Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1773 141. Would It Be Impolite If I Called Huo Zhi Happy?

Chapter 1773 141. Would it be impolite if I called Huo Zhi happy?

At midnight, Bo Laike collapsed on the big bed in his captain's cabin with a deadpan posture.

The whole room was in a mess like a storm passing through, including the perfect skulls carefully collected by the Scrap Pirates, all of them fell to the ground eagerly and stared at the scene in front of them with their black eye sockets.

But they didn't even dare to let out a whimper of dissatisfaction.

It's because in the captain's cabin, there is not only one god who has just satisfied his desire, but also a woman standing in front of the full-length mirror, arranging her hair and makeup.

A powerful, seductive, noble, arrogant woman.

Her Majesty Azshara looked at her radiant self in the mirror. She caressed her perfect skin very narcissistically, and carefully restored her broken long skirt to its full state with magic.

She doesn't shy away from the gaze of the Silent One, who is in the state of a sage who thinks about the mysteries of the universe, like a body that has lost her soul. She doesn't regard this kind of nudity as a sin.

In fact, Azshara, a perfectionist who has recovered the most precious of treasures, does not mind greedy or adoring eyes falling on this god-given body.

Beauty is her deadliest weapon, though she rarely uses it.

"The skill is not bad."

The queen spread her hair over her shoulders, turned around and glanced at Bo Laike, and casually threw a few priceless Azshara gold coins onto Bo Laike's messy bed.

she says:

"I heard that this is a certain custom in the human world to appreciate things that are worthy of praise. I have to say that as the night of the end of thousands of years of loneliness, Lord God really gave me, the humble elf queen, the supreme happy.

Well, that's enough to take me back two hundred years.

But too much immersion in happiness will make people lose motivation, my dear Lord God, so please allow your predecessors' believers to resign. "

"Huh? Just a few gold coins to send me away?"

Bu Laike squinted at the gold coin that fell between his legs, feeling humiliated, and said sullenly:

"Are you sending old Garney away?"

"Hoo hoo hoo"

Her Majesty Azshara covered her mouth and smiled lightly. She looked at Bu Laike, who had no majesty of the gods at this time, and said with a long voice:

"I think it's enough, Lord God, when you are lonely, I, as the Supreme Empress, will take the initiative to help you relieve your sorrows. Just this attitude is enough to prove my piety.

Even if you are a god, you can't be so picky.

Oh, you seem to have a new guest, I feel some kind of force gently 'knocking' here on the material plane, it's coming, it's not good for others to see the Queen's indulgent gesture.

I don't want to hunt down some scumbags who can't control their mouths across the world.

I really should have left. "

The queen bid farewell to Bo Laike with an elegant gesture. The trailing long skirt was windless and automatic, and the supreme scenery under the skirt was outlined in front of Azshara's opened portal.

Coupled with the coquettish look back at the queen when she disappeared through the portal, it is obvious that she deliberately wanted to leave a perfect ending for tonight's indulgence.

She clearly hopes to use her charms to win over the Quiet One, but so far, this difficult job has not made much progress.

Obviously, as Bo Laike said, after becoming a god, his aesthetics were also severely elevated.

It is said that when a man can see through the soul while looking at the appearance of a woman, it is indeed really difficult to find a suitable woman who can accompany him through the long Chang Ye.

"This is for a red envelope."

Bu Laike twitched his mouth, picked up an Azshara gold coin at hand and flicked it lightly in front of his eyes, and the shining coin turned into a magical streamer at his fingertips.

Queen Azshara clearly had little knowledge of the customs of the human world.

She knew she was supposed to "tip" after eating something nice, but had no idea what it meant to tip a man after an affair.

To be honest, it is already very embarrassing to Queen Azshara that the Silent One didn't cast divine punishment on the spot to annihilate this arrogant woman on the spot.

"Knock knock! Knock what! It's late at night, don't others sleep?"

Bu Laike glanced at the void above his head, and cursed viciously, just as Azshara said, a force that does not belong to the material world is trying to open the door beside the one who empathizes with silence.

But because the majesty of the gods blocked the space, that guy couldn't enter the material plane smoothly.

It can only keep "knocking on the door".

This annoyed Bo Laike, the pirate stood up from the bed, and threw a ray of magic power to activate the time magic that Safir arranged in the captain's cabin.

In the turn of the khaki-yellow light, a messy cabin and all the broken things were quickly sent back to their original positions by time reversal. Just a second later, the room like a garbage dump changed back to the gloomy and full of space. The oppressive captain's cabin.

Bu Laike vaguely heard a familiar sigh from Old Ghani, God of Trash Heap, who had advanced his scavenger priesthood to the stellar level.

This bastard must have been secretly paying attention to Bo Laike. Ever since he got Aggramar's body fragments from Bo Laike and other star garbage, and got the Eternal Water Bottle fragments a few days ago, Old Garni is the umpteenth time. The second time I was sure that I would find good things if I followed Braike.

But it is a pity that the old Garney's "tailing" behavior once again made it see something it shouldn't see.

"I warn you, if you dare to speak out about what happened tonight, it will be over for you."

Bu Laike threatened the empty cabin behind him viciously:

"I won't trouble you, we are friends after all, but you have to pray that Azshara is a merciful monarch who doesn't care if someone tells her secrets. Do you think she is?"

"You'd better take what you have XZ, my dear Bo Laike."

The voice of old Garney, who was pretending to cover his eyes with a hippie smile, came from nowhere, and the damn dirty guy said in a drawn out voice:

"Well, it's so intense, Your Majesty the Supreme Empress has left you, this perverted god, a wonderful 'gift' to remember tonight.

She is really a caring and sweet person. Such a sensible girl is very rare now, you must learn to cherish it. "

"Go, go, you know nothing about a slender jawed dragon."

The pirate drove away old Garni with a vicious voice, and he glanced at the things in his hand again.

In the restoration of time magic, the simple clothes that belonged to Her Majesty but were torn up just now were restored in his hands. The purple royal lace panties are as bad as the long skirt worn by the queen. Again, this thing is even Kui. Even the dancers in El Salas dare not wear it casually.

"What do I want it to do."

The pirate stared at the "parting gift" in his hand, and he clasped his fingers together and called for the blazing moonfire to burn it, but Azshara obviously wanted to "trick" the gods.

This thing can't be burned no matter whether it is candlelight or magic flames. It is obviously unnecessary to use the godhead for this thing, so the pirate shrugged after thinking about it, and threw it into the bag casually.

Old Garni doesn't want this thing, because it doesn't belong to the garbage, because its superior raw materials and superb tailoring skills make it shine orange in the hands of pirates.

Good guy, golden legend!

Queen's sexy pants

Well, this thing may also belong to the category of "artifact" in the eyes of some perverted and obscene people. For example, if pirates sell it to Vashj, the viper lady who obviously has hidden lesbian attributes will definitely Would give anything to get it, and sleep with it every night.

Tsk tsk, it's really scary to think about it.

With such idle thoughts in mind, Laike kept his Moonlight Armor in his pajamas in an unseemly gesture, and just slumped on his gorgeous and golden captain's chair, calling for a bottle of wine with a wave of his hand. Bite open the plug with your mouth, flick it casually, and the blocked space suddenly opens.

Caught off guard, the Dreadlord who was waiting on the other side fell down with a groan, and completed a shocking face-first fall in front of Braike.

With a bang, the captain's room reverberated with collision sounds that made people laugh.

"Yo, isn't this our dear third lord Meng Faithtoth? What? Can't get along in the Twisting Nether and want to run back to me for a job?"

The pirate looked at the Dreadlord with beautiful blue wings who got up from the ground rubbing his cheeks in front of him with the standard appearance of a drunkard.

In other words, this pair of blue wings looks so beautiful no matter what time it is.

Uh, stop, stop!

I'm a big kid now.

Don't be so easily attracted by these bright colors.

"I'm just here to deliver and receive the goods, the great and evil Silent One."

It can be seen that the third lord is very upset, obviously because of the terrible psychological shadow brought to him by the existence of being the inner demon of Bu Laike for such a long time before.

But this time the mission came directly from Fort Nasria, so Meng Faith, who had been completely "communicated" in the circle of the Dreadlord, could not shirk it.

Only to serve the Great Emperor and his divine collaborators with a full belly of discontent.

Meng Faith obviously didn't plan to stay on this damn ghost ship too much, it didn't have any intention to chat with Bo Laike about the "good memories" of the past, and got up from the ground and talked about the business in a serious manner.

The dreadlord raised his claws with a gloomy face, and in the blood-colored streamer, the Eternal Seal belonging to Emperor Denathrius appeared in the air, and was pushed towards Bu Laike by the third lord.

The pirate took a sip of wine, and didn't care about the contempt in the eyes of the dreadlord. Of course, it wasn't contempt for great power, it was purely because the dreadlord thought you were a god!

Can powerful power make up for your lack of self-esteem, okay? Do you think hiding in your pajamas and drinking on your own boat is really what an evil god should do?

Shouldn't you be among the stars now, howling and sowing the seeds of chaos upon the star worlds that are being poisoned by the Burning Legion? Do something in line with the status of a god, okay?

Its mind is undoubtedly felt by the Silent One.

But the Silent One is a very self-centered person, he doesn't care what others think of him at all, anyway, even a little dreadlord's complaints can't change the fact that he has become a god.

Laike set his eyes on the bloody emblem floating in front of his eyes.

This thing looks like an energy creation, without entity, with light shining and even no shadow, it is more like an aggregation of "concepts".

But it is such a thing that would not be noticed in other places, but it contains the ultimate mystery of the Shadow Realm and even the entire stars.

Bu Laike put his hand on the bloody emblem, and a line of words bloomed in front of his eyes:

Name: Mark of Sin · The Key of the Firstborn

Quality: Created by Force [Death]

Item effects:

Together with the other four keys, it can open the telepathic pathway leading to the Holy Land of the First Birth, Zaresantis.


This item will only work if used in a specific area of ​​the Shadowlands.

Item description:

In terms of the rank of absolute power, the Eternal is actually lower than the Titan Creator, and at the highest point of the death lineage there is a creature called "The Firstborn". But they have already left, they gave the authority of death to the Eternal, but buried their secrets forever in the core field of death force.

Use these keys with care, they can bring more than destruction.

"Cool, one-fifth of the 'Employee Card' of the Eternal Manufacture and Assembly Workshop is really a good reward."

Bu Laike tossed the imprint up and down in his hands, he nodded in satisfaction, and waved his beloved Salameni sword in front of him.

He touched his sisters Shuangjian who had followed him for a long time with affection, and said softly:

"The moment of your destiny has arrived, my dear twins of Excalibur, you are about to be sent to the darkest and ruthless frontier of the kingdom of death, where you will receive the final completion of a star craftsman.

I believe that when you fully demonstrate your deadly power, the entire Shadowlands will tremble because of you.


Go there and accept the final promotion as your masters. "

"But will you come to fetch us?"

The docile white sword Sharator asked in a sad tone with reluctance:

"It's a journey that crosses the realm of life and death, master, please don't make us wait too long."

"Stupid sister, don't you realize how weak you are?"

After Sharator spoke, Eremeni the Black Sword also screamed:

"As weapons, we can no longer keep up with the great master's footsteps, we can no longer adapt to the powerful and evil power of the master, as weapons, we are no longer qualified, and we should be abandoned.

But the master didn't do that.

He has given us the gift of continuing to follow him, and we cannot waste that gift. Put away your weak tears, this is the promotion we must complete!

We must be the weapons of the Quiet Ones and Lord Moonshadow, or I'd rather we rot in a darkened garbage heap. "

"I'll pick you up."

The pirate stroked his beloved weapon like a kitten, and said:

"You guys will have a new name, we can discuss this matter while there is still some time, I think the name 'Huo Zhi Xing' is very good.

Or to be more polite, I can call you 'Joy of Flame'. "

"No! Don't like it!"

"Hate the damn name!"

The always quarreling black and white sword sisters rejected the stinky pirate's proposal with one voice at this moment. In their twittering, Bu Laike rubbed his forehead with a headache and said:

"But 'The Sorrow of the King' doesn't quite fit. I'm not a king, and I don't even want to be a king. Calling it 'The Sorrow of God' is a bit too straightforward, and I don't like it.

Alright alright.

Let's call you 'sad'. "

Bu Laike stretched out his finger, and in a very artistic way, turned the word "sorrow" in Salas language into an inscription on the hilt of the Salamani battleship.

He whispered:

"This is my new name for you, it will protect you from being wiped out by those bloody bastards, and I kinda like it when you are making noise around me.


I'll be picking you up soon. "

Bu Laike reluctantly bid farewell to his weapon. He looked up at the Dreadlord in front of him and said to it:

"Take my weapons to Revendreth, the Emperor will know how to strengthen them, be careful, Men Faith, they will kill you if you dare to think carefully.

Also, you seem to have died a complete honorable death in Nathrezim society, and even the Dreadlord spies active in the Aphotic Sea are whispering about the tragedy of how you were captured by mortals.

Your career is over.

Ever considered serving another great power? For the sake of our pleasant cooperation, I can really offer you a job under my command. "

"Ha, in the service of a drunken slovenly deity?"

The third lord moved his blue paw, and said with a sneer:

"And what am I going to pay for it? Loyalty? You know we don't have that stuff."

"What do I want your loyalty for? That thing means nothing to me."

The pirate pouted, took a sip of his wine, and said softly:

"I want your...mind, that's all."

(end of this chapter)

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