Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1831 57. The Last Night Of Suramar

Chapter 1831 57. The Last Night of Suramar

The flame in the fireplace was burning, exuding a warm atmosphere and serving as the only light source in the dark room, dispelling the shadows but not completely dispelling them.

Like a half-covered dancer, she exudes a unique style.

Generally speaking, the darkness is not so charming, but considering that a not so particular god is telling a story that I don’t know where to hear, so the shadow and the flame have nothing to do, they can only follow the big brother’s idea, humble It outlines an atmosphere that can make people relax without being drowsy.

In the rocking easy chair by the fireplace, Bou Laike lay there like an old man, dainty enough to drape a blanket over his legs.

In the background of the fireplace next to him, he slowly talked about how he fought wits and courage with Xalatas and finally returned with a big victory. He killed the arrogant and seductive ancient venerable and even lost himself in the end.

This time the story told by the pirates was so half-concealed that even some details that made people blush and heartbeat were described.

Of course, for a normal person like Miss Maiev, it is impossible to imagine how the two indescribable things are messing around under the stars and sky.

As for this, it is also difficult for Laike to describe it in words. He has always been good at bragging, and he can only vaguely "feel pretty good" to deal with it.

"So, you let a terrifying ancient evil be your mistress willingly?"

Maiev stared wide-eyed in the darkness like listening to a book from heaven.

She was ready to delve into the more personal life of the mysterious Mr. Laike, but when it came to the truth, Miss Maiev still felt that she might not be prepared.

Too young.

Of course, the more important reason is that the taste of the god-lord in front of him is a bit "mixed", which makes Miss Maiev a little afraid.

"Your statement is biased."

The pirate lying in the easy chair corrected Maiev's statement academically, saying:

"That's not called willingness, you heard it too, Xalatas is very bad, she fought me with wits and courage several times along the way and almost capsized my gutter.

She really chose to succumb when I rescued her from the moon god's punishment and hunted down the ancient gods for her to make her complete again.

Uh, I want to emphasize here.

Although the intimacy in the form of the abyss sounds very taboo and unimaginable, more often than not, we prefer the form of normal people, so don't look at me with the attitude of looking directly at evil things.

I'm a very traditional, conservative and decent pirate.

No fucking tricks. "

"How can you say that in front of a lady!"

Maiev was very dissatisfied and grabbed the Black Moon Tome at hand and slapped it on Bu Laike's arm. The pirate sighed helplessly and said:

"I don't want to say it either, but you need to listen to your name. What can I do? This is your wish, and I must fulfill it. I am a well-known figure in this regard."

"That's right."

The priestess nodded.

She was also very nervous, after all, a young elf had never experienced such a "big scene".

Although born in the corrupt city of Suramar, the Shadowsong family's family education is very strict.

After the death of her parents, Maiev has to discipline her younger brother to become a talent. Her indifferent appearance in the Moon God Temple may be more of a habitual attitude towards the world.

After all, even in an elven society where men are handsome and women are beautiful, a girl with an outstanding appearance like Maiev still has to face all kinds of pressure, and Tyrande is the same.

Perhaps this is the reason why the two girls can become friends in the Temple of the Moon God.

"What about First Officer Seifel?"

In the relaxed and secret atmosphere of the hall, Maiev asked curiously:

"Doesn't she have any resentment for the appearance of Xalatas? Miss Sapphire appeared today, right? I didn't see her appearance and appearance clearly, but I can feel the relationship between you and her It should be deep."

"Ah, Sefiel, she is a very virtuous assistant."

Rubbing his chin, Bo Laike rocked the easy chair and said:

"Do you still remember the story I told you about the pirates on the first day? The bronze dragon I killed with a conspiracy was actually Sefiel. Just like my contact with Xalatas, I and Sefiel also A relationship that turns an enemy into a friend.

Perhaps my relationship with her was developed through long-term companionship and cooperation. As for her and Xalatas, there may be conflicts, but I don't get involved. "

The pirate paused and said seriously:

"They are all very independent and excellent ladies, they can solve their own troubles by themselves, and they don't need a stinky man to back them up."

"It's amazing, I can't even imagine it."

Miss Maiev said frankly:

"This is completely different from the love I imagined, maybe I can't accept it."

"That's not what you said ten thousand years later."

Bu Laike curled his lips and complained:

"You are very indifferent. You told me more than once that you don't care about my private life at all, and you always say strange things about the good times that have passed."


Maiev tilted her head and thought for a while, thinking that might not be what she could say, but this question aroused Miss Maiev's curiosity even more, so she asked after being silent for more than ten seconds:

"Then how did I get in touch with you ten thousand years later? How did you trick me?"

"Hey, we're talking about you, please don't use such a bad tone? And I didn't lie to you."

Bo Laike sighed.

Amidst Miss Maiev's chuckle, he looked at the dancing flames in the fireplace, as memories were outlined in the flames and became vivid images projected in his eyes.

He said softly:

"My contact with you is actually the same, you have to know that when we met for the first time after ten thousand years, you gave me a big job and almost drove me to death.

That should have happened after I had just rescued Dean Lanyue and her students from the ruins of Narsalas College, just after the story between me and Suramar.

You were very majestic at that time, and you were already the absolute leader of the watchmen, and I, I was just a rookie who had just entered the rivers and lakes, a novice pirate with a bit of whimsy. "

In Braike's warm description, scenes were outlined in the heart of Miss Maiev, who was listening attentively. When she heard that her future self had robbed Braike at least twice, Miss Maiev showed a strange expression on her face. happy smile.

After hearing that I and Pirate Pirates killed an evil demigod together on the Eagle Claw Peak, and then beat up Pirate Pirates who was overwhelmed, the bastard took over the control of the second half for no reason Cheap.

Miss Maiev clenched her fists.

She thought Mr. Bo Laike was just so bad, so bad.

But those stories are true after all, and even the best lies can't outline true feelings. In this dark and relaxing room, Maiev saw Mr. Bo Laike reveal a side that he had never shown before.

That was perhaps the truest expression of emotion under his disguise.

In this way, a god took off all his disguise in front of mortals, and showed his bloody heart that was about to be broken.

Although it is described in a joyful story and in a relaxed tone, in Maiev's eyes, the image of Mr. Laike in her cognition has become more and more vivid.

She had heard many stories about him during this time, and tonight, the details of these stories were finally put together.

He sacrificed his life for his country and was resurrected as a forgotten soul. He continued the war that did not belong to him and made great achievements for his own side, but was forced to turn to a messy pirate career. His greatest enemy was his father. He even had to fight with his own father His father fought on the battlefield, and most of the people he met wanted to use him and were used by him in turn.

People approached him not because they liked him so much, but because they needed him.

There are very few reasons why people like him, and there are too many reasons to hate him.

He has made a lot of contributions to the world, but they are all hidden in the shadows. He is a vicious villain and evil god, but ironically, he has done more things that are difficult for heroes and great men. thing.

Except for Mr. Cheb Laike's self-optimism and willful character, his whole story is an undeniable and heavy tragedy from the beginning to the end.

Miss Maiev finished listening to Mr. Bo Laike's story, but she didn't recognize the person in front of her as expected, instead she seemed to be in a fog, feeling more and more that she didn't know enough about Pirates.

She wants to hear more, wants to see more.

This unique soul is really interesting and attractive. People can't help but walk into his story, and even look forward to playing an important role in it.

"Mr. Bo Laike."


The pirate stopped talking and looked back at Miss Maiev, who lowered her head and asked softly:

"You said, why should I be so rude to you in ten thousand years? We get along very well now, why will our relationship be so bad in the future?"

"Uh, this, probably because I have done too much to you?"

Bo Laike stroked his chin and said:

"Maybe it's because I'm not a gentleman enough?"

"What do you think you've done to me so badly?"

Miss Maiev raised her head and asked:

"I don't know much about the rules of fate, but if we need to re-acquaint and re-contact with that gesture in ten thousand years and become friends again.

So does it mean that you have to do those excessive things to ensure that fate will not be deflected?

Ah, of course, I was just saying it offhand.

I'm not a mage after all, I am."

Miss Priest tried to explain in a panic.

But in the next second, Bo Laike's fingers were on her delicate chin, and the Silent One lay on the easy chair and tilted his head to look at the flustered Maiev.

He said seriously:

"So, were you implying that I can go to the next step? A girl who is getting bolder."

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Miss Maiev stood up in a panic, wanting to leave the hall that suddenly became breathless.

But her wrist was grabbed by the crumb pirates. When she turned her head, she was shocked to see that Laike, who was lying on the chair and holding her hand just now, had covered the ground with red roses in less than a second. Made a heart shape.

Hey Speed ​​Force you!

What's even more exaggerated is that this guy is still holding a gesture box in his hand, and he is coughing and half kneeling in the heart-shaped flower. He winked at Miss Maiev and said:

"You asked me earlier if I was after you, and the answer was, yes.

I am pursuing you, Miss Maiev Shadowsong, from our first meeting to now, all my arrangements are to get close to you without making you feel conflicted.

but sorry.

It is also the first time for a person as handsome as me to talk about such a pure love, and many details are not well grasped, I hope you don't mind. "

Bu Laike lifted the jewelry box in his hand and placed it in front of Maiev's eyes. An exquisite Draenei crystal diamond ring without any magical power reflected the streamer against the firelight of the fireplace.

He said very seriously to the priest lady who was stunned in front of him:

"I know I'm not doing well enough, after all, based on your description of me, you think that the experience 10,000 years ago is the best memory in your life.

But you are unwilling to tell me any details, I can only do my best to give you a memorable love according to my understanding.

I really have no experience with this and I feel like I'm doing a terrible job.

But fortunately, it seems that you have a good impression of me now, considering that I don't have much time to stay in this era, so I plan to "

"You are a real fool, Mr. Bo Laike."

The pirate's rambling explanation was interrupted by Miss Maiev.

Lord Silent raised his head in astonishment and looked at the priestess who took a deep breath in front of him. The latter did not accept the diamond ring, but said to him seriously:

"Whether it's perfect enough, romantic enough, or memorable enough for a lifetime is not up to you to decide, don't you think! I think.

I think good enough is good enough.

You are a god, Mr. Laike, and when we first met, you rewrote Tyrande's perception in words, and that was as easy to you as eating and drinking. "

Maiev took a step forward, condescendingly looking at the Pirate Pirates who was half kneeling in front of her and making a gesture of proposing marriage.

she says:

"You can change my mind with your eyes, make me fall in love with you and give you everything I have, but you didn't do it.

Not only did you not do this, during the time you spent with me, you tried your best to downplay your status as a god. You wanted to win my favor as a mortal.

Frankly, it flatters me.

I don't understand how I, an ordinary elf girl, can be so attractive, but now, I know.

You think I deserve it all.

You are not pursuing me, you are compensating me. "

Maiev shook her head. She pushed away the diamond ring that Bo Laike had given her, knelt down as if praying, and put her hand on the pirate's heart under Bo Laike's terrified gaze.

She said softly:

"But I don't deserve it, Boo Laike, and you shouldn't try to impress me to get my love for you, I haven't experienced it but I've heard of it.

It doesn't need to be so complicated.

I just have one question for you. "

Maiev put her hand on Bu Laike's heart, and she asked seriously in the dim room:

"Do you love me?"


The heart of the god was beating violently at this moment, and that strange feeling was like the big white deer horse Luo En went crazy and hit his heart, and when it made the thing thump and thump, it aroused a strange feeling Feel.

It was as if the whole world had become better at this moment, and he had to admit that this was indeed a rare emotion when he was with Sefiel and Xalatas.

No, Miss Maiev, how good you are!

As a priest, Maiev also showed a smile, she blinked and said:

"Look, most of the time, you don't need words! What are you doing?"

Caught off guard, the young priestess was embraced by powerful arms, those suppressed thoughts erupted across time and life and death at this moment, and Laike embraced her with a force that almost crushed Miss Maiev's bones into the bosom.

Miss Maiev was terrified.

But soon, she accepted it all.

Does she like Mr. Bo Laike?

Maybe like it.

Because every day with him would bring indescribable peace of mind to the very insecure Miss Maiev, as if standing by his side, the dangers of the whole world would no longer have to be feared.

Maybe this is love?

"Are you crying?"

Miss Maiev patted Bo Laike on the back, but soon she felt a chill on her neck, and when she gently let go of her embrace, she saw Lord Quieter wiping his eyes.

The latter forcibly denied it, saying:

"No, I didn't. I promised you that you would not waste your tears for others. Besides, why would such a mighty god like me cry?"

"Don't be silly, I'm not someone else."

Maiev rolled his eyes, feeling that the god in front of him might not be a fool, right?

She began to feel suspicious of her picky eyes.

But then, she looked at the roses under the two of them again, and Miss Maiev let out a sigh of relief. She thought that the relationship that had passed through 10,000 years would blossom and bear fruit this night, and she felt that the world was amazing.

The original tension in my heart also turned into a touch of anticipation?

So, she blinked and whispered in Bo Laike's ear:

"So, are some very, very bad things about to happen next? Things that are enough to make me hate you ten thousand years from now?"

"that's about right."

The pirate pursed his lips, and stretched out his arms to wrap around Maiev's slender waist. After their lips touched at this moment, they kissed like a volcanic eruption. It wasn't until the clumsy Miss Maiev was a little out of breath that she asked:

"Then what's so bad, so bad?"

"That set of armor. I suddenly felt that Xalatath had done a good job. He was a god teammate."

"No! I refuse! That's not what an elf lady should wear, you nasty god!"

"Hey, little priest, if you're willing and cooperative, then it's not a bad thing, right? Don't run away, come here!

Tsk, shadow walk is not bad.

It's a pity I taught it. "


Double this month, know what I mean, guys.

Don't worry.

After adding more updates on the 11th, wait until the double is added, and I will give you a signal at that time, follow my wink!

(end of this chapter)

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