Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1792 18. Ms. Maiev Shadowsong, The Wishing Machine You Ordered Has Arrived, Please Sign For

Chapter 1792 18. Ms. Maiev Shadowsong, the wishing machine you ordered has arrived, please sign for it

The Temple of the Moon God is extremely peaceful tonight.

Especially when other parts of the city are very lively and noisy, the area where the Temple of the Moon God is located is particularly dark, but tonight the moonlight brightens after being dark, which is regarded by the priests of the Moon God as a good omen .

The trainee priests who finished praying at the Moon Well returned to their living quarters. These priests strictly followed their way of life, although not to the point of penance, but apart from the priests who were on duty at night, there were very few other people. It also goes out for a walk at midnight.

Tyrande Windtalker, who finished the prayer with his sisters, was in a good mood.

She is the priest on duty tonight, and after her sisters have fallen asleep, she continues her work in the Moon Hall of the Moon God Temple.

Those ancient altars need to be cleaned and cleaned, the candles in the hall must be kept lit, and the incense in the meditation room of several mentors must be replaced.

Finally, all the places used for preaching in the hall should be cleaned up.

Although Elune's belief in Suramar continued to decline, and the number of believers who came to the Temple of the Moon God decreased, but as Tyrande said to the sisters, the more difficult it was at this time, these The servants of the moon god must persevere.

This may be a trial from Lady Elune.

Of course, as a highly favored disciple of the high priest, Tyrande actually knew something that the other apprentice priests did not. For example, the Sisters of Elune had decided to abolish the organization of the Moon God Temple in Suramar City in the next few years.

This is not the first time the clergy have abandoned their temples.

As early as many years ago, the Temple of the Moon God of Xin Azhali had actually existed in name only.

The queen's pursuit of magic has affected her people, especially those nobles who call themselves high elves. They also gave up the ancient moon god belief for the sake of following the queen and seeking power.

After all, compared with the arcane magic that can be mastered through learning, the divine magic system based on faith is too obscure, and it is obviously very difficult to ask the high-ranking nobles to abide by the teachings of the moon god.

It is difficult to reconcile power and faith, not to mention that the elf empire is not a theocracy.

Especially after taking charge of a fetish like the Well of Eternity, Queen Azshara is unlikely to give up the spread of arcane magic, whether it is due to the consideration of centralization or the plan to enrich the country and strengthen the army.

This directly led to a large-scale "ebb tide" of Ms. Elune's faith in the major cities where the queen sent the magic prince governor.

But relatively speaking, Elune's beliefs are still the mainstream of night elf society in the vast territories outside the cities, especially those small cities far away from magic nodes.

From this point of view, the division between the Highborne and the Night Elves is not just a matter of arrogance or class, but also a very complicated and sensitive issue of belief.

But the good news is that the talented and generous queen has no plans to completely expel the belief of the moon god. She needs the belief of the moon god to unite the elves at the bottom.

Therefore, although she and the high elves she commanded no longer believed in the moon god, they did not directly oppose this ancient belief in any public place but allowed it to develop.

This makes the Sisterhood of Elune and the Queen's ruling group not hostile, although each is very wary of the other's presence.

But the bad news is that differences in power and beliefs outline each other's regions, such as Suramar, which once belonged to the faith and was built by the high-ranking priests thousands of years ago. Dispensable exists.

Tyrande knew that the Temple of the Moon God she was in might be abolished in a few years, but she didn't feel sorry for it, and the priests would not be "unemployed".

There are more moon god temples being built in places far away from the big cities, and those places need excellent priests like them to preside over them.

"Perhaps I will be assigned to the Moon God Temple in Val'sharah."

Tyrande wiped the ancient altar, thinking in his heart:

"This is actually not a bad thing, Malfurion is learning the way of druids with the ancient demigods in the forest there, and I heard that they have developed a small hermit group.

Illidan also serves Highlord Ravencrest in Black Rook Hold, not far from the Temple of Elune.

Perhaps, the three of us who grew up together can meet again in that quiet and eternal woodland. Because of Cenarius' expulsion, the conflict between Malfurion and Illidan has become more and more serious, which is really distressing .

But this may be an opportunity.

Ah, Ms. Elune, forgive my wild thoughts, I'm just worried about my friend, huh? Who's there? "

Just as the trainee priest was thinking wildly, the sound of the door being pushed open interrupted her thoughts, and Tyrande turned around to see her companion, Maiev Shadowsong, walking into the hall with the Luna Tome in her arms.

This made Tyrande smile, and she stood up, saying to Maiev:

"You are finally back, Maiev, the sisters are worried about you. Huh? Who is this?"

The apprentice priest quickly noticed that Maiev did not return to the temple alone, and behind her was a tall man in a traveler's attire.

She thought it was Maiev's brother Jarod, but she soon discovered that it was not.

"Don't pay attention to me, Miss Tyrande."

Bu Laike said in a hoarse voice:

"I'm just a lost person who came to Elune's temple to seek a moment of peace of mind. I want to ask Miss Maiev to preside over a confession for me and complete my prayer when the moon phase changes.

So, could you please step away for a while? "


Tyrande hesitated for a moment, glanced at Maiev who lowered her head, and said:

"But Maiev is not the priest on duty tonight. My sister should go back to rest now. If you have any pent-up emotions in your heart, maybe you can talk to me?"

"No, your memory is wrong, Your Excellency Tyrande, tonight's night priest is Maiev Shadowsong, you are only worried about her safety, so you are waiting here."

Bu Laike said softly:

"But Maiev has already returned, so you can go to rest, you have been busy all day, Ms. Elune hopes that you can go to rest, take care of your body to take on heavier and greater responsibilities.

You really need a good rest. "

"Er. Well, you do have a point, Your Excellency."

Tyrande still wanted to refute.

But she nodded quickly, showing her gentle and healing smile, put down the rag in her hand, and said to Maiev who looked up:

"Then, my sister, I'll leave it to you tonight."

After finishing speaking, Tyrande rubbed her forehead and walked towards the resting area of ​​the priests. She even yawned a little disregarding her image, which made the young Miss Maiev's eyes widen.

After Tyrande left, Maiev walked to the altar and carefully checked the magic barrier in the Moon Hall, but found no details of impact or damage.

She stared at Bo Laike standing under the altar with an incredulous gaze, and she whispered:

"Who are you? How can you disturb people's hearts so easily in a holy place blessed by Lady Elune? I...I must have been disturbed by you, otherwise how could I bring strangers to the temple so easily ?”

"Don't worry, Maiev."

Bu Laike didn't care about the vigilance of the priestess, and he didn't intend to explain anything. Although he wanted to complete a romantic life with Maiev in this era, he didn't have much time after all.

Under Maiev's gaze, Pirate Pirates half-kneeled on the mat used for prayer in the most standard posture for Luna believers. He lowered his head and said softly:

"I said, I just want to make a confession and complete a prayer in this place where the moon god gazes. I have no malicious intentions."

After speaking, the pirate pointed to the cushion beside him, motioning for Maiev to come and pray with him.

Miss Priest hesitated.

She just saw Tyrande Windtalker, the most talented and beloved by the moon god, among them apprentice priests, was affected by Braike without warning, and she knew that no matter what purpose this stranger had, she was not her An ordinary trainee priest can stop it.

In order to prevent this dangerous and mysterious figure from affecting others, maybe I should appease him?

Maiev thought.

Until the instructor returns to the Moon God Temple tomorrow, the power of the high-ranking priests will be enough to drive away this dangerous person.

Driven by such thoughts, Maiev tried hard to calm herself down, she walked down the altar with slightly trembling legs, and stood in front of the mat five feet away from Laike.

"Come here."

The pirate who closed his eyes and prayed said:

"You are so far away, can you hear my confession? For a priest, this is an excessive mistake, my lady priest."


Maiev was eager to tell the increasingly mysterious bastard.

She's not unprofessional, she's just plain scared!

She was just an ordinary girl who was born and raised in Suramar City. She had left Suramar only a handful of times, and the most important person she had seen was only one time when Lord Ravencrest came to visit the Temple of the Moon God.

She doesn't have the experience and strength to deal with dangerous people.

The pirate sensed the uneasiness in Maiev's heart. He turned his head and glanced at the worried lady priest, shrugged his shoulders, and tapped the ground next to him.

The next moment, under Maiev's wide-eyed gaze, a ray of bright moonlight shone on the cushion beside the pirate through the high window of the Moon Temple.

That haunting moonlight shone holy, as if it were an invitation.

And as a very talented priest of the moon, Maiev can easily tell that the moonlight is not an illusion but actually comes from the power and grace of Lady Elune.

"It may give you some courage, Maiev, come on."

Bu Laike closed his eyes again, made a gesture of prayer, and he said in Salas:

"I will never hurt you. I just want to use you to pass on some words to a person who has passed away. Saying these words will make my heart peaceful. Isn't this the duty of the Priest of the Moon God?"

"Why can you use Elune's power?"

Maiev whispered:

"Are you also a follower of the Moon God?"

"That's right."

Although the bright moonlight was right next to Bo Laike, the light never reached the pirate, like a clear dividing line separating the moonlight and shadows.

In such a scene, he said:

"But there is no one else in the Moon God Temple tonight. There is only a priestess lady who is ready to appease her heart and a fragile soul waiting to be appeased."

Perhaps this sentence moved Maiev.

Or maybe it was the moonlight shining beside the pirate that gave Maiev confidence. In short, after a few seconds, the trainee priest adjusted his breathing and walked forward, half kneeling on the cushion under the moonlight.

She felt the warmth and protection that went straight to her soul in the moonlight, which quickly calmed Maiev Shadowsong's somewhat worried mood.

She glanced curiously at Bo Laike who was praying beside her.

She whispered:

"Is there anything you want to pass on to Ms. Elune?"

"Lady Elune? No, these words are not for Luna."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"I have already made an agreement with Ms. Elune, she will not pay attention to all my actions here, and she will not eavesdrop on all my words here.

She probably wouldn't take the risk of angering me to satisfy the trivial curiosity in her heart, so there is actually no Elune here, Maiev.

It's just me and you here.

You must think I'm crazy, but don't break my heart by saying it, be patient, I have a lot to confess, where do we start?

Hmm, let me think about it."

The pirate opened his eyes, stroked his chin, and said:

"Let's start from the end of the last parting. I regretted it the moment you left. Maybe I should be more determined, maybe I should harden my heart and throw myself into the sea of ​​​​light, instead of letting you Disappear from my life and go to be a beacon to guide me in the distant night."

"what are you talking about?"

Maiev couldn't understand what the person beside her was talking like in a dream, so she whispered:

"You should probably tell me all about who left you?"

"Someone I love deeply and love me dearly."

Bu Laike sighed, looking at the statue of Luna under the moonlight in front of him, he said:

"Don't be afraid, Miss Maiev, although I am not a good person, my story is very exciting, I will tell you the whole story, but I think one night is definitely not enough.

So, let's make a deal.

You hear me through my story, my confession to the one who died, and remember the story and tell it to the right person at the right time.

Don't worry, I won't let you do it for nothing. "

The pirate glanced at the frowning priestess beside him, he grinned strangely and said:

"Every time you finish listening to a story, I will promise you a request."

"I don't think I need anything from you, sir."

Maiev moved her body a little uneasily, the priestess instinctively felt that she was caught in a strange thing, and she wanted to get rid of it.

She pursed her lips, looked at the quiet night around her, and said:

"But it's not impossible. If I finish listening to tonight's story, can you promise not to hurt my sister or anyone in this city?"

"Of course, if this is a request from Maiev Shadowsong, then I will comply."

Bu Laike nodded and said seriously:

"But I hope you will think hard, Maiev, and don't waste every wish of yours. In the upcoming events, every wish of yours will have a great impact on this world.

I may not know everything.

But at least in this era, there are only a handful of people who can stop me.

Shh, don't ask who I am.

You will know who I am at the end of the story I tell you. Now, can we begin to repent? "


Maiev hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath, and nodded to Bo Laike with the proper priestly manner:

"Then, weary, fragile and mysterious soul, I am ready to hear your confession."


Bo Laike closed his eyes.

In the shadows beyond Maiev's shining moonlight, he whispered:

"I was a prince, and I joined a war that engulfed my civilization"

The quiet night was running quietly outside the moon shrouded in moonlight. In the description at the beginning of the story, the moonlight in the sky was more gentle. The astrologers in Suramar saw the changes of the moon phases, but they were completely Unable to interpret, all this can only be regarded as the beginning of an unknown change.

But perhaps no one expected that the brewing and outbreak of this change would be so fast.

And who could have predicted that this would be the last peaceful night?

(end of this chapter)

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