Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1832 58. Longevity, The Devil Knocked Off Ms. Elune's Mouth

Chapter 1832 58. Longevity, the devil knocked off Ms. Elune's mouth

"Sister, are you home? I'm coming back to pick up some clothes."

Under the darkness of night, Jarod Shadowsong jumped off his black panther saddle, took out the key under the third flower pot at the door, and shouted towards the ancestral house while familiarizing himself with the driving.

He was not in a good mood at this time.

Originally wanted to join the vanguard army going to Zin-Azshari, but the High Lord Ravencrest asked him to take a hunter force to Black Rook Castle.

Instead of being on the front line, he was transferred to the rear. Perhaps in the eyes of others, this was the preferential treatment from the great lord to young people, but Garald was a young man with a heart after all.

He didn't want to be successful, but he wanted to end this damn disaster and dispute with his own hands.

But a military order is a military order, and Garald has no way to resist the order.

And now he is indeed shouldering the important responsibility of contacting the rebel army with the demigod family and the dragon army. The arrangement of the great lord can't be wrong. If a talent like him dies fighting on the front line, the entire rebel army will be greatly damaged. .

"Huh? What's the sound?"

Garrod took the key and walked up the steps, only to vaguely hear a strange sound coming from the house. His sister seemed to be in pain, and he immediately grasped the long sword at his waist.

When I came back just now, I heard from the brother in charge of the Sky Knights that Azshara sent many demons who are good at stealth and assassination around Suramar, and even assassins raised by the high elf nobles.

He is now worried about his sister's safety.

He only has this one sister!

But when Garald was about to draw his sword, he suddenly heard a strange noise in the grass next to him.

He looked back vigilantly, and saw a little murloc wearing a strange armor standing in the grass carrying a murloc trident with lingering elemental power, holding a half-gnawed chicken leg in its paws , and the cute big eyes are shining with the light of watching the fun.

Maybe it was Garald's illusion, he felt that this strange murloc wanted him to open the door and rush in at this time

"Are you Mr. Bo Laike's pet?"

But Garrod was no fool either.

Although he has never seen the little murloc, he heard Shaohao and the Monkey King tell him about the "little follower" beside Mr. Bu Laike. It is said that this murloc has been working with Bu Laike since a long time ago.

Although it looks harmless to humans and animals on the outside, it has strange powers.

The Monkey King told Jarod swearingly that he had seen this little guy stealing Ursoc's sacred object with a cloth bag in the Emerald Dream.

A murloc who isn't even afraid of the wilderness is no longer an ordinary murloc.

And Mr. Bu Laike's pet is guarding outside his ancestral house like a guard at night. This matter feels a little frightening.

"Mr. Bo Laike is in there?"

Garrod guessed the truth of the matter as soon as he rolled his eyes.

Anger welled up in his heart, this bastard evil god actually dared to bully his sister, did he really think that the long sword in his hand, a high-ranking commander of the rebel army, was bad for him?

But in the next moment, the angry young man snorted, put the long sword back into the scabbard, turned around and walked towards his black panther, and said to the little murloc:

"Tell my sister and brother-in-law, I went to Black Rook Castle, and I probably won't be back for a long time. Remember to bring the word to you, you nasty fun fish."

"quack quack"

The little murloc, who didn't see the excitement, was very upset and threw half a chicken leg at the coward Garrod.

It jumped up and down angrily, shaking its fists and screaming.

Sister Ni was bullied by stinky pirates inside! You little brother don't even have the courage to open the door and beat up the stinky pirate? Huh~ Even murlocs think you are too cowardly!

Don't go, bastard!

You're gone, I'll be here tonight to watch all night, hurry up and let me go out for a stroll at night, okay?

It is a pity that although Garald is extremely talented in diplomacy, he is not a genius who can understand murloc language. After all, the world was not divided ten thousand years ago, and the continents and oceans were naturally separated. It only exists in places with many continental water systems.


Garald's black panther mount was not particular about it either. The chicken leg thrown by the little murloc was caught by it in one bite, chewed and swallowed, and then rushed out into the night under the command of the master's tightening of the reins.

On the stable panther saddle, Jarod looked back at the ancestral house behind him, his anger subsided.

I'm even a little lucky.

My elder sister always has a cold face outside, and there are only a few friends in the Moon God Temple. There are many people who want to date my elder sister over the years, even some nobles in the city, but they are all declined by her elder sister.

He has also been worried about his sister's major life events, but it's hard to say something about being a younger brother, and his elder sister behaves very decently in front of others, but she is merciless when beating her younger brother.

Now it is a good thing to have someone who can catch my sister's eyes. Even with Lord Bu Laike's ruthless and crazy behavior, my sister will definitely not be bullied.

Of course, the most important thing is that when Garald walked up the steps to open the door just now, he had a feeling that if he opened the door forcefully,

I will definitely die.

The feeling of death at that moment made the young man's heart beating wildly.

As for whether her sister was forced, there is no need to think about it at all. Maiev Shadowsong is the priestess of Elune, and the Moon God will not allow this kind of thing to happen to her priests.

In the thousands of years of the entire elf empire's history, the grass on the graves of old buddies who dare to touch the priests is almost growing into a big forest. The Sisterhood of Elune, which even Queen Azshara takes seriously, is a charity Organization?

But what happened that night was not just that Maiev found the love of her life.

At dawn, the priests of the Moon Temple of Suramar left the city, protected by the Nightwell shield, with the first guards returning to Black Rook Hold.

Tyrande Windtalker was also in the party.

As the chosen one of Elune to perform miracles in this era, the young priest has received the unanimous approval of the Elune Sisterhood in the past few days.

Originally, the speed of this "certification" was not so fast, but now is a time of war, and the rebel army commanded by Lord Ravencrest needs the support of the night elf civilians. As a representative of civilian power, the Luna Church should also actively support the resistance against the demons Just cause with tyrants.

The Luna oracle conveyed by Bu Laike's "message" has been sent down in the Luna temples in various places in the empire. In addition, the Chosen One has appeared in Suramar City, and the Sisterhood of Elune has also confirmed Tai Rand Windtalker assumes the position of "High Priest of the Moon".

This is the title of the religious head of the nominal Luna Church.

In normal times, this position is vacant, and the affairs of the church are handled by the high priests of the Sisters of Elune, but in times of war, the church also needs a leader to calm people's hearts.

With the joint efforts of several phases, the young Tyrande was pushed to a high position in this way, so fast that Tyrande himself was a little caught off guard.

Now she set off on the saddle of a white moonsaber, and was discussing some matters with her mentor, Ms. Diana, surrounded by the guards of the high priests.

Mainly Diana was talking and Tyrande was listening.

Although the Sisterhood of Elune is a religious organization, there are factions within it.

Don't think that elves don't engage in politics. Just look at the open and secret struggle between the Royal Party and the Parliament faction in Quel'Thalas 10,000 years later, you will know that this thing is the "quintessence" of elves. Senior Da Na".

"Don't be too afraid, Tyrande."

Ms. Diana took a moment to tell her disciples about the factional disputes within the Sisterhood. Seeing the complex look in the eyes of the young Tyrande, the high priest sighed, looked at the surrounding night and said softly:

"Compared to Azshara's court, the disputes within the sisterhood are not so intense and dark, and more of the differences come from the conflict of doctrine interpretation.

The clergy are always simpler than the nobles.

But you are the chosen one of the Moon God, my disciple.

Whether you like it or not, you already have the legal right to interpret the mundane teachings for Lady Elune. Perhaps under your leadership, the Sisters of Elune will unite.

Use your powers carefully though.

You have to remember that believers of the Moon God are all over this country, and any of your decrees will directly affect the lives of tens of thousands of people. "

The high-ranking priest looked at her disciple, and she encouraged her in a low voice:

"You are not the emperor of the world, but in the glory of Elune, even Azshara will give you three points of courtesy."

Ms. Diana didn't say that, but it made Tyrande feel more complicated. In all fairness, how could she, a commoner girl born and raised in Suramar, have thought about these things?

Before becoming God's Chosen, Tyrande's biggest wish was to become the priest of a Moon God Temple somewhere in the future, but like a dream, she became the master of all the Moon God Temples in the empire in the blink of an eye.

At least the nominal owner.

"Too complicated, mentor."

Tyrande rode his moonsaber.

This beautiful big cat also seemed to feel the owner's irritability, it whimpered in a low voice, in fact, it wasn't just Tyrande who was irritated, this big moonsaber cat raised by Tyrande was also very annoyed.

The power of the chosen one wraps around it, making every mane of it shine with light. In the past few days, I can't even sleep well. When I open my eyes at night, I will be startled by the glowing self.

"I think the most important thing now is to help Lord Ravencrest win this war."

Tyrande said to his mentor.

But before she could finish her sentence, the piercing howl exploded above the night sky, causing the young priest to raise his head suddenly.

The next moment, Tyrande's eyes tightened.

In her vision, a mass of black flying monsters is flying down from the night sky, a rotating fel portal hangs high in the clouds, and those crazy thugs born from the twisting void screamed for blood.

"Enemy attack!"

The Huntress commander leading the team shouted.

The elite Black Crow Guards immediately grabbed their bows and crossbows and shot towards the sky, and the spellcasters in the team also opened their shields while throwing dazzling fireballs into the sky.

But the counterattack was a bit hasty.

The soldiers didn't expect that there would be demons daring to jump out to make trouble in the land of the wilderness demigods, which was already close to the great forest of Valsharah.

And this group of demons obviously came prepared, they summoned a large number of mephits to scatter the army below, and ferocious fear demons crazily threw a group of shadow arrows.

In the chaos, several doomsday guards with big arms and waists rushed straight to the center of the team holding the great sword of destruction.

Their target is obviously Elune's chosen Tyrande Windtalker.

"Damn it!"

Diana, the high-ranking priest beside Tyrande, realized that something was wrong. She glanced at the chaotic scene around her, and saw a priest with red eyes piercing her companion's body with a sharp blade. Rand stepped back, praying to the dim moonlight tonight:

"There are traitors in the church! Elune, the demons have corrupted your maid, please send down the wrath of the moon god."

The moonlight swayed and heard the priest's prayers. As the stars and the moon floated, one after another of hot and bright moonfire light fell from the sky, shooting down those ugly demons in the air.

Tyrande also raised his war bow and shot a sharp arrow.

She doesn't even need to pray, every time she draws the bowstring, the bright moonlight will be attached to the arrow, and she will shoot the burning and righteous arrow of the moon god.

The lower level demons will die when touched, and the upper level demons will also be burned and scream.

"Dorisul, go! Ask the king of the forest for help."

Seeing that there were more and more demons, Tyrande raised his hand to call for his companions, and a moon-white owl with bloody claws flew towards the Valshara Forest in front of it under the instructions of its master.

At this distance, as long as the troops can hold on for a while, the natural army will immediately come to support them.

The good news is that Lord Ravencrest's legion is strong, and the elf veterans who have fought the demons have a morale bonus and are not afraid of these otherworldly destroyers.

The bad news is that the demons come prepared.

The goal was very clear from the beginning.


The high-ranking priest Diana, who constantly summoned moonfire to attack the demons, was backstabbed by the dreadlord who sprang out from the shadows.

These cunning assassins were insidious, their fel-wrapped claws slashed and pierced the priestess lady's shoulders, and bat wings flapped and dragged her into the sky.

The miserable scream made Tyrande, who was slaughtering demons, turn around suddenly.

"Let her go!"

The Chosen screamed and drove the Moonsaber to rush up, chasing the dreadlord who had taken away his mentor, and rushed out of the defensive circle. The Huntress commander was so anxious that he personally led people to chase it out to protect the Chosen.

But in the end one step too late.

Several eredar wizards who had been waiting for a long time teamed up to throw the teleportation magic, and forced Tyrande to leave this area. The tearing of the opened teleportation light curtain was blown away.

But before Tyrande got dizzy from the fall, a screaming Doomsday Guard flew over with flapping wings, dropped the Great Sword of Destruction, grabbed Tyrande's shoulders with both hands, and rushed into the sky, twirling there flashed through the fel portal.

"No! Mindo!"

Holding a bow and wearing leather armor, an elf girl desperately shouted to the sky. She wanted to chase it out but was stopped by the surrounding hunters.

Everyone fell silent at this moment.

God's choice.

The Chosen One, who is about to become the High Priest of the Moon, was captured by a demon!

Elune is here.

At this time, Illidan Stormrage, who was hunting demons under the mountains in another section of the Great Plains of Suramar, suddenly felt restless. Wearing a black blindfold, he turned his head and "looked" at the distant sky.

There is a fixed point of moonlight flashing away there, but it is a pity that the blind man cannot see the light.

He always felt that something terrible had happened, but for a hunter such a trance was fatal.

Gan'erg Molten, who was chasing Illidan, realized the mistake of the hunter behind him, turned his head and laughed, and used the fel hand cannon modified on his arm to fuck his mother.

But it underestimated the deadly swiftness of the demon hunter. The fel energy cannon left a scorched scar on Illidan's chest, but the figure of the demon hunter fell from above like a hunting spider, lying on the loathsome demon behind.

Brother Dan grinned grimly and activated the secret technique of absorbing evil energy. The evil lines on his body shone brightly at this moment, and the billowing evil energy was extracted, causing the demon to kneel down in pain.

It seems to be begging for mercy.

Unfortunately, this hunt does not take any prisoners.

There was a loud "bang", and at the moment when the last trace of evil energy was captured, the demon's body exploded into flying ash, and a scorched and distorted skull appeared in Brother Dan's hand.

He felt a little itchy on his forehead, and when he reached out to touch it, he found that there were two small devil horns growing there. It was because the body began to mutate again due to the excessive capture of evil energy.

But Illidan didn't care.

He dropped the scorched skull in his hand, and used his hunter perception to find the moonblade he was using, but it had been melted by the fel beam, which made Brother Egg frowned.

He's become increasingly adept at using the demon hunter's powers, but his lack of good weapons has made him much less lethal.


Time to contact the loathsome Bu Laike and get some weapons from him for a while.

(end of this chapter)

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