Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1793 19. Elune Lowered Her Authority, And I Will Take Over The Audience! Now, Call Out Lord

Chapter 1793 19. Elune lowered her authority, and I will take over the audience! Now, call out Lord Moon Shadow's name

All of Suramar was quiet that night except for the raucous, stabilizing banquet, but there was also much going on in the city.

For example, on the high tower outside the city pier that Braike has paid attention to, a meeting initiated by the great nobles and leaders of the city has just come to an end. Taking a short break on the outer ring of the tower's dome.

This meeting has been going on for a long time, even for the elves, it is long enough, but the discussion has not reached a conclusion that can reassure everyone.

"The moonlight tonight is a bit strange."

The high-ranking priests of Elune gathered on a dome platform of the Tower of Darkness. They prayed to the moonlight to relieve their spiritual fatigue, but an old priest soon discovered the change of the moon tonight.

He said to his companions:

"It may be my illusion, but in the past ten minutes, the phase of the moon has changed three times, which may be a warning from the moon god.

Combined with the discussions in previous meetings, this made me feel very uneasy. "

"If I were you, it might be too early to feel uneasy now."

Another high-ranking priest shook her head. She retorted, but it was not a sarcasm. This priest was Ms. Diana, the manager of the Sisterhood of Elune in Suramar.

She didn't look up at the moon, but stood by the gorgeous railing and looked at the night view of Suramar not far away.

Although the bustling city in the panoramic view is like a bright pearl reflected in the stars and moon on the earth, there is still an indelible sadness in the eyes of this priestess.

She looked outward along the central axis of the beautiful city below, and outside the main city, the small towns scattered on the Suramar Great Plains were like the "star rings" that guarded the city, and they also emitted light in the dark night. bright light.

But that was not magical light.

That is the light that the Alcandor tree planted in those small towns absorbs magic power in the dark night. The strange tree shaped by Queen Azshara with supreme wisdom is a real miracle. Its appearance makes The Priests of the Moon, who had always been wary of arcane magic, felt amazed.

"Oh, the former Holy Land."

The high priestess sighed.

The city in her eyes is far from the holy land of Elune in her memory. Thousands of years ago, this city was the base camp used by the priestesses of Elune to spread the glory of the moon god.

But as time passed by in the blink of an eye, Suramar today is becoming more and more magnificent in the shaping of spellcasters who master magic power, but it is also getting farther and farther away from the glory of Elune.

The city is still on the land it used to be, but the people here are no longer the people they used to be.

"You also heard just now that the mages are going to build a magic well here to imitate the Well of Eternity. That is an order from Queen Azshara. The great arcanists have already dug the main body underground, and it is only waiting for Elisan to De put the queen's treasure in it.

Once the magic well is established here, its resonance with the Well of Eternity and the other cities where the magic prince sits is enough to spread the light of arcane light throughout the empire.

The people's use of magic will reach new heights, and we...we will be seen as a sign of backwardness, just like what happened in Zin-Azshari a hundred years ago. "

The priestess said softly:

"Elisande is politely urging us to leave Suramar, my brother. Val'sharah is also ready to accept us, and the moon god is about to lose his bright pearl.

They gave us a decent departure, and gave us enough funds to repair the ancient temple in Val'sharah, so maybe it's time for us to leave too. "

The words of the priestess silenced the surrounding companions.

These followers of Elune's glory are not cowards, but no amount of courage can resist the torrent of the times at this moment.

The Sisters of Elune have lost Zin-Azshari, and now they are about to lose Suramar. Perhaps hundreds of years later, the faith of the Moon God will stop in areas that cannot be covered by arcane magic. The fringes linger.

"Don't be so pessimistic, my sister."

The old priest who spoke first was not in despair. He patted the railing and said to the other priests:

"Didn't the Queen allow us to keep the temple? Even in Zin-Azshari, where magic has been abused, we still have our temple, and there are still some believers who are willing to follow Elune.

Magic may be the main theme of this era, but I firmly believe that the brilliance of Elune will never dissipate from the elves.

We should persevere.

Speaking of this, I have to mention one more thing, are you really unable to contact the shrine of Xin Aisalie? "


The high-ranking priestess shook her head and said with a serious expression:

"Since three days ago, our contact with Xin-Azhali has been completely severed, even Ms. Elune's magic can no longer contact the companions in the capital.

Didn't Elisande just say that? Their magic was also blocked.

No one knows what happened to Zin-Azshari now, but the mages say they have detected strong fluctuations in the Well of Eternity, stronger than any magical fluctuations in the past thousands of years.

They speculate that there are waves in the Well of Eternity, but I doubt it very much.

There is also the huge energy fluctuation that came from the direction of Azsuna a few hours ago. That terrifying energy fluctuation made us priests feel trembling. "

The priestess paused, and said sadly:

"I am disturbed, brothers and sisters, as if something terrible has happened, it is more than we expected, and we probably should"

"Priests! Priests! Come in!"

Just as the Priests of the Moon were discussing the recent change, the attendant teleportation from the great magister appeared. She straightened her sleeves gracefully and said to the Priests of the Moon:

"The great magister summoned you to the conference hall. Something new has happened. We have received important information from the Azsuna area. In addition, please prepare to meet the noble ones."


This extra reminder made several high-ranking priests look at each other in surprise, and the local high priest of the moon asked suspiciously:

"An audience with the noble one? Is the queen herself here?"

"No, it's not our supreme Qian Yueguang, but His Majesty the Emperor from another country."

The attendant explained seriously:

"It is said that the emperor witnessed everything that happened in Azsuna with his own eyes, and he also brought a magic item to record the incident. In short, the great magister asked everyone to go to the conference room as quickly as possible."

After speaking, the attendant hesitated for a moment.

She glanced at the emblems of the Moon God in the hands of the priests, and remembered that she and her family were also sincere believers of the Moon God a few years ago. With a feeling similar to guilt, she reminded in a low voice:

"The news that His Majesty brought is not good, everyone, be prepared. In addition, the news has been sent to Lord Ravencrest, and he has already set off for Suramar."

"The great lord was also alarmed?"

Several moon priests looked at each other, and they all felt the seriousness of the problem.

Lord Kutalos Ravencrest is the real important minister under Queen Azshara's command. The Moon Guard and Ranger Legion commanded by him in Black Rook Castle are important forces defending the capital.

In terms of the division of the administrative system, Lord Ravencrest is even higher than the magic princes sitting outside. No matter how dirty the queen's luxurious palace is now, Ravencrest is still the pillar of existence.

Even the newly promoted Lord Xavius, who had ascended to the high position relying on his lip service and the Queen's favor, did not dare to confront Lord Ravencrest head-on in the hall.

In addition to being the commander in chief of the army, that lord is also the lord of Black Rook Castle and Suramar, and what happened here can alarm him, which is enough to prove the importance of the incident at this time.

The priests did not dare to delay any longer, and they quickly entered the conference hall under the leadership of their attendants.

The meeting hall of this meeting has been sealed off. Except for the great magister Elisande who is in charge of Suramar's magic affairs, there are only Lord Moon County and a few great nobles, as well as the captain of the Moon Guard in the local Moon Guard Fortress. Here to represent his loyal lord, Lord Kurtalos Ravencrest.

After the high-ranking priests walked into the conference hall, the door of the building was immediately closed. As they took their seats, Elisande, who was wearing a very "high elf style" robe, stood up.

The great magister who was trusted by the queen coughed. Her pretty face and fair skin shone under the magic light, which proved her identity.

She is an honored member of the Highborne who follow the Queen.

But at this moment, the always arrogant leader of the high elves had an extremely serious expression on her face. She said to everyone:

"The news that His Majesty the Pandaren Emperor Shaohao of Pandaria entered the Elven Empire was known to everyone before we came. We received a message from Eresalas two days ago, and Prince Torsedrin asked us to prepare for the reception of foreign countries The emperor's preparations, and just an hour ago, the emperor appeared in a small town outside Suramar.

He has terrible news for us. "

Having said that, the great magister, who has always imitated the Queen in every way, could no longer maintain her calm expression. She pursed her lips and said softly:

"Azsuna is finished.

Both the city of Narsaras and the magic prince Farondis guarding it were destroyed, and the empire lost an important city and hundreds of thousands of people overnight. "

This news shocked everyone in the conference hall to stand up in unison, and the honorable Lord Moon County in Suramar even accidentally tore off his beautiful beard that he was so proud of.

With horror in his eyes, he asked again:

"What caused it? Is it an invasion? Or... magic out of control? I remember that the city of Narsalas was built on the magic node in the Azsuna Mountains, and that city recently provided magic power to Zin-Azshari just like Suramar .”

There was no immediate answer to this question. The great magister looked at everyone's eyes, and she was preparing her words. After a few seconds, she shook her head, feeling that she still couldn't tell the terrible truth.

She sat back on her luxurious chair tired and restless, waved her hand, and said to the others:

"Let His Majesty Shaohao come down and tell everyone this, but I want to remind everyone, no matter what happened tonight is true or not, you must keep your mouths shut!

No one is allowed to discuss this privately with anyone else until Highlord Ravencrest arrives and makes a decision!

I have ordered the Tower of Night to be put under martial law.

No one is allowed to leave until the matter is resolved! "

This order made other people look at each other in blank dismay, but the hearts of the high-level priests of the Moon God fluctuated even more. They thought of the strangely changing moon phase tonight, and a more terrifying premonition rose in their hearts.

In such mood swings, Emperor Shaohao, escorted by a team of magic swordsmen, walked into the hall with his ruthless demigod bodyguard, the Monkey King.

The young emperor was very amazed at the construction art of the elves, and the city of Suramar was almost the most magnificent and prosperous city he had ever seen, but at this moment, Shaohao was no longer in the mood to savor the beauty of this city.

There was an irresistible anger in his heart, which filled him with a cold majesty that an emperor should have.

"Are the people here trustworthy? Your Excellency the Great Magister."

Emperor Shaohao asked a question in standard Salas language, the great magister nodded and promised:

"I can assure you, Your Majesty, that no one here will reveal what they are about to hear."

"Very well, then I will stop talking politely."

The pandaren emperor turned his head and said to everyone staring at him:

"Your Queen, Your Majesty Azshara, known as the Light of Qian Yue and the Light of Lights, destroyed Azsuna and the cities of Narthalas tonight. She used the power of the Well of Eternity to destroy the Pillars of Creation Stone, and cursed the land with the titanic energies escaping from it.

She personally killed hundreds of thousands of people who were loyal to her, just because those people wanted to save her.

Your queen has gone mad.

She has been immersed in a dark fantasy, and a prophetic friend I met on the trip told me that a terrible massacre has taken place in your capital Xin'aizali.

The demons from the Twisting Nether slaughtered all the night elves in the city who were not Highborne according to Queen Azshara's orders!

That's why you can't get in touch with Zin-Azshari!

Your empress condoned and directed the massacre. "

"Shut up! Pandaren!"

Sir Yuejun stood up abruptly, and he yelled loudly:

"How dare you slander our supreme queen in front of an upper elf nobleman, how dare you! Grand Magister, this is not a foreign emperor at all.

this is a.

This is a shameful maned brute who is deceiving us! "


Emperor Shaohao didn't explain anything at all, he threw a magic stone that recorded the tragedy of Azsuna to Lord Moon County, and turned to look at the whispering priests of the moon.

He said:

"Pray to the moon god, priests, the moonlight will let you see the truth. Ms. Elune has witnessed the tragedy. I believe that your gods will tell you the truth."

Several high-ranking priests looked at each other, and finally, under the leadership of the local high priest of the moon, they began to silently pray to Elune.

At the same time, Bu Laike, who was quietly telling Maiev a story in the Luna Temple, blinked.

He heard the prayers of the priests of the moon, he smiled, and conveyed everything he saw to them in the form of an "oracle".

The next moment, in the conference hall of the Tower of Darkness, several priests of the moon who received a clear oracle stood up instantly, and they were all terrified.

From his perspective, God projected everything that happened in Azsuna into the minds of the priests, as well as the short but ruthless conversation between Queen Azshara and Prince Farondis.

All this sent a dire message to the priests.

What the pandaren emperor said was true, the supreme Queen Azshara has gone mad, she has reached an agreement with the dark force of destruction, she will clean up all the rebels who do not obey her.

She only wants to keep the "high elves" she thinks are perfect in the "new world", and the believers of the moon god who have been resisting magic are also the targets that Queen Azshara and her dark allies want to eliminate.

"Get ready, believers of the moon."

Bu Laike's voice echoed in the ears of these sincere priests, like the dark phases of the moon shining brightly, he said:

"The war has begun."

"In the name of Elune and the Shadow of the Moon, you will fight for yourselves."

(end of this chapter)

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