Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1785 11. The Dean Was Too Cute When He Was Young

Chapter 1785 11. The dean was too cute when he was young

"What nonsense are you, an arrogant elf? What is an illusion? Are you questioning the decency of the ancient and civilized Pandaria Empire?"

Facing Dean Lanyue's sudden questioning, Bu Laike reacted very quickly, and immediately threw off the dean's icy cold hand angrily, and said to the embarrassed Farondis court attendants beside him:

"It seems that the great elf spellcasters have dismissed the arrival of our venerable Emperor, who so arrogantly accused the Emperor's Retinue, presumably did not welcome our Emperor to this pathetic sleazy academy.

Then forget it.

let's go back.

Let me report the rudeness of the elven spellcaster to my emperor exactly.

Although not being able to see the style of Narsalas Academy, which is highly praised in the biographies of the Pandaren Lorewalkers, will make His Majesty feel disappointed, but I think that when your queen is angry and destroyed because of your poor reception When I enter this academy, the dissatisfaction in my emperor's heart will also be reduced a lot. "

"No, respected envoy, Dean Lanyue didn't mean that. Please don't be angry. It's just um, it's just the researcher's curiosity about magic power that we elf spellcasters have."

The court lady next to her was bewildered by this sudden change.

She tried to explain.

But she is not an excellent spellcaster, so she can only say some vague and procrastinating words, and wink at Dean Lanyue vigorously at the same time.

She didn't understand why Ms. Alya Lanyue, who was always known for her rationality, would be so rude on this diplomatic occasion?

With the two magic princes Torsedrin and Farondis both confirming that the identity of the pandaren emperor is correct, Dean Lanyue raises such a serious identity question. The talking "emperor's close minister" would be so angry.

But Dean Lanyue didn't apologize immediately.

She frowned and mobilized the energy of the investigative magic belonging to the Nazaras Academy under her feet, trying to decipher the "true face" of the pandaren envoy in the mysterious black robe in front of her.

As the senior magic advisor of the Elven Empire Royal, the Queen's honorary head of the magic guard, and successfully entered Queen Azshara's court wizard group ten years ago as a high-ranking arcanist, she has enough magic perception to identify the pandaren in front of her. There is a strange "magic of camouflage".

He was trying his best to conceal his aura, but as one of the most outstanding spellcasters in the Elf Empire, Dean Lanyue instinctively felt something was wrong.

She is very confident in her magical attainments, after all, she is a spellcaster who has been personally assessed and approved by the Queen, but no matter how she tries, the "illusion" of the pandaren in front of her is still standing still.

After nearly a minute of silence, Ms. Alya Lanyue finally reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​exposing this guy who hides his head and shows his tail.

She had to admit in frustration that she couldn't decipher the illusion.

This proves that either the opponent's spellcasting ability is far superior to his own, or some kind of strange power is interfering with his cognition, or he has misread it, and this is a real pandaren.

"Sorry, Your Excellency the Messenger."

Dean Lan Yue lowered his head and said seriously:

"I have been trying to develop some new magic recently, which has caused my cognition to be biased. I withdraw my indecent accusation just now, and hope to get your forgiveness.

I assure you that the Narsalas Academy of Magic welcomes Emperor Shaohao's visit and visit, and we will do our best to make His Majesty feel at home. "

Bu Laike looked at Dean Lanyue's embarrassment and forced apology, feeling secretly refreshed.

He could easily feel the dean's attitude of not admitting defeat, just like an adolescent girl with problems, she would never give up easily on what she believed in.

But it was not so easy for him to give up his plan of "molesting" the indifferent Dean Bingshan. Like a real court jester, he drew his voice and said in a strange way:

"Hmph, we have an old saying in Pandaria, if an apology is useful, then what else do Shado-Pan need to do? Translated into Thalasian, it means that if you really want to express your apology, you should take formal actions Instead of speaking out in vain.

This makes me doubt your sincerity, Ms. Blue Moon. "

"The Court of Farondis will make compensation for this, Your Excellency the Messenger."

The court attendant next to him saw that there was going to be a diplomatic incident, so he hurriedly said:

"We'll send you a batch of souvenirs to"

"You tried to bribe me?"

Bu Laike turned his head and said in a cold voice:

"You arrogant elves and savages! You actually tried to bribe the loyal subjects of His Majesty Emperor Shaohao!

Are you trying to use vulgar money to gag my mouth and prevent me from exposing to His Majesty the disrespect of this arrogant elf caster to His Majesty?

Then you underestimate my loyalty! "

"I would like to apologize again."

Dean Lanyue also sensed the troubles of the situation.

Although she tried her best not to get involved in imperial politics and devoted herself to studying, being able to become a member of the Queen's Court Mages proved that it was not that Ms. Lanyue didn't understand these political affairs.

When the attendants of Prince Farondis were overwhelmed by this eccentric pandaren messenger, she stepped forward. The dean took a deep breath and said to Bu Laike seriously:

"I am willing to apologize to His Majesty the Emperor in person and accept all punishments from His Majesty. I swear in the name of my mentor that I will definitely make up for my stupid mistakes."

"Hmph, that's about the same."

Bu Laike nodded in satisfaction.

In front of everyone, he coughed a few times, took out a copy of the "edict" stamped with the emperor's seal from his wide pandaren sleeve, and handed it to the weird-eyed Dean Lanyue.

He said:

"His Majesty the Emperor came to the Elven Empire this time not only to travel the world, but also to have more important matters to discuss with His Majesty Azshara. We set off in a hurry, so we did not bring professional diplomats with us, so I, the Emperor The loyal servant acts as a temporary diplomatic envoy.

But you have also seen that I have a strange personality. I used to be the emperor's personal prophet, and I was not good at dealing with other people.

I, with integrity, cannot tolerate any deceit and false flattery, which has led to a lot of troubles along the way.

I don't want to cause trouble for my majesty anymore, so I need to hire a noble and well-informed local to serve as your majesty's royal elf affairs advisor during the emperor's visit to the elf empire.

I'll tell you guys, I've been secretly picking the right guy.

The difficulty just now was just to see your true character. Facts have proved that Ms. Alya Lanyue is a noble person who is very upright, can face her mistakes directly, and is willing to give sincerity.

Therefore, in the name of His Majesty Emperor Shaohao, I want to hire you to serve as His Majesty's attendant temporarily. Don't worry, our stay in the empire will not exceed twenty days.

I don't think this should affect the running of your academy. "

The elves around heard this explanation, and suddenly realized, oh, it's no wonder that this is a test! Do you really think that we elves are fools who let you lie?

You were clearly looking for trouble just now, okay?

That kind of acrimonious face is interpreted by you penetratingly! Hey!

You bad panda!

"I'm flattered."

Dean Lanyue looked at the bronzing appointment letter inlaid with the dragon pattern in front of her. She pushed her iconic crystal glasses, politely but firmly refused:

"I am very grateful to you and His Majesty the Emperor for the importance you have placed on me, my lord, but I cannot leave my academy at this important moment. The senior students will start their graduation assessment next month. It is a major event for the elf empire to transport talents.

I can't leave at this time.

But I can recommend to you a few aristocrats of good character who also have some energy in the Queen's court and are very good at dealing with people.

They will definitely make His Majesty the Emperor feel like a spring breeze. "

"Oh, that's such a pity."

Bu Laike sighed, just when everyone thought that this was the end of the matter, Pirate Scrap suddenly changed the subject and forced the letter of appointment into the hands of Dean Lanyue.

He quietly opened his hairy hand, revealing a delicate magic stone, and said:

"Who just said that she is willing to take sincere actions in order to win the forgiveness of me and His Majesty the Emperor? It shouldn't be me who said it?

I recorded what a certain lady said just now, should I release it for everyone to hear?

To be honest, I began to doubt the sincerity of your apology again, Ms. Lanyue. "

"I you."

Laike's coercion made the dean very embarrassed.

The young girl seemed to have very little experience in dealing with rascals. Looking at the Philosopher's Stone in Bo Laike's hand, she felt very uncomfortable as if she was being held up in the air.

But she still tried her best to explain.

she says:

"It's not that I don't want to, Mr. Messenger, but my academy is really inseparable"

"Oh, such a big college, both in terms of area and the number of students, far surpasses our monk college Tianchanyuan in the Jade Forest. If you want to come here, it should be the leading magical holy place in the Elven Empire."

Bu Laike said with a drawn out voice:

"But if a well-functioning high-level magic school lacks a dean, and other tutors can't even independently take charge of graduation assessments, then this school is undoubtedly a sham fake.

According to our panda people's experience, any excellent institution should not tie its existence to a certain person. From this point of view, the Narsalas Academy is nothing more than that.

It seems that my emperor is going to take advantage of the excitement and return in disappointment.

This place is not as good and perfect as those lorewalkers who brag about not making drafts. "

"No! My Nazaras Academy is excellent! I am confident that His Majesty the Emperor can see the embodiment of magic truth here!"

Alya Blue Moon was no doubt thrown a little by Laike's belittling. The dean who was proud of her college looked at the appointment letter in her hand, gritted her teeth and said:

"Very well, I accept this invitation. During the Emperor's Majesty's tour of the empire, I will serve as His Majesty's personal advisor and help His Majesty complete his visit and conversation with the Empress.

but you!

Disrespectful pandaren emissary, you must take back your disparaging words about Narthalas Academy! When my mentor handed over this academy to me, I swore that I would spread the reputation of my academy to the whole world.

I hope that when you return to Pandaria, you will describe in a fair and impartial tone what you saw at the Academy of Narthalas. "

"Of course, of course, I will, my colleague."

Bo Laike tugged on his hood, and there was a look of interest in his eyes, hidden by the brim of the hood.

He looked at Dean Lanyue, whose face was flushed with anger and whose body was trembling, and he thought to himself that the dean in his youth was really young, but he would be so angry by such a simple provocative method.

Although I "slightly" mobilized the dean's emotions by not talking about martial arts, but you, a great arcanist, can't even feel the emotional intensification of a mere void god?

Or do you always allow others to wanton humiliation when you talk about your beloved, tsk tsk, what a respectable educator who dedicated everything to the academy.

But the helpless poor dean met a rogue disciple who knew her better than herself today.

A few minutes later, the moment Bu Laike followed Dean Lanyue into the academy, he suddenly whispered:

"His Majesty the Emperor has seen your respect, and he will definitely feel satisfied, Ms. Lanyue. But what about your offense to me?

You just said that you will show sincerity, right? "

"You are shameless!"

When Bu Laike said these words, the young dean couldn't hold back for an instant.

She pinched the magic wand at her waist, but in the next moment, an invisible force enveloped, and it invaded Dean Lanyue's mind neatly, interrupting her movement of casting magic.

"You are right, ma'am, I do have a magical vision."

Bu Laike's voice echoed in Dean Lanyue's mind, and he said in a mocking tone:

"But with all due respect, with your current meager magical skills, you can't dispel my illusions, let alone reveal my true identity.

I am not afraid to tell you that I have come here with malice.

If you can't show your sincerity to satisfy the humiliated me, I can show you how to create a spiritual storm in one minute and turn all the students you regard as treasures into only ones. Drooling idiot. "

"What do you want from me?"

Dean Lanyue is indeed a spellcaster who has won praise in front of Azshara. After Laike blew her identity, she did not panic, but immediately calmed down.

She realized that with her own strength, she really couldn't counter this vicious and dangerous guy. He could ignore his magical defenses and project his will into his mind, which proved that this gloomy pandaren possessed terrifying and destructive power.

She can't risk it.

She tried her best to calm herself down, and answered in her heart:

"Speak, villain!"

"I don't like that title, and I'm not a big bad or anything."

Bu Laike snorted, and while admiring the night scenery of Nazaras College before it was destroyed, he said to Dean Lanyue:

"I just want to appreciate the Titan artifact that is said to be hidden in the treasure house of Narsalas College, the Pillar of Creation Tidal Stone, yes, as long as you let me open my eyes, I guarantee that I will not destroy a single thing here. grass and trees.

That stone should still be in the hidden treasure Curry behind your office right now? "

This question made Dean Lanyue's heart skip a beat.

She pursed her lips and did not answer, but said as usual:

"Yes, if you just want to appreciate the artifact, please come with me, Lord Messenger, I will be happy to show you and His Majesty the precious objects of Nazaras Academy."

"Your heart is beating fast"

Bo Laike tugged on his hood and said softly:

"Are you lying? Ms. Lanyue, you probably haven't received professional training in this area, right? Woohoo, I have to say, you pretend to be in control of everything, trying to trick me into your place with a powerful magic barrier The posture in the office is really, really cute.

But since it's a trap ready to be used on me, it would be rude if I didn't go.

let's go ma'am.

There are too many people here, let us go to your office and have a good chat about your magical attainments, the fine traditions of Narthalas, and your studies.


I have prepared several difficult magic test papers for you, let's play a game. "

Pirate Scrap took out a pocket watch and shook it in front of Dean Lanyue. He said:

"After completing these test papers within 30 minutes, and the accuracy rate is over 95%, I will let you go, this beautiful college and those lovely students, how about it?

want to play? "

(end of this chapter)

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