Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1774 142. Back To The Future

Chapter 1774 142. Back to the Future

In the cabin of the Naglfar, the dreadlord Meng Faithtos with beautiful blue wings wrapped the silent elven sword Salameni with a shadow cloth that could conceal the breath.

It has completed the mission of this trip, but it did not leave immediately.

Instead, he is seriously thinking about the "career advice" from the Silent Lord. As Bu Laike said, it is really difficult for a completely dead Nathrezim like him to stand up in the society of the cunning Dreadlord.

Almost all the dreadlords it knows and doesn't know laugh at it for its bad past failures.

This kind of blow on the reputation and spiritual level is still secondary. The real trouble is that although their creator, Denathius the Great, is very generous to Bu Laike, it is based on the fact that Bu Laike never fails.

Emperor Denathrius is a ruler who hates failure very much. Unless the failure of his subordinates is part of his evil plan, the emperor will never tolerate failure.

According to the inside information that Meng Faithtoss spent a lot of money to inquire, after the Shadow Realm has been down due to the attack of the Eternal Arbiter and the entire death kingdom has fallen into substantial chaos, the emperor has already dispatched elite fear demons to return to the Shadow Realm to prepare Do things.

But unfortunately, Meng Faith was not recruited as the third lord

This implies a dire reality.

It was abandoned by strategy.

Although it is nominally responsible for the emperor's infiltration into the material world, how could the current situation be hidden from Nathrezim, who is known for his cunning?

It has lost momentum.

Perhaps in a while, its title of Lord of Dread would be snatched away, and kicked into a corner, to die with a group of low creatures waiting to be destroyed.

This is not the future an ambitious dreadlord would like to see.

Therefore, at this time, the solicitation from Bu Laike made Meng Faith a little moved.

Although all its misfortunes come from this bastard pirate in front of him, although this god in front of him is not particular at all, although he is a loose bastard who messes with men and women and indulges in stupid alcoholic drinks.

But it has to be said that Bo Laike is indeed very, very cunning and vicious, and no one knows the potential of Bo Laike better than Monte Faith.

After all, it could have been Bo Laike's inner demon himself.

Rationally speaking, if the glorious title of Denathrius the Great as the creator of the Nathrezim is stripped away, at least in Meng Faithtos's mind, it feels that Braike may be even better than the Great in terms of conspiracy and tricks alone .

Serving such an evil deity is indeed a great prospect.

However, the only hidden danger that prevents Meng Faith from making up his mind to change his precarious career path cannot be ignored. It pondered for a few minutes before raising its head and saying to Bu Laike:

"You know, Lord Silent One, even if I dedicate my mind to you, I still cannot refuse the order from Emperor Denathrius.

He is our Creator, and we cannot depart from His will. "

"That's no problem, my dear Third Lord."

Bu Laike waved his hand and dropped the empty wine glass on the table, he said:

"I will impose on you a mind maze that even Emperor Denathrius can't break. I am very good at this, and when my order deviates from his will or you are about to be found to be a traitor, that maze will kick in and turn you into a complete fool and idiot.

I can guarantee that Denathrius will never find any damn clues in your brain that is a mosaic of empty truths.

So, I mean, you better be smart.

Don't put yourself in a hellish situation where you have to choose one of the two options, and don't go to Fort Nasria if you have nothing to do, it will probably end badly if you get caught. "


The dreadlord screamed and cursed:

"What's the difference between this and me paying you to work? I bear all the risks, and there are no benefits at all. Shouldn't you promise me a bright future at this time?

Can you do business, bastard! "

"Beautiful future? Tch, that thing is a trick I only use when I lie to people. Are you really sure you want to hear it?"

The pirate glanced at it and said:

"Besides, don't you know how to make up this stuff yourself? Do you still need me to say it? Do you want me to call my contract fear demon King Jintaisha to sleep with you tonight and show you what it is? A bright future?"

"Don't! I can't bear that woman, let's leave it to the great Silent Lord."

The dread demon king quacked with a sinister smile. It didn't hesitate for too long, and then opened its evil heart under the gaze of the pirates. It said:

"I know that you will definitely not cooperate with the emperor for a long time, especially when I heard that the emperor used tricks to take your beloved woman into his castle, I knew something bad was going on.

The Great Emperor may have hoped to use this method to control you, but he overlooked one point, that is, all those who wanted to control you before had no good end.

You are a mad dog!

There is no chain around your neck, Laike, anyone who tries will lose his hand and even his life.

To be honest, once I think of the battle between you and the Great Emperor, I will feel sad and the future is bleak. Although it is a bit disobedient to say so, I really don't think the Great Emperor can surpass you in terms of shamelessness and viciousness.

You may be the final winner.

And the Nathrezim's survival principle has always been to be friends with the winners. Anyway, I can't get along there anymore. Why don't we just give it a go and treat it as an investment in the future.


Speak, lord the silent one, what do you need your servant to do for you? "

"Go to the dark star field of the stars first, find the Eredars who have fled in a hurry, and send them a letter of persuasion for one of my employers, I mean, personally send this invitation to your old superior .”

Bu Laike casually took out a Stone of Truth that recorded certain information from the tide of the Lightless Sea, and threw it to the Dreadlord who had already been locked in a psychic lock.

He said:

"After completing this, return to Azeroth, go to the undead Scourge to assist Tichondrius, 'monitor' the Lich King and his death army, and be ready to start a war of harvesting souls in the material world for the great cause of the great emperor.

That's all for now.

If there are other things, I will tell you again.

And do not be ashamed of betrayal, my dear Men Faith, Denathrius the Great has enslaved you for countless eons in the name of the Creator.

You should learn to fight for freedom, although you are a bunch of scumbags who fear the world will not be chaotic

But chop suey also has the freedom of chop suey.


Dedicate your life to a great cause. "

Bu Laike waved his hand, and the third lord who gave a weird laugh flapped his blue wings and disappeared into the shadow of the captain's cabin. The pirate walked to the window of the cabin in black pajamas.

He looked at the silent coast under the night in front of him, the huge building complex of the entire Nazaras College, and the brilliance of the Well of Destiny blooming brightly in the dark night.

A round of bright white moon hung in the sky, when Laike looked at it, the moonlight dimmed bit by bit as shyly.

Well, it's getting late, it's time to rest.

Boo Laike yawned, closed the window and lay back on the bed.

Maiev's vengeful spirit appeared next to Braike, the pirate stared at her, and then stretched out his hand to caress her face. With the activation of the newly acquired N'Zoth's Anima, the dim vengeful spirit in front of him was like quicksand Collapsed in place.

Appeared in the spiritual world of pirates again, and was appointed by Laike as his spiritual guard. With her protecting Bu Laike's sad heart, I might have a good dream tonight.

Bu Laike fell asleep.

Silent people do not want to be disturbed, so the whole world is silent.


"I have adjusted the Eye of Aman'Thul to a suitable time point. According to your request, I have adjusted your timeline so that you can stay there twice as long when you enter 10,000 years ago. "

At noon the next day, in the hall at the bottom of the Well of Fate, Bu Laike was saying goodbye to Sefiel with his arms in his arms.

But Aman'Thul, the king of the gods, is a blind guy. The king of the titans is talking to Laike about the points that need to be paid attention to during this long journey.

Pointing to the artifact of time rotating at an unusual frequency, He exhorted Bu Laike:

"It will send you to before the outbreak of the War of the Ancients, and you will stay there for about thirty days. Once the time is up, you will be pulled back to noon fifteen days later based on the current moment.

This is the longest scale that you, as a god, can stay for a period of time without destroying the integrity of the timeline. "

"anything else?"

Bu Laike let go of the reluctant Sefir, he looked at the serious Aman'Thul, and said:

"Is there anything else that needs attention?"


The king of the gods said seriously:

"Use your godhead power as little as possible, Azeroth's time network is shaped by my godhead, you can't use the same level of power to collide with it, it will cause very serious consequences.

The slightest is that you get lost in a completely broken web of time, and it may take tens of thousands of years to find your way back to this timeline.

Second, you want to minimize the intersection with important people on those timelines as much as possible.

But your situation is special.

You travel back in time based on a circle of fate, and that past time is the conceptual 'future' for you, so your changes to the timeline are not as severe as other people's changes.

However, I still hope that you will minimize the interference with other fates as much as possible. The "butterfly effect" on the timeline is very scary. As a prophet, you should understand this very well. "

Bu Laike blinked, turned to Seifel and said:

"So my trip to the past can also be said to be 'back to the future'? Well, this is really a mouthful concept, and besides, I'm sure.

I can't knock Tyrande unconscious and stuff them in Illidan's bed and give them two love potions, can I? "

"Well, you'd better not do that, Captain."

Seifel said with a difficult tone:

"That would lead to... well, terrible results, such as the inexplicable appearance of a traitor Tyrande, Moon Priest Malfurion and Archdruid Illidan

It's just so confusing. "

"Oh, it's a pity that I still have a few bottles of medicine on me. It's a pity. Forget it. I know. What else?"

Bu Laike sighed regretfully, and looked at the king of gods again, Aman'Thul stroked his white beard, his eyes reflecting the sea of ​​stars showed seriousness.

He said:

"I know the complicated relationship between you and Maiev Shadowsong, but you can't reverse Maiev's fate like you did during the Argus War.

She is another ring of the circle of fate. It is no exaggeration to say that she is the pillar of your fate. Once her fortune reverses, you may disappear on the spot.

Take no chances, Silent Ones, not even gods can violate the foundation of their existence. "

"I won't do that."

The pirate reassured him, and then he asked:

"After my return, this circle of fate"

"It will be undone."

Aman'Thul nodded and said:

"Maev's future fate has been bound by the Shadow Kingdom, and the Death Force can withstand the impact of the circle of fate unraveling, so you don't have to worry about your wife.

Most importantly, you complete your meeting with Sargeras.

I don't know what you want to talk about, but if you think it's worth the risk, there's not much we can do but support you.

Finally, the Silent One, I wish you a pleasant journey.

Also, don't pay attention to Norgannon's little tricks, we didn't do it out of malice. "

"Ha, I've forgiven you, fear not, Titans."

With a grin, Laike transformed his luna armor into a traveler's attire, pulling his black hood up over his face and eyes.

He waved his Pantheon emblem and tied it on a dog leash, then called to his pet, and put the dog leash around its neck as the shaking Drake lowered his head.

This is not over, he took out the sin mark leading to the Holy Land of the Firstborn under Aman'Thul's stunned gaze, and threw it on Drake.

"Emperor Denathius is a cautious person. At the final moment of the victory of this conspiracy, he will definitely pay attention to my tracks. Naturally, this important thing cannot be carried with him."

The pirate casually threw out a "Super Sheep Changing Technique", reversing the appearance of the Dragon King Devourer into his own.

Drake originally belonged to his will backup, and now it has the blessing of the Pantheon emblem and the mark of sin, making it no different from Laike in terms of breath.

Looking at Drake in human form, he bowed to him politely and bid farewell. The stinky pirate laughed and said to his pet:

"Protect the guys I care about, I'll be back soon, when Emperor Denathius sent someone to look for you, ignore him and just say that you have something to do.

If that doesn't work, fight Norgannon.

Bad-tempered Eternals will love this kind of cannibalism. "

After finishing speaking, Bu Laike stepped into the eye of Aman'Thul, which started to spin, and he looked back at Sefiel, who was full of tears, and blew a kiss gently and profligately.

In the next moment, under the personal control of the king of the gods, the artifact of time began to rotate rapidly, making the figure of the pirate disappear in the flow of time.

"Quack! Quack!"

Noisy cries sounded in the hall at the bottom of the Well of Destiny, and the little fishman running all the way watched pantingly as Bu Laike disappeared into time, and rushed towards the time travel that was starting with a howl.

Aman'Thul wanted to stop it, but was blocked for a moment by the Mystery Box thrown by the little murloc, causing Ben Boer to jump into the turbulent timeline like diving into the endless waves, pinching his nose with a whoosh.

At the last moment, it was still making faces to the king of gods.

What a hateful little idiot.

"It's disturbed"

Aman'Thul immediately stepped forward to check, and he said to the nervous Sefiel:

"But don't worry, the time stamp is still accurate, it's just a small change in the location of the space, which can't trouble a god.

But this sudden accident, maybe it was also destined? "

(end of this chapter)

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