Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1791 17. Hello, Little Priest, I Want To Seek Blessings

Chapter 1791 17. Hello, little priest, I want to seek blessings

"The extravagant banquet has been going on for two days. Even believers who used to come to the temple on time to pray are attracted by the extravagant scene. It's really unaccustomed to the emptiness here."

On the edge of Suramar City, outside the ancient Temple of the Moon God, the trainee priest Tyrande Windtalker had just finished a prayer with his companions. A short trainee priest complained to his sisters in a low voice with.

They stood on the grass outside the Temple of the Moon God, just under the sculpture of the Moon God holding the cup, talking while cleaning the Moon Well according to the tradition.

The short young girl looked at the city port from here, and there were clear music sounds besides the bustling scenery, but these melodious sounds were not liked by the clergy.

"We should probably protest to the upper management."

The little elf girl said to the sisters beside her:

"They should at least notify the Moon God Temple in advance before holding such a large-scale celebration. I know that people in this city prefer the power of magic, but faith is still an important part of our elven civilization."

"it's useless."

Another elven priest with pigtails bent down to wipe the edge of the moonwell sighed and said:

"Suramar is hopeless, just like Zin-Azshari.

People worship the queen, and the queen loves arcane arts. After thousands of years of development, the power of magic combined with the brilliance of the Well of Eternity has become the pillar of the empire, and the belief in the moon god has been declining.

Haven't you heard?

The temple of the Moon God of Xin-Azhali has long been deserted, and it is difficult for sincere believers to maintain their pure faith in that city full of arcane magic.

Although the situation in Suramar is bad, at least we can survive.

Lord Ravencrest and Ms. Elisande did not suppress the belief of the Moon God like the nobles in the capital. This is already very valuable. Tyrande, why don't you speak up? "

The elf girl looked at her silent companion beside her, and said with a smile:

"You always see these things very clearly. Maybe we need an opinion from you."

"Didn't we say that last time?"

Tyrande Windtalker who was asked his name smiled helplessly.

This young girl wearing a white sacrificial robe is like a small white flower swaying in the moonlight, always making everyone who sees her feel kindness and peace from the bottom of her heart.

Although she joined the Temple of the Moon God for a short time, because of her deep understanding of the teachings of the Moon God and her sincerity in her beliefs, she has already stood out among these apprentice priests from all over the empire, and she even has faint signs of becoming the leader of their small group.

Facing the sisters' inquiries, Tyrande hesitated for a moment. Holding the cleaning tool in her hand, she sat by the moon well and called the sisters to sit beside her. After organizing her words, she said:

"As the high-ranking priests told us, sisters, the faith of the moon god has been declining under the impact of arcane power. The power of magic is squeezing the living space of belief, which makes us feel very pessimistic.

But it doesn't have to be. "

Tyrande shook her head. She pointed to her skin, then pointed to the bright lights at the port, and said softly:

"The moment the Empress and her nobles call themselves the Highborne, they are no longer our race.

This is not our intention to divide our own civilization, it is the queen and the nobles who are taking the initiative to draw a clear line between those of us who are unwilling to give up the belief in the moon god and embrace magic.

Do you understand what I mean?

Those compatriots who claim to be high elves are not the companions we should fight for. It may be a good thing that the belief in the moon god has ebbed in the impetuous big city, because our real companions are not here.

Val'sharah, Mount Hyjal, Ashenvale.

Those areas that have not been impacted by arcane power are Elune's domain. "

Having said that, Tyrande hesitated, and she said:

"The Highborne chose magic, but the night elves slept in the moonlight."

"But those 'highborne' were also night elves before."

The short trainee priest shook his head and said:

"Apart from the fact that their skin is whiter than ours due to their long-term exposure to magic, we are all the same, and the moonlight will shine on them.

I don't think the arcane is a bad power, but I always feel they shouldn't just give up our ancient beliefs. "

"So, we're still here."

Tyrande smiled, took the hands of the sisters, and said softly:

"The merciful Elune will not give up on his people, that is why this weather-beaten Temple of the Moon God still stands in Suramar. As long as we are here, this ancient city of the Moon God will still be there There is moonlight shining.

We will welcome every compatriot who walks into the Temple of the Moon God, and spread the benevolence of Elune to every compatriot who is confused. I believe that one day those high elves who are becoming more and more arrogant will understand this.

Arcane magic can arm their bodies, but only Elune's moonlight can soothe their hearts. "

"Very well said, Tyrande."

The tall elf girl who asked the question earlier took Tyrande's hand, and she said in admiration:

"No wonder the high priest values ​​you so much, I think you can take us to preach."

"No, sisters."

Tyrande also smiled, the beautiful and wise apprentice priest shook her head, she said:

"I heard these from Maiev. She is the wisest and most talented among us. Although she is not good at talking, she has a firmer heart than us."


The short trainee priest stuck out his tongue and whispered:

"Miss Maiev always feels so indifferent, I dare not talk to her, and only you can make friends with her, Tyrande."

"No, Maiev is just not good at dealing with people."

Tyrande corrected:

"She is actually a very good person, a sister worthy of our trust, next time I will invite her to sit here with us and talk about faith.

I believe that some of her views will definitely refresh us.

Speaking of which, why don't you see Maiev tonight? I didn't see her when I was praying just now, where did she go? "

"Maev is home."

The tall elf said softly:

"It is said that her younger brother joined Suramar's city defense team some time ago, so she has to go home to congratulate her younger brother. She may be back soon."

"Garrod? That's a very good peer."

Tyrande smiled, nodded and said:

"Okay, then let's start praying, sisters, don't be disturbed by those melodious sounds. Suramar is so lively tonight, but maybe there should be a quiet place."

"Well, Tyrande, it's up to you to lead us to pray, every time you call on Elune, the moonlight will be very bright, we all feel that Lady Elune is partial to you, which makes us feel envy."

"Then can I treat you to a meal to change your jealousy of me?"

"That's what you said, Tyrande, I want to drink fruit wine! The best fruit wine from Twilight Winery! Let your good friend Illidan treat you, we all know that he joined the Moon Guard of Black Rook Castle, he has a distinguished status and salary It's impressive."

"I don't think Illidan would... er, well."


"Prayers should begin, I'm going to be late."

On a street not far from the Moon God Temple, Maiev Shadowsong, who was wearing a novice priest robe, was walking quickly with a copy of the Moon God Scripture.

The trainee priest who was always unsmiling felt a little anxious.

She didn't want to miss tonight's prayer, mainly because of the delay in sending her younger brother back to the headquarters of the Suramar City Guards for a report.

But considering that he and his younger brother depended on each other and grew up together, and when his younger brother finally realized his childhood wish, I really couldn't bear to watch his younger brother leave home alone.

"May Elune forgive my lethargy tonight."

As the young Miss Maiev quickened her pace, she kept praying and repenting in her heart.

But this kind of behavior of praying while walking is not good, it seriously distracts Maiev. Wei saw the ancient dome of the Temple of the Moon, and at the moment when she felt relaxed, she who had already entered the trotting state suddenly saw a black shadow slowly walking out from the alley.

not good!

The idea flashed through the trainee priest's mind, but it was too late.


She bumped into the reckless guy in front of her, and the Luna tome in her hand flew out, even Miss Maiev lost her balance, rolling and falling to the ground amidst screams.

This man is so tough!

This was the first thought that flashed through the dizzy Maiev's mind, she felt as if she was running into a wall while trotting, the force of the impact made the delicate apprentice priest feel a headache.

But in the next moment, when Maiev closed her eyes and was about to bear the pain of hitting the ground, a pair of hands firmly hugged her who was out of balance.

Tonight's dim moonlight suddenly became brighter at this moment, making the dark streets brighter, and allowing Maiev to see the face of this guy in front of her.

What a weird guy.

He has a face that is different from most elves. Compared with elves, his face is more lazy. He also has golden hair that hangs smoothly over his shoulders, and a pair of pointed ears that are much shorter than other elves. put up outside.

This proves his identity.

He's really an elf and not a mutated troll or something.

But the most striking thing about this face is the pair of eyes, blue eyes like the sea, and full of a lover's melancholy and tenderness.

The wind blew in this quiet street, making the opponent's golden hair flutter, and also made Maiev, who was stupefied, react.

She is now in the posture of a dancer, leaning her body and being held in the arms of the other party. The posture between the two is very similar to the close-fitting dance of the male and female protagonists in those love dramas.

Miss Maiev, who is young and not good at communicating with others, has never experienced such a thing?

Her cheeks flushed suddenly.

Somewhat at a loss, he struggled to break free from the other party's arms, and the other party seemed to have noticed this overly ambiguous gesture. He stood up in a gentlemanly manner, and helped Miss Maiev to stand firm.

He took the initiative to say in elegant Salas language:

"I'm sorry, beautiful lady, I didn't notice just now and almost made you fall down. I should apologize for that."

"No, no, it's my fault. I was thinking about some messy things and didn't notice my surroundings. You don't have to apologize."

Maiev lowered her head, trying to restore her red cheeks to normal, she whispered:

"It's me who should apologize."

The Scrap Pirate didn't speak.

In this quiet street, under the shadow of the moonlight, he looked at the innocent girl with her head bowed in front of him with complicated eyes.

It is really hard to imagine that such a slow-talking person will become the leader of the watchmen in the elf society ten thousand years later, and become a ruthless person who makes evil forces frightened.

Bu Laike always knew that Maiev was lonely during the 10,000-year wait, and her life was definitely not as easy as she said.

But when he actually saw Maiev from 10,000 years ago, the pirate realized that although he had tried hard to imagine Maiev's waiting, he still hadn't really realized that the time of 10,000 years was important to the girl in front of him. How difficult it is.

It has been less than a month since I lost Maiev, and it is already so difficult.

But Maiev loses himself in a full 10,000 years

Ms. Warden's indifference to all things is her means to fight against time, and this longing is frozen outside her shell by her, like a fire burning in a mass of ice

She never talked about her past, is it because she is afraid of adding to Bo Laike's psychological burden?

At this moment, an almost irresistible impulse surged in the heart of the pirate who had already ascended to the gods. He wanted to embrace the bewildered girl in front of him, and express his thoughts in detail.

But in the end, Braike suppressed the impulse with a decent gesture. He bent down and picked up the Luna Tome that fell at Maiev's feet, patted the dust on it, and handed it to the trainee priest in front of him .

"Thank you, sir."

Maiev whispered something, and she was about to leave when Bo Laike coughed and said:

"To be honest, Miss Priest, I am a traveler from afar, and I am very tired when I just arrived in the big city of Suramar. I wanted to go to those banquets that looked great and enjoy the warmth of this bustling city. and tolerance.

But meeting you may be the inspiration given to me by Elune. I saw your sacrificial robe and the tome in your hand. You are a moon god priest, right? "

Bu Laike looked at Maiev who turned around, he pretended to be tired, and said:

"Can you allow me to enter your Moon God Temple, and you can personally bless me or listen to my confession and pray for me?"

"Well, I'm only an apprentice priest, sir."

Maiev hesitated, she whispered:

"If you need to repent or bless, you may need to wait in the Moon God Temple. My mentor, Ms. Diana, has been summoned to attend the meeting. She may come back tomorrow."

"No no no, I don't need anyone else."

Bu Laike shook his head stubbornly and said:

"I'm um, how should I put it? I am a person who believes in fate very much. I believe that all encounters are arranged by fate, including our little 'encounter' tonight.

So I feel that you must bless me, or listen to my confession. "

Seeing that Maiev was still hesitant, the pirate rolled his eyes and said:

"And, you did bump into me just now, right? Just take that as your apology, okay? I promise, this confession won't take up too much of your time.

As far as I know, Luna devotees pray every night, right?

Can I, a faraway traveler who crashed into this fate, have the honor to pray with you? "

(end of this chapter)

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