Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1799 25. The New Password Is...【Ask For A Monthly Ticket 1/3】

Chapter 1799 25. The new password is. [Seeking monthly ticket 13]

"The demon idiots are messing up! Shaohao, look at them!"

In the border forest of the Great Plains of Suramar, the Monkey King, who had already gone mad, waved the monk's stick covered in demon flesh and blood in his hand. This keen demigod sensed the changes on the battlefield.

It glanced back, and then shouted to Shaohao who was panting among the demon's bones beside him:

"They started running around, like beasts without a leader!"


The legendary monk, who was exhausted from fighting the demon for the first time, looked back. Sure enough, as the Monkey King said, the demons who were hunting together like a ferocious herd just now did not know what went crazy.

They began to spread out strangely, biting and attacking randomly in a clueless way.

This sudden change made Shaohao stunned for a moment, but then the emperor understood, and a smile appeared on his furry face, and said:

"I see! It must be that the demon's commander has been killed. These rough beings cannot think rationally. Once they don't have the command of the commander, they will fall into instinctive madness."

"But what's the use of it?"

The Monkey King tore off his tattered clothes and wiped his precious stick with a look of disgust, and said to Shaohao:

"There are still so many demons. Although there is no command, their danger has not decreased in the slightest. These lunatic idiots can tear those elf idiots apart with their teeth and claws.

They are a bunch of madmen, madder than a rabbit monster who eats too much lettuce and a bison who lights his tail. "

"Nothing has changed on an individual level, of course, my old friend."

Shaohao shook his head and said:

"But if it's a legion battle, the chaotic side is definitely not the opponent of the disciplined side. It seems that we have found the weakness of the devil, which is a good thing.

We are not needed here. "

The pandaren emperor glanced at the mountain forest covered with evil fire and corpses, he took a breath wearily, and said to the Monkey King:

"Let's go, let's protect those refugees. These demons are really difficult to deal with. I have to work hard to smash their heads."

"I don't see any difference."

The Monkey King laughed, flicked his tail and squeezed his eyes and said:

"Anyway, it's just a matter of sticking. I'm not afraid of these idiots with sharp teeth."

"You're too optimistic, you deserve to be a hozen."

Shaohao shook his head, sighed and said:

"You are a powerful demigod, maybe you can kill thousands of demons by yourself, but as you saw just now, there are more than a few thousand demons gushing out of Zin-Azshari.

Even Ni, once surrounded by them and unable to escape, will be bitten to death by them.

The number of demons is a terrible disaster, not to mention their individuals are far more than ordinary people. I'm pretty sure an elf soldier is no match for a demon soldier.


The Emperor clenched his fists and whispered:

"That's the catastrophe I see, it's coming."

"Go to the next forest, my friend. The demon commander over there has been assassinated by a brave young man, but he needs help now."

Just when Shaohao was about to leave, Bu Laike's voice rang in the emperor's ear, making Shaohao stop.

He heard Bo Laike say to him:

"Take that brave young man and retreat to the line of the elves. Don't stay there for long. The elves don't have an intuitive understanding of the threat of demons. They are dealing with demons the way they deal with trolls.

They will reap a terrible defeat. This is not something you can stop, and don't try to stop it, make preparations in advance and try to preserve your vitality.

I'll be waiting for you in Suramar City. "

"Let's go, there's someone Bu Laike is following over there."

With a wave of his hand, Shaohao led the Monkey King to change direction and rush into the other side of the jungle.

They soon found traces of Illidan Stormrage. The young moon guard fell into a large pit that was still steaming, as if some kind of power had erupted here and remained in the pit. holding a fragmented corpse of a big beholder.

The guy with the fleshy tentacles is the commander of this weak demon vanguard.

"This elf is a warrior!"

Shaohao jumped down in amazement and picked up the unconscious Illidan. He looked at the corpses of demons killed by ferocious forces around him, and turned to the Monkey King and said:

"His courage amazes even a monk like me."

"No, he didn't do it."

The demigod Monkey King can obviously see more.

It squatted on the ground and fiddled with those demon corpses, then got up to check Illidan's state, scratched its head and whispered:

"It was done by the Bo Laike idiot, the mysterious idiot who lent his powers to the elf idiot, and by his hand got rid of the demon commander.

Can he still carry out such a powerful 'blessing'? "

The monkey flicked its tail half-godly, and said to Shaohao in a strange tone:

"Looks like we'll have to adjust our guesses about Bo Laike's idiot, who might not be bragging that he might indeed be a god."


The Great Temple between Suramar City and the mountains (the Tomb of Sargeras 10,000 years later) has become the front line of the war. The largest Moon Temple in the Elf Empire, together with this small city, was used by Lord Ravencrest position.

The residents here have been moving to the city since last night, and a large number of soldiers have been stationed here. The moon guards from the Moon Guard Fortress and the guards from Black Rook Castle are building fortifications along the Great Temple.

But there's really nothing to build.

This temple, which is the size of a small city, is itself the best fortification. Together with the city walls and mage towers around the plain, it forms a solid line of defense leading to Suramar City.

After all, this is the second largest city in the empire. When it was established, the elf empire was still at war with trolls. Every city in this plain had both gorgeous and military purposes.

Of course, Suramar, which was later renovated in peacetime, abandoned its military use, resulting in a city that is luxurious but has no danger at all.

That city didn't even have a decent wall.

Once the demons broke through the defense circle of the Great Temple, Suramar would fall almost the same day.

Therefore, Lord Ravencrest put everything on the defense circle of the Great Temple, where he must block the peak of demon soldiers, otherwise the entire population of millions of people in Suramar would be wiped out.

Things weren't so bad.

If the city of Nazaras is still there, then the legion under Prince Farondis' support from Azsuna will be able to form a stronger defense circle with the Great Temple.

But alas, Azsuna is finished.

"Quick! Let these poor people in quickly."

On the ground outside the heavily armed fortress of the Great Temple, Deyana, the high priest of the glorious Temple of the Moon, watched the elf fugitives appear before her, and she asked the soldiers to let them go with the mercy due to a priest.

But the soldiers would not listen to her.

She is just a high priest, not a military officer.

In desperation, Priest Deyana could only turn to Captain Yasa Moonstrike beside him for help.

The latter was a frontline officer sent by Lord Ravencrest, and this officer riding on the armored Moonsaber was sizing up the fugitives in front of him with indifferent eyes.

She is not cold-blooded, but simply vigilant, and she knows more about the cause of this war than the high-ranking priest.

"Are there any nobles among you?"

Captain Xiyue asked in a cold voice, and several high-level elf nobles came out immediately. Before they could speak, two huntresses stepped forward to detain these nobles with a wave of the captain's hand.

"The Highborne in the capital city have obeyed the Queen's orders. They have done terrible things to their compatriots. The High Lord asked me to examine you carefully.

Sorry guys, but you have to be questioned. "

The captain gestured to the soldier, and she said:

"The rest of the night elf civilians can enter the city, but they can't stay on the ground. Immediately move to the rear of Suramar."


Just before the fugitives were about to enter the position, Maiev, the trainee priest who jumped off the golden dragon, held on to the feeling of weakness after the blessing, and said to the high-ranking priest and the Huntress commander in front of him:

"The spies and saboteurs of the devil may be hidden among the fugitives. This is the revelation from the moon god to me! They must accept the light of the moon."


Captain Asa Moon Attacker glanced at Maiev in surprise, then looked at the blood-stained City Guard soldiers standing behind Maiev, she nodded, and told the high-ranking priest beside her, Deyana, A few words.

A few minutes later, a large moonlight magic was released to sweep across the crowd, and immediately the hidden succubi were illuminated. Those weird, weak but vicious guys screamed and tried to escape, but were quickly shot to death by the sentinels on the arrow tower .

This incident immediately caused confusion among the crowd.

But the people who passed the moonlight test were released and quickly let the fugitives relax. They were allowed to enter the position but could not stay too long, and they were also given food and water by the soldiers.

The surviving warriors and spellcasters were called to talk, and they told the soldiers on the ground about the horrific massacre that had happened in Zin-Azhali, which left some officers who didn't believe that the queen was mad.

The situation is beyond their doubts, the devil is coming, and they must be ready to fight immediately.

"Miss Maiev?"

Maiev was resting in the Temple of the Moon God, and her experience interested the high-ranking priests in the temple.

Especially after hearing the fugitives describe the glorious deeds of Ms. Maiev killing many demons with a bow like the incarnation of the moon god, the priestesses here speculated that there might be a "chosen one".

But their inquiries were not answered, and Maiev remained silent about what happened just now, until Shaohao returned with the unconscious Illidan.

The pandaren emperor looked at the tired trainee priest in front of him with admiration, and said in a low voice:

"He asked me to take you back to Suramar. He doesn't want you to stay here for too long. He obviously cares about you."

"I'm staying here."

Maiev gritted her teeth and said:

"I'm needed here."

"No, your 'study' is not over yet."

Shaohao said softly:

"The lord asked me to tell you that if you want to help your people, you should honestly return to Suramar and continue your studies.

He said that your potential has not been discovered, just like the elf warrior who assassinated the demon commander alone, you must be patient if you want to take on more important responsibilities. "

"Sister, go back."

Garrod also walked into the temple. The recruit who had just experienced a battle stretched out his hand and held his sister's wrist. He said softly:

"It's fine if I stay here. I'm a soldier, but you're not. Go back."


Maiev stroked her brother's resolute face, she sighed and said:

"I'm sorry, Jarod, but my stubbornness got you involved."

"You are my sister, how can I let you go?"

Jarod laughed. Today's battle gave him confidence. He let out a sigh of relief and whispered to Maiev with his eyes closed:

"And you don't have to worry about me. A mysterious person who is pursuing you said he will protect me. Tell me honestly, sister, when did you have a boyfriend? It's still so powerful."

"He is not"

Maiev wanted to explain, but she really couldn't describe the specific situation of Bu Laike, because all she knew about Bu Laike was that the mysterious Lord Moon Shadow had been a pirate.

After all, the story that Bo Laike told her was just the beginning.

"Okay, I'll go back to Suramar."

Miss Maiev thought about it carefully, and she felt more and more that whether Suramar could survive this crisis would most likely depend on whether Bu Laike was willing to help.

She keenly felt that her own existence was an important bargaining chip in this issue.

She doesn't know why she has this "honour", but there is no doubt that she is important.

Maiev stood up. She looked around and saw Ms. Deyana, the high priest who was in charge of the Moon God Temple. She suddenly remembered something and walked over quickly.

She whispered to the high priest:

"Ma'am, I want to know, have you received any oracle or revelation when you prayed to Ms. Elune in recent days?"

"You seem to know some of the answers, my young sister."

Maiev's question immediately caused the high priest Deyana to narrow her eyes. This senior lady of the Elune Sisterhood looked around and whispered:

"To tell you the truth, since five days ago, Lady Elune's power has become more and more obscure, she no longer even responds to the prayers of the high priests, and even the moonlight has dimmed.

We now suspect that this matter is related to the invasion of demons, perhaps those filthy things have defiled the holy power of the moon god, and we are looking for a solution. "

"No, it's not that the devil has tarnished the brilliance of the moon god, but the nature of the moon phase has changed."

Maiev said to the high priest seriously:

"The dark moon phase is emerging, Ms. Deyana, we can no longer just pray to the bright moon, the power of the shadow moon is growing, it is the punishment power that Ms. Elune sent down in this era of disaster.

I know, this is a teaching that has never been taught before.


But if the battle is urgent and needs the blessing of the power of the moon god, then you can try to pray to the 'shadow of the moon'. "


Ms. Dejana, who is a high-ranking priest, immediately felt something different from Maiev's description. She looked at Maiev carefully, and after a few seconds, she asked:

"So, you are indeed a 'God's Chosen', but not Ms. Elune's God's Chosen, right?"

"I do not know."

Maiev shook her head, she lowered her head and touched her fingers, saying:

"I don't really know, I'm just...just trying to help."

"Well, this kind of thing is always obscure, my young sister, so you don't have to feel alarmed by it."

The high priest comforted:

"Fate has its own destiny, and your reminder came at the right time, go back to Suramar and rest, my sister, you look terrible, you need rest badly.

Say hello to your mentor Diana for me. "


Maiev nodded, and a few minutes later, she and Emperor Shaohao and the unconscious Illidan flew to Suramar on the Candle Dragon.

The Monkey King voluntarily stayed in this position.

The demigod does not like to fight, but if the enemy is a demon, then it is not afraid to pour out the wrath of the demigod on those destroyers.

And if Bu Laike's prophecy is true, if the defensive circle of the Great Temple can't stop the demon attack, the presence of the Monkey King here will at least allow more people to retreat to safety.

After watching Shaohao and his sister leave, the somewhat tired Garrod let out a sigh of relief. He looked back at the Monkey King who was sitting on the ground drinking wine, and walked over to ask:

"Great demigod, I have a little problem."

"Well, a smart and brave idiot is going to seek wisdom from the Monkey King, that's awesome."

The big horse monkey laughed and shook its tail. It leaned on its beloved stick of blessing, while drinking the elf wine with gusto, while looking at Garrod, he said:

"Tell me, hairless idiot, what doubts do you have?"

Garald ignored the monkey's demigod's mouth habit, and asked directly:

"I want to ask, are there any other powerful demigods like you on this land? Can they come to help?"

(end of this chapter)

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