Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1809 35. The Coolest Egg Brother Has Already Learned To Make His Finale Appearance

Chapter 1809 35. The coolest egg brother has already learned to make his finale appearance


The battle situation on the frontlines is uncertain, but the dawn in Suramar City tonight is destined to be uneasy.

A huge group of flames exploded over the city, like a heavy missile bombarding the flames of war that exploded on the city wall.

But that was just a deflagration caused by a reckless dread demon trying to bombard the large shield of the elf city. A demon's suicide attack was not enough to break through the spellcaster barrier of Suramar City. However, what is frightening is that at this time There is more than one fear demon attacking the city barrier.

The trainee priest Tyrande Windtalker who rushed out of the Moon God Temple raised her head, and she could clearly see the spark-like dots bursting on the shield above her head, and each dot of light represented the impact of a demon.

The seemingly indestructible city shield has been bombed and riddled with holes in the intensive bombardment here, even if the spellcasters in the city are doing their best to repair it, even if the mage towers in the city are firing crazily However, how long this city enchantment can last is still a fatal question that makes people worry.

The most terrible thing is that Miss Tyrande was not the only one who discovered this terrible problem. In the darkest night before dawn, the entire sleeping city was awakened by this sudden attack.

The city guards have been scolded to climb up the city wall, and began to use their ballistas to attack the flying demons everywhere in the air, and those citizens who rushed out of their houses in panic will have become frightened birds.

They didn't know that the defense line of the Great Temple was still fighting with the demons like a meat grinder. They only knew that a crowd of demons had come to Suramar.

If the frontline fails to hold back the demon's soldiers, the city will be destroyed!

Under such a sudden attack, the entire city was in chaos, and even many terrified citizens appeared near the remote Moon God Temple.

They came to Elune's sanctuary at this time of crisis, hoping to pray to the ancient faith here for the gift of survival, even though the city had forgotten the teachings of the moon god a long time ago.

After all, only in times of despair do people understand the meaning of prayer.

The trainee priests were a little at a loss in the face of the surging citizens. Under the command of the high priest, Ms. Diana, they sent those terrified citizens into the spacious temple to take shelter from the peak.

In the early days of the Elven Empire, when the elves were still fighting the trolls for the control of Kalimdor, the Temple of the Moon God was the refuge in every city, so the high priests were no strangers to this scene .

They even feel familiar times are back.

"Tyrande! Come with me!"

At this busy moment, a call made Tyrande, who was appeasing the people, look up, and she saw Maiev in a hunting suit riding a black panther rushing out of the chaotic streets.

"Maiev, come quickly, the temple needs your help, we are almost overwhelmed."

Tyrande showed a smile, but in the next moment, Maiev rushed over driving the black panther, put Tyran Della who was caught off guard on her mount, and gave her a war bow and a set of leather armor.

"Put it on! Let's go to Yongyue Market."

Maiev said something in a low voice, then pulled the panther's rein and rushed out of the urban area protected by the city barrier. Tyrande still hadn't reacted, she said suspiciously:

"We shouldn't leave the Temple of the Moon God at this time, this is not Madam Elune's teaching."

"Look up your head!"

Miss Maiev said briefly:

"The main city is protected by a shield set up by mages. Will it be dangerous for a while, but there are no mages stationed in the civilian area on the side of Yongyue Market!

The demons have taken over the Great Walk, and they are blocking the way to slaughter. Do you want to stay here, or come with me to save people? "


Tyrande raised her head sharply. In Maiev's direction, she clearly saw that the sky beyond the city's shield had been dyed dark green by flames, and the burning hellfire fell from the sky like a howling demon's fist. Falling in the civilian area on the edge of the city.

A large number of demons flew there, and the towering buildings had collapsed and been set on fire.

Although she couldn't see the specific situation there, Tyrande's heart tightened. It was not difficult for her to imagine what a miserable hell the Yongyue Market had become at this time.

"You can stay here, Tyrande, if you think this is Lady Elune's will."

Maiev whispered:

"Or you can venture there with me, we may die in the attack of demons, and we may not save even one person before we die.

But I think this may also be Elune's will.

Need me to put you down here? "


Tyrande put the combat leather armor on her body in a hurry, and said to Maiev:

"You just bring a bow to save people? You are really crazy, stop at the third corner ahead, there is a magic supply shop, we can at least get some potions and bandages there.

There are also those noble walkers parked in the street, which can be used as makeshift stretchers.

We need more people, Maiev.

In this time of crisis, you should trust our sisters.

Just like you believe me. "

Tyrande's answer made Maiev silent for a moment, and she comforted the restless black panther to stop on the side of the road, and said to her companions:

"Sure enough, he was right. You are more suitable to lead the people than I am."

"What did you say?"

Windtalker asked suspiciously, Maiev shook her head, said no more but took out a signal arrow used by the moon priests to communicate and shot it into the sky, a crescent moon rose under the night , soon some priests rushed here from all over.

A few minutes later, when the priests led by Maiev and Tyrande were about to step into the civilian market area ravaged by demons, they suddenly heard strange howling sounds from under the city. Amidst the uneasy vibration of magic power, a miraculous purple light rose along the edges of the entire city of Suramar.

Under the stunned gaze of the priests, the light shield as thick as a city wall continued to climb along the night, and finally closed above their heads to form a thick wall protecting the entire city.

Amidst the ferocious roars of the demons who were howling and attacking Suramar and trying to bring about destruction, the rising thick shield completely isolated them from the outside world.

More flying demons savagely hit this weird shield, but as long as they get close to the shield, they will be pulled into the weird "time delay" magic effect.

It was as if the frisbee flying at high speed had become a slow "fixed target", which could only be shot down one by one by the rangers of the city defense army on the sentry towers all over the city, and burned on the surface of the rapidly turbulent night shield Exhausted.

On the Tower of Darkness, the great magister Elisande watched with satisfaction as his "masterpiece" was created before his city was destroyed. The thick energy from the Eye of Aman'Thul was continuously extracted to strengthen the great shield. Shield, in the weak shock of time, a sense of security arises spontaneously.

"Send a message to the front lines!"

The great magister leaned on his staff proudly, and said to the adjutant behind him:

"Inform Highlord Ravencrest and the defense lines that the Nightwell has been opened, and they can begin to retreat towards Suramar. We will open the shields to allow them to pass when they arrive.

If those fighters who survived have any conscience, then they should call me 'Savior'. "

At the same time, in the main space of the Nightwell, Bo Laike was wandering around holding a magic carving knife for modifying runes, walking in this magic well with thousands of runes shining and huge magic power flowing.

As he walked in this strong tide of magic power that could melt any living body, he complained:

"Rough! The skills of the mages under Elisande's command are really rough. There are no less than a thousand rune errors in such a large magic well at a glance.

It really operates according to the runes they set up for the first time. I'm afraid this thing will explode as soon as it is turned on.

Alas, it is still necessary for Mr. Ben Xie Shen to do it himself.

If it weren't for my Maiev little boy here, I should let you taste the disastrous consequences of this 'lack of quality control' for yourself. The mages 10,000 years ago were really a bunch of savages. "

The crumb pirate made complaints like this, and then used a carving knife to correct a grammatical error on the rune belt at hand, so that the flow of the magic tide would be smoother.

He walked up and down like a repairman humming a pirate song, and complained a few minutes later:

"If the surviving elves have any conscience, then they should build a big sculpture for Lord Moon Shadow in this city.

Well, right next to the Temple of Luna but not higher than Lady Elune's statue.

After all, as a god, it is not easy to presume. "


The front line quickly received a retreat order from Suramar City. In fact, Elisande did not need to issue an order, and the commander knew what to do now.

The towering purple beam of light above the city of Suramar in the rear is the most obvious signal to retreat.

But the problem is that it is not so easy for the Ravencrest rebels who are fighting fiercely with the demons to retreat. This kind of thing has never been pushed forward according to the commanders' ideas, especially in the directions around the Great Temple. Having been invaded by demons and several weak points have been breached, Lord Ravencrest and his fearless legion have fallen into the dilemma of being "enclosed" by demons.

They are as brave and fearless as ever.

The soldiers knew what they were here for, but the problem was that they underestimated the true destructive power of the Burning Legion under the command of the Archdemon.

The decapitation tactic against the demon commander has failed.

Even if the elf rangers paid the tragic price of killing all or even "ten for one" to kill those demon commanders, they could no longer shake the demons' combat discipline and their brutal battlefield execution.

The will of Tichondrius, the first lord of the Dreadlord from the upper demons, shrouded the battlefield. The cunning Nathrezim relied on the Dreadlord under his command as a "command node" to ensure that he was in full control of the demon army.

The chaotic demons are hard enough to deal with, and the destructive power of the demons acting under the vicious command is completely straight up.

Ravencrest's triple line of defense in the Great Temple lasted less than an hour before they were all broken. When the battle lasted for three hours, only a small half of the Black Rook Castle elite army that had withdrawn from the front remained. The hunter unit of the hunting demon commander was completely wiped out.

The battle line has been compressed around the Great Temple under the crazy attack of the demons.

Fortunately, this ancient Temple of the Moon God is large and strong enough. Under the protection of the defensive magic activated by the Moon Priests, the last rebels can still have a little breathing space.

"Great lord, the city defense army that Suramar came to support was defeated by demons in the rear. Ms. Elisande sent a message that the magic swordsman army is busy dealing with the demon chaos in Suramar city.

She can no longer send reinforcements to meet us. "

Lord Stareye, Ravencrest's combat adjutant, walked quickly. The brave highborne commander turned ashen, and he whispered to his lord:

"We'll have to break through the demonic siege on our own to get back to Suramar."

"Retreat? How to retreat now?"

Ravencrest, who was covered in blood, looked indifferently through the platform in front of him at the demons surging around and impacting the magical barrier. He whispered:

"The Black Crow Legion is the most elite army in the empire, but we only lasted less than six hours under the tide of demons. Of course, there are reasons for our unfamiliarity with demon tactics and improper command, but the real situation is like this.

Now relying on the strength of the Great Temple, we can still fight back. Once we retreat, the pursuit of the demons alone will cost us at least half of our manpower.

We can't refund! "

"Ravencrest, you take your soldiers with you!"

Ms. Lanyue strode into the temporary command room, and she said to the high lord:

"I will stay here with the mages to attract the attention of the demon commander. As long as there are people here, the demons will not all enter the pursuit, and you still have a chance to go back alive."


The great lord snorted coldly, and said to his friend:

"You let me run away shamelessly in front of a lady? Is this the first day you know me? Blue Moon."

"Staying here is a dead end."

Ms. Lanyue shook her head and said:

"You are the key to rebelling against Azshara's tyranny and saving the empire. You are a banner, Ravencrest, and you must survive. As for me... I should have died in the destruction of Azsuna long ago.

Maybe that's why I'm alive today. "

"Don't talk nonsense."

The great lord shook his head. He was about to stimulate the low morale of the surrounding commanders, but he suddenly saw a chubby figure swiftly jumping onto the platform of the temple.

Emperor Shaohao, covered in blood, had just retreated from the front line. He escorted a remnant army back to the magical barrier of the Great Temple, but the exhausted emperor had no time to say anything else, but pointed to the brightly lit sky outside , shouting to Ravencrest and the Elven Commander:

"Look outside! Our reinforcements are coming!"


All the elves showed surprised expressions, and Ravencrest, who had made up his mind to die, asked in surprise:

"Where are the reinforcements coming from? We have no reinforcements. Your Majesty the Emperor, you should retreat to Suramar. I don't want a noble man from a foreign race to die in my army. It's too disgraceful."

"Stop talking nonsense, the pedantry of you elves gives me a headache!"

Shaohao stared, the aura of the legendary monk exploded, and he scolded:

"I won't joke with you at this terrible time, come and see! There are really reinforcements, they come from the forest."


The great lord's eyes lit up.

He pushed away the adjutant in front of him and strode to Emperor Shaohao, threw an eagle eye spell on himself and looked towards the junction of the mountains on the edge of Suramar and the Great Forest of Valshara.

The next moment, his breathing became low.

He saw the changes in the forest, the old trees seemed to come alive.

They pulled out their roots from under the ground while the mountains were shaking, and let out a deep roar, shaking away from the land where they had grown for thousands of years in a slow but powerful gesture.

Under those huge ancient trees, a large number of treants were destroyed, like a green natural army marching towards the battlefield.

Along with the army of trees, there are also wild beasts in the forest. They are inspired by great power to join in the holy war against tyranny, and the low-pitched horn sounds above the forest.

Ravencrest looked to the sky.

He saw holy white wings flapping above the clouds of dawn, and dense flocks of birds gathered together, forming an army of the sky in the storm of the mother of birds.

And amidst the neighing of the black giant eagle spreading its wings, a young elf druid was holding an ancient horn and kept blowing in the first ray of morning light.

Wherever he went, forests came to life, and wild beasts clamored.

On the other giant eagle, a handsome young man wearing a moon robe is waving a staff, and continuously shoots the signal of "reinforcement is coming" into the sky to boost the morale of the rebel army.

Ravencrest's body trembled, he knew that kid!

It was he who rescued himself from the claws of the devil not long ago, and now, that handsome boy brought hope to himself in despair.

"Illidan, good boy!"

The great lord laughed loudly, at this moment he felt that his vision was really good.

This young man who was single-handedly promoted by himself did not live up to his expectations, just like the rumors brought by his pair of Amber eyes, this kid is born to do great things!

The lord of Black Rook Castle raised his hand and shouted to the morale-struck officers around him:

"Our reinforcements are here, soldiers! Raise the battle flag and prepare to counterattack! We are not going anywhere, we are here, and we will fight those demons to the end!"

(end of this chapter)

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