Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1823 49. Now The Pressure Is On Tyrande

Chapter 1823 49. Now the pressure is on Tyrande's side

The atmosphere in the room was awkward.

This embarrassment does not come from the impulsive younger brother who peeked at the big brother's diary, and found out in despair that his only remaining relatives are in love with the same girl as himself, but also from the sudden appearance of the bastard Bu Laike.

He acts so familiar, like he and Stormrage are absolute best friends, yet Illidan and Malfurion don't have amnesia.

They still clearly remembered how in the dark night two days ago, how this bastard in front of them threw the two of them into a group of angry demigods, and almost ended the physiological life of Brother Stormrage on the spot.

How could this guy be so shameless!


Do you really think we've forgotten what you did to us?

Malfurion immediately grabbed the Horn of Nature beside him, and Illidan, who was wounded all over his body, struggled to get his Moon Staff, but just as he stood up, he fell to his knees with a plop.

This guy's injury is too serious.

"Oh, oh, don't be brave if you are a patient. Look at you, you have made yourself so embarrassed. You know that you have sucked in the violent magic power accumulated by more than ten moon guards in one breath, and your body has been riddled with wounds. Kong is like a tattered pocket that can no longer hold any power.

Even with the treatment from the Moon Priest and the Red Dragon, you have only recovered to less than 10% of your combat power, okay? "

The pirate whoosh appeared beside Illidan like a ghost.

Seemingly gentle but merciless, he pulled the seriously injured Dange up from the ground. His fingers wrapped in weird black light were like daggers, always brushing against Illidan's bandaged neck.

This made Malfurion, who was holding the Horn of Nature, a bit wary.

And when Bo Laike forcibly threw the struggling Illidan on the sofa in the room, held his head and turned to smile at Stormrage big brother, Malfurion was sure that this guy was threatening him.

If he was still holding the Horn of Nature in his hand, then maybe in the next second his younger brother would die because of a sudden failed craniotomy.


The quaint demigod horn was thrown to the ground by the druid.

Malfurion self-taught raised his hands to show that he did not intend to fight back, which made Bo Laike nod in satisfaction.

He turned around and stuffed the bouquet of flowers that he was going to give to Hun Gaoling into the hand of Illidan who was glaring at him, and then patted the young Dandan who was entangled by his twisted shadow and couldn't move. He said:

"Look at your big brother, how stable you are, you know exactly what to do when, and look at you, you are so impulsive at such an adult, you are really immature.

This will make you lose in the battle for love, girls like stable guys, trust me, this is a rule of thumb. "


Bo Laike waved.

The door that was shattered by his kick was pushed back together by a strange force, as if being glued together by countless hands, and the door was closed to prevent irrelevant people from participating in the following conversation.

This bastard prophet in black pulled up the fallen chair on the ground, sat on it with his legs crossed, and nodded to Malfurion, signaling him to find a place to sit down too.

"You should calm down. Although it is embarrassing for two brothers to fall in love with the same girl, you are blood brothers after all. There is nothing that cannot be discussed."

The pirate started in a gentle voice like a big brother.

The power of the divine words made the angry Illidan and the vigilant Malfurion calm down instantly, even a little too calmly, making Illidan feel that his injury still needs to take a break.

"That's good, come on, let's start to analyze this problem."

"click click click"

As soon as Bu Laike spoke, he was interrupted by a sound like a hamster gnawing on wood.

He looked back, and saw that the little murloc with a nasty smile on his face was sitting on the table holding a large bag of popcorn and biting into it, looking like he was enjoying the show.

"Be quiet, bastard! Don't you see me here to mediate family conflicts between poor brothers?"

The crumb pirate yelled madly, grabbed the vase on the table and smashed it at it. The little murloc nimbly lowered his head and let the vase rub against its head and smashed against the wall.

A loud "bang" made the little murloc shrank its neck, so it threw the popcorn in its hand to Bu Laike, grabbed a handful of Pandaren five-spice fried melon seeds and slowly ate it, and stopped making that damned sound. noise.

This satisfied the pirates.

Holding the fragrant popcorn, he turned around and stuffed a handful into his mouth.

Then there was a warm smile of a caring big brother on his face, as if the crazy guy just now was not him, this damn performance made Stormrage brothers look at each other.

They both saw the chill in each other's eyes.

Good guy, this is a psycho, he must be treated well, lest he go crazy again.

"Kachachacha. Let's continue with the topic just now. The problems you two encountered are not complicated. Isn't Kacha Kacha just falling in love with a girl?

What a big deal.

I was listening to you outside just now, as if you were going to fight, no need, no need at all. Kacha Kacha. "

While Bu Laike was putting popcorn into his mouth, he and his idiot murloc watched with bright eyes and flew up. He said:

"Listen to me to give you an analysis, right? The current situation is that Illidan knows that Malfurion also loves Miss Tyrande who grew up with you, but Malfurion is a restrained character. He His attitude towards love is different from that of his extroverted brother. He has never expressed this deep love.

But not Illidan.

As far as I know, when he followed Highlord Ravencrest to Suramar, he urged Tyrande to leave the city to avoid danger.

He really wanted to tell Tyrande what was in his heart.

Well, I seriously suspect that Miss Tyrande may be blind. As far as Illidan's licking dog shows, how could she not notice that Illidan's eyes are shining every time he meets her.

A passionate love, a deep love.

It's really difficult to choose. "

The crumb pirate said to the expressionless two brothers in a drawn out voice:

"Illidan wants to express his love in advance to gain the upper hand, it's really a cunning strategy, but he didn't realize that this kind of action is risky, what if he refuses?

This is something that even friends don't have to do.

Even more embarrassing, what if Tyrande rejects you and chooses Malfurion? Have you considered these issues before expressing your love impulsively?

Look at the ignorant light in your eyes, reflecting your empty brain under the pressure of love, we generally call this situation "dog licking" in academics.

What a pathetic young man who never thinks about the consequences of doing things. "

Bu Laike sneered.

Illidan wanted to refute, but he glanced at his big brother before speaking, and finally fell silent.

The words of the prophet in black were harsh, but he was right.

I am too impulsive.

He didn't think about the predicament he might face before taking action. As for Malfurion, he would be very confused, because he remembered that when Valshara and Braike met for the first time, the prophet in black said inexplicably The sentence that comes out:

"No wonder she chose you in the end"

If that was a prophecy, it proved that Bo Laike knew the final outcome of the relationship between the three. Illidan's impulsive confession failed, and Tyrande finally came together with himself.

It has to be said that at this moment, Malfurion felt a little joy in his heart.

He really liked the gentle and kind Tyrande, just as his younger brother once described, Tyrande was not only the white moonlight in Illidan's heart, but also the treasure in his heart.

But soon, this joy was overwhelmed by sorrow.

He is well aware of his younger brother's awkward character.

Once this happened, the friendship between the three of them might disappear, and the responsibility of being a big brother made Malfurion feel ashamed of his joy just now.

He didn't want to see his brother hurt, but he couldn't give up his love for Tyrande either.

He believed that even if Illidan knew the result, he would not give up. Although his younger brother had a weird personality, he would never give up when he set his goal.

He has been like this since childhood.

"It seems that you have understood the current situation."

The eyes of Laike and the little murloc behind him kept moving back and forth between Illidan and Malfurion. After leaving enough time for the two brothers to think, Pirate Scrap coughed a few times.

He said:

"This is a problem that you cannot solve, my dear Brother Stormrage, your knowledge and your experience are totally insufficient to deal with this dire situation.

Especially in this war time when demons invaded the world.


Love is no longer your priority.

So, my suggestion is, it's better to put it on hold for now. "

He squeezed his eyes and said to the two brothers:

"Don't be so impulsive to break through this layer. It may destroy the window paper of the deep friendship that the three of you grew up with. This is indeed a problem, but it can be left to be solved slowly in the peaceful era after the war.

Think about it, you are elves.

You can live a long time, you are still young, you two brothers have a lot of time to let Tyrande feel your love for her, instead of asking her to make a choice.

Whoever she picks will hurt someone else.

You may not know that when you were fighting the demons on the battlefield, the moon god Elune issued an oracle, and Tyrande has become the God's Chosen. If there is no accident, she will become the leader of the Elune Sisterhood.

The seat of the high priest of the moon, which has been vacant for many years, will welcome its own master.

What I mean is, the girl's career is on the rise, do you think it's what a qualified man should do to pester her with personal relationship affairs at this time? "

Bo Laike coughed a few times and scowled like an old-timer.

He looked to Malfurion and said:

"I said that there are more important things in this world than you two pursuing Tyrande, do you think I'm right?"

The young druid was silent for a moment, nodded, and said:

"This world is under a terrible threat. The demons are killing every minute and every second. We must unite to expel them, otherwise the world will never be peaceful."

Satisfied with this answer, Bo Laike turned to Illidan again and said:

"You haven't answered the question I asked you last time, Illidan, let me ask you, have you set a goal in life now? Is that goal to spend your life with Miss Tyrande?"

Illidan didn't want to answer.

But under the triple gaze of Laike, the little murloc and Malfurion, he nodded with a cold face, then shook his head, and said hoarsely:

"The moon guards I led were all dead, they died at the hands of demons and at the hands of me, I vaguely saw them talking to me when I was in a coma.

I have sworn that I will not let their sacrifice go to waste.

I want to shoulder the will of those warriors to defend the world! I want to drive out all the demons in this world! I'll fight those twisted things for the rest of my life!

This is Illidan Stormrage's oath. "

"Good, great, strong."

Bu Laike clapped his hands and said:

"Look, you two also know that you are both people who want to make a career, so why rush to start a family so early? Young people, can you put more effort into your career?

Let's put love first.

Besides, you young people just don't understand the true meaning of love. You always think that it is beautiful to hug and hold your beloved one, but in fact, people like me who have experienced it will tell you.

Love is not about two people getting tired of being together all the time.

Love lies in companionship, no matter how far apart there are two hearts that can comfort each other.

Even across the world and life and death, this connection cannot be severed, just like every time you look back on a dangerous battlefield, your loved one will be behind you.

She just looks at you with a smile, encourages you, and witnesses you.


Until you cross the barrier between life and death and everything in the world, break through the gap of fate and bring her back to you from the long wait.

It will give you the courage to face all the dangers in the world without frowning. It will give you patience and make you want to embrace the girl in your heart even after a thousand or ten thousand years.

In the end it will give you peace

Parting is just for the next reunion.

As long as you don't give up yourself, she won't give up either."

Bu Laike's voice lowered as he spoke.

He had come to see a good show.

But for some inexplicable reason, it was substituted in, so under the gaze of the little murloc as if looking at an idiot, the three men with the same disease and sympathy just kept silent.

Until Malfurion couldn't stand it anymore, the young druid stepped forward, patted Boo Laike on the shoulder, and said softly:

"You are also a person with a story, although I think you are just deceiving us, but I have to admit that your description of love touched my heart.

I think my brother and I should take your advice.

What do you say, Illidan? "

Malfurion looked back at his younger brother, with a warm light in his eyes, he said:

"Brother, let's make a gentleman's agreement, no one should tell Tyrande what's in their hearts, and don't cause her any troubles until the war is over.

She has a great future, and we also have responsibilities we should shoulder.

Your Excellency Laike is right, we have a long life to wait, maybe before each of us fulfills our ideals and goals, we should be more determined and purer.

I think that love for Tyrande will give us the courage to accomplish the impossible. "

Illidan glanced at Bu Laike with complicated eyes. After everything was clarified, Brother Dan also felt that the impulse and the messy depression in his heart were relieved.

He let out a long breath and said:

"I agree with your proposal, big brother, we must suppress the love in our hearts, and this will not affect us being by Tyrande's side as before.

The three of us grew up together.

To be honest, I don't want these things to affect our precious friendship, and I don't want to see us turn against each other because of this.

Leave everything to time.

I believe that time will give us an answer.

But I declare in advance, I don't think I will lose, Malfurion, you know me, I won't give up when I set my goal. "

"Hehe, you're too conceited, Illidan."

The young druid laughed and said:

"I don't think I'm going to lose either, my love is like a forest of trees, enjoying time in peace and finally getting a precious seed and seeing it blossom and bear fruit.

I thought, if the forest is not afraid of fire, then I am not afraid of your challenge either. "

The two brothers looked at each other, they held out their hands and held each other in front of Bu Laike's eyes, causing the Scrap Pirate to shrug his shoulders too, and he stood up, patted both of them on the shoulder and said:

"That's right, this is what I want to say, if the two of you can't solve the problem, why don't you leave the problem to others? Let Tyrande bear the heavy pressure.

I believe that the wise high priest of the moon will finally feel how happy it is to have two people who love her deeply, hehehe, this is what I want to see."


Before the pirate could finish speaking, the door behind him that had been smashed by him just now was kicked open again.

As the sawdust flew, the stinky pirate's face changed, and with a swish, the idiot murloc who had seen the excitement disappear and disappeared in place.

Only the Stormrage brothers who had reached a consensus turned around in astonishment, and saw Tyrande with a gloomy face and Maiev with wide-eyed eyes standing outside the door.

"You two! What do you think of me?"

Miss Tyrande gritted her teeth and said word by word:

"Let you compete for the winning prize? You two bastards! Don't ever see me again, I hate you!"

After speaking, the lady priest of the moon turned around and ran out.

Stormrage even heard her cries of grief, which left the two brothers looking at each other, completely at a loss as to how things had come to this.

As for Maiev

Miss Maiev was also in a mess at this time. She heard Mr. Bo Laike's words of persuasion to the two brothers outside the door, especially the confession about love.

She keenly felt that the deep sorrow of that god might be related to her.

(end of this chapter)

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