trust you in such matters."

Bu Laike stood up and expressed his full gratitude to Dean Lanyue, but was met with a blank stare from Ms. Lich, telling him to leave quickly and start to readjust the teaching plan.

The three days off before the exam will be deducted from the daily holidays in the second half of the semester, so as to ensure the successful completion of the teaching tasks of this school year.

As an excellent educator, Dean Lanyue has always been very serious about such matters.

And Bu Laike, who was kicked out of the dean's room, found himself suddenly idle. Aman'Thul couldn't help him with the adjustment of the time artifact. After thinking about it, he decided to go back to the captain's room of the Nagfar Get some sleep.

But a few minutes later, when Bu Laike, who came from the wind, quietly pushed open the door of his captain's cabin, he suddenly saw a figure who shouldn't appear here standing in front of his collection cabinet, ghostly putting a delicate The skull was taken out.

She still held a large signature pen in her hand.

"Fenner! What are you doing!"

Bu Laike yelled, which made the stupid soldier's hand tremble in fright, and the skeleton collection in his hand fell to the ground with a bang. The guy moved his skull on the ground to express his dissatisfaction to Fenner.

And in the hands of the pale-faced idiot soldier, more than a dozen perfect skulls have been "badly handed", and they are covered with abstract paintings of various small animals.

Upon seeing Bo Laike return, his collection wailed, complaining to its owners about their mistreatment.

"Ugh, I'm just helping you clean up!"

Fenna hid the signature pen she used to do bad things behind her back, she lowered her head and said:

"Your collections are boring, I just want to make them more beautiful."

"Really? I don't think painting them with little turtles would make them stand out."

Bo Laike gave her a hard look, and said:

"Why did you wake up suddenly? It stands to reason that you should not wake up until the day after tomorrow. Who helped you unlock the sleeping magic?"

"Uh, a weird guy."

When mentioning this matter, Fenna also looked puzzled. She poked her face, tilted her head and said:

"She called herself Anwena, said she was the god of elves, she said she felt my strong desire and came here, she helped me unlock the magic, and said a lot of things I couldn't understand.

Anyway, I just woke up!

What are you going to do? "

The stupid warrior put his hands on his hips and shouted provocatively at Bo Laike:

"Smack me out again? You stinky brother!"

"Oh, I just don't want you to make trouble."

Bo Laike picked up the howling demon skull from the ground with a sigh, and said:

"You know, I don't like the tears and unreasonable troubles when we parted, and it's not like I won't be back. Huh?"

The pirate glanced at Fenner who was silently hugging him from behind.

He said:

"What's wrong?"

"I have something to say to you."

Fenner buried her head behind her brother's back and said:

"I don't want to wait any longer, considering you're going to find Maiev soon, so give me a few minutes, okay?"

(end of this chapter)

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