Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1808 34. The Dungeon Of The War Of The Ancients Is Officially Opened, Please Prepare Your Ow

Chapter 1808 34. The dungeon of the War of the Ancients is officially opened, please prepare your own potion for the members of the wasteland reclamation team

"Failure? No, I don't see any failure."

In Queen Azshara's gorgeous court, the archdemon was very unhappy with the queen's arrogance. Since it became the commander of the Burning Legion, few mortals have dared to question it so arrogantly.

But Ake is well aware of the importance of this powerful woman in front of his master's great cause.

More importantly, although most of the power of the Well of Eternity behind it is used to support this world-class portal, Azshara, as the master, can still mobilize the remaining power of the magic well.

Once the polluter's answer angered Azshara, it and its demon minions could easily fall into an embarrassing situation where Azshara beat them up.

Any smart person would not take the initiative to put himself in a predicament where he might be humiliated, so Archimonde rolled his huge eyeballs, and it replied patiently:

"Those rebels who stand in the way of their lord's great cause hold back the least vanguard of the Legion, and I have sent my lieutenant, Tichondrius, to the battle of Governor Suramar.

I will sit on Zin-Azshari myself, and the mighty Maronorth will be your sharp minions.

Your Majesty the Empress, tomorrow!

I guarantee you will hear the news of the victory by nightfall tomorrow.

The city of Suramar, which disobeyed your decree, was only the first, followed by the cities of Eresthalas and Sandarra, and then the whole glorious empire will return to your rule again.

The lowly and ignorant night elves will beg their gods to save them in howls, but we will cruelly reject them. This world will become pure, and it will be the heaven of power that the master promised to the perfect highborne.

I promise, those bugs that make you feel bored will be swept away, whether it's troll pandaren, dragons and guardians, or other weird civilizations, they will all be wiped out under the impact of the legion !

The whole world will bow at your feet.

you will see.

This is what the owner wants to see. "

"Well, you are as good at laying out lies of hope as you are, and it looks like Lord Sargeras will still pick some wise men to run his legions.

But that's about it.

When I become your new master, I will send someone to teach you how to speak to a noble person. Your etiquette is terrible, Sir Archimonde.

Plus, your promises had better be done on time. "

Azshara waved her hand and said expressionlessly:

"My patience has never been much. Continue your work, demons. Also, restrain your beasts and stop disturbing my people. They have worked hard to serve the operation of this portal.

I do not wish to see my servants mistreated.

I'm just reminding you this time. "

While the Queen was talking with the Great Demon, on another platform in the palace, a group of exhausted Highborne nobles were enjoying a short rest here.

They were sleepy one by one, and their magic-savvy and loyal followers of the Queen had been maintaining the portal and expanding it since the portal opened.

This job is so urgent that nobles with noble status usually have to do it in person.

The queen may think that this is the high elves working hard for their own bright future, but obviously, not all the high elves have the same expectations for the promised "future" as her queen.

In the silence, a pale female nobleman leaned on her staff and looked at the gate of the world in the distance with a look of hatred, and whispered to the handsome leader standing on the balcony overlooking the Well of Eternity Say:

"We can't drag on any longer, Dath'Remar, we're all exhausted, those demons use us as lowly magic beasts, they trample on our dignity, ignore our sacrifices, if it wasn't for Azshara asking them not to kill We, I'm afraid those hateful whips are upon us.

We must act, there are more and more demons, the mad queen is attracted by the shameful future, and she can no longer see the crumbling empire under her feet.

Moreover, our 'friends' outside may not be able to stop the increasingly powerful army of demons. "

"Patience, my lady."

The great nobleman Dath'Remar Sunstrider stared at the platform where the queen was. Wearing the flaming headband, he also seized the time to rest to accumulate strength. He looked at the world rift that was expanding above the gorgeous Well of Eternity, and those who had come from The violent demons rushing out of the crack.

He said softly with no expression on his face:

"We only have one chance, and it's not time to start it yet. The more the spellcasters forced by Azshara to serve the demons are squeezed, the more restless their resistance and resistance will be.

Mad Azshara will turn them into our allies.

You have also seen the increasing power of the demons. Our stupid loyalty made us miss the best chance to prevent disasters. If we want to restore all this, we must accumulate some more power.

Also, hide those civilians well.

Don't be discovered by the devil or Xavius' henchmen, and then send someone to contact Ravencrest and give him all the information we have obtained and the assistance we can find from the outside world.

Rebels must persevere.

We have a chance only if they win. "


The noblewoman seemed to be very convinced of Lord Dath'Remar, she immediately called her servants to deliver the news, and at the same time, a group of Queen's guards walked into the resting platform.

The leader of the Queen's Guard Captain Varosen knocked on the table indifferently, and said to a group of nobles who were staring at him indifferently:

"Have you had enough rest? Your Excellencies, it's time to work."

"Varosen, your shameful face is really disgusting!"

An upper elf noble couldn't bear it anymore, he sarcastically said:

"How many bones did Lord Xavius ​​give you? For you to maintain such a loyal service, who are you loyal to? His Majesty Azshara, or that shameless bastard who has knelt down to the devil?"

"Your question is meaningless. Lord Xavius ​​is deeply appreciated and trusted by His Majesty Azshara. To obey the orders of His Majesty the Lord is to serve His Majesty."

The cold and powerful captain of the guard put the long whip in his hand on the table expressionlessly, and said to the nobleman who asked the question:

"On the contrary, your question itself seems to represent disloyalty. Her Majesty has bestowed upon you strength, wisdom and a bright and beautiful future. Everything she has done is to create a paradise for us perfect high elves. .

And you dare to question the Queen's decision!

Perhaps I should put you in the kennel to feed the wild dogs of Harkkar, so that you can reflect on your loyalty. "

"you dare!"

Varocen's threat immediately aroused the same hatred among the nobles. A large group of highborne elves who were resting here stood up. They clenched their fists, and some of them had already drawn out their staffs.

The guards behind the captain of the guards also unsheathed their swords in unison, and the atmosphere suddenly became gloomy and cold.

"Enough, gentlemen, don't let the devil see our jokes."

Dath'Remar Sunstrider came back to his senses and scolded:

"We should serve the queen wholeheartedly. This is our duty. Let's get to work. Also, Varothen, put away your arrogance. Xavius ​​has never been a good leader. You should see this clearly. a little.

You question our loyalty, I advise you to take a look at your own loyalty, Her Majesty Azshara has not surrendered to the demons, but Xavius ​​has begun to fall into fel energy.

You are the captain of the queen's guard, not the devil's henchman! "

The words of the great nobleman made Captain Varocen's face change slightly, but he didn't say much, he just gestured for the guards to put away their weapons, and watched as Sunstrider led the group of disgruntled nobles out. This resting platform, return to their posts and cooperate with those demon wizards to continue to expand the gate of the world.

Looking down from this height, it is easy to see that the entire Well of Eternity is covered with spell-casting nodes everywhere, and the highborne elves under the Queen's command are already covered there.

The nobles of the past are now serving the Queen's great cause just like the humble servants. The Queen thinks this is a manifestation of loyalty, but Varosen knows that the dissatisfaction has been fermenting rapidly, but it was all concealed by Lord Xavius down.

The loyal Valothen felt that perhaps he should find an opportunity to remind His Majesty.

The promised future is certainly beautiful, but if it goes on like this, it will only make the upper elves who are most loyal to the empire alienated, which is not a good thing.


"The demons are attacking!"

The shrill shouts echoed above the defense line of the Great Temple in the night at dawn, together with the piercing sound of horns, the High Lord Ravencrest, whose complexion changed slightly, rushed out of his tent, in this moonless world Under the dark night, he could clearly see that the Sea of ​​Demons that had stopped for two days had changed again.

In the shadows, dark green meteorites fell from the sky, illuminating the earth and at the same time allowing the sentinels to see the tide of destruction rolling forward.

Words had come from the spellcasters in the towers around the Temple of the Moon, and there was a greater mind than ever in the chain of command of the Demon Legion.

The Great Demon has finally appeared on the battlefield.

This means that the weakest link of the demon army has been replenished, and it also means that the worst war has begun.

There is no need for the high lord to give orders. All the tactics have been discussed and determined in the past two days. Now that the battle situation has resumed, the commanders of each department will advance according to the previous instructions.

The steel golems transported from Suramar City were activated, and these five or six-meter-high behemoths were driven forward by stepping on the ground under the guidance of the golem masters.

They will be the sharpest swords of the high lords of Ravencrest against the enemy, and the fearless warriors will start to rush out of the position after the golems, and the mage tower will also be in operation, before the first wave of fel meteorites fall. Put up a thick shield.

Elisande and Alya Blue Moon were teleported from Suramar to the front line a few minutes later. Under the command of the two great arcanists, the spell-casting system on the elf rebel side also quickly operated.

This is probably the only advantage on the Rebel side.

Thanks to the elf empire's promotion of arcane magic for nearly a thousand years and the existence of world wonders like the Well of Eternity, the number of spellcasters in the elf empire is ridiculously large.

Even compared to the army of demons rolling in at this time, the magic power of the rebel army still has the upper hand.

As long as the mages can convert their magic into direct combat power, the demons don't want to break through the defense of the Great Temple so easily.

But the High Lord Ravencrest is the commander-in-chief, and his art of war has turned into the commander's intuition to constantly warn him in his mind. The High Lord quickly went up to a mage tower on the front line, scanning the entire chaotic battlefield .

After noticing that while the demon vanguard was attacking the main formation of the Great Temple, two flanking legions were separated to go around the front to attack the weak point of the defense line, the High Lord quickly came to a conclusion.

Can't keep it!

During the two-day standoff, both sides had reinforcements coming in.

However, the reinforcements from the Elven Rebel Army were far from being able to compare with the number of demons. After two days of fermentation, the number of demons in the Great Plains of Suramar had exceeded the limit that the Great Temple could withstand.

The flanks at both ends of the front line cannot be defended.

Don't expect the tall city walls temporarily shaped by magic to stop these vicious destroyers.


Ravencrest yelled:

"Go and rule the Grand Magister, let her bring people back to defend Suramar, the demons are about to cross the line of defense and attack the city behind us! My soldiers and I will stay here to hold back the main force of the demon army, and we will give her as much as possible Buy more time, she must complete the Nightwell's defensive shield before we die in battle.

That was the last chance for the Resistance. "

The order of the great lord was quickly conveyed to another mage tower, and the great magister prepared to leave the battlefield that was about to become hell on earth through the portal without hesitation.

But when she turned around, Alya Blue Moon reached out and grabbed her wrist.

With the help of the mysterious disciple, she took a nap for a while, and headmaster Lanyue, who replenished her energy, stared at Elisande's obscure eyes, and she warned seriously:

"Don't be smart, Elisande, even if you want to stay out of it, you have to pick a good time. If we lose, you will be the next one to lose. Do you think Azshara will spare you, a rebel?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Ms. Lanyue, maybe the pressure of the war has made you lose control."

The great magister said blankly:

"I'm just following the orders of the great lord, now, let me go!"

"up to you."

A strange smile appeared on Ms. Lanyue's pretty face. She waved her staff and said in a low voice:

"But what I want to tell you is that Ravencrest and I's biggest hole card is not here, but in Suramar City. Of course, you can try to abandon us, as long as you can bear the heavy price.

You're a smart man, Elisande.

A wise man will not abandon his last straw at this time. "

"Once again, my loyalty to Lord Ravencrest is evident, my duty to Suramar and my people is in my heart, and I am at odds with the tyrant Azshara.

I, Elisande, am not secretly plotting against the rebels! "

The great magister said seriously:

"You were just misled by personal prejudice and hatred in your heart, Lan Yue, I am a heroic rebel fighter just like you, I don't know and don't want to know what you are talking about."

After finishing speaking, Elisande led his followers back to the Tower of Darkness through the portal. The moment he fell into the hall he was familiar with, the sullen-faced Great Magister let out a sigh of relief.

She is loyal to herself behind her, the astrologer Etraeus said:

"Close the magic guide rune immediately, push the Eye of Aman'Thul into the Nightwell, activate the Nightwell in the normal way, we don't have much time."

"Mistress, in this case, we have to wait at least seven days to reactivate the rune."

The astrologer hesitated for a moment, then whispered:

"The coalition forces outside may not be able to hold out for another seven days. You have also seen the offensive of the demons. This time they are not just saying hello like last time.

If we miss this opportunity, Suramar may be"

"I know."

Elisande looked gloomy at the night sky that was about to dawn in the distance. Under the dark night, there were already a large number of flying demons appearing in her field of vision.

The Grand Magister sighed and said:

"Alya Lanyue has never been a liar. I would rather believe that she has arranged enough forces in the city to turn things around. Under such circumstances, acting rashly will only lead to death.

We have offended the narrow-minded Queen Azshara, and we cannot lose our only support.

I don't like to leave everything to fate.

But now, we have to gamble. "

"I see, mistress."

The astrologer nodded, and quickly led the mages away to the Nightwell. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Elisande suddenly felt a burst of relief at this moment.

Bo Laike, hiding in the shadow behind Elisande, also felt relieved.

He withdrew the divine blade made of dim moonlight that had already reached the back of the head of the great magister, and looked at Elisande in front of him with admiration.

As expected of a guy who can leave his name in history, this left and right jumping skill has been turned into a survival instinct, and he can capture the most critical information at critical moments and decisively adjust his plan.

Sure enough, he is a smart man.

It seems that tonight when the War of the Ancients really broke out, there is no need for another tragic death in this gorgeous city of Suramar before dawn.

(end of this chapter)

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