Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1827 53. The Inheritance Of The First Demon Hunter

Chapter 1827 53. The Inheritance of the First Demon Hunter

"By Elune, is this Illidan Stormrage? How did he get himself like this?"

In the third hour after midnight, the sweetest dream moment when mortal life sleeps, Maiev Shadowsong, who finally completed today's hunting target, was led by the little murlocs to the ruins of the Great Temple.

She took off the owl helmet under the ruins, shook her long hair, and then stepped into the shadows, and at a glance saw Brother Dan who was suspended in the air and covered with Laike's life force to repair the body damage.

Miss Maiev was terrified.

She let out a cry of surprise, but saw Mr. Bo Laike shook his head at her with his fingers up, beckoning her to be quiet, and beckoning her to come closer.

"Today, let's not tell my story, Maiev."

While adjusting the power of the dark moon reflected on Illidan, the pirate said to Maiev who was sitting next to him and staring at Illidan's strange changes:

"Let me tell you a story about the dark walker. I think this story will make your memory deep and let you clarify some truths between white and black in the future."

Bu Laike shook his head, picked up his pipe, and exhaled a smoke ring in the silent night, telling Maiev:

"A long, long time ago, two children were born in the village of Valsharah. The first born child had beautiful silver pupils, but people didn't pay attention to him because his younger brother was more powerful.

His younger brother has golden eyes of the color of Amber, rare in the whole world and even in the stars, and people say that the boy will become a great man in the future"

The story is not long.

Because the stories of Stormrage Brothers and Tyrande really don't have much content.

After all, in the next 10,000 years, the big brother in the story went away into dreams because of guilt, the younger brother in the story was imprisoned in a cage because of his stubbornness, and the girl in the story guarded an imperfect love to support herself the expectations of the people.

It's not a great story, to be honest.

It's a tragedy.

But Maiev didn't interrupt Mr. Bo Laike's narration. She had heard many stories from Mr. Bo Laike. No matter how stupid she was, she knew that Mr. Bo Laike never made up anything.

The stories he told all happened in reality. Although they haven't happened yet, they are still projections and prophecies about the future.

"Finally, that guy left two letters and set foot on the battlefield of the gods. He wants to complete the final battle with the dark god who gave him power.

He resolves to become a warden, to heal all disasters among the stars at the cost of his own sacrifice.

He is a very contradictory person.

It is definitely not perfect, but he is indeed a warrior who has been walking on the dark road. In the first half of his short life, he has been tortured by the pressure brought by his eyes, but in the second half of his brilliant life, this guy No longer living for anyone, he was devoted to an ideal higher than reality. "

Bu Laike shook his head and said:

"He may also know that the seal of the dark god will cause a series of unknown troubles, but he doesn't want to continue anymore, he may be tired.

After all, being alone for so long, right? "

"Is Tyrande so cruel?"

Maiev lowered her head and said:

"When the suicide note was left to her, she should at least show a little sadness. How can she be like a stranger?"

"Don't you think she's sad?"

Bu Laike chuckled, shook his head and said:

"No, she just can't be sad.

She knew she would hurt her husband and her people if she burst into grief, after all that the man who had wooed her had done terrible things.

Do you think the Tyrande you know is really a heartless person?

Maiev, in this whole story, Tyrande is the most helpless and struggling person.

I don't doubt her relationship with Malfurion, but I'm sure that in the deepest part of her heart, there will always be a soft spot reserved for Illidan.

Otherwise, she would not seek Illidan's help when she was facing a desperate situation, and she would not even hesitate to conflict with the beautiful, natural, powerful and rational lady warden.

So, in a sense, licking the dog is indeed licking at the end.

Although not in the usual way. "

"Well, maybe so, if I were in Tyrande's position, I wouldn't necessarily do better than her."

Maiev nodded.

But soon, Ms. Yingge discovered a brilliance.

She looked up at Bu Laike where the moonlight was scattered, she thought for a moment and whispered:

"So, the 'beautiful, chic, powerful and rational' lady warden you've been emphasizing is my future self, right?"

"Who knows?"

Bu Laike shrugged, without looking back, and said:

"If all goes well, she could be you too."

"So, what you're doing is actually pursuing me, right? Mr. Laike, we will be together in the future, right? That's why I don't resist the intimacy you bring so much.

Because it is so. "

Maiev asked a bold question, causing Bu Laike, who was smoking a pipe, to cough violently. He didn't deny or confirm, but waved his hand and said:

"You should go back, take a good rest, there is training tomorrow."

"Cowardly gods."

Maiev moved her nose and said something dissatisfied.

Taking one last look at Illidan, she put her helmet on, and leaning over Laike, she turned and disappeared into the darkening night beyond the ruins.

After Maiev left, the little murloc croaked with wide-eyed eyes and waved its fists.

It was very puzzled why Laike didn't answer directly just now, hey, even I, a murloc, felt how violent Miss Maiev's straight ball was.

Such a good thing, why do you shrink back?

"Shut up."

Bu Laike glared at the little murloc and said:

"The story hasn't finished yet, how do you want me to tell her that she will die because of this love in the future? Foreshadowing! Do you understand the foreshadowing? Why are you so anxious? I didn't come here to have a one-night stand ten thousand years ago. I'm serious. yes, okay?

Also, am I so hungry in your eyes? "

The little murloc wanted to nod.

After all, even by the standard of a pirate, the total number of Bu Laike's three wives and those confidante friends is enough for the standard of "hunger and eater".

Do you calculate how many normal people are in your wife and lover?

Although XP is free, I still recommend you to see a doctor, boss.

But at this moment, it forcibly suppressed its eagerness to die, pointed to Illidan in front of it, and let out a croak.

Brother Egg woke up.

It's time to get down to business.

Don't bully me, a poor, helpless and weak little murloc who likes to have fun.

"Hmph, don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

Bu Laike slit the little murloc's throat viciously, and he threatened:

"Be careful, I will kill the two murloc lovers you hid in Northrend and Suramar after I go back! There is also the jinyu chick prophet of Pandaria and the swordfish female sword master who have an affair with you.

The taste is very tough, my little idiot, I still like small fish to eat big fish, small horses and big carts, it’s okay, I’ll take you to see a doctor, okay? "


The little idiot froze immediately.

Although I already knew that I could not hide from the evil Bu Laike what I secretly hid, but this will really be exposed by Bu Laike.

After teaching the little murloc a lesson, Laike turned his head and dropped the awakened Illidan back to the ground. Under the nourishment of the scrap pirate's life force, Illidan's body mutation has been suppressed.

From the outside, except for those exaggerated and cool evil lines on his body, he is no different from an ordinary blind night elf.

"I don't need to get you a mirror, anyway, you can't see it now, you just need to know that your fel alienation has been temporarily suppressed."

Bu Laike said to the silent Illidan:

"But this suppression comes from my power, not yours. These moonlights will slowly dissipate in the next week, that is to say, you have a week to learn to manipulate the pure evil energy in your body.

If you can't, you'll still turn into a half-demon monster.

tell me now how do you feel "


Illidan's vocal chords have been repaired.

But his voice has changed into the hoarse and gloomy tone that Bo Laike is familiar with, which is due to a change in the soul.

He stroked his still slender arm, and he could feel the terrifying power contained in every muscle under this seemingly thin arm.

He could also feel the dormant fel swaying within him, a power that, while brutal and merciless, was far more manipulable and destructive than arcane magic.


A powerful feeling that he had never had before emerged in Illidan's heart, but it didn't make him feel very happy. After all, the price he paid for these powers was too high.

"Too bad, I feel like I've become an uncontrollable killing machine."

Illidan pointed to his brain and said hoarsely:

"There's a voice here, it's urging me to fight and kill, it's telling me that just killing keeps making the fel stronger and making me stronger."

"It's right."

Bu Laike exhaled the smoke ring and said to Illidan:

"The characteristics of evil energy are such that it is difficult for a rational person to unleash the full potential of evil energy, but a crazy tyrant will only be lured by evil energy to become a brainless butcher.

So, this is the first lesson you have to learn, the first lesson of the demon hunter, I call it 'making friends' with your own demons. "


Illidan savored this unique term. He touched his heart, and there seemed to be another voice echoing in that tough beating heart.

"This description is very appropriate. Also, what is a demon hunter?"

He turned his head to "look" at Boo Laike.

Losing his eyes made Illidan very uncomfortable, but his strong senses allowed him to feel the presence of Bo Laike.

Well, its unique there.

Only after being blinded, Illidan could really feel Bo Laike's usual state. When the guy spoke, his mouth didn't move at all, he used some kind of illusion to outline his voice.

There is also the aura hidden in his body, although it is not as violent as Sargeras, but it is like a hidden stream flowing in the mountains, seemingly inconspicuous but actually endless.

"I guess you must be wondering why I don't speak, and use this illusion to talk to you."

Bu Laike patted Illidan on the shoulder and said:

"Don't think too much, you will go crazy the moment I open my mouth, it's for your own good. As for what a demon hunter is, you have to find out the answer yourself, but I can tell you that you are the first in this group of stars A demon hunter.

You use the power of the demons against them, and one day, you and your followers will become the nightmare of the Burning Legion.

I will teach you to use this power.

I am sure, you will learn quickly. "

"Are you even good at evil energy?"

Illidan said in surprise:

"I'm amazed that you can manipulate the insane void and the healing moonlight."

"I know a lot. When necessary, I can even be the most outstanding mage in the world, although I don't have the slightest bit of arcane magic power."

Bo Laike snorted, stretched out his finger and put it in front of Illidan's eyes. As he mobilized his power, a ray of primordial fel energy turned into a light spot and floated on Bo Laike's fingertip.

And the aura emanating from the primordial fel energy made Illidan stand up abruptly, and made an attacking gesture towards Bo Laike.

He scolded:

"This is the power of Sargeras! How do you have it? You, are you an evil servant of Sargeras? I remember you called him 'my lord' just now?

Are you with the demons? "

"You have a good imagination."

The pirate curled his lips, reached out and pressed Illidan's shoulder during the apparition, and said:

"Do you think that a mighty person like me would be willing to submit to Lord Sargeras?

Although I thought about it, He was so stingy that he didn't even want to give me the title of 'King of Demons'. He also secretly banned my account in the field of fel energy. It's open.

Well, these things are complicated to say, one or two sentences can't explain the plot of at least five or six million words.

I don't mind talking, but I suspect you don't have enough time to listen. "

Boo Laike's finger on Illidan's shoulder was so hard that Dango sat back on the ground in severe pain, and the pirate stood behind him, resting his back on the forehead next to Dango's eyes.

He said:

"There are still three hours before dawn, and within this time, you have to master basic combat skills such as the demon hunter's ghost vision, the illusion of flying bat wings, and eye ridges.

After that, I will wait here on time every night. One is teaching, and the other is rushing. I don’t mind spending a little more time. Next, I’m going to ‘play games’ with Zin-Azshara and Queen Azshara.

I don't want you to hold me back. "

"Well, I will learn by heart, but I have seen many things from the demons, and I must send them to Lord Ravencrest."

Illidan whispered:

"That's what I paid for. I have to send them back, it's very important to the world."

"Then you'll have to sneak into Suramar by yourself."

The pirate frowned and said:

"Concealment and lurking are the basic skills for demon hunters. If you can't even do this, I have to practice for you. In addition, you are already very proficient in using the moon guard's forbidden technique.

It's time to make it big. "

"That kind of magic."

Illidan shook his head and said:

"I don't want to use it anymore. The victory obtained by such a sacrifice is just an illusory self-comfort."

"Yeah, it must be illusory to use it on one's own people."

Bu Laike leaned down, and said in the ear of Brother Dan, who already had a strong breath:

"But what if it is used on demons? It couldn't be used before because the evil energy of demons is absorbed into the body of normal people, which is deadly and highly poisonous, but Illidan

Your veins are already flooded with fel energy, you are already a very poisonous thing.

Feel this wilderness, those demons wandering in the dark night, what a sweet and delicious dead meat, take a sip, tsk tsk, your lips and teeth will be fragrant.

A big meal for walking is in front of you, now it depends on whether you have such a good appetite to enjoy them, and whether you will have diarrhea after eating.

Tell me, do you feel guilty for draining demons of their fel power and listening to their desperate howls? "

Illidan didn't answer.

But there was a deep, sinister and sinister smile on his face with a black cloth blindfold, and that familiar smile made Bo Laike laugh out loud.

He patted Illidan on the shoulder.


"So, welcome back to the hunting ground, big demon hunter, do you want some supper?"

(end of this chapter)

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