Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1798 24. You Are Too Good, Illidan

Chapter 1798 24. You are too good, Illidan

"The demons are speeding up!"

The Moon Guard recruit Illidan Stormrage riding on the Hippogryph soon noticed a bad omen. Just as their "advanced army" rescued the fleeing elves, the rear was moving slowly. The demons of the army suddenly accelerated.

Those hideous bastards from hell seem to smell "fun".

They began to howl sharply, brandishing their weapons and spitting out flames, howling and rushing towards the enemies blocking them.

They yearn for the joy of blood and battle in this feeble world.

This horrifying discovery made Illidan frown. Fortunately, Shaohao and the Monkey King were strong enough. These two strong men locked the way for the demons to rush out of the forest, and gave the tired elves a way to escape. time.

But there are only two of them.

Even if the wand in the weird monkey's hand can be made bigger or smaller, it can't completely stop the chasing of the demons like a tide.

Illidan looked around, the city guard recruits he brought performed very well, although each one was also frightened by the ferociousness of the demons, but they still dispersed in the air under the command of Garrod to block those with bows and arrows Ugly mephits.

The magic arrows prepared in advance are very effective against the lower demons, and the elves are a race that is naturally good at shooting. Under their cover, the elves on the ground are speeding up, and the casters who have breathed a sigh of relief are constantly throwing magic To stop the attack of the devil.

But it won't work like this!

Illidan breathed a sigh of relief, and he tugged on the hippogryph's reins to slow the brave vulture through the air to give him time to cast his spell.

Although he is only a moon guard recruit, Illidan is very talented in spellcasting. He has mastered several moon guard secrets, which is enough to make him no longer fearful when fighting against demons.

Illidan raised the staff of the moon, skillfully controlling the power of the arcane arts, one after another arcane arcs flew in his hands, locked the target with spirit and then swung the staff, four or five balls of arcane arts flew out in the next instant The barrage spun and smashed into the sky.

The young elf manipulated the magic to explode in the sky, and the chaotic arcane power struck the sky like lightning, knocking down a group of mephits that were crowded together and couldn't dodge.

This astonishing record satisfied Illidan.

He started casting spells again, preparing to do another barrage to scrub the floor, but he suddenly heard a voice yelling in his ear:

"Pay attention to consumption, idiot, there are no other moon guards here to act as batteries to suck your magic power."

With strange sarcasm, the beaten voice said to Illidan:

"You killed thirteen mephits with one magic that can eliminate thirty demon hounds. Should I say that you have strong spellcasting ability? Or should I say that you are an idiot who doesn't know how to save energy and cast spells at all?

Use the least force to destroy the most enemies, didn't your mentor even teach you this truth? "

"Who? Who is speaking in my ear?"

Illidan was startled.

There are others on this battlefield!

But he didn't notice the location of that guy at all, and his magic shield showed no sign of being corroded. Could it be that his mind was affected?

"Of course it's your conscience, who else could it be? Well, don't be distracted! The ground! Four o'clock ahead, Frost Ring, release!"

The voice scolded.

Illidan lowered his head sharply, seeing a large group of howling demon hounds leaping from the flanks to several tired elf spellcasters.

He immediately raised his staff to call out the arcane, and in the cold air, a precise ring of frost was thrown to the ground, trapping those demon hounds on the ground with great danger, and then the Monkey King swung a stick like a war hammer , Aoao screamed and smashed those ugly things into a mosaic.

"At seven o'clock! There's a big guy, Arcane Barrage, let it go!"


Illidan turned around and swung his staff. After casting the spell for a second, a group of energy clusters that gathered arcane magic power screamed and smashed out like a war hammer. Break, let the bastard hit the ground howling.

"Your arcane barrage has too much magic power. Are you casting spells or blacksmithing? Next time, restrain yourself and use 70% of your power. Of course, if you think your magic power can be squandered casually, then just pretend I didn't say anything. "

The voice sounded again, and the sarcasm in it made Illidan grit his teeth.

"Arcane Missiles are scattered six times. At ten o'clock, draw a circle. There is an invisible succubus there. Don't tell me you can't even detect that thing?"

"whoosh whoosh"

The flowing arcane magic power turned into sharp missiles, piercing the hidden shadows with the shaking of Illidan's staff, and tore the lower succubi to pieces at both ends trying to sneak into the crowd.

"Retreat! Your active performance has attracted the attention of the grassroots demon commanders, retreat to high altitude."

The reminder came again, and the young elf hesitated this time.

As a result, in the next second, scorching magic energy shot from the forest, piercing through the wings of Illidan's Hippogryph with a whoosh, causing the poor beast to be ignited and howling, spinning and falling to the ground.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you seem to trust your own judgment more? It's a pity that your judgment is wrong, my poor Illidan, you are really too bad now."

The voice was still taunting Illidan as he fell.

The guy said:

"If you fall on the ground, don't come up. That beholder is staring at you. Just keep casting spells like this. When you run out of magic power, just grab an elf mage to drain his magic power so that you can continue to fight.

There is a way to absorb magic power in the moon guard's secret technique, but do it lightly, don't kill people.

This is the only way you can possibly escape with these refugees.

Evil indeed.

But it's up to you to use it or not. "

After finishing speaking, the voice dissipated, making Illidan Stormrage, who landed on the ground with a flashing technique, frown tightly. Seeing another demon appearing around him, there was not much time left for him to hesitate.

"Follow me!"

The recruit of the Moon Guard shouted, swung his staff and threw two arcane barrages to smash the stones and drive the demons away, and then led a group of people forward.

The elves who escaped from Zin-Azshari were not helpless civilians. The outermost warriors followed Illidan to charge on the ground with weapons in hand. There were candle dragons and hippogryph knights in the sky. Cooperating with the guards, but this did not reduce the threat they suffered at all.

The number of demons has exceeded the limit that these recruits can deal with, not to mention that an "elite" from among these demons will appear from time to time to make trouble, and if they cannot stop it, it will cause very bad consequences.

On Candle Dragon's head, Maiev kept shooting with a war bow. As a trainee priest of the Moon God, she couldn't use complex divine arts, but she could still summon the power of the Moon God to attach to the arrows.

This kind of magic arrow is extremely lethal to low-level demons, and Maiev's excellent hunter talent makes her almost never miss a shot, and every shot will take away the life of a low-level demon.

But the long-term precise shooting quickly made Maiev feel tired. She was just a trainee priest, and the power of the moon she could use was very limited.

"That's not right."

As Maiev gasped, a familiar voice sounded beside her.

Then there were warm hands raised from behind, holding Maiev's wrist, and Bu Laike, who was hidden in the shadow, corrected Maiev's shooting method to the most perfect posture.

Just like teaching novices how to shoot arrows, on the scorching battlefield where demons were slaughtered, he said to the trainee priest in a gentle voice:

"Don't aim with your eyes, especially when dealing with demons, their chaotic power will interfere with your perception, use your mind to lock on to them, just like casting a spell.

Adjust your breathing, a good hunter should always keep a calm mind.

When the power of the moon is attached to the arrow, it does not need to attach all of it. You only need to condense a little at the top of the arrow to increase the damage of order to chaos. You only need this to pierce the flesh and blood of the devil, and the rest is enough for your arrow.

The brains of demons are not necessarily tougher than those of elves, they will die if pierced by arrows, but I don't recommend you aim for the skull


No matter for any creature, the eyes are the most fatal weakness. "


Under the fine adjustment of Bo Laike's handle, Maiev let go of her fingers.

A shimmering arrow flew out from the bowstring, and precisely pierced into the left eye of a big mephit flying over ten meters in front, piercing and tearing its brain.

The ugly guy fell to the ground with a howl, and Maiev's body was turned to the other side. The second arrow was shot out in an instant, and the second demon headshot again, then the third arrow, and the fourth arrow.

In just a few seconds, Maiev shot down the six mephits, which made Illidan, who was casting spells on the ground, couldn't help but look up. He thought that Suramar had sent a high-level ranger to assist them. .

"Have you learned it?"

Bu Laike whispered something in Miss Maiev's ear, the hot breath hitting Maiev's sensitive ear made the priest's cheeks flush, she was still not used to such intimate contact with a man.

But she had to admit that Mr. Bo Laike was teaching her valuable combat knowledge just now.

Maiev oh Maiev!

How can you be so cranky at this moment?

The young lady priest tried her best to calm herself down, she nodded and whispered:

"It already feels a little bit."

"Is it just a feeling? This is not good, your number is too small. To save these fugitives, you must master these advanced hunting skills as quickly as possible."

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"It seems that I have to give you some help. Come, call on the name of Moon Shadow, and pray for my blessing."


Maiev hesitated.

But seeing that the situation on the ground and in the sky was getting worse, she stopped hesitating and said softly in a priestly tone:

"Master Moon Shadow, please grant me your strength."

"Very good, I give you the Eye of Hunting, the Hand of Slaughter, and the Mark of the Moon!"

As the pirate's voice fell, the world in Maiev's eyes changed rapidly.

Bu Laike's hunter way was shared with Miss Shadowsong, and the fatigue in her body was quickly eliminated, and the seal from Moon Shadow poured a steady stream of moon power into Maiev's body.


The incomparable strength lifted Ms. Yingge's spirit at this moment. She knew that this was a blessing from a higher life, just like the blessing from the moon god to a high-ranking priest.

She didn't waste any time, just raised her hand and came.

Powerful hunter perception, like a running radar, allows Maiev to grasp the position of all hostile life within hundreds of yards in an instant, and the hand of slaughter makes her shooting extremely stable, and each arrow can accurately penetrate the enemy's deadly body. Weakness, the power of the moon is constantly covering the top of the arrow, so that every arrow of Miss Shadow Song is attached with the power of order.

Massacre, a massacre started at this moment.

The trainee priest on Candle Dragon's head is like a moving fort, and every arrow is a deadly killing shot.

Under the stunned gaze of Jarod, who was guarding the crowd, his always cold sister seemed to have transformed into the legendary Ranger General all of a sudden. Any enemy caught by her could not escape the life-killing arrow in her hand.

"Sister, go on!"

Jarod flew over with the Hippogryph, and threw the pots of arrows in the horse's pocket to Maiev. These arrows were obviously more useful in the hands of the "exploding" sister than in his hands .


Bu Laike's voice rang in the ears of the moon guards on the ground, and he reminded:

"The demon commander is mobilizing troops and condemning generals. It is the 'brain' of this weak vanguard. If you don't kill it, you don't want to escape. You have to assassinate it.

I will guide you to the goal. "

"You want me to rush back to the pile of demons?"

The young elf shouted:

"You want me to die!"

"Are you scared?"

Bu Laike asked suddenly.

Illidan didn't speak, just took a few steps before jumping high, grabbing the outstretched hand of a Hippogryph knight flying over.

The elf with the Amber-colored eyes made a statement with his actions.

"very good."

Behind Illidan, the recruit knight said:

"The strength is mediocre in all aspects, but he is not considered a coward. The only advantage is that he is stupid and bold. Tsk tsk, it is really amazing."


Illidan immediately realized that there was a mysterious will temporarily occupying the knight's body. In the background of turning his head and rushing towards the ferocious demon behind him, he frowned and said:

"What the hell are you?"

"You actually called me 'something'? I think you really need to be taught a lesson."

Bu Laike, who was occupied by the coming of consciousness, said angrily:

"You bastard really has an arrogant personality that is seriously inconsistent with your strength, and I don't know if you have such an unreliable appearance in front of Tyrande.

I should really throw you into the demons down there and let them eat you.

But that's okay too.

You mark it for me, Illidan Stormrage. "

Bu Laike said in a cold tone:

"I am a powerful existence that you can't imagine. Although I didn't come here to fight against the devil, my relationship with these bastards is not very good, so I don't mind helping you.

From now on, you are the 'temporary choice' of the Silent Ones.

You need power, I will give you power, but you must do what I tell you, if you dare to reveal my existence to others, then...

Forget it, you dare not.

Below the target, feel it?

That sneaky beholder has noticed you. "

The Quiet One snorted.

In Illidan's astonished feeling, a thick shadow magic power poured into his body like a tide, and along with it came strange and forbidden knowledge.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask you, are you interested in changing jobs? From a useless moon guard to a powerful elf warlock. You don't know what a warlock is, do you?

It's okay, I will teach you slowly later.

All you need to know is that if you want to defeat demons, you must first understand them. This is your first lesson as a warlock. Now, hold on to your staff.

Let's start the practical class. "

(end of this chapter)

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