Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1810 36. The Court Jester Business Is Really Tm

Chapter 1810 36. The court jester business is really TM

"woo woo woo"

The low-pitched sound of the horn sounded from the quaint forest horn. Facing the dawn light, the young druid Malfurion Stormrage puffed up his cheeks and kept blowing the artifact in his hand.

This is the "weapon" given to him by his mentor, Cenarius the King of the Forest.

The shape derived from the power of nature allows the horn to exert the power of nature on the forest, transform those huge trees into powerful ancient trees of war, and transform the trees that are not strong enough into a large number of treants.

This is the responsibility that Malfurion must shoulder in this war. He must constantly activate the forest to replenish his army.

Of course, as an apprentice druid, although Malfurion is very talented, he really hasn't learned the level where he can fight against the demon army by himself.

Just like his brother Illidan Stormrage is still a rookie, if Brother Dan wants to overthrow a high-level demon, he has to use forbidden power to extract the magic power of his companions.

Any great hero takes time to grow, and the same goes for Illidan and Malfurion.

But they have achieved the impossible. When the rebel army was about to collapse, they brought the powerful demigods of the wilderness to join the doomsday battlefield against the demons as promised.

Of course, the two brothers certainly didn't rely on their eloquence to escape the claws of an angry demigod, and the mess that Bu Laike Crumb threw at them almost killed the two rookies.

Only the appearance of Cenarius at the critical moment gave the two brothers the opportunity to "show off the stage" today.

To be honest, it is not difficult to persuade the demigods to join the war. These great beings born from the power of nature and life are part of the world order, and they have no affection for demons that disrupt order.

And the wisdom of demigods can also make them understand a very simple truth.

If the elven rebels can't repel the demon vanguard in Suramar, if the city is destroyed by demons and the second portal is opened, then no civilization can stop the burning legion from wreaking havoc on this world.

To help the elves is to help themselves and their families.

"The army of the forest must attract the attention of the demons here, and create opportunities for the High Lord Ravencrest to counterattack or break through."

High above the sky, facing the dawn light, Illidan shouted to his big brother:

"The demigods will raid the center of the demon army, they can disrupt the entire battlefield, the key is to kill the demon commander and high-ranking commander.

I'm going to tell the High Lord the news, Malfurion, can you do it here alone? "

"My mentor and Lady Aviana are with me, and the storms of the sky will protect me."

Although it was Malfurion's first battle against such a ferocious demon, the unassuming young elf possessed as much courage as his younger brother.

He held the Horn of Nature in his hand and said to Illidan:

"Be careful when you cross the battlefield, brother."

"We will meet again in Suramar City."

Illidan waved to Malfurion, and crouched atop the eagle, allowing the mighty creature to carry him across the demon-filled battlefield.

Below him, the mighty and brutal demons had already crashed into the forest army's line, but their berserk attacks were useless against the calm ancient trees and the fearless treants.

Those ancient war trees with a height of tens of meters just waved their hands, like a war scythe sweeping across the demon army, pulling out the bloody vacancy in it. countrymen or tree people trampled over.

If the opinions of the ancient trees were not taken into account, then the entry of this army of "vegetative people" undoubtedly brought great pressure to the demons who had the upper hand.

The mighty life forces of the world of Azeroth have fought back, and the demons feel like they have put up an iron wall.

"Burn! Burn those trees with fire!"

Behind the demon army, the dread demon king Tichondrius, who commanded the army under the orders of the polluters, stared coldly at the "spoilers" who were rushing on the edge of the battlefield.

The counterattack of the life force did not surprise the upper demons. The Burning Legion destroyed countless worlds, and they were already familiar with this kind of thing.

And the cunning dreadlord knew very well that even if the elves recruited the natural army, it would not be able to change the balance of power between the enemy and us. The demons that pass through the portal all the time are endless, but there are always trees in this world.

The cunning and vicious dread demon sneered and waved his claws, and soon a huge and ferocious abyss lord strode forward and stopped in front of Tichondrius amidst the shaking of the earth.

"Rono Cohen, the Destroyer sent you to assist me. It said that you are the most valiant abyss lord under its command. I am eager to see the destruction you wreak on this boring battlefield."

With a long voice, Tichondrius pointed to the defense line of the Great Temple where the elves were still fighting. It flicked its claws and said:

"Before those nasty vegetatives and elves join forces, I order you to destroy those miserable lives!"

"I love this order!"

The cruel abyss lord happily accepted this cannon fodder mission that was almost like sending to death. It glanced at the dreadlord with vicious burning eyes, and said:

"The feeling of crushing flesh and blood is much more interesting than burning trees. The screams of life are more pleasant than the whimpers of dead trees falling, but I feel strange life seeping into the battlefield, Tichondrius.

They are coming for you. "

"Are the legendary demigods of the wilderness in this world? It seems that they hope to kill me to throw the legion into chaos. It's a sad empiricism."

The Dread Demon King sneered a few times indifferently, and its ferocious figure gradually disappeared in the shadows. It said:

"Then let them come. I don't mind playing this game of hide and seek with them. Time is on our side anyway."

"Bah, coward!"

The abyss lord, who was the adjutant of the Dread Demon King, cursed unceremoniously.

Of course it knew what Tichondrius was up to, but this behavior of being timid to fight head-on made the big butts very contemptuous.

The rude big-ass adjutant spit out thousands of degrees of lava saliva towards the ground, melting a few unlucky devils, then lifted his poisonous sawtooth fel spear, howled and turned around like a charge Like a mammoth, it slammed fiercely towards the defense line of the Great Temple.

Wherever this terrifying creature went, the ground crumbled, and those demons who couldn't dodge were trampled under its feet and turned into flesh, but no one dared to express dissatisfaction with this behavior of "beating teammates hard".

The abyss lords are well-known battle lunatics. The legend that their brains are not enough has spread throughout the stars. The demons who dare to stand in front of a charging abyss lord are asking for their own death and are not worthy of mercy.

But the charge of such a monster is fatal to the magical barrier of the Great Temple.

Lord Ravencrest had just regrouped his troops, and before he stepped out of the gate of the Great Temple, he heard a loud bang, and the priests of the moon who were maintaining the magical enchantment fell to the ground with blood at their mouths. And the moonlight barrier that had been protecting the Great Temple was smashed to pieces by the savage big butt wrapped in the evil fire and wind and fire.

The burning of the divine spell cracked the skin of the abyss lord Ronokohn, and blood gushed out like magma, but the severe pain did not affect the anger of the abyss lord, but instead made him fight with high spirits.

"Die! Bug! Die!"

Amidst the deep roar, the huge sawtooth war spear like a stone pillar swept across the top of the Great Temple, and the statue of Elune standing above the temple was shattered by one blow and turned into falling stones, smashing everywhere.

The terrifying figure was reflected on the panicked elf formation like something from a nightmare, and the screams of the "little ones" were so joyful, it made the abyss lord's sadistic desire inflate even more.

"Elune bestowed upon you such great power that you actually made a shell out of it? Sad!"

The brutal high-ranking demon laughed wildly and raised his battle spear. It wanted to destroy this sad temple in a taunt, but unexpectedly dropped a destructive arcane impact from the sky, which just landed on the eyes of the abyss lord, blowing it up. The explosion of the left eye made it howl and stab the weapon in its hand into the sky.

With a puff, the giant eagle flying across the low sky was cut into bloody stains by the spear without even having time to dodge.

And Illidan Stormrage, who hit the crit, danced and fell from the sky. Seeing that the cruel demon had already stared at him with one eye, the high-temperature flame was brewing around the monster's mouth.

He is going to die.

This idea flashed in Illidan's mind, but the young Dange was not afraid, and when he fell in the air, he swung his staff to compress his last magic power and turned it into a sharp arcane missile, hitting the ugly demon.

He is not afraid of death.

It's just a pity that I can no longer see my beloved girl.

"Blue Moon! Save him!"

Lord Ravencrest's roar echoed in the crumbling temple, and Ms. Blue Moon used the mysterious magic taught by her disciples at a critical moment.

The khaki streamer instantly enveloped Illidan who was engulfed by the fel breath, advancing the time by six seconds.

Illidan, who had closed his eyes and waited to die, opened his eyes blankly, and found that he was still falling, and the light of the teleportation spell wrapped him up and sent him into the depths of the temple in the next instant.

"Ah! Bugs! Die!"

The anger of losing the target made the abyss lord even more violent. It roared to smash the great temple in front of it, but felt the sharp pain from behind the moment it started.

The Black Panther King jumped out of the shadows, wearing wooden armor, pulling with his sharp claws staggeredly, cutting the flesh of the abyss lord, and then nimbly jumped to the top of the great temple amidst the magma blood splashing.

The mysterious and powerful hunter Asaman swayed her nimble tail, her eyes stared coldly at the violent abyss lord in front of her.

As the most powerful hunter in the world, she is tired of playing house games with mortal hunters, and the annoying Goldrinn is always elusive and unwilling to play with her, which makes the beautiful black cat feel Very boring.

But this hideous and ugly life in front of him once again ignited Lord Asaman's burning heart of hunting.

She suddenly felt that the decoration of her lair was a bit monotonous, maybe she should put an ugly head of an abyss lord in her warm lair to show her status as a top predator.

"Ha, demigod of the wilderness! I like such enemies, you must be enough for me to kill for a long time."

The abyss lord who was injured by the raid was not angry. On the contrary, his pathetic attention was immediately attracted by the beautiful and amazing black big cat in front of him.

It also felt that there should be such a beautiful black panther head in its lair to decorate its record.

"Well, the cute big cat is ready to catch mice. I am really looking forward to this scene. After all, there will be no legend of Queen Asaman in the world ten thousand years later. It is really a pity."

A weird voice sounded in Lord Asaman's pricked lovely ear, and the voice reminded happily:

"Be careful of the sawtooth war spear in the hands of this big ass, it is a vicious weapon forged in the magma of the fel force, and there is a foul inscription of my old friend Jingaros on it.

Just one sting from it will poison you, a toxin that even the beautiful Queen Ashamane can't resist, so you have to be careful not to get stabbed by it.

Also, remember to stay away from it when harvesting its shameful life.

This guy will blow himself up before he dies, and the foul flames will scorch the fur of the beautiful Queen Ashamane. Oh, yes, I think I should give you some blessings. "

The moment the voice fell, a dim moonlight suddenly appeared around the dazed black big cat.

With the blessing of the power of the Shadow Moon, the natural wooden armor on the top hunter Asaman was quickly shaped into a black moon armor, and the wooden claws on its claws were also forged into terrifying claw blades shining with metallic luster .

In this instant, Asaman changed from a wilderness demigod wearing wooden armor into a fully armed steel leopard, and even had a delicate black moon emblem on its forehead.

It's like being stamped.

Queen Asaman was still wondering about her enhanced power, when she felt a pair of hands slapping her buttocks that she never allowed others to touch in an unreasonable way, and that damn annoying voice sounded with a smile:

"Go, the most beautiful steel Garuru under Lord Moon Shadow, kill that ugly bastard, if you and I meet again in ten thousand years, remember to thank me for saving your life.

But don't tell anyone else about my existence, or bad, bad things will happen. "


The moment the sound dissipated, the sharp and vicious spear hit the dazed and beautiful black panther's battle armor, making a piercing neigh and knocking the big black cat into the air.

But Queen Asaman just flipped over lightly in the air and landed on the ground like an agile big cat.

She didn't know what happened just now, and she didn't know why that weird bastard blessed herself, but she knew what to do now.


The sharp steel claws shining with the light of the black moon popped out from the paws of the black panther demigod. The dangerous big cat quietly stared at the violent abyss lord in front of him. While the tail was swaying under the protection of the beautiful black moon armor, a The shrill flash cut the abyss lord's big head.


Hunting time! open! ——


Before the ferocious demon hound could get out of the envelopment of its master's long whip, a circle of strange dark purple power exploded in the center of the busiest battlefield. Dissolved in the power of the void.

No bones remained.

Seeing that the most elite demon hound under his command was killed in one blow, the powerful fel lord "King of Dogs" Haka immediately realized that something was wrong.

It knew it was being targeted.

So this high-ranking demon who was the first to step into Azeroth kept waving the exquisite and weird demon artifact long whip decorated with skulls of many different races.

Every time the whip was whipped, a crack would be opened, summoning a terrifying number of demon hounds. In the blink of an eye, an army of ferocious hounds appeared beside the dog king.

This is its specialty in becoming a high-ranking commander in the Burning Legion, and it is also the capital for its survival.

But it is a pity that this superb dog training skill cannot save the dog king Haka from the crisis at this moment, because after summoning his hound army, Haka discovered a terrifying fact.

I am no longer in the real world!

A strange force had ripped its brutal mind out of its own body, and it now resided in a strange spiritual world.

In front of Haka, a figure wearing a black hood walked slowly.

"You are Haka? That bastard named 'King of Dogs' I heard that you are the envoy sent by the Burning Legion to meet Queen Azshara. Because you used your hounds to perform an excellent play for the Queen, you were named the Queen's Servant." 'Court jester', right?"

"You! Who are you!"

Haka felt a pang of danger that went straight to his soul.

It scolded and ordered its hounds to pounce on it and attack.

But those dogs didn't respond. Instead, as the latter raised his finger and waved, they grinned dangerously at their master one by one.

"I, I am also the court jester who was pardoned by Queen Azshara herself."

Bo Laike looked up, and reached over to take off his hood.

But what was revealed was not that handsome and handsome face, but a mass of dark purple shaking chaos, with seven shining eyes of thousands of truths staring at Haka.

The latter collapsed as quickly as it melted without even making a scream.

"We don't actually have any personal grudges."

Lord Silent looked at the dissolving dog king in front of him, and reached out to pick up the demon long whip that it had dropped and put it in his hand to admire.

He whispered:

"But an Empress only needs one court jester at a time, and I'm sorry, Mr Haka, considering I'm going to see my Empress soon.


got fired. "

(end of this chapter)

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