Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1824 50. The Deadly Investigation Of The Innocent And Innocent Brother Egg

Chapter 1824 50. The deadly investigation of the innocent and innocent brother Egg

"This time it's a rollover."

Pirate Scraps sat on the eaves of Lord Suramar's hall, watching Miss Tyrande run out covering her eyes, Maiev was still chasing after her, and Illidan was excited to jump down from the window on the second floor to explain, but Mafari Ao held back tightly, and a group of elite guards from Black Rook Castle seemed to be standing guard, but they were actually flying up to watch the excitement.

What a bitter scene.

But Laike can swear to Luna that he really didn't arrange this. Didn't you see that he revealed his true feelings when he spoke to Brother Stormrage just now?

Although it did sense the breath of Tyrande and Maiev in advance.

But Lord Cthulhu did not expect that the young Ms. Tyrande would be so reckless, so brave to face the bloody life without saying a word?

Think about it too.

The two friends who grew up together actually liked her, and they even made a goddamn gentleman's agreement. The two big men didn't want to break up their brotherhood and threw all the pressure on themselves. Which young girl could bear it?

"quack quack"

The little murloc stood on the dome next to Bo Laike, clutching the delicate flagpole, and taunted the crumb pirate, but Bo Laike didn't bother to care about it.

The idiot little murloc just wants to watch the excitement, and today is enough to see, but it has to be done.

"Let's go and see if Garald's contact with the dragons is going well."

The pirate drank half a bottle of wine, picked up the little murloc, and said:

"I also want to take a closer look at Neltharion's current situation. I am also very interested in the details of how he fell in this era. Maybe it can become the next sample for the Force of the Void to study in depth.

To be honest, I've always been curious how the Old Gods corrupted the Black Dragon King when he had the power of the Titan, which is a high-end research project. "

The little murloc yelled twice in displeasure.

It doesn't want to do any experiments, it just wants to watch the excitement, if possible, take a few more photos as black history, and take them back to brag to its own murlocs and pirates later.

But Bu Laike won't let it run around, Brother Dan is so miserable, it's better not to let this little idiot get into trouble, in the end the blame will still be thrown on himself.

Braike went to eavesdrop on Jarod's contact with the representatives of the dragons. He knew that Krasus, the prince of the red dragon, was staying in Suramar on behalf of the dragon army. He was supposed to save the world 10,000 years ago. character, but its job was given by Bu Laike, so there is only one original red dragon in this time and space.

However, the alliance between the Elf Rebel Army and the giant dragon is a major event. This is the first time that the giant dragons in the guardian system have such in-depth cooperation with mortal civilization, and it must be decided by the Dragon King.

Tomorrow at the latest, the five dragon kings will definitely gather in Suramar.

Therefore, in addition to observing the "sample of the dragon's hapless egg" Neltharion, and recording the mental journey of the black dragon king's degeneration into Deathwing, the pirates have to prepare for a meeting.

A meeting with Nozdormu, the bronze dragonlord.

He believes that the King of Time will not give up this opportunity, and now that he has ascended to the realm of the gods, he will go back to tell Maiev the story of his past in the past few days. I also found some details that I hadn't noticed before.

From the moment he was reborn in Azeroth to the timeline when the Bronze Dragon was evacuated, his actions seemed to be a bit "excessive" smoothly.

The Bronze Dragon Legion, which was supposed to arrest the space-time stowaways, made a huge mistake. From the beginning to the end, only the young dragon, Seifel, was the unlucky one who ran out to be the top tank.

After reviewing their own history of fortune, the pirates have to suspect that there may be some deep-seated "tricks" in it.

This meeting with Nozdormu may solve the mystery in Bo Laike's heart.

However, although the stinky pirate is gone, the aftermath of his oolong emotional drama is still advancing.

That afternoon, when the priests in the Moon God Temple were about to usher in a day's rest, Brother Stormrage was already waiting outside the Moon God Temple.

Poor Brother Dan was still on crutches, and Malfurion, who also looked haggard, stood by his side. The two brothers just looked at the ancient temple in front of them eagerly.

They still remember that they and Tyrande liked to come here when they were young, and the priests and ladies in the temple were very polite to them, and Tyrande also came into contact with the teachings of the moon god at that time.

At that time, the three little brats had agreed together to become the high priest of Ms. Elune. Of course, Brother Stormrage knew that the Elune Sisters would not accept male high priests in this era.

In short, things are really different now.

But the two innocent and unlucky people waited for more than an hour and still did not see Tyrande coming out. Finally, a short young priest came. The girl's eyes were shining with gossip, but she said to Brother Stormrage with a straight face :

"Tyrande asked me to tell you both that she was sorry for getting mad at you today, and that she would be happy to see the differences between you brothers healed.

Although the method is not the same as she imagined.

In short, Tyrande said that she needs to calm down for a while, and you should stop looking for her these days. "

These words made the Stormrage brothers look sad. They knew that they had hurt their best friend, but the short girl who had just become an official priest in front of her lowered her voice after delivering the message:

"Hey, you two have to work harder!

Tyrande is the great beauty of our Moon Temple in Suramar. Recently, several high elf nobles came to the Moon Temple to pray, hoping to stay with Tyrande for a while.

We agree that instead of letting those arrogant nobles take advantage of it, one of you two should be Tyrande's partner, at least everyone knows that you two are war heroes. "


Malfurion was embarrassed for a moment. He glanced at his sad brother, twitched his mouth, and whispered to the gossip priest in front of him:

"Well, thank you for your blessings, we will work hard."

"Come on!"

The short girl waved her fist with a cheerful expression on her face.

But then he coughed, and put on the majesty of a formal priest, waved them away, but winked and whispered to Brother Stormrage:

"Come here after you have figured it out. We will quietly keep the door open for you. Don't come during the day. Let's talk about it at night when there are fewer people. You two guys really don't understand girls' minds."

"Let's go, big brother."

Illidan watched the young priest return to the temple, he glanced at the Moon Temple at dusk, and said to Malfurion:

"We both need to calm down. Are you going back to Val'sharah tonight?"

"Well, the mentor summoned me to go back. The demigods were also injured in the previous battle. They are all recuperating in Valshara. The demigods should have discussed a result. I might become their spokesperson in the elf society. "

Malfurion helped his younger brother to leave, and he said softly:

"I'll leave after sending you back, but I'll be back in two days at most.

You have a good rest here, don't try your best. You know, when you were teleported back by that mysterious mage, I almost frightened to death seeing you unconscious. "

Having said that, Malfurion hesitated for a moment, glanced at Illidan's expression, and said in a low voice:

"Almost all the moon guards brought by Lord Ravencrest died in battle, and the rest have been sent back to Black Rook Castle to recuperate. Will you continue to serve the Lord?

I mean, you might be able to break away from the moonguard and become a full-fledged mage. When you were in a coma, Ms. Blue Moon came to me, and she said that she can teach you magic as long as you want.

She also said that the moon guard's forbidden secret technique has a great influence on the soul and mind, but you have used that forbidden technique many times."

"I know, Malfurion, you don't need to say any more."

Illidan didn't want to discuss the subject.

He could always remember the faces of those brave mages who died because of him and the encouragement they gave him when they left, which made him very stressed.

After a few seconds of silence, Brother Dan glanced at the evening sky, and he made up his mind and said:

"I want to leave the sequence of the Moon Guard, and I am already learning about the inheritance of another power, and that knowledge is very important for us to defeat demons.

Forbidden Art of the Moon Guard.

I won't use it anymore, don't worry, big brother, I will work hard to become stronger, so strong that I no longer need to sacrifice others in exchange for victory, that feeling.


and the devil

Sacrifice is not enough in the face of demons, Malfurion. "

Brother Dan moved his bandaged fingers, and said in an extremely firm tone:

"We have to be smarter. We have to fight in a smarter way. Until now, we don't even have the basic information of the Burning Legion. This is too inappropriate."

"Illidan, what are you doing?"

Malfurion sensed from his brother's firm words that he might be making big news, and he said with a serious face:

"You can't be impulsive. You must discuss with me before doing things. Have you forgotten the agreement we made before? Whether you want to prove yourself or show your determination to Tyrande, you can't take such risks anymore!

I have only one brother, you. "

"Don't worry, big brother."

Illidan touched his unique pair of Amber eyes, he smiled, and said while leaning on crutches:

"I've grown up, I don't need to prove myself to anyone anymore."

He walked between life and death and somehow became a respected war hero, and he also showed his love for Tyrande by accident.

Those sacrifices, those killings, and those heavy things made the proud young elf seem to be detached. In the past, he always wanted to do great things to prove his talent, but now he just wanted to end this disaster.

Whoever it is, end it.

A few hours later, at midnight, when Braike returned to Shadowsong's ancestral home and took the fully armed Warden Maiev to start tonight's hunting teaching, Illidan Stormrage also changed his clothes and limped Guai left Suramar City in a low-key manner. He told the Black Crow Guardian who was guarding the shield that he was going to the battlefield to sacrifice his comrades.

No one stopped the brave war hero, and Illidan declined the escort of the guards.

He glanced back at Suramar City, which was enveloped by the Great Barrier, and disappeared alone in the cold night in the night wind.

Illidan did come to honor his comrades in arms.

But this was only the first step of his actions tonight. In the ruins of the ruins of the Great Temple, those bricks and stones that were burned by evil fire and still had a lot of evil energy were kicked away by Brother Dan.

He looked around, and after confirming that no one was nearby, he took out a large package of spell-casting materials prepared in advance from his luggage, and he was going to complete the ritual of summoning the demon here.

Lord Bu Laike, the evil god, has been teaching Illidan the knowledge of demons in the way of "teaching in dreams" during this period of time. Those dark and taboo knowledge opened a new door for Illidan.

He is keenly aware of the huge improvement that this knowledge can bring to the rebels. First, he can determine the habits and characteristics of various demons, and give the hunters more preparations in exchange for the possibility of survival. Second, warlocks can directly Summon demons from the Twisting Nether to gain first-hand knowledge of the mobilization of demon legions beyond the world.

This kind of enemy intelligence is what the current rebel army lacks the most.

Illidan is a soldier. He knows that if he wants to win, he cannot fight against a powerful enemy with his eyes blindfolded. He has to try and give results in order to persuade the high-level rebels to accept his ideas.

It's risky.

Illidan knows this very well. If his behavior is discovered, he will be reduced from a war hero to a traitor colluding with the Burning Legion in an instant, but Illidan believes that Lord Ravencrest is an enlightened leader. After the results are made, this suggestion will definitely be adopted.

As he said, after trading the lives of his colleagues for a meager victory, he had had enough of the disaster, and he didn't care about his reputation, only wanting to end the war quickly.

Of course, the personal affairs that happened today also stimulated Illidan to some extent. He was originally an impulsive character, so he decided to take a risk under the irritability.

"The loathsome Bo Laike has taught me all about this."

Illidan arranged the demon summoning circle in the collapsing ruins, while repeatedly confirming the process of summoning demons in his heart. Although he was impulsive, his talent for spellcasting was really scary, and a demon summoning ceremony could not trouble him.

"Since we want to obtain information, we need to summon a cunning high-level demon. I don't want to sign a contract so that I won't be able to explain it when I return from being contaminated with evil energy. I use a suppression circle to trap it and ask for enough important information."

Brother Dan modified the runes of the ceremony, and took out a magic seal from his arms, which was also an item made under the guidance of Bu Laike, which can be used to suppress the demon's mind.

After making up his mind, he took a deep breath after getting everything ready, and began to mobilize the magic power into the summoning ceremony in front of him.

Everything went well, and the few soul stones placed as sacrifices also trembled in the magic circle, which meant that demons in the Twisting Nether had responded to their call.

The next step is to "pull" the summoned demon from the opposite side to the material world using oneself as the coordinate.

According to the knowledge taught by Bu Laike, Illidan touched his will to the working circle, and he felt the burning power from the Twisting Nether.

That is the violent power from the field of fel energy, and it is the source of power that every warlock must come into contact with and be familiar with.

If Brother Egg intends to walk on the evil path of warlocks, he is destined to use this kind of energy that is more violent than arcane but more destructive in the future.

He felt that he had touched the cunning mind on the other side, and now, there was only one last step left.


A spiritual bang exploded in Illidan's mind.

Just when he was about to complete the final contact with the demon who responded to the summon, an unimaginably huge power suddenly intervened in this ceremony.

That will bound Illidan's mind in the Twisting Void with a gesture that swept through everything, and "pulled" Illidan's soul out of his body with completely unscientific and magical means, and caught the young man who was caught off guard. The sprite pulls back into its realm entirely.

But such a powerful force did not harm Illidan's weak soul at all during the whole process, which is really amazing.

Illidan raised his head as a spirit body while he was dizzy, and what he saw was a scorching flame burning like the sun among the dark stars, and there was a vague figure in the flame.

He could only see a pair of eyes full of tyranny and indifference, and that breath made Illidan despair instantly.

"An elf who actively summons demons is interesting. I smell your ambition, little elf, do you want to join my army?"

At the same time, Bo Laike, who was teaching Maiev how to dissect the doomguards to capture their evil spirits, suddenly looked up in the direction of the Grand Temple.

He patted Maiev on the shoulder and said:

"That's the end of tonight's hunting lesson. Next, you can act freely. Just don't run around here. It's a surprise to wait for me to come back. I'm going to make an appointment ahead of time."

(end of this chapter)

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