Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1807 33. Queen Azshara's Patience Is Running Out

Chapter 1807 33. Queen Azshara's patience is running out

While the fledgling Stormrage Brothers were being questioned by the demigods, in the Shadowsong ancestral house in Suramar City, a warm and throbbing fire was lit from the fireplace, and Miss Maiev stood up somewhat disappointed and prepared to go back to the Temple of the Moon God.

It's been half an hour since the agreed story time, but she hasn't seen Mr. Boo Laike yet.

There may be no stories to hear tonight.

Although I don't know why, Miss Maiev, who arrived on time, was slightly disappointed when she failed to see the soothing voice to attend the appointment.

As the cloud of war in Suramar City is getting heavier and heavier, and I don't know when it started, the story of this night seems to have become a necessary part of life.

At least when Miss Maiev was listening to the story, she could temporarily forget the plight of the wounded who were continuously sent back to the city from the front line.

Although the city administrators have been proclaiming that the elf rebels have a great advantage, as healers in the rear, Maiev and her sisters can easily distinguish the increasingly brutal frontline situation from the number of wounded soldiers.

It is said that the demon army is standing still on the plains of Suramar, but the brutal confrontation outside the battlefield has never stopped.

But just as Miss Maiev turned to leave with a heavy heart, as the shadow swayed, that gentle voice sounded behind her.

"Sorry, something happened, I'm late."

Laike patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, and sat on the chair by the fireplace. In the peaceful atmosphere where the warm firelight illuminated the dark hall, he took out a bottle of wine and poured it into two glasses, and then turned around Maiev said:

"As compensation, I will tell you two stories tonight, about a pair of brothers and the girl they love together. These are very good stories."

"Then can I make two wishes?"

Miss Maiev turned her head and showed a sly smile, which made the pirate laugh dumbly. He handed a glass of wine to the trainee priest and said:

"You are too greedy, this is not a virtue taught by the moon god.

But I sense your uneasiness, and perhaps I can help you with a prophecy. You know, besides the storyteller, the handsome and successful pirate and the moon god and the mysterious time traveler, I'm also a good seer. "


Maiev did not refuse the offer.

But she refused the wine offered by Bo Laike. As a priest, she should not drink this addictive liquid, let alone at this moment of war.

Time passed by little by little, as if it was midnight in the blink of an eye, Bu Laike stopped talking, poured the last sip of wine into his mouth, and looked back, Maiev had already fallen asleep on the chair by the fireplace.

She must be tired.

Although Laike didn't pay much attention to the situation in the city, he almost didn't need to guess to know that the Temple of the Moon God in the city was definitely very busy for a couple of days.

As the only healing profession currently existing in the elven society, the pressure on the Priests of the Moon during this time of war can be imagined.

Seeing that Maiev was sleeping so soundly, the pirate grinned a weird smile. Being able to fall asleep so calmly in front of a strange man probably proved that the young Miss Shadowsong had regarded Bo Laike as someone she could trust.

This seems to fully prove Bu Laike's "charm". After all, he did not use the power of the void to interfere with Maiev's thoughts. This is Miss Shadowsong's own choice.

"Who else dares to say that I am a man who doesn't understand style?"

Bo Laike stood up, complained in a low voice, then picked up the blanket from the side of the chair and gently covered Maiev's body, he wanted to lean over and kiss the girl's cheek but he didn't do it in the end.

When dealing with innocent girls, there will be no good results if you act too hastily.

But the embarrassing thing was that Maiev's sleep made the pirate idle again. As a void god, he no longer needed sleep to replenish his energy.

Now Stormrage Brothers, Jarod, Ravencrest, Huon Gaoling and other important figures are also advancing according to his ideas. In order to ensure that they will not be discovered by interested people in the other world, pirates must Maintain a minimal intervention.

"Would you like to go to Zin-Azhali?"

Bu Laike thought so.

But he quickly dismissed the idea. The elf capital is now a demon den, with Azshara and the polluters who just crossed the border sitting there.

I'm not worried about being exposed, but it's meaningless if I just turn around and look at the scenery in the past.

Now is the early stage of the War of the Ancients, and the war is just brewing. There is still some time before the arrival of Sargeras, and Laike doesn't want to startle the snake.

It's better to stay with Maiev here.

Pirate Scraps lay back on the chair without any psychological burden, and casually picked up a book of scenery of the Elven Empire to read, but after a few minutes, Bu Laike felt a certain aura approaching from the nearby streets.

"Another lady's meeting at night, I don't know if it's an illusion, Mr. Silent One's female popularity has suddenly improved."

He grinned and disappeared into the room, and when he reappeared, he was already standing in the shadow of the approaching person like a ghost.

"My dear Dean Lanyue, why are you running around without rest at night?"

Bu Laike whispered to the hooded Elven Archmage in front of him:

"Couldn't the double pressure of assisting Lord Ravencrest handle military affairs during the day and doing magic test papers to increase knowledge at night not consume your energy?

It was agreed when we separated last time that in order not to cause disturbances in fate, we must maintain a minimum of contact. "

"I came here on business."

Ms. Alya Lanyue shook her head. She didn't pay attention to the complaints of her mysterious disciple. In the quiet street at night, she turned her head and said to Bu Laike:

"I have been following your advice to join this necessary war, but things have changed, and I feel that it is necessary to talk to you. About Suramar, about Elisande."

"What happened to her?"

Bu Laike asked in surprise:

"Does the great magister want to join the enemy? She won't be so naive when she has already made substantial hostility with Queen Azshara."

"No one can guess what Elisande is thinking, but I found that she is definitely planning something in the dark."

Dean Lanyue said very seriously:

"The two suggestions she made to Ravencrest seemed normal on the surface, but I found some time today to look in the main body of the Nightwell, which has been pushed to the final stage, and found some clues.

Some of the magic runes are not quite right, Laike.

Elisande said she was going to set up Suramar as a logistical base for the Rebels, but she held back, the Grand Magister had left some 'back doors' in the Nightwell.

She can harness the mighty magic of the Nightwell to seal off the city if she chooses.

This makes me feel worried, maybe Elisande and us are not of one mind, she just stood with us against Azshara's tyranny because of the current situation.

But as long as she has the chance, she will withdraw from this war. She is fighting the idea of ​​snipe and clam. To be honest, I am not very relieved to entrust our escape route to such a person. "

Speaking of this, the young Dean Lanyue glanced at Laike, and she said:

"I haven't told Ravencrest about this. After all, I don't have evidence in my hand. My reason tells me that I'd better talk to you, and maybe I can get an answer from you."

"It is a great honor to be trusted by you, my dear dean."

Bo Laike grinned, and he said to the worried Blue Moon Dean:

"But my opinion on this matter is to let her go, remember the prophecy I gave you on the night of Azsuna's destruction? The key to this war is not winning, but timing.

You participated in the previous battle in the Great Temple, and you saw the power of the Burning Legion with your own eyes. You, a wise spellcaster, don't really think that our chances of victory will increase after the war prolongs, right?

Suramar was only where the war began, but the city was not where the disaster ended.

Whether we like it or not, we are going to Xin Azshara to face the cause of all disasters, the proud Queen Azshara who sits on the throne.

Your personal grievances with her, my personal grievances with her, and how to destroy the portal on the Well of Eternity and shatter her dark fantasies can only be done in that city. "

The pirate reached out and patted the dean on the shoulder, and he comforted in a low voice:

"As for Suramar, this city has its own destiny, just like each of us has our own destiny, there is no need to interfere or force it.

You can distrust Elisande's character, but you have to trust her cunning. Before the victory of the Suramar war, the Grand Magister will firmly support Lord Ravencrest.

She knows very well what conditions are needed to achieve a situation where the snipe and the clam are fighting each other. Before the turning point, she will be our most staunch ally.

As for after victory, let her go.

At least I never expect an ambitious grand magister to give his allegiance to someone.

That's not realistic. "

"So, the key to the problem lies in the Well of Eternity."

Dean Lan Yue narrowed his eyes.

The thick dark circles under her crystal glasses meant that she hadn't had a good rest these days, but the indifference lingering around this lady at this moment represented the anger burning in her heart.

She glanced at Bo Laike and said:

"We're finally going to destroy the magic well that brought prosperity to the Elven Empire, shall we?"

"You are a very clever lady."

The pirate said in a subtle tone:

"The breaking of the Well of Eternity will cause a cataclysm. It will be the twilight of the Empire, but if it is necessary to prevent a mad king from dedicating the world to the dark gods, we must make up our minds."

"I am looking forward to that day, my future disciple."

The worries in Ms. Lanyue's heart were soothed, she let out a long breath, clenched her fists in the long sleeves of the robe, and said:

"Azshara ruthlessly destroyed what I loved, she took my hope and made me suffer, and I will crush her ambition and let her taste my pain.

Thank you, Bu Laike.

Thank you for giving me a chance to be an Avenger. "

"Protect Highlord Ravencrest, my mentor."

Bu Laike reminds:

"Once we win the battle of Suramar by chance, then High Lord Ravencrest, the leader of the rebel army, will definitely become a thorn in Queen Azshara's side.

She will stop at nothing to kill the leader of the rebels.

That would be a terrible catastrophe for the coalition forces. "

"I will, Bu Laike, my disciple."

Dean Lanyue nodded and said:

"I will try my best to do anything that can make Azshara suffer, not to mention that Ravencrest is my old friend, and I will not sit back and watch him be hurt by conspirators.

I think this is probably why you rescued me from the fate of death. I have my duty to bear. "

"Well, yes, that's what I thought, Master."

Bu Laike blinked, grinned, and said:

"It's late at night, you should have a good rest, of course, I hope you brought the magic test papers completed in the past two days, we can take some time to check your progress.

After all, for spellcasters, knowledge is our power. "

"I brought it."

Dean Lanyue shrugged and took out a thick stack of test papers from her bag. She pushed her glasses and said:

"I still have a few questions that I don't understand very well. Maybe I need to take some of your time to explain these obscure and novel magic theories to me."

"Of course, of course, as you can see, I'm free."

The pirate sighed and said:

"In an era when many things are destined to happen and I can only fine-tune the direction of the situation in a small range, as a prophet, I have a lot of time to answer your doubts.

So, let's look at this question.

Regarding the technique of using pure magic power in an ionic state in the time-accelerated state, to understand this theory, you must first master the time-accelerated magic.

I remember that I explained the spell model of this magic to you in a dream the day before yesterday. "

"I have mastered this spell, but I'm not very proficient yet. Do you need me to demonstrate it to you and let you point out my mistakes?"

"Well, yes, let's find a safer place first, mentor, lest the magic power go out of control and blow up the whole street. I can adjust your mental state for you by the way.

You look terrible and look very tired.

You need to rest, even if it's just a few minutes of light sleep. "


"Well, the Well of Eternity! The power to shock people's hearts."

In the gorgeous court of Zin-Azshari, the polluter Archimonde, who had just crossed the fel energy portal to Azeroth, was standing on the edge of the Well of Eternity. The blue-skinned eredar demon opened his arms arms, as if to embrace the miraculous thing in front of him that bursts out energy from the heart of the world.

The Defiler admired the rare and supreme thing among the stars in front of him. Behind it, large swaths of Eredar wizards took over the tired Highborne spellcasters and continued to expand the energy supply of the Well of Eternity. The devil's gate, let it continue to expand in the material world, forming a huge rotating reflection like a hill.

"The supreme master is approaching this world, and he wants to see a completely surrendered star soul, we must achieve this great victory for him!

Come on, you bastards!

Expand the portal and throw the master's legion into the world. "

The big blue man yelled at the eredar wizards under his command. Its roar made the whole of Zin-Azshari tremble, and made those soft-boned highborne show fearful expressions amidst the surrender of all demons.

As spellcasters, they have never seen such a powerful alien creature as the polluter. The supreme power possessed by the great demon seems to represent the generosity and majesty of the lord of the legion.

This made many high-level elves who had completely surrendered eagerly look forward to it, but it also made many nobles in the court who watched this scene worried.

But the owner of this gorgeous palace doesn't care about the arrival of the big devil.

On the high dome of the Elven King's Court, Queen Azshara is still leaning on her royal chariot in an elegant and relaxed posture. This arrogant ruler with unparalleled demeanor doesn't even bother to focus on Archimonde .

She just stared at the growing portal in front of her eyes, and her Amber eyes could see the huge burning figure in the reflection of the swirling stars.

She could feel the power of the dark god, which fascinated her deeply.

But before meeting the God of Darkness, the Queen also had her own troubles. She looked at the demons walking around, put the golden goblet in the hand of the maid beside her, got up and walked to the edge of the platform, and said to Archimonde :

"The Polluter, your master promised to make this world a perfect paradise for the Highborne, and you and your fellow demons declare that no one in this world can stand against the might of the Legion.

But unfortunately, you reaped a failure.

It frankly disappoints me that my less wise subjects have whacked your vanguard. If this is the power of the 'Invincible' legion, then maybe I should reconsider my cooperation with you. "

The proud queen snorted disdainfully, she looked at Archimonde, and said in a frivolous and majestic tone:

"Come on, convince me, polluter, convince me to continue to support your demons running amok in my land, if you don't do what you promised

I don't mind getting my hands dirty. "

PS: Please ask for a monthly ticket~ It’s a little bit close

(end of this chapter)

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