Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1826 52. Lord Sargeras Didn't Want To Talk To You And Gave You A Sword

Chapter 1826 52. Lord Sargeras didn't want to talk to you and gave you a sword

"Wait a minute!"

Seeing that he had just shown the aura of divinity and closed the starry sky to prepare for a secret talk, Sargeras grabbed his Megastar Dark Ripper and wanted to give him a sword.

The Silent Man immediately spread his hands and tried to explain.

However, Lord Sargeras 10,000 years ago would not have given Laike the chance to explain. As the terrifying flames erupted and burned this small galaxy, a Starburst Abandoned Healing Slash chopped down towards the pirate's forehead.

There is a way to attack this.

It seems ordinary or even inferior to Aggramar's wide open and close enemy-breaking swordsmanship, but in fact it contains the divine power of Sargeras.

Lock and kill.

Enemies locked by this sword cannot escape, no matter where they go, they will bear the damage of this sword, and the existence that is cut by this sword must perish unless the power of the godhead protects them.

Very unpretentious but easy to use to deadly effect.

It's much more powerful than the gaudy godhead power of a certain Lord the Silent One.

but unfortunately

"I have seen such a mighty slash once."

Bo Laike sighed.

The shadow of the Silent One surging behind him turned into reality at this moment, with hundreds of thick and sharp tentacles spinning and melting into a black spear-like weapon to meet Sargeras' destructive blow from the bottom up.

The truth thoughts of the Aphotic Sea are entangled into a void fire that burns like the flames attached to the Dark Ripper, allowing this counterattack to come first.

A moment of truth activation for thieves.

Two almost identical Starburst Abandoned Healing Slashes collided in the sea of ​​stars, and a dark green mixed with dark purple energy impact erupted in the sea of ​​stars like a halo.

It was silent at first, but in the next second there was a terrifying loud noise echoing in the distorted void. Once the move was exhausted, all the burning stars around were turned into ashes and smoke.

And the stars of the galaxy, which were fused and impacted by the two godheads, also boiled, and under the accelerated combustion, they actually began to disintegrate, like a ignited melting pot collapsing from the inside.

Bo Laike's tentacles began to disintegrate the moment they were hit.

It was the aftereffect of being exposed to the killing power of Sargeras. The pirates broke it without even looking, and re-grow tens of thousands of snake tentacles in an instant.

And the dark titan on the opposite side unexpectedly returned without success, which also made Lord Sargeras frown.

He realized that the Void God who appeared inexplicably in front of him had some knowledge. He was not a simple person who could be hacked to death with a single sword. When did such a person appear in the lightless sea?

"Ka Ka Ka"

The sound of breaking glass reached Bo Laike's ears.

He glanced at the invisible place. In the level invisible to mortals, the invisible but real time network already showed signs of disintegration.

Aman'Thul warned him before he set off that the time network was shaped by the king of the gods with his own godhead power. Its level below the true god is indestructible and lasts forever. Terrible strain on the time network.

Although this thing can repair itself, once it exceeds the limit it can withstand, the time network covering the entire Azeroth will immediately collapse.

Bu Laike will also be sent back to his original time and space.

"It's so fragile."

The pirate sighed.

Under the gaze of Sargeras, he took the initiative to withdraw the power of the godhead, and raised his hands in front of the dark titan to show that he was not malicious. He even took out a small white flag from his luggage and waved it in front of him.

This is what "truce negotiations" means.

"I just came to have a few words with you, Lord Sargeras."

Bu Laike said in a gentle tone:

"What's more, you can also see that what I have here is just a power clone, hacking me to death can cause me pain for a few days, but after a few days, it will be a lively evil god.

Since you can't kill me, why don't we sit down and talk?

You must know that I have traveled thousands of miles across the vast sea of ​​time, but I have come here especially for you. "

"I have nothing to talk about with the Void."

The dark titan stared at the clone of the evil god who had become weak under his own blow. He stood in the sea of ​​stars that had turned into stardust, leaning on the burning Darkness Ripper.

He said:

"I already know that you are in Azeroth, enjoy your last days, Void God, I will speed up to go there, when the time comes, there must be a break between you and me.

Void miscellaneous! "

"Sigh, you're so stubborn as a 'young', it seems that you haven't experienced enough failures to wake you up, but even so, I have to bring my words here."

Seeing that Sargeras was so determined, Bo Laike knew that today's matter was probably a big deal.

But he didn't care, he just said calmly:

"I am not something that exists in this time and space, Lord Sargeras, you should be able to easily feel the out-of-control disorder remaining in my body.

I didn't come here from another time to fight you.

I'm not that free yet.

I just want to take this precious once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to convey to you some information and truths that you must know about your transformation from a glorious bronze titan to a dark deity dominated by fel energy, about a Great Order of Light and Darkness that has been handed down to this day The sinister conspiracy, about you becoming a pawn used by the conspirators.

You and I, as well as the world you want to destroy, the 'purification' you are performing, and the future of the entire galaxy have all been entrusted to this conversation.

We still have time to correct this mistake.

But if you miss this conversation and dismiss my warnings, then we must leave everything to fate. "


The Dark Titan laughed sarcastically and said:

"If these words were said by creations from other realms, I might still think about it a little bit, but the warning of a emptiness is obviously unnecessary.

I have dealt with you for a long time, and I know your tricks well.

Don't interfere with my will! "

"Ah, then you should have said it earlier!"

Bo Laike blinked.

Under Sargeras' astonished gaze, the shadow of the Quiet One around him dissipated, and under the shadow of a dark moon, Laike's appearance changed rapidly.

The robe on his body turned into a silver-gray battle skirt and battle armor, his handsome cheeks were also dyed into a weird smoky makeup, and his blond hair turned into white hair and flew under the crown of the black moon as if there was no gravity.

The exaggerated and evil tattoos on his body also shine with the light of the power of the moon.

This void miscellaneous changed his godhead in the blink of an eye and became a god in the field of life, which made the dark titan who walked the star sea and slaughtered the void a lot of insight.

"If I had known that Lord Sargeras judges friends and foes by power alignment rather than personal qualities, then I should have talked to you as Moon Shadow from the very beginning.

Tch, I thought you, the dark titan, the strongest creature in the universe, had an eye to discover beauty.

After making trouble for a long time, you are also a pathetic good-looking dog. "

The Scrap Pirate flirted coquettishly with his weightless long hair flying under the moon crown, and the Azzinoth double blades that had been shaped into black moon relics in his hands were also shrouded in the light of the moon shadow.

He raised his head, spreading his life and the dark moon's aura without hesitation, making those broken stars seem to be shrouded in the rainbow of life.

It is true that Laike seldom shows himself in Moon Shadow Form.

Although this form is more suitable than the abyss of the silent one when confronting the strong one-on-one, the crazy pirate's brain always feels that this form is not cool enough, not attractive enough, but very coquettish.

The coquettish one is the same as the pole dancer with full body tattoos that can make mature and lovely big sisters scream.

"Look, I'm the God of Life now. According to your weird logic, if I repeat what I just said, you should be interested, right?"

Laike spread out his hands and said something, with a helpless expression of "I've borne it to this point, Lord Dark Titan, don't lose your temper".

But Lord Sargeras is a hard-core ruthless person who can ruthlessly kill his brothers and sisters for the belief in his heart. How can the will of a ruthless person who can clean up the stars be disturbed by pirates' small tricks?

He stared at Lord Moon Shadow, and said in a deep voice after a few seconds:

"It's useless to talk too much! Go away, when I reach Azeroth, you will die!"

"You are so stubborn."

Bu Laike is also welcome.

He snorted, folded his arms, and said in a cold tone:

"Then you'd better hurry up, the four ancient gods of Azeroth are bastards, and they can't shoulder the expectations of the Aphotic Sea and my fellow Voidlords.

You and I both know what exists in Azeroth.

You are so rude that I have lost my patience. I will corrupt the heart of the world from today on. Guess how long your sleeping little sister can last in my shadow?

seven days?

Half a month?

Ha ha, we will wait and see! "

Bo Laike lost patience with Sargeras' stubbornness.

But there are some things that cannot be discussed among the naked stars. Since his most admired idol, Lord Sargeras, wants to have face-to-face with himself, a black fan, he should satisfy him.

Anyway, the Scrap Pirates had enough confidence to make Sargeras "change his mind".


He never lacks for that thing!

"You really need to hurry up, Lord Sargeras."

As Bu Laike's power clone dissipated among the stars, he threatened sinisterly:

"Otherwise the lovely little sister of Azeroth will take my shape and I will join her in the stars to give you the whole big job.

My patience is limited Oh, my dear Lord Dark Titan, I may not be your opponent, but the star soul you desire is definitely not my opponent either.

You're angry, aren't you?

It doesn't matter.

Who made me such a jerk villain? Thugs like us need to be blunt when speaking, looking forward to seeing you next time.

So be it.

My avatar has only 98% of the battery left, and the phone is almost out of gas, let's talk next time. "


Under the indifferent gaze of Sargeras, the pirate's figure disappeared into the sea of ​​stars. Before leaving, he waved goodbye to Mr. Sa in a very friendly and polite manner.

But no matter how you look at that gesture, it looks like a provocation.

The Dark Titan didn't bother to respond to this childish provocation, he didn't waste even a second, turned around and strode towards Azeroth's flight.

He must hasten his steps.

That trash of Archimonde!

Unexpectedly, there is a Void God hidden in Azeroth, and Shendu has not been able to find out.

Uh, but think about it the other way around, if Archimonde can find a god like the Silent One, the Polluter doesn't have to work under the command of the Dark Titan.

This is no longer a problem that legion demons can solve.

They can continue to conquer the world, but gods and gods can only fight against them!


"Well, what a hard-to-talk domineering CEO Fan."

The crumb pirate who returned to the material world sighed, and touched his aching arm again. Mr. Sa's starburst abandonment attack just now was very powerful. Although it was counterattacked by the thief's copy of truth, the fake It is different from the real thing.

This godhead is very useful.

But the problem is that the absolute strength of Bu Laike and Sargeras is still a little bit worse, and the copied moves can withstand a sword, which is good luck.

"Hmph, next time I'll use my gatekeeper stunt 'Super Sheep Transformation' to deal with you! Turn you, a powerful and tough male god, into a flaming beauty with big waist and thin waist, and take a few photos of you, see How will you hang around among the stars in the future!"

Bu Laike cursed viciously.

Afterwards, he looked down at Illidan who was still twitching in a coma on the ground. The conversation between the gods seemed to be long, but the conversation was extremely fast with divine thoughts. It would only take a few minutes before he left.

Bu Laike crouched down and turned Illidan, who was lying there, on his side.

The two burning holes on that face made people daunting, and what was even more tragic was that this guy had been washed by the fel energy bestowed by Sargeras himself, and he had changed from a pure-blooded elf to a half-demon.

Ugly horny horns like devil's skin grew on his skin, making him look extremely ferocious, and the evil lines on his body that originated from the dark titan's inheritance also flickered little by little with Illidan's painful breathing.

If such an Illidan was sent to Tyrande, it would definitely scare the Priest of the Moon to death.

To be honest, Brother Egg should be thankful that Tyrande is not a dog, otherwise he would have no hope in this life. Even if this continues, Tyrande will still become his sister-in-law.

"Oh, you're useless if I give you a chance!"

Bu Laike gritted his teeth, knocked Illidan's hot head hard, and took out the blindfold he wore when washing Maiev from his arms to cover Illidan's burning eyes.

Lest this blind man frighten people.

This action awakened Illidan from his deep sleep.

He struggled for a while, not yet getting used to the flow of evil energy, so Illidan opened his mouth and spewed out a hot evil fire, which almost burned Sir Quiet One's handsome long hair.

"Hey hey! Be quiet! You need to rest now, you idiot, look at you can turn yourself into a monster if you ask for information, if this makes you carry out an assassination, why don't you kill yourself in front of the target?"

Bo Laike put his hand on Illidan's chest and forced him to lie on the ground of the cold ruins. He said:

"You probably have to hide for a few days. I want to teach you some knowledge of using high-level evil energy, lest you burn yourself to death. This Sargeras is really not particular, and he doesn't care about your carrying capacity. Throw power over.

How irresponsible. "

"I'm Laike. What have I become?"

Illidan struggled to ask, his vocal cords were scalded and still healing, and his voice was as dry as a ghost.

"You, you have become a demon."

Bu Laike sat cross-legged beside Brother Dan, in the silent night, he said softly:

"As you wish, you can now serve Lord Sargeras. You are about to become a loyal black fan of the Dark Titan like me. Tsk tsk, believe me, this is a great honor."

"It hurts."

Illidan said weakly:

"Never hurt like this before, never before dying like this. I can't see. I'm blind, aren't I?"


Bu Laike stroked Illidan's forehead and said softly:

"There is only darkness in front of you, child, sleep, sleep for a while, don't be afraid, I am here."

"Tyrande and Malfurion will be disappointed, they will be disappointed in me"

On the cold ruined ground, Illidan said:

"I can no longer be their partner like this. I have become the monster they hate the most. I have failed everyone."

"Do you have a goal, Illidan."

Laike was silent for a few seconds before asking another question that had already been asked twice.

This time, Illidan was not as silent as before.

He laughed, painfully.

He coughed and said:


"I'm a warrior now."

(end of this chapter)

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