Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1784 10. Foreign Envoys To Visit The Academy Of Magic? Well, This Is A Diplomatic Matter And

Chapter 1784 10. Foreign envoys to visit the Academy of Magic? Well, this is a diplomatic matter and needs to be handled with care


Her Royal Highness, who had a headache in the early morning, groaned badly.

In the royal palace of Silvermoon City, the capital of Quel'Thalas, the first ray of sunlight shone through the windows into the gorgeous bedroom, causing Her Highness Irina to let out another cry of pain when she opened her eyes.

The pain of the nobleman quickly attracted loyal attendants, and as an important figure in the Sunstrider Dynasty, Her Highness Irina's illness worsened and even attracted the attention of His Majesty Kael'thas Sunstrider who was about to formally enthroned an hour later. focus on.

Accompanied by his loyal attendant Lanna Thiel, the handsome prince came to his cousin's bedroom, and when seeing his dear cousin appear, the weak elf princess stood up to welcome her.

"Are you okay? Irina, you should stay in bed now, be obedient, and hold on for a few more days."

Kael'thas personally helped his delicate and beautiful cousin to let her lie back on the bed, and gently covered her with the quilt. He sat on the bedside and held his cousin's cold hand, comfortingly said:

"The fruit of Arcandor is already on the way, after those precious things are delivered, your addiction will no longer torture you, and then you will return to a healthy posture.

You must ensure your health, I am still waiting for you to attend my coronation ceremony. "

"Well, yes, Kael'thas big brother."

Under the comfort of Kael'thas, Her Royal Highness showed a weak but gentle smile, which made Ms. Lana Thiel, the attendant who was watching, feel sour.

Especially when her loyal highness and her cousin show such an overly intimate gesture, the lady attendant who has always had a deep affection for the prince will always feel that fate is uncertain.

But she has no way to prevent His Highness Irina Xin Della Torsedrin from marrying His Majesty Kael'thas Sunstrider in the future. This is a tradition of royal intermarriage that has lasted for nearly seven thousand years in Quel'Thalas.

Every Sun King will have a princess from the Torsedrin family as his concubine. This is the agreement between the two clans when they broke up with the Kaldorei elves and traveled across the ocean to establish a new homeland seven thousand years ago.

The Torsedrin family helped the Sunstrider dynasty design and build the Sunwell with the secret knowledge they kept. Without the contribution of this secret royal family, the Quel'Thalas dynasty would not have been able to continue to the present.

Although the Sunwell was destroyed not long ago by the damned pirate Braike and Azshara, the queen of the deep sea, with the help of the damned Nightborne invasion, but without the Sunwell, no one can deny that the Torcedrin family is in Quel'Thalas. transcendent status.

The only pity is that this noble family seems to be cursed from the source by some kind of power. Their family has hardly had a male heir in more than 6,000 years of inheritance.

All housed by women.

So much so that they were constantly marginalized in the fierce political struggle in Quel'Thalas, and finally became a family of "knowledge protectors" who enjoyed high status but had no real power.

So much so that in some vicious rumors, people said that the Tosedrin royal family is the "birth machine" of the Sunstrider royal family.

"Kael'thas big brother, I had a dream, a very strange dream."

Resting in the arms of Her Majesty Kael'thas, Princess Irina Xin Della Torsedrin whispered like a little girl sharing a secret:

"I dreamed of the ancestor Prince Torsedrin, just like the 'Day of God' in family legend. On a wonderful day 10,000 years ago, he met the mysterious black-clothed prince in his palace. gods.

It hardly seemed like a dream.

It was so real, I dreamed that the god gave the ancestor a chance to make a choice in the fate of disaster. Of course, as in the legend, the wise ancestor seized that opportunity.

After His Majesty Dath'Remar issued an invitation, the ancestors decisively sent the best scholars of the Zin Della clan to travel across the ocean with the children and the precious knowledge of Eldre'Thalas.

Then, together, we built our kingdom together.

Alas, I have been weak and sick since I was born, and I haven't returned to Eresalas City to complete the family ceremony until now. "

"Don't worry, my Irina."

The handsome His Majesty Kael'thas gently rested his head on his cousin's forehead, and said:

"After you take the Arcandor Fruit and get rid of the magic addiction that has been tormenting you, I will accompany you back to the city of ten thousand years. Although the current situation is not optimistic and the whole world is preparing for war, I believe that I I can still spare some time for my dear cousin and my future queen."

"Big brother! There is someone beside me."

Her Highness Irina blushed when she heard the love words, she hid in the arms of the handsome prince and was too ashamed to see anyone, but she quickly raised her head again, looked at Kael'thas seriously, and said:

"Those of my tribe... those who did not follow us to the Eastern Kingdom seven thousand years ago, I know that they were bewitched by Elisande to join the Nightborne, and raised their butcher knives at us for some magic power.

They committed a crime, big brother.

When I recover, I will go to Suramar myself. I hope to help you resolve this terrible grievance. I will try to bring them back to Quel'Thalas. "

"Well, I'm sure my clever cousin can do that."

Kael'thas smiled. He was about to talk to his cousin, but a letter from the Kingdom of Stormwind planned this affectionate company.

The damn troll empire sent support to the eastern continent, and the Amani Kingdom under their rule will also send troops, but this will inevitably arouse the vigilance of Quel'Thalas.

Because the romantic old king had already gone to the god of elves to be chosen by God, so this was a matter for Kael'thas to decide by himself.

The sensible cousin, the princess, asked her cousin to deal with business. She wanted to catch up on sleep in her bedroom. Kael'thas walked out of the palace like a gentleman, and took Lana Thiel to the king's chamber.

But when he walked into the warm sunlight, Kael'thas suddenly rubbed his forehead, the handsome Sunstrider King stopped, and he turned back to Lana'thel and said:

"I always have an illusion."

"Huh? Your Majesty, you have indeed had too little sleep recently."

Lana Thiel said in a tone of concern that an attendant should have:

"If you're feeling low on energy, maybe you should take a break."

"No no no, Lana Thiel, I mean, although I can be sure that my cousin Irina is real, every time I see her, I will have a strange feeling.

It's an indescribable feeling. "

Kael'thas rubbed his forehead and said in a strange tone:

"I always feel that Irina suddenly appeared in my life, like a non-existent person who suddenly appeared next to you and became very close to you. Can you understand my feeling?"

"Ah yes yes yes."

The king's attendant rolled her beautiful eyes, and she said with a resentment:

"I know that the relationship between you and Princess Irina is very good, you don't need to emphasize it again and again, and I will not try to compete with Her Royal Highness for the queen's position like those rumors.

In fact, my family and I never had that kind of thought. "

"Hey, that's not what I meant, Lana Thiel, don't be angry, listen to my explanation!"


"Uh, it feels like someone hit your head hard with a hammer. Can you feel this terrible feeling? Your Majesty the Emperor."

At midnight 10,000 years ago, when Emperor Shaohao's "guard of honor" passed through the portal and entered the pearl city of Nathalas on the land of Azsuna in the hinterland of the Elven Empire, His Excellency the Prophet in black who was following Shaohao While rubbing his head, he said in a painful tone:

"Non-existent memories have increased again. Damn! Quel'Thalas will have an extra hidden royal family, and my handsome Kaizi will inexplicably have an extra sick queen from my childhood sweetheart.

Ha, does this count as the generous Sir Quiet One giving him a wife?

Why don't you kneel down on the spot? "

"Your pain doesn't seem to be faking."

Emperor Shaohao looked at Bu Laike's bloodshot eyes in surprise, and said in a low voice:

"If the cost of changing the future is so high, you'd better close your hands, Prophet in Black, didn't you say that once you change the past beyond a certain limit, your own existence will collapse?

Why take such a risk? "

"Adventure? No, it's not an adventure at all."

In the gorgeous elf-style portal hall, Bo Laike walked out of the hall under the escort of a group of elf guards "friendly sponsorship" by Prince Torsedrin.

He pulled down his hood, and said to the pandaren emperor who maintained a solemn posture:

"If adding the reality that needs to be changed by 30% will cause my existence to collapse, then the details I randomly picked up will change by at most 2%.

It's just to make the troll empire prosperous, it's just to let Quel'Thalas have an extra soldier that can be used, and the elves' desperate fertility rate, even if they are given tens of thousands of years, they can't even think about it. More people come.

These fateful evolutions aren't quite enough to hit the future frame at all, giving me migraines at best, but that's not a big deal either.

How can you be afraid of headaches when you have to do big things?

Well, look, Prince Farondis has learned the lesson of Prince Torsedrin, and he brought his vicious courtiers to welcome you in the center of the gorgeous city of Naxalas early, my great panda His Majesty the Emperor of the Human Empire. "

"Hey, the banquet of the elves is very good, and the food is also good. Their elegant speech makes people feel good. Apart from the headaches caused by excessive flattery, I still like dealing with these elegant creatures."

Emperor Shaohao said with a face full of pain:

"But their strict etiquette is enough to make any pandaren feel uncomfortable, God, even toasting a glass of wine requires a two-minute toast.

I've had enough.

And the dirty and corrupt lifestyle of these elves really makes me feel ashamed. Prince Torsedrin, who looked like a decent person, actually sent a few elf maids in lewd clothes to serve me

Ah, this is really uncomfortable, it seems that the rumors about the corruption of the Highborne life are true, this country is hopeless! "

"Where are you going? When you meet Queen Azshara, you will know what cumbersome etiquette is."

Bu Laike sneered and said to his honorable Emperor:

"Go ahead, chat with those high elves, you can sleep well tonight, we will stay here at Farondis for one night, and we will leave tomorrow afternoon.

I'm going to Narsalas College to stand in front of you, remember to meet me tomorrow morning, we must leave Azsuna before tomorrow night.

This is very important and must not be delayed.

Entering the plains of Suramar by land, we will be able to reach the city of stars, Suramar, in the early morning of the day after tomorrow at most. My wife has been waiting for me there for too long. "

Having said that, Bu Laike looked up at the starry sky.

There is no bright moonlight tonight, but the pirates can feel that a storm is about to brew on this land near the elf capital and the second largest city, Suramar.

A few minutes later, while Emperor Shaohao brought his mighty and ruthless demigod guards and little murloc attendants in court jester costumes to meet with a group of enthusiastic Highborne nobles, Bu Laike, as the "emperor's close minister", brought A group of Prince Farondis' attendants left the brightly lit city of Narthalas.

They smeared along the mountains of Azsuna all the way to the Narsalas College established at the confluence of the rivers outside the city.

He is too familiar with this place.

You can avoid the potholes on the road with your eyes closed, and the closer you get to the Nazaras Academy of Magic in its heyday, the tighter a string in Laike's heart becomes.

On the one hand, he is about to meet Dean Alya Blue Moon who is still alive, on the other hand, he is preparing to make some small "changes" on the eve of the destruction of the elf city of Azsuna.

Because Dean Lanyue occupies a relatively important position in Bu Laike's story, once the dean's fate changes, it will directly affect the future of the pirates.

This time he won't be as rough as he was with the Troll Empire and the Sin Della elves.

He had to act cautiously to ensure that Dean Lanyue would appear in his future or past life at a specific time as he remembered.

In addition, he also had to find a way to solve Dean Lanyue's distorted obsession with the dead after she was resurrected in the future, and she had already developed a terrible tendency to self-destruct because of this.

For a lich, having such thoughts is not far from losing control.

Laike didn't want to hear the first news that Dean Lanyue had destroyed his eternal existence through a series of precise and ruthless actions when he went back 10,000 years later.

That's not what pirates want to see.

Well, look at the river bend ahead, the quiet Nazaras College entrance has been lit with lights,

It should be that Dean Lanyue received the request from Prince Farondis in advance about the application of the Pandaren Emperor to visit the most famous magic academy in the Elf Empire, so he came out to meet the envoy in person.

Tsk tsk, I'm about to meet the "young" Dean Lanyue 10,000 years ago, I'm a little excited when I think about it.

"Principal Alya Blue Moon, please forgive our negligence for not notifying us in advance, but the request that His Majesty the Emperor of the Pandaren will visit Narsaras Academy tomorrow is very firm. His Royal Highness requests that we and the Emperor's envoy The rituals used to prepare overnight for an emperor."

The court attendant of Prince Farondis was sweating profusely. This delicate but graceful court lady jumped off the hippogryph heroically. She explained her intentions to the frosty Dean Lanyue in front of her eyes. .

But the dean didn't appreciate it, she sternly reprimanded:

"It's an honor for me and my students that an emperor from a foreign race is coming to visit Narsalas Academy, but you are too disorganized!

This is not only about the face of the empire, but also the teaching work of the academy!

Such an anxious welcome will inevitably disrupt the already tense study plans of my students, which will directly affect their learning effects. Tomorrow's welcome will probably cause a group of students to fail to graduate normally.

This would be a loss to the Empire.

Forget it this time, but I won't allow it to happen again! "

"Yes Yes Yes."

The lady who has the right to speak in the court of Prince Farondis has no temper at all under the scolding of Dean Lanyue. The upper elves are immersed in magic, and their nobles are very tolerant and respectful to spellcasters.

Especially those who are really strong.

And the Ms. Alya Blue Moon in front of her is well-known throughout the empire, so she is naturally not a role that a noble lady in the court of the magic prince dares to provoke.

Bu Laike, who was hiding in the crowd, was watching Dean Lanyue's furious appearance because the welcome event would affect the progress of his students, and he said in his heart that this is the smell!

Wow, the dean 10,000 years ago paid so much attention to the quality of education, he is indeed the leading educator in the Elven Empire.

Bu Laike squinted his eyes and prepared to shake hands with Dean Lanyue with a decent gesture that a pandaren envoy should have. He was thinking about how to "tie" the young dean away.

As a result, when the two shook hands, Dean Lanyue suddenly said something that made Bu Laike shudder:

"This is an illusion! What are you covering up?"

(end of this chapter)

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